The Galaxy is Flood, Not Food

It was rather disappointing, but maybe he could do something with the raw warp stuff at some later point? There were a lot of new opportunities open to him now, after all, and it would take time to explore them all.
Making a familiar would be neat, for when the psyker goes mask off or if Tide finds a way to make the thing look both holy and be only visible to psykers as tutelaries are. Or just make it look like a psyber familiar and pretend the Genetor made it (I think by the latest posted chapter he's already infected?) for her.

Why is a familiar useful? They let a psyker null miscasts. Straight up. The only downside is that nulling a miscast sometimes results in there not being enough power to make the power happen.

This is based off of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2e, but it's canon that warp shit stays the same across both 40k and Fantasy.

Also, fun fact, there's a tier of daemon below lesser. Least. That's where Furies are and also the little-known imps.

Imps are the least of the least, minor Daemons that are born from loosed
emotions. In their "natural" state, they are amorphous things, endlessly
cycling through a variety of shapes that seem to reflect the thought or
concept that birthed them. It is only when a Dark God claims an Imp
that it becomes something. Dark Magisters and Chaos Sorcerers conjure
Imps to serve as Familiars.

Imps of Nurgle are tiny versions of Nurglings, being delicate, fragile,
foul, and green. They look like small withered peas but are dimpled
with sphincters that issue foul yellow wetness. These creatures thrive on

Imps of Tzeentch are small balls of pink flesh, like a miniature Horror
of Tzeentch. It sits and quivers, expelling blue and pink flames from its
many mouths. When it moves, it pulls itself along with pseudopodia,
scorching the ground wherever it goes. Fearlings inspire rebellious
thoughts and acts of anarchy.

Imps of Khorne are miniature warriors encased in black armour. They
look like tiny Chaos Warriors and indeed, they have the temperament
of the most vicious Khorne Champion. Malices feed on rage and hate,
inspiring both in mortals.

Imps of Slaanesh are appealing, taking the form of beautiful young
women with perfect nubile bodies and long hair of scintillating colours.
They are tiny, no taller than three feet, but despite their size, they have
power over men, stealing their souls, and draining away the capacity for
sensation. But they are also inspiring, urging their victims to new heights,
always pushing further and further to attain the glory they seek.
Probably a good idea to start copying Trynids biotech with the genestealers he will need to be able to copy their biotech to survive against them in the future plus they have really good biotech.

MCs current lineup is no match for any decent faction even as powerful as the flood is. In terms of actual on the ground units the flood units are really weak compared to 40k. Updates are in order, absorb the useful bio of all the factions and triumph above all.
*Reads about the curious space in the space hulk. _Curious_

*Reads comments and discovers it is likely a DAoT ship piloted by an AI. _Panik_

*Thinks Tide is smart being careful not going in and alerting the ship. _Calm_

*Remembers the working camera an ork flood form noticed and tried to jumpscare anyone watching. _Panik_

More seriously, I think the AI is aware of the Floods presence, and will probably be carrying some serious dakka.
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*Reads about the curious space in the space hulk. _Curious_

*Reads comments and discovers it is likely a DAoT ship piloted by an AI. _Panik_

*Thinks Tide is smart being careful not going in and alerting the ship. _Calm_

*Remembers the working camera an ork flood form noticed and tried to jumpscare anyone watching. _Panik_

More seriously, I think the AI is aware of the Floods presence, and will probably be carrying some serious dakka.
Ugh, I hope not. There's already just *so many* plot threads going on it's getting overwhelming.
Out of curiosity, did people notice Praxiah's death threat to the inquisitor? I was trying to go for subtlety but it's a difficult thing to pull off.
It was as subtle as a nun in 8 feet of power armor backed by singing choruses. So as subtle as Praxiah could plausably be.
Remember, Sororitas are more 'slay the heretic CUT MURDER BURN FOR THE GLORY OF THE GOD EMPEROR' than 'we should have a discussion on theology over some tea and holy manuscripts' religious.
Out of curiosity, did people notice Praxiah's death threat to the inquisitor? I was trying to go for subtlety but it's a difficult thing to pull off.
I noticed it, it really showed how far they were 'pushed' and how far they are willing to go to fulfil there duties.

You can't just go tempting the robs like that.
I can already imagine what it would be called 'ROB sent me to 40K, I just wanna leave and suck some anime titties'
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Okay, so what the hell is Catherine's plan here? Is she just intending to sacrifice Monstrum and try to keep her forces alive long enough to get them off planet? Because if she has any goal of actually keeping the planet at all, she does kinda seem like an idiot by this point.

She's out of her depth and unwilling to admit it. To the extent she has a plan, she's hoping her various enemies exhaust themselves beating each other up and then her forces sweep over with relatively lower losses.
The Spirit of Eternity was a DAoT Human ship trapped inside a spacehulk piloted by an AI with an enormous grudge against the Imperium for killing its captain and wanting to fuck off to another galaxy while leaving this one to rot.
The Space Marines and Tech Priests tried to board the DAOT ship and destroy the A.I. from within.

It didn't work out as the A.I. easily hacked into their armor and systems and rendered them immobile and helpless as the A.I. expressed immense abhorrence for killing its captain while slowly tearing them apart literally and psychologically.

Oh and the A.I. had the Imperial fleet destroyed with a single shot of DAOT ship's cannon as well.
Aren't the Death Guard a Traitor Legion? After Typhus had them and their Primarch Mortarion fall into Nurgle's trap and they became infected with the Chaos Gods' plagues to suffer horribly until Mortarion was forced to submit.
Had a brain fart. Meant Deathwatch.

There's a lot of similar names in 40k, like Emperor's Scythes and Scythes of the Emperor.
I see. They're composed of many Space Marines from various Chapters.

Think of them as the equivalent of Night's Watch to hold the line against the horrors of the Ghoul Stars.
During the dark and terrible times known to later historians as the Nova Terra Interregnum, when the Imperium fractured into warrior factions during the 34th Millennium, there exist in what records remain from this era scattered and veiled references to a great threat arising from the Ghoul Stars known as the Pale Wasting.

Much of the extant evidence relating to this threat has been censored or purposely destroyed, but there are contradictory indications which describe the nature of the threat as both a "Star-spawned plague" that swept away scores of worlds and as "Nightmare engines" slaughtering whole sectors.

The Novamarines Chapter took part in the campaign to quell the threat of the Pale Wasting, and though this is one of the Chapter's earliest recorded battle honours, the Chapter's own chronicles are curiously empty of any reference to this conflict.
Source: Exerpt from Warhammer 40k Wiki: The Ghoul Stars
Depends on if they're a militant order. A Dialogus would be 100% down to talk theology for hours on end.
At least it's not Famulous - unlike other orders they are not just fanatics. They actually know the politics, general situation in the Imperium, development trends and so on. They are one of the few people, without direct governmental authority, who are capable of constructing a picture of how fucked everything is and how fucked up it can be. They also have the education that puts your average noble and most navy captains to shame. And they are still zealously loyal to Imperium.

There is a reason there are not that many of them around and getting a sister Famulous attached to your house is a sign of prestige. Even if they are 120% spies. Because as long as you work for the betterment of Imperium they would educate your children to standards more or less unachievable anywhere else but Terra and even advise how to murder your political rivals as long as its better for the Imperium in the long run.

Though Ellen would have really benefited from having a sister Famulous around.
Well! The capital is now compromised, I wonder how long it will take Ellen to realise this?

Now Tide has a fully fledged psyker in his web of souls, I am eager to see how this develops!
Tide's spread through the capital hive-city won't be as easy as elsewhere. Because of the two altered that he has, he'll know of the atmospheric sensors the cogboys have (how he was first discovered), so pumping out spores is right out if he wants to stay stealthy.