The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Explore the compound
Aww, Korra's parents left before we had more interactions. Well, he'll meet them again sometime. I liked the continued interactions with Master Bao, plus the inclusion of a blindfold in Li's training with Commander Kara. ^_^

Hmm. In the future, maybe some scenes of Li talking with Bao about things besides training, the White Lotus, or Korra? I think those have usually been the default topics between Bao and Li in past scenes.
AN: Next update will have a especial decision, I'm just letting you know. :V
*squints at possibilities*
*gets hyped* :)

(Though, I'm already half-dreading the debates if the decision involves separating from Korra for some time. Hopefully the impact of that factor won't be too much of an issue.)

[x] Spar with the Commander Kara
[x] Learn to meditate
[x] Spend time training with Korra
[x] Explore the compound
[x] Try to learn more about the world

Hmm. I wonder how Li's non-martial education is going. Gonna include both "Explore the compound" and "Try to learn more about the world". I'm hoping at least one of them gets voted up.

Meditation--potential shinies aside, I just really like how spirituality was depicted in the Avatar world. At this point, I care much less about min-maxing skill upgrades, and much more about the character interactions and the story.1​ :)

Oh, and that's in part why I'm actually picking the Korra option this time. I'm really, really hoping for more scenes of Li talking with Korra about meditation. @Astaroh-M Please add this to the totally-official player wishlist. :p

1​ And if Li ever really does start falling behind on his path to supermanhood, I know that there are players in this thread who'll remind us. :3
@Astaroh-M Shouldn't have Body of Steel went up after getting kicked in the face since we got hit?
It didn't hurt that much, the Commander knows how to hold back.

what the Red Lotus would have done with her


does it

I don't learn anything from it, why spent time closing my eyes while thinking of nothing, when I could be learning some new techniques?
I wonder what level of Meditation we'll need to find the Turtles again.
Thank you!

Also, @Astaroh-M Shouldn't our Physical Skill be going up? Not only are we about to hit puberty, but we are STILL carrying weights around ALL the time, AND we are sparing with Kara and her men.
Hmmm true, true.

(Though, I'm already half-dreading the debates if the decision involves separating from Korra for some time. Hopefully the impact of that factor won't be too much of an issue.)

It is possible that the decision is what we feel about Korra. Puberty is RIGHT around the corner, after all.
...One of you is correct. :V
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound
[x] Spar with the Commander Kara
[x] Learn to meditate
[x] Spend time training with Korra
[x] Explore the compound
[x] Try to learn more about the world

Man someone should explain to Korra how medition is the way to detailed manipulation of you chi, super powers, and not be chained down.
Reasoning, one more session with Waterbending katas should get flexibility to C which is pretty damn good since that would put another physical skill at C while raising remote and control.
I'm pretty sure we are raising remote and control from the Train with Korra action, not the Waterbending Katas one.
This. In the update where we increased our remote/contact control Korra specifically said (I am paraphrasing here): Let's stop waterbending and start practising earthbending. I'm pretty sure training with Korra is what boosts our bending. Waterbending katas only help with Knowledge and agility.

That being said I don't mind our Agility becoming increasing. Li is going to be a gamebreaker because of his physical skills so we should try to leverage them as much as possible.

...One of you is correct. :V
Let the flames of war ignite!!!!
"Li, look at me," Master Bao said while crouching on his knee to see to the eye, "Never let revenge get a hold of your actions, if you need a reason to fight look at Korra," he said while moving his head to her direction.

She was smiling while waving to her parents.

"Think of the people that you're protecting, think of the smiles of your loves ones, focus on the good that you're defending, not on the bad that you want to inflict into others, understand?" He finished in a serious tone.

"Yes Master!" I said while looking him at the eyes.

Master Bao smiled at that, "Good, now come on, it's time to comfort a friend."
I really like Master Bao.
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Explore the compound
[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Explore the compound
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound

I think we might as well try to see if we can find a bonus to something out there.
Pretty cool so far but it seems more like A grind for skills and not much plot. It's gotten better recently, but I would like more chance encounters and such.

Also you need to proof read your work, it's hard to understand some of what you say when the words are misspelled.
Pretty cool so far but it seems more like A grind for skills and not much plot. It's gotten better recently, but I would like more chance encounters and such.

Also you need to proof read your work, it's hard to understand some of what you say when the words are misspelled.

We don't talk about proof-reading. It just slows down updates. And if you don't just read it as it's supposed to be rather than how it is you haven't been here long enough.

On a side note, does anyone remember when we leave for the start of canon? Or if we get one more action from age eventually? Part of me thinks we get one at 15 but I might be wrong there.
We don't talk about proof-reading. It just slows down updates. And if you don't just read it as it's supposed to be rather than how it is you haven't been here long enough.

On a side note, does anyone remember when we leave for the start of canon? Or if we get one more action from age eventually? Part of me thinks we get one at 15 but I might be wrong there.
Delay updates by 5-10 minutes? I'm not asking for a proof read of an essay and peer review. Just a quick 5 minutes check and an autocorrect.

And while you have the awesome ability to intuitively understand someone across the interweb I do not and it startled me to read about probing someone instead of proving to someone.
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Train dustbending
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Train moving in the shadows
[X] Explore the compound
Delay updates by 5-10 minutes? I'm not asking for a proof read of an essay and peer review. Just a quick 5 minutes check and an autocorrect.

And while you have the awesome ability to intuitively understand someone across the interweb I do not and it startled me to read about probing someone instead of proving to someone.
The problem with proof-reading your own work, you know what it's suppose to say and as such are liable to mentally substitute words as you go. Doesn't help that the authors first language ain't english. if it's too much a bother for you, you can wait a half hour or so, most of the problems are usually pointed out and fixed.

It's not that awesome. Most people pick up the ability to read what is meant to be said after a while, especially if you got practice reading not-super-well-written works. You might as well eventually, your brain automatically substituting in the more sensible word.

Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 119 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[21] Learn to meditate
[17] Spar with the Commander Kara
[16] Explore the compound
[15] Spend time training with Korra
[9] Spend time with Master Bao
[8] Train dustbending
[8] Keep doing waterbending katas
[5] Train moving in the shadows
[3] Try to train your seismic sense
[3] Try to learn more about the world
[1] Study Metalbending

Total No. of Voters: 22
As a reminder, by the time canon starts, Korra already knew Tenzin pretty well and his kids acted like she was their older cousin. So, either we'll be meeting Tenzin and his family very soon, or we've broken from canon in that regard.
[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Train dustbending
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Learn to meditate
Delay updates by 5-10 minutes? I'm not asking for a proof read of an essay and peer review. Just a quick 5 minutes check and an autocorrect.

And while you have the awesome ability to intuitively understand someone across the interweb I do not and it startled me to read about probing someone instead of proving to someone.

Auto correct only helps when something is spelled wrong, most of the errors here aren't something fixed by that. And while some of the reasons have been mentioned already there is also this.

You might not realize it, but your brain is a code-cracking machine.

For emaxlpe, it deson't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod aepapr, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm.

S1M1L4RLY, Y0UR M1ND 15 R34D1NG 7H15 4U70M471C4LLY W17H0U7 3V3N 7H1NK1NG 4B0U7 17.
Choose 5:
[X] Train moving in the shadows
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[X] Explore the compound
[X] Try to learn more about the world
[X] Keep doing waterbending katas
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the Commander Kara
[X] Explore the compound

Hopefully, after we explore the compound we can try to learn more about the world.