The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

Home new home.
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao

[X] Spend time with Korra

[X] Try to train your seismic sense

[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own

Age: 5 Years and 6 Months

"So… we're moving," Korra said while lying on the ground watching the sky.

"Yeah" Was my answer, I was just beside her.

"Do you know why? Dad doesn't tell me anything!" She growls in frustration.

"Where're moving!?" I yelled at shock.

"*sigh* Yes, sadly we weren't able to catch all of the members of the Red Lotus that attacked the headquarters, furthermore we don't know if here are more members hide in the city, the safest option for the moment is to move both, you and Korra, to a safer place." Master Bao explained patiently.

"Bu- but what about my family at the orphanage!? Can I still visit them?" I asked worried.

Master Bao shacked his head, "I'm sorry Li, but no, this place will very far from the capital, you won't be able to do it, but I you can send letters to them if you want, hmmm that remind me that we should begin with your intellectual training too."

"How long?" I interrupted Master Bao before he could change the subject completely.


"How long, we will in the new place."

"Well, the elders of the White Lotus decide to guard Korra until she masters all of the elements, so I think it would be fair, for you to stay until you master earthbending," He finished.

"…I will do it! No matter how many nights it takes, no matter how difficult the training, I will become a Master and come back, I promise at the name of my Flames of Youth, so you better believe it!" I exclaimed with all me energy.

Master Bao just smiled a little, before his face turned serious again," Here's one last time I must ask you Li."


"You must keep the existence of the Red Lotus as a secret, even from Korra," he told me it a severe tone.

"What!? Why?"

"Li you had proven to more mature for many things, but remember that not every child is like you, if Korra knew that here were a group of people that wanted to kidnap her, how do you think she would react?"

"…She would worry a lot" I finished, understanding his point.

Perception: F+++

[] "…Don't know anything."
[] "…Korra, can you keep a secret?"
[] Write in.

I spent almost all my mornings training with Master Bao.

"Hold your stance firm, keep your movements fast and secure, don't hesitate and remember, always be ready to change between offense and defense, you must be ready to adapt against your opponents," Master Bao explained while sending disk of earth rolling at me.

I was alternating between creating walls to stop them and bending them back at him.

Earthbending: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Direct Contact: E+++
Counter-attack: F+++
Block: F++

"One, two, three, change!" Korra said while sending small iceballs at me, that I broke with my fists.

"One, two, three, change!" Then she began to throw ice disks that a kicked away.

It was a nice way to both of us to practice, even if I think she may enjoy a little too much to throw things at me.


Just a little.

Speed: D (O O)
Strong Fist: D (O O)
Block: F+++
Physical Skill: D++ (O O) >>> D+++ (O O)

"Found you!" I said with a victorious smile while pointing at Korra, that was hiding under a small hill of snow.

"Aw come on! This is the fifth time that you do that!" she complained in frustration, "How are you finding me so fast?

"That's thanks to me constant training!"

"Ugh! You will see!"

Seismic Sense: E
This was it, our first day in the new White Lotus Compound, honestly it looked a lot like the headquarters, if a little bigger, and of course here was the fact that behind the walls wasn't a city but snow, lots and lots of snow.

While I was preparing to sleep I hear a small knock at the door.

I was surprise to find Korra in the other side.

"Hmmm ca… can Naga and I sleep in here tonight?" She said in a small voice and looking at the ground.

[] Sure! I will give you the bed, not problem!
[] I don't know…
[] Write in

Chose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compund
[] Try to learn more about the world

Block: F+++ (Your skill to block enemy's attacks or things like that)
A Team of Two.
[x] "…Korra, can you keep a secret?"

She deserves to know.

"Korra, we were attacked."


I then explained to her all what happened, including what Master Bao told me about her own attack.

"Bu… but they got everyone, right?" She asked in a small voice.

"Almost everyone, but some escaped, they move us here to protect us until they catch them all."


"But!" I said trying to animate her, "here's another reason to bring us here!"


"Yep, to teach us! Master Bao said that if we manage to master our elements then we can leave, and then we will find these jerks and kick their butts!"

Charming: F++
Motivator: F++

"…Yeah!" Korra exclaimed, some of her Youthful energy coming back," I will show then what happens when you mess with the Avatar and her best friend!"

"Best Friend?" I asked a little surprised.

"…is that wrong?" She suddenly looked sad again.

"Of course not! I just never her you say that before."

"Hmmm, well it is the truth! And as my best friend you better train a lot too! We will the best Avatar team ever!" Her big smile was back.

"Our flames of Youth will be the brightest!"
[X] Sure! I will give you the bed, not a problem!

"Are you sure?" Korra asked while I moved one of the pillows to the ground.

"Yeah, no problem."

Korra then entered the room and hugged me, "Thanks Li."

I just smiled and hugged her back, "Hey, that's what best friends are for."

In the morning I saw that I ended using Naga as a pillow instead, and Korra was on the other side, well I can't blame her, Naga makes and excellent pillow.
[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao

[X] Try to train your seismic sense

[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own

[X] Spend time with Korra

Age: 6 Years

Master Bao began to teach me not only about earthbending but of general things too, like how to read and numbers, it was kind of boring but I learn it fast.

Mental Skill: E+
"Defensive form!" Master Bao yelled before beginning to throw small rock at me, "move them don't block!"

I did just that, while flying through the air I move the rocks out of their way, protecting myself, Master Bao just began to throw faster and faster.

Earthbending: D++ (O O) >>> D+++ (O O)
Remote Control: E++
Counter-attack: E

"You sure this will work?" Korra asked while I was walking through the training yard while covering my eyes with a green bandage.

"Of course! By taking away my eyes I'm forcing my body to see using my seismic sense!"

Ok here should be a wall there, so I will move to this direc- "Wha- ugh!" I trip and fall to the ground because of a small crack in the cobblestone… again.

"That's number 5," Korra said, it seems like she keep the count.

Seismic Sense: E+
"Ok, just… a little more of pressure… anddddd perfect!"

I finally manage to recreate something that I watched in my dreams a lot time ago.

Using me earthbending I manage to create 4 earth manacles, two for my arms and 2 for my legs, by compressing a lot of heavy rocks, it took me weeks, but I was proud of the final product.

With this I could continue the training of the Strong Fist just like in my dreams.

Strong Fist: D (X O)
Speed: D (X O)

Chose 4:
[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compund
[] Try to learn more about the world

Motivator: F++ (Your ability to fill the soul of others with the Passion of Youth!)
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[X] Train earthbending with Master Bao

[X] Spend time with Korra

[X] Spend time with Master Bao

[X] Try to train your seismic sense

Age: 6 Years and 6 Months


"Yes, Master Bao?"

"Why do you have a bandage over your eyes?"

"It's simple Master! I want to train my seismic sense to the max so I'm making my body use just it to see where I'm going!" I answered with pride, "I had some small falls, but it was worth it!"

Seismic Sense: E++

"Seismic sense? That's quite the advance technique Li," Master said with a little wonder in his voice, "How did you learn it?"

"It was after one of my sessions of waterbending katas, I tried to move, slowly focusing my mind in my connection to the earth and I felt it," I said remembering that day.

"That's impressive Li, hmmm I think I know what the training will be today," Master Bao then entered the basic attack form, "I will send lines of spikes at you, and you will use your sense to throw your own ones and stop them, understood?"

"Yes! I will stop all of them! If not then I will run 200 times around the compound on my hands!"

"…Well, at less you're motivated."

Earthbending: D+++ (O O) >>> C (O O)
Direct Contact: E+++ >>> D (X O)
Block: E+
Seismic Sense: E+++

"Hey Master Bao, why did you join the White Lotus?" I asked him after our last training session, while doing push-ups to calm down.

"Hmmm, it was actually a long time ago, the day that there was a second sun in the sky," Master Bao said sounding like it was a fond memory.

"Huh? Second sun?"

"Well, it was actually a comet, Sozin's comet, you remember it from your history lessons, right?"

"Yeah, it gave a boost of power to all the fire benders, right?"

Mental Skill: E+++
Knowledge – World History: F++

"Correct. At that time I was just a small child in Ba Sing Se. They were dark times; the Fire Nation had managed to conquer my city, forcing many of the earthbenders to run away or hide. My parents tried their best but eventually they found us," Master Bao said with great sadness, "my parents sacrifice themselves so I could escape *sigh* but it was useless, the firebenders captured me a few minutes later, I was terrified, will they kill? Will they throw me in a dungeon forever? Those were my thoughts then, and suddenly, a miracle happened, the White Lotus."

By this moment I had stopped my push-up and was just listening to the Master's tale.

"They were everywhere, Masters of the 3 Elements and even some without any, fighting against the fire nation soldiers and winning. It was a sight of wonder: it was fast, it was brutal, and it was the best moment of my life."

"And then what happened?" Korra said from my side… wait what? Since when she's here?

"Well after that the people of Ba Sing Se began to liberated the city with the help of the White Lotus," he continue, no looking surprise be the sudden apparition of Korra, "it took some days but eventually the city was liberate and the Fire Nation had yielded, years later I join the White Lotus inspired by their actions that day," he finished with a fond smile.

"*sniff* That's a wonderful story Master! *sniff* Full of passion and wonder!" I yelled while feeling my flame of Youth burning bright.

???: E+++ (???)

Master Bao just smiled at my direction.
"Hey Li, why did you join the White Lotus?" Korra asked me the next day after hearing Master Bao story.

"Well, first was because I wanted to be just like in my dreams," I began to explain.

"Your dreams of your past life right? I wish I could have those, but Gran Gran says that I had to learn to meditate for that," She said in a tone of disgust.

"Yeah, but now I have a different reason," I said before looking at her right at the eyes.


"So I can become a powerful Master and fight alongside my best friend!" I exclaimed while holding a thumbs up.

Korra just stared at my for a moment before a big smile appeared in her face.

"Well you better train a lot, because I will be a great Avatar and you will have to be at my level!"

"Of course!"

Charming: F+++
Cool: F++

Choose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world

Knowledge – World History: F++ (How much you know about the world in general)

AN: Yeah, Master Bao is quite the old man.
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Just breath? That's all?
[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[x] Learning to meditate
[x] Spend time with Korra
[x] Try to learn more about the world

Age: 7 Years

"Focus in all the pebbles Li, move them all together in circles around you."

Today training was about moving a lot of little rocks at the same time.

It was a strange feeling, if I sense each rock individually it becomes impossible, but if I treat them like one big flow of earth, it becomes much easier.

Hmmm I think this reminds of another thing.

Earthbending: C (O O) >>> C+ (O O)
Remote Control: D (O O)
???: F+++

"Take a deep breath."


"And exhale."


"Ok, now you just have to repeat that until you have a vision!" I explained to Korra.

"Wait, what?! That's it!? That's even more boring that what I thought!?"

"Well, Master Bao said something about empting the mind of any distraction and things like that," I said, trying to remember the Master's explanation.

Meditation: F++

"So I have to breathe while thinking about anything?" I Korra asked exasperated.


"Can we do anything else?"

"Come on, try it a little more, just imagine if you could remember your past lives! You could learn to make volcanoes, or fly, or make your own islands!" I said excited, trying to motivate her.

"…I guess."

"That's the spirit!"

Motivator: F+++
"So Republic City was created in was built in the old Fire Nation Colonies?"

"Indeed, Avatar Aang and the Fire Lord Zuko thought that they could use them to create a place were different cultures could live together," Master Bao explained.

"Did it work?"

"Is difficult to say, here's much more acceptance between nation than back then, but here are still some people that look down on other just because they were born at a different place."

"…I don't get it."

"And I hope you never do Li, but it wasn't a process that could be finish in just one generation, the dream of Avatar Aang for an unite nation falls in the hand of those that believe in his ideal too, we continue his dream because we believe in it too."

"A dream share by many people *sniff* so much passion share between many Youthful individuals, Avatar Aang sound like a very passionate person!"

"Well, if the tales of Master Katara are true, then I think that's a way to call him."

???: D+ (O O)
Mental Skill: D (X O)
Knowledge – World History: E++

Choose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world

???: F+++ (???)

AN: a little short update, Korra will finish her water training soon though, and then she will begin to learn earthbending alongside you.
Li vs a wall.
[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[x] Spend time with Korra
[x] Keep doing waterbending katas

Age: 7 Years and 6 Months

"Are you ready?" Master Bao said while raising 10 earth panels in a row, "let's see how many you manage to destroy in your first try."

I just took a deep breath and then gathered all the rocks that were around to cover my whole body in a earth armor, I couldn't move but that wasn't the point.

"Ok, ready, go!"

Then bending the armor I impulse the armor right at the earth panels, destroying one after other.

"All of them, why I'm not surprise," Master Bao said with a little of humor on his voice, "very well, let's try now with 25 panels."

"50!" I said after taking off the armor.

"Hmmm, 100 it is then."


"While reciting the main cities of the Earth kingdom."


Earthbending: C+ (O O) >>> C++ (O O)
Direct Contact: D (X O) >>> D+ (X O)
Mental Skill: D (X O) >>> D+ (X O)
Knowledge – World History: D (O O)

"What are you doing?" Korra asked me in the middle of my training.

"Waterbending katas"

"Huh? Why? You can't bend water… right?"

"Of course not! But Master Bao said that I could learn something useful to my earthbending if I keep practicing!" I said with total security.

"Like what?"

"I have no idea!" I answered with the same energy.

"Why I'm not surprise," I heard her mumble, "You're doing wrong."


"Look, is like this," Korra began to do the same kata but she was bending water while doing it.

"Hmmm I see," I answered while watching her move, "thanks for your help! You're a wonderful friend!"

Charming: E
Social Skill: D (X O)

She just grins, "Of course!"

Waterbending Martial Knowledge: E++
???: E+

"Ok, be ready with the water please," I told Korra while taking off my earth manacles.

"Ok… why though?"

"In case I hurt myself!" I answered with a thumps-up.

Cautions: E
Social Skill: D (X O) >>> D+ (O O)

"Doing wha-" before she could finish I moved forward…


Right at one of the walls of the compound.

"…don't move, I'm still learning so try to stay still," Korra said before beginning to use waterhealing to help me.

At less I was right, I have become much faster!

Speed: D (X O) >>> D++ (O O)
Strong Fist: D (X O) >>> D+ (O O)
Body of Steel: D (O O)

Choose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world
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Shadows, rocks and dust.
[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[x] Keep doing waterbending katas
[x] Try to train your seismic sense
[x] Train moving in the shadows
Age: 8 Years

"Ok, is the bandage ready?" Master Bao asked while I tied it around my eyes.

"Yes! I can't see anything!"

"Very well, I will throw rocks at you directly from the ground, with your seismic sense you should be able to predict their trajectory, are ready?"


It just me or the training is becoming more and more painful?

Well, it doesn't matter, I will become an Earth Master not matter what.


"Focus, Li."

Earthbending: C++ (O O) >>> C+++ (O O)
Remote Control: D (O O) >>> D+ (O O)
Seismic Sense: E+++ >>> D (X O)
Body of Steel: D (O O) >>> D (X O)

"No, no, lower more your body, and try to relax your shoulders!" Korra instructed me, doing her best to try and teach me the katas that she knew.

I just followed her lead moving slowly, feeling the earth, all in one big constant move, a constant flow, a never ending trail.


Thousands of small pieces moving together as one.


"Huh?" I opened my eyes because of Korra yelling, and I stared surprise at the floating flow of dust moving around me.

I can only say... "Cool."

Waterbending Martial Knowledge: E++ >>> D (O O)
???: E+ >>> E+++ >>> Dustbending?: D (O O)

"And that's how King Bumi made a revolution in the sector of entertainment, any question?"

i giggle while watching the tutor opening his eyes only to find an empty classroom.

"…Guards, he did it again," He said in frustration, while exiting the classroom.

Ok, maybe using my new talent to hide, to skip class is silly, but he's really borin, Master Bao history classes are much better!

And isn't like I'm not paying attention, is just that I stay in the shadows.

"I don't get paid enough for this!"

And seeing him yell like that is a little funny.

Mental Skill: D+ (X O) >>> D++ (X O)
Knowledge – World History: D (O O) >>> D+ (O O)
Stealth: E >>> E++

"Are you sure this is a good idea Master Katara?" Master Bao asked the water master while Korra and I walked to the training ground.

"Oh don't be silly, they need to learn to fight sooner or later, but at insistence of the other elders this sparring will only last until one of them fall, and then I will apply my best healing techniques at them *sigh* they were quite insistent in that part," She explained.

"…Very well, are you too ready?" Master Bao finally accepted.

"Yeah! Prepare to have your butt kicked Li!" Korra yelled with a lot of energy.

[] Write in response.

"Ok, 3, 2, 1, begin!"

[] Write in strategy.

Dustbending?: D (O O) (Your ability to control thousands of small specks of earth as one big flow)

AN: Earth training keeps being brutal and your first spar with Korra.
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[x]"Not if my YOUTH burns brighter!"

[x] Open with Earthbending, strike the earth to break up the ground and throw up a lot of dust, then leap off and open with a DYNAMIC ENTRY, through it where she can't see to get in close(and also avoiding her own seismic sense), switching to close quarters grappling to throw her once you are in where she won't have the time to wind up the motions for bending. THEN send her flying up and juggle her in the air until she gives in or finds a counterattack.

I just smiled, "Not if my YOUTH burns brighter!"

I rise my right foot and then lower it against the ground taking a step and destroying part the earth creating a lot of dust. I push the dust a little so it began to cover the area and move through it looking to attack Korra by surprise.

Sadly she reacted just as fast; she began to move a big pile of snow around her absorbing the dust that touched.

That's bad, I only have a moment before she would clean the whole field, running as fast as I could I moved just behind her and then I jumped right at her with my foot in the air, "Dynamic Entry!"

But I was too late, "Agh!" Just before I reached her I was engulfed be the pile of snow that was circling her. Up was down, left was right, I was rolling and spinning at all direction inside the snow.

I need to stop this or I will throw up!

Desperately I throw a punch through the snow and luckily for me it reached to the ground, I then grab it with all my strength stopping completely.

Before I could stand again I notice something on my right foot, in was encase in ice.

"It seems like I freeze your Youth Li!" Korra exclaimed with her hands on her hip and a big smug smile.

"Heh," I just smirked, "You thing something like this can stop my passion!? If you try to freeze my flames," I rise my foot as high as I can, "You will need to stop the energy of my Youth too!" and lower my foot as fast as I could, making it crash with the ground and breaking the ice.

Korra just keep smiling, "I don't understand any of that! Ready for round two!?" And just as she said it, two ice balls were throwing at me.

I created a wall stopping the attack and then push it right at her.

Korra just slide to the side using the snow dodging it, the moving wall keep moving until it creased against the walls of the compound.

"Yosh! Bring it!"

Past Life Connection: D+ (O O) >>> D+ (X O)

[] Write in.
Dynamic wall breaking!
[X] Push the snow away with rock walls and restrict her movement. Use the rock walls to get close without her seeing which direction you are coming from with tremor sense before bursting through on in a youthful display of ambush techniques.

I create 3 more earth walls and push them at Korra.

She of course just dodges all of them and throw 2 strong streams of water right at me, which I block with a earth pillar.

While we keep fighting I notice something, here was a big smile in my face, this was fun, a battle just for the sake of the battle and the training of the participants, this was something that I had done a lot in my old life, and it seems like I enjoy just the same is this one.

"Ok, time for finish this Korra! Prepare for face my ever burning Youth!" I yelled before running right at her.

Predictably she tried to attack me using an ice ball just when I was in front of her, I stopped and created a wall of earth, but this time I didn't push it, this time use my seismic sense to see the direction that Korra would take and then I jumped right at her through the wall.

"Dynamic Entry!" Crashing through the earth surprised Korra which let her completely open to the attack.


My kick managed to send her flying backwards outside the training ring and right at a pile of snow.

"Hmmm, the winner is Li!" Master Bao said after a few second.

Quickly I walked to were Korra was lying and was about to help her to get up when I saw that here were a few tears in her eyes, I don't think is for pain.

[] Write in
Choose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world

AN: Overall it wasn't a really fair fight, I mean technically Li had more experience with this, even if just as vague memories.

AN 2: Whatever you're going to said to Korra, remember that even if she have a big responsibility, she's just 8 years old.

That's a good question actually, can we dedicate two actions to one thing @Astaroh-M?
AN 3: Sure, Li would spend extra time doing whatever you pick.
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Just a little more speed.
[x] Insert Gai Style Motivation Speech! Good Work Korra! That was a good match. I won today but the next belong to anyone.

[x] Train dustbending
[x] Learning to meditate
[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own

Ok, ok, I can do this, I had done this before… kind of, I mean my past self did this kind of thing sometimes, I think.


Right, no time for distractions, just think, think…

"Korra! What's the purpose of training?!" I end yelling.

Korra just startles with wide eyes, "Huh?" Well, at less she stopped crying.

"Why people train?" I asked again, but more gently this time.

"…To become strong," is her answer.

I just nodded at that, "I will never stop training Korra, I will always try to become stronger and stronger, not matter how hard and difficult it becomes, because I believe in hard work!" I said proudly, "What about you? Are you going to keep training and becoming stronger, or you will give up now, the Avatar is the hero of the world right? Should she be the strongest?" I finished.

Korra just stare for few seconds with tears still in her eyes, before using one her arms to clean the tears away, "N…no *sniff* I… I will become stronger! Stronger than any of the old Avatars! And I will kick you!"

I just smile, "Then front now own we're rivals! Eternal Rivals!" I said while extending my hand to help her up.

Korra gladly took it.

"And Eternal Friends too of course!" I finished with a grin while still holding her hand.

"Of… of course!" she answered while looking to side and blushing a little, I wonder why, isn't like she said anything embarrassing.

Charming: E >>> E++
Cool: F++ >>> E+
Motivator: F+++ >>> E++
Social Skill: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)

Age: 8 Years and 6 Months

"How is your studies going Li?" Master Bao asked while in our session of earthbending.

"Everything is fine Master! I King Bumi sound like a very Youthful leader!" I answered without a pause.

Mental Skill: D++ (X O) >>> D+++ (X O)
Knowledge – World History: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)

"Hmmm, yes I assumed he would interest you," Master said with humor in his voice, "Now ready for the next boulder?"


With my affirmation the Master levitate a huge boulder of earth and put it on my back, on top of the other 4.

"Now, do another lap around the yard."


Earthbending: C+++ (O O) >>> B (O O O O)
Direct Contact: D+ (X O) >>> D++ (X O)

Ok, ok, just gather the dust around my hand and punch.

The dust flies a few feet ahead before dispersing at mid-air, "*sigh* Ok then, 100 times more!"

I wasn't sure why I was doing this, but I just feel like I can create something from this, something familiar, and yet new, and to the moment my intuition have never failed me.

Strong Fist: D+ (O O) >>> D+ (X O)
Speed: D++ (O O) >>> D+++ (O O)
Dustbending?: D (O O) >>> D+ (O O)

"Ok, now take a big breath, don't think of anything, just keep your mind clean, inhale, exhale," Master Bao explained, he decide to help me a little with my meditation and of course I wouldn't reject the help.

Meditation: E
Choose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world

AN: Li stop, you aren't supposed to be charming and cool :V
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Morning... morning... ugh, is on the tip of my tongue!
[x] Train the Strong Fist on my own

[x] Train earthbending with Master Bao

[x] Train dustbending

[x] Learning to meditate

Age: 9 Years

"197… 198… 199… 200!"

I had spent the whole morning practicing both my dustbending and Strong Fist style, punching at great speed with a fist full of dust, but the only thing that I had accomplice was a very dusty train dummy.

Dustbending?: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Strong Fist: D+ (X O) >>> D++ (X O)
Speed: D+++ (O O) >>> C (O O)

"I must say your ability to control the dust is remarkable Li," I heard Master Bao behind me.

"Huh? Since when you were here Master?"

"Since the 188 I think," He answered with a little humor in his voice.

"Oh, sorry I was distracted," I answered sheepishly scratching the back of my head.

"So it seems, what were you trying to accomplish?" He asked while inspecting the training dummy.

"I… don't know, I just feel like… like I can make something with this, I know it!"

"Hmmm, interesting, it may have something to do with your connection to your past life," Master Bao pondered, "but, we will have to continue with this later. It is time for your lessons."

Mental Skill: D+++ (X O) >>> C (X O)
Knowledge – World History: D++ (O O) >>> D+++ (O O)

I took a deep breath while levitating a group of rocks around me forming a ring.

I inhale and exhale and formed another ring.

And another.

And another.

With 4 rings of rocks floating around me I focused in keeping my mind empty, leaving the rings to move with float, eventually a managed to lost myself in meditation.

Meditation: E >>> E++
Earthbending: B (O O O O) >>> B (X X O O)
Remote Control: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)

"Whoho!" Korra celebrated after Master Katara told her that she finished her training.

"I did it! Li, I did it!" She yelled before tackling me to the ground in a hug.

"Con… congra… tulations!" I tried to say, while being suffocated.

"Ok, I thinks that's enough Korra, I don't think Li is supposed to look that shade of purple," Master Katara said with humor while observing Korra's antics.

"Huh?... Sorry!" Korra said, releasing me immediately while blushing a lot.

"No *cof* *cof* no problem!" I reassured her with a thumbs-up.

Body of Steel: D (X O) >>> D+ (O O)

Master Katara just smile at both of us, "Well I think is time for me to leave, I still have a other students to help afterall."

At that Korra hugged the Master with all her strength, "I will miss you Gran Gran."

"Oh dear, it isn't like I will not visit you in the future," the elder hugged Korra back, "but now you must prepare for your next step as the Avatar, now you must master the Earth."

"*snif* Yea… yeah," Korra answered and then separated from the elder.

"And besides, now you will spend more time with Li, learning alongside him," The Master said and Korra's face became very red for some reason, "And I'm sure Li will help you to become a great earth master, right Li."

I grinned at that, "Of course! We will begin tomorrow, we will break 100 earth pillar before the Sunrise!"

And now Korra's face was pale, how weird.
Choose 4:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train earthbending with Master Bao
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time training with Korra
[] Learning to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world
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