Can someone explain what's going on from this point? Because my brain is not braining....
Ok, so starting off during the war with the Genestealers, there was one of the Imperium's infiltration team's that hid alongside with the public Inquisitor using her as cover. An Infiltrator was among the PDF deployed to the Genestealer Stronghold that was looking for a Blank and her developing baby. Tide found her at some point and decided to bring her and the rest of her team in. They fought back, and lost. During their escape attempt from the planet. They're stuck in Tide's Domain for the time being. The 2 Blanks and their child are fine in one of Tide's Flood Hives.
Meanwhile, Tzeentchian Space Marine, Ahsael pulled all his useful forces onboard his ship and decided to try and launch various missile strikes upon his enemies. First upon Tide's Hives (Altered or otherwise) and then upon the other Chaos controlled Hives. Tzeentch Cultist, remember? Anyway, Tide blocks all of those attacks but can't really stop the many bombs Ahsael planted back at his old Tzeentch Hive. Billions die as a result. And thus making a very unwise decision. He made Tide angry. As they begin to leave the Monstrum, Tide starts throwing everything at them. Doesn't fully work until he just Neural Physics an entire 2 story size (maybe more) mass of Flood at the ship. Thus damaging it and forcing a crash landing on a different part of Monstrum. The Frozen Wastes. Tide lost track of the ship but did confirm that it was somewhat intact and might have survivors. He discusses this with his Altered Machanicus to build Power Armor that can survive the Frozen Wastes.
During all this the Dark Machanicus is hanging around trying to take advantage of the opportunity, The Slaanesh Cultists "surrendered" to the rest of the Monstrum, while Tide just started sending all his PDF at them.
And of course we check in on Ahsael and his suffering over in the crashed ship. Trying to warm up the ship and preserve enough of the mortals it looks like to do a ritual. He still has his "non-expendable" Brother Uirus and his Rubric Marine, and brings them along to check on what the hell definitely killed some of the crew that were missing for 10 hours. He then finds that what killed them has a thing for ice sculptures because that's what it left those missing cultists into. Completely into ice. No flesh or bone left behind. Blood however, strangely was.
After seeing the weirdness of the event where whatever came in through the hull to start freezing them all, Ahsael starts to leave, sees the first sculpture they come across change it's positioning since they last saw it; and promptly smashes it to find the aforementioned Crystallized Blood.
Might have missed a few detail, and I can't really name the Hives since my autocorrect gets in the way and I can't remember them accurately. But that should be all. Don't know what's going on in the Space Hulk though. I think there might still be some Orks up there.