The Galaxy is Flood, Not Food

Ah yes, eldritch horrors of the predatory frozen variety in my story about eldritch horrors of the exponential growth biological variety invading a setting filled with even bigger more horrifying pandimensional eldritch horrors.

I mean, the planet is called 'Monstrum'. You think there was only ever going to be… (let's see, there's Tide and Chaos naturally, but also the genestealers… I guess the Orks could count?) four monsters?
I mean, the planet is called 'Monstrum'. You think there was only ever going to be… (let's see, there's Tide and Chaos naturally, but also the genestealers… I guess the Orks could count?) four monsters?

If you count the existence of the imperium and inquisition as monsters, along with whatever you hinted at in the space Hulk, that's now 7 confirmed monsters on the planet.
I mean, the planet is called 'Monstrum'. You think there was only ever going to be… (let's see, there's Tide and Chaos naturally, but also the genestealers… I guess the Orks could count?) four monsters?
Ghoul Stars are ghouling, aren't they. I have my suspicions on what shenanigans are afoot, but know nothing about any presence they may or may not have in 40k.
JFC... You're throwing yet another ball into the air for Tide to juggle.
You, probably:

I really am curious wtf is going on in those wastes, though.
Thank you for the chapter! :)
Summary up to Chapter 56
Can someone explain what's going on from this point? Because my brain is not braining....
Ok, so starting off during the war with the Genestealers, there was one of the Imperium's infiltration team's that hid alongside with the public Inquisitor using her as cover. An Infiltrator was among the PDF deployed to the Genestealer Stronghold that was looking for a Blank and her developing baby. Tide found her at some point and decided to bring her and the rest of her team in. They fought back, and lost. During their escape attempt from the planet. They're stuck in Tide's Domain for the time being. The 2 Blanks and their child are fine in one of Tide's Flood Hives.

Meanwhile, Tzeentchian Space Marine, Ahsael pulled all his useful forces onboard his ship and decided to try and launch various missile strikes upon his enemies. First upon Tide's Hives (Altered or otherwise) and then upon the other Chaos controlled Hives. Tzeentch Cultist, remember? Anyway, Tide blocks all of those attacks but can't really stop the many bombs Ahsael planted back at his old Tzeentch Hive. Billions die as a result. And thus making a very unwise decision. He made Tide angry. As they begin to leave the Monstrum, Tide starts throwing everything at them. Doesn't fully work until he just Neural Physics an entire 2 story size (maybe more) mass of Flood at the ship. Thus damaging it and forcing a crash landing on a different part of Monstrum. The Frozen Wastes. Tide lost track of the ship but did confirm that it was somewhat intact and might have survivors. He discusses this with his Altered Machanicus to build Power Armor that can survive the Frozen Wastes.

During all this the Dark Machanicus is hanging around trying to take advantage of the opportunity, The Slaanesh Cultists "surrendered" to the rest of the Monstrum, while Tide just started sending all his PDF at them.

And of course we check in on Ahsael and his suffering over in the crashed ship. Trying to warm up the ship and preserve enough of the mortals it looks like to do a ritual. He still has his "non-expendable" Brother Uirus and his Rubric Marine, and brings them along to check on what the hell definitely killed some of the crew that were missing for 10 hours. He then finds that what killed them has a thing for ice sculptures because that's what it left those missing cultists into. Completely into ice. No flesh or bone left behind. Blood however, strangely was.

After seeing the weirdness of the event where whatever came in through the hull to start freezing them all, Ahsael starts to leave, sees the first sculpture they come across change it's positioning since they last saw it; and promptly smashes it to find the aforementioned Crystallized Blood.

Might have missed a few detail, and I can't really name the Hives since my autocorrect gets in the way and I can't remember them accurately. But that should be all. Don't know what's going on in the Space Hulk though. I think there might still be some Orks up there.
Huh, I am suprised by the fact that I have never once seen a Weeping Angels style entity in WH40K until now. Also that I have missed that it moved and was a Weeping Angels style entity at all.
So we have this unknown blood freezing energy vampire, Dark Mechanicus, and of course, buried deeply within the mantle or (even better) forming the bulk of the planet itself, a Necron Dynastic Tomb.

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There is! It's called Hsiagn'la, if I remember correctly
Huh. It wouldn't happen to also be nicknamed the Dragon of the Void would it? Or am I mixing that with something else?

So we have this unknown blood freezing energy vampire, Dark Mechanicus, and of course, buried deeply within the mantle or (even better) forming the bulk of the planet itself, a Necron Dynastic Tomb.
But that's just a theory!
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I was a bit suspicious about how fast Tide's forms were freezing over, even at liquid nitrogen temperatures it should have taken much longer for the heat transfer to freeze something that large solid, especially with reentry-level air friction heating it back up. At the time I was on the side of it being a minor error/fudging of physics for narrative purposes, but there was a little suspicion that something weird was happening. Now the question remains: What specific kind of weirdness is it? Demon? C'tan like some have proposed? Something else entirely? I'm excited to find out!

For a moment, their minds left their inhabited bodies, their senses turned to that darkest and coldest of lands on all of Monstrum. Where the Barren Lands possessed heat to melt even the hulls of starships if they lingered there too long, the Freezing Wastes could encase it in ice or dash it into countless pieces against frozen mountains with gale winds. To travel there in aircraft was to die and the same could be said for going by land.

This makes me wonder though- is there a fire monster on the other side of the planet? I can understand the sun-side of the planet being flesh-meltingly hot, but starship-melting? Mercury doesn't even get close to that hot (The day side of Mercury is around 400°C while mundane steel, which is probably far inferior to whatever 40K starships are made of, melts at ~1500°C). Honestly, if it can melt ship hulls, the whole day side of the planet should be a giant lava lake, since the temperature of lava (700°C-1200°C) is significantly lower than the melting point of steel, so something weird might be going on there too. This seems even more likely to be an author error than the cold side, but I was wrong about that so I'm not sure. Could just be that a battle has been going on for eons between an ice monster and a fire monster for control of the planet and it's only now that someone has gotten disruptive enough for (one of?) them to notice.
I mean if it has been fire monster vs ice monster this whole time nothing necessarily has to have changed, given that these properties have been observed before.

Also there's that place that liquid fire drips from the ceiling that people walk through mostly unprotected. That could just be the whole "lava is red coolaid" thing that happens in a lot of fiction, or it could be a reverse of the ice monster where it deliberately avoids targeting humans.
As an aside, though, Tide only has access to a very limited amount of gene data from Monstrum. The Primordial Flood has genetic info from all across the Halo galaxy and likely beyond even that, not to mention a whole lot more experience with this kind of thing than he does. I won't say that he doesn't have the means to survive in space with a Pure Form, but I will say that he wouldn't be as efficient at it as the OG Flood would be.
The first thing that tipped me off that something strange might be happening was how fast the ship-destroying form froze (though at the time I thought it was movie physics). How fast something can freeze to death is affected by the size of the creature, so the Flood form that took out the ship should have been fine for a while (it's a lesser-known property of the square-cube law- heat transfer scales with surface area, while the heat generation and heat capacity scale with volume). It's one of the reasons why big creatures have proportionally slower metabolisms, an elephant would cook itself to death if it tried to output as much energy per mass as a mouse.

If it was just purely physical cold? Since it's not cold enough for the air to be liquefying the things he's tried already would have worked, at least enough to survive. Throw in ice demon or whatever it is that's turning things into popsicles, though, and it's a whole different question. When an ice demon (or whatever it is) is freezing fire no mundane insulation is going to be enough. They probably won't get anything to survive long out there without some proper metaphysical protection.
Surprised absolute 0 is a problem for the flood considering how often flood-infected star ships are depicted. How does it cross space usually besides just manning it from the inside?
Despite how media often likes to depict it, space is not actually cold the way you would expect: Vacuum is an insulator, so while what little matter that does exist in space is very cold, things in space do not lose heat very quickly.

Indeed, getting rid of excess heat is a much bigger problem than freezing for spacecraft.

Huh. It wouldn't happen to also be nicknamed the Dragon of the Void would it? Or am I mixing that with something else?
We don't know what Hsiagn'la's title is, but its definitely not the Void Dragon because the Void Dragon is Mag'ladroth.
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Tide, randomly stumbling across a planet filled with Vashta Nerada: "Nopenopenopenopenope"
Ah, if only I still had the nope badger GIF.

The first frozen guy was also un-mutated when they saw it on the way back
I don't know. He could've been, since I don't think the arm was specified to be left or right. I just assumed it moved one.

We don't know what Hsiagn'la's title is, but its definitely not the Void Dragon because the Void Dragon is Mag'ladroth.
Oh. Nevermind then. At least I remember some things about the C'tan. Not much, but a little.

Despite how media often likes to depict it, space is not actually cold the way you would expect: Vacuum is an insulator, so while what little matter that does exist in space is very cold, things in space do not lose heat very quickly.

Indeed, getting rid of excess heat is a much bigger problem than freezing for spacecraft.
And yet, I still don't think Commander Shepherd could've survived that.

If it was just purely physical cold? Since it's not cold enough for the air to be liquefying the things he's tried already would have worked, at least enough to survive. Throw in ice demon or whatever it is that's turning things into popsicles, though, and it's a whole different question. When an ice demon (or whatever it is) is freezing fire no mundane insulation is going to be enough. They probably won't get anything to survive long out there without some proper metaphysical protection.
Correction, Warpfire! Even more of an indication that the frost is in someway part of the Immaterium.
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