The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Train dustbending
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
So just looked up how fast a human and polar can run and suprisingly it's actually pretty close at around 25-28 MPH while the fastest dogs at most can run at around 45 miles per hour. So if Naga's running speed is in the latter range Li could be running around 50 miles an hour if not more so if his speed gets into the A rank range. Which would be pretty impressive if that were the case.
Can a twelve year old really be a master of anything?
Sure you can have the talent and raw skill but being a master is more then just power or ability its wisdom and experience too.
Can a twelve year old really be a master of anything?
Sure you can have the talent and raw skill but being a master is more then just power or ability its wisdom and experience too.
When said twelve year old is the reincarnation of Maito Gai, and has an extreme work ethic, I think so. Plus, wisdom is arguable, and experience isn't that hard if they start at a early age. We have over 8 years of experience in bending.
[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Explore the compound
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound

Edit* Changed my vote was tired and not paying attention when I copied and pasted.
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[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train moving in the shadows
[X] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time training with Korra
[] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound
[X] Try to learn more about the world
Choose 5:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound
[X] Try to learn more about the world
[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Explore the compound
For emaxlpe, it deson't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod aepapr, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm.

S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17.
Just because we can read those messages doesn't meant we want to. Just like I can stick my hand in molten metal. It's entirely possible, and even easy, to do.
Is it something I would enjoy, or desire, to do? No. Not at all. And I don't particularly enjoy reading scrambled words -or- 'leetspeak'. (Doesn't help that first I read the word as it is, and then my brain translates it. I've spent a long time working on seeing what's really there, instead of optical illusions and such.)

'Proper' english isn't just about how easily it can be read, but about how smoothly it's read.
Also the author's Venezuelan. The Spanish Language is grammatically rather differently then the English Language. As seen by his tense issues and his tendency to use the spanish words (Like especial in the last update). Last time we were proofreading, it was hours between really.

[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 119 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[31] Learn to meditate
[25] Explore the compound
[25] Spar with the Commander Kara
[24] Spend time training with Korra
[15] Spend time with Master Bao
[13] Keep doing waterbending katas
[10] Train dustbending
[6] Train moving in the shadows
[6] Try to learn more about the world
[4] Try to train your seismic sense
[1] Study Metalbending
[1] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision

Total No. of Voters: 33
[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Explore the compound
That's pretty metal...?
[x] Learn to meditate
[x] Explore the compound
[x] Spar with the Commander Kara
[x] Spend time training with Korra
[x] Spend time with Master Bao

Age: 13 Years

"Uff! You really know how to make a girl work for a victory kid," Commander Kara said while using a towel to clean off her sweat.

"Thanks, ugh," I answered back from the ground too tired to get up.

Strong Fist: C+++ (X O) >>> B (O O O O)
Speed: B+ (O O O O) >>> B+ (X X O O)
Physical Skill: C+ (X O) >>> C++ (O O)

"Hmmm, hey are you busy tomorrow?"

"No, why?"

"Some of the guards are going outside to hunt some animals and one of the guys got sick; wanna replace him?"

"Hmmmm, sure," I said with a shrug, "but, don't we have enough food in storage?"

"Sure, but sometimes fresh meat is just better," She responded with a smirk.
"I really enjoyed the trip, thanks for convincing them to let me go Commander!" I said with a smile on my face, it really was a very enjoyable journey, they taught me quite a lot about hunting animals.

"You're welcome Li, and I should be thanking you too, after all you helped me win a bet," She said with a smug look.

"What bet?"

"That you would manage to hunt something on your first trip!"

"It was nothing really."

"Kid, you caught a 2 meter long tiger-shark," She deadpanned.

I just shrugged at that.

Tracking: E++
"And then the tiger-shark jumped at me, but I just rolled to the side and threw one of my manacles at it, finishing it!" I finished telling Korra my journey to the outside.

"Whoa~" Korra just stared at me with wide eyes, "That was awesome! I wish they could let me go outside too," She said, looking a little down after remembering that she could leave.

"Well, they have to balance it after all," I began to side, an idea forming in my head to cheer her up.


"I mean you will probably travel around the world after you master all the elements, right? Bringing balance to the world and all that."

"…Yeah! From here to the Fire Nation, to the North Pole and the Earth Kingdom!"


"And… you will be with me, right?"

"Of course!"

Charming: D+++ (X O) >>> C (O O)
Comforting: D (O O) >>> D (X O)
Social Skill: C (X O) >>> C+ (O O)
Remote Control: C++ (X O) >>> C+++ (O O)
Direct Contact: C++ (X O) >>> C+++ (O O)

Meditation: D+++ (O O) >>> C (O O)
Everything was black for a second, then I opened my eyes.

I was on an island… except, it wasn't a island, I remember this, I was on a giant turtle.

I could feel it, it was moving along with some others around it, it was quite the incredible sight. But soon my gaze focused on something I hadn't seen before, I person.

He was an old man, he had the biggest pair of eyebrows I ever saw, along with a very green and very familiar green body suit.

I stared at him and he stared at me.

Then suddenly the old man began to yell while pointing at me.


I got so startled that I ended opening my eyes, again, ending my… vision, or whatever that was.

"…that was weird."
"So… I'm rich?" I finally asked after spending a few minutes trying to understand the letter that Master Bao brought me.

It seems like Varrick finished his… my? The book about my life, it was quite popular, I don't know if it was simply my story or the little touch that Varrick added, but the 'Noble Green Beast of South' was a best seller, which means lots of money for Varrick and me.

"*sigh* So it seems, I was a little worried when you told me of this Varrick, but for now things seems to be going alright, and thanks for keeping your connecting to the White Lotus as a secret, we may be a more public origination now, but that doesn't mean that all our actions should be public." Master Bao explained.

"Of course."

"Anyway, as per your deal, your orphanage will receive the money, 70% will be of their personal use and the rest will be ketp for you, correct?"

"Yeah, I just didn't see why I would need that much money," I shrugged, "If I ever need much I will just ask them."

"That's very noble of you Li," Master Bao nodded, "I recommend for you to ask for some money to keep on you though, in case of emergency."

Cautions: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Perception: E++ >>> D (O O)

"Li, I have some news for you," Master Bao began to explain after I sat down in the chair of his office.

"For a while now, I had been looking for a Metalbending Master that would be able to teach you."


"Of course, even with the advances that Master Toph made with her school, teachers of Metalbending are very rare, but I finally managed to find someone."

"That's great! When I will begin?" I asked excited, after all Metalbending was one skill that very few earthbenders could hope to master, no matter their talent.

"…That's a complicate answer," Master Bao said with a very serious face, "I have talked with them about your skills and they were fascinated by your skill in dustbending, they wish to see it and learn from it… at their home."


"They agreed to teach you for 2 years, but because of their other responsibilities they can't come to the compound, so you will have to leave," Master Bao finished with a sad tone on his voice.

"What!? Where!?"


I blinked.

"This is a very important decision Li, take your time, and remember, I will support your choice, whatever it is."

[] Leave
-[] Write-in: What to say to Korra

[] Stay - Choose 5:
-[] Keep doing waterbending katas
-[] Train dustbending
-[] Train moving in the shadows
-[] Try to train your seismic sense
-[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
-[] Spend time with Master Bao
-[] Spend time training with Korra
-[] Spar with the Commander Kara
-[] Learn to meditate
-[] Explore the compound
-[] Try to learn more about the world

Tracking: (Your skill to follow and find all kind of animals, humans count too)

AN: And in case you're wondering, yes, you can end meeting with Opal and the rest of the Beifong clan.
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So possibly joining the Metal Clan then? I can see why they would want him, if you could combine Metal Bending with Dust Bending it would be absurdly useful.
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[] Leave
-[] Write-in: What to say to Korra

[X] Stay - Choose 5:
-[] Keep doing waterbending katas
-[X] Train dustbending
-[] Train moving in the shadows
-[X] Try to train your seismic sense
-[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
-[] Spend time with Master Bao
-[X] Spend time training with Korra
-[] Spar with the Commander Kara
-[X] Learn to meditate
-[] Explore the compound
-[] Try to learn more about the world
[X] Leave
-[X] Tell Korra you hope that by the time you get back she's got to be able to go on her journey by then. On your part you're going to see if you can master Metalbending in less than two years so you can meet again sooner!