Sometimes you have to be ethical and nice. And sometimes you have to drop the really big object down into the frozen wastes to prove a point.
I will say that the suits surprised me because Flork Cells can survive in these temps last I recall. I guess more complex life is harder to maintain in these temps without prior protections. Also getting stabbed like that means that the...whatever the fuck this thing is probably gets infected through the long as it's biological.
One thing I appreciate about this fic in comparison to others of its kind is that the MC goes out of their way to genuinely improve the lives of the common folk like growing apples or giving people the chance to write and/or draw. Acts like these really sets Tide apart from many others as not only is this a kind act, but it goes to show how truly powerful they've become since day one. Yes, beating the Genestealers and Chaos show that too, but I expected that since it's the Flood we're talking about. But gifting two kids the ability to write and draw in this grimdark world? Well, that's real power there. The power to make this world a little less dark so the people can finally see a ray of sunshine.
But gifting two kids the ability to write and draw in this grimdark world? Well, that's real power there. The power to make this world a little less dark so the people can finally see a ray of sunshine.
This new entity reminds me of another piece of literature, perhaps Victorian or early Edwardian. In it, a man is discovered dead as if mauled by a large animal but lived in a land with no such species. His neighbors write it off as a freak incident but the narrator, who has the man's journals, knows the dead man felt as if he was being followed or stalked by days. But no matter what, he can never see it. At the end, the narrator and the dead man share the same thought. In a world of endless possibilities, can there not be a creature in colours which the human eye cannot see? We know now such colours in the light spectrum exist, but they certainly didn't back then.
Anyways this was me musing how this entity definitely has both natural camouflage and what appears to be a memetic camouflage. The only thing that can seem to see it are things which are not human.
The way Tide's luck has been going, I would not be surprised at all to find out some piece of the only C'tan to ever be killed just so happened to crash onto the frozen half of Monstrum.
Well, that or this is just more of Ghoul Stars being themselves. Why in the void anyone would ever willingly go live there is beyond my comprehension.
So either the ice monster thing has 100 stealth and a great deal of camo.....or it can just disperse and reform as it pleases in the snow and ice, both are going to make fighting it really fucking annoying.
But man, don't you just love it when the true horrors beyond comprehension come out in this setting, forget Chaos, the Ghoul Stars are like the Antarctica of the Milky Way.
Meh, their king got easily killed by Arya Ninja Stark who subscribed to Sokka's "SNEAK ATTACK" maneuver after all the build up of being the ultimate villain that Jon "Muh Queen" Snow would have fought with his Valyrian steel sword Longclaw.
The way Tide's luck has been going, I would not be surprised at all to find out some piece of the only C'tan to ever be killed just so happened to crash onto the frozen half of Monstrum.
Well, that or this is just more of Ghoul Stars being themselves. Why in the void anyone would ever willingly go live there is beyond my comprehension.
A slave, popular writer, storyteller and philosopher in his time. Classical era Greece. Most well known today for his book Aesopica or Fables/Aesop's Fables. Aesop would be flattered you used his work to inspire yours @Jackson Fox. To be remembered, spoken of and to inspire other storytellers centuries later is the ideal of immortality artists of Aesop's era aspired to.
A slave, popular writer, storyteller and philosopher in his time. Classical era Greece. Most well known today for his book Aesopica or Fables/Aesop's Fables. Aesop would be flattered you used his work to inspire yours @Jackson Fox
Know that any and all future inclusions of the rat, and likely all other rats, in whatever role it and they may play, were because of this comment and the ideas it gave me.
I like it as a symbolic motif, what with the associations with speed and cleverness and also rats being very empathetic creatures despite having a nastier reputation. The parallels aren't exact but they do make themselves.
White rats have the whole laboratory association too and Tide is always experimenting and improving and investigating and all that...
The cold weakness makes no sense @Jackson Fox flood can function in deep space. Them freezing is nonsensical. The wind battering them to death yes. But freezing? When they have no problem in near absolute zero of space?
How vaccums/ the vaccum of space is understood in popular culture and casual discusssion often has little relationship to how it actually behaves.
I saw a pretty good video on this recently. You might appreciate it. View:
How vaccums/ the vaccum of space is understood in popular culture and casual discusssion often has little relationship to how it actually behaves.
I saw a pretty good video on this recently. You might appreciate it. View:
Nonetheless, the swiftness with which they completed their modifications was laudible, even if Tide now planned to find a way to convince them of adding mandatory nap breaks into their schedules.
I think the best way to get the Tech Priests to accept nap/sleep/rest breaks would be to refer to it as a kind of machine maintenance or rest. Like how many machines regularly need time to rest to prevent overstressing (particularly after overloading something, like letting an engine rest a bit after having it on emergency power), or that they regularly need to be shut down for maintenance. Sleep is the body's maintenance period, especially for the brain.
Using these kinds of analogies comparing the body and brain to machines (which they kinda are on the simplest of levels, a cell is pretty much a robot) would be the most likely to be understood and accepted by the Tech Priests.
Indeed, one potential option for cheaper and simpler power armour which Tide may know about would be Fallout Power Armour. It's simple and cheap enough to be developed and produced (on mass or at least in a significant amount) by a nation in the industrial/nuclear stage. It's rugged enough to be maintainable and used in the post apocalyptic wasteland.
It'd require training but not a neural or physical link like most WH40k power armour.
One depiction of Fallout Power Armour would be well the Fallout 4 (and after) version of power armour where it's a true exoskeleton/exosuit power armour. Another depiction would be in the fan made animation series "Fallout Sunburst" by SODAZ. It shows that Fallout Power Armour is at least resistant if not immune to most ballistic small arms.
It's likely also at least resistant to energy/laser small arms but against 40k lasweaponry I don't know. It does have weak points at the joints and is very vulnerable to anti tank and other anti material (or otherwise amour piercing rounds/weapons), so something like a bolt round would probably go right through.
The main problem would likely be developing the fusion core (which is another weakness compared to most 40k PAs which don't need such a "battery" system) but it hopefully would be possible in the 40k universe.
Fallout power armour would be incredibly useful for various applications, it can be issued to military forces where traditional power armour is too expensive, namely to various imperial guard units. It'd be a boon for heavy weapons units/teams, breakthrough/vanguard forces and thanks to its comparatively smaller size, CQB units and CQB situations in general.
After all, in tight quarters where larger power armour such as Astartes suits can't fit, Fallout power armour would be incredibly useful.
Power armour and the frame would be useful in non-combat roles as well, construction, carrying heavy loads, etc as the suits can be worn as just the frame without any of the armour.
The models/classes of fallout power armour that I'd suggest Tide to try to make would be the T-51 and T-60, maybe the T-45 as a prototype and proof of concept.
Just finished reading the rest of the chapter, holy shit what the fuck is that. That's some SCP shit right there. If any of the remaining Cultists on the ship are Altered, maybe Tide could try talking to Ahsael about this. The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend.
Sometimes you have to be ethical and nice. And sometimes you have to drop the really big object down into the frozen wastes to prove a point.
I will say that the suits surprised me because Flork Cells can survive in these temps last I recall. I guess more complex life is harder to maintain in these temps without prior protections. Also getting stabbed like that means that the...whatever the fuck this thing is probably gets infected through the long as it's biological.
The Flood can indeed survive vacuum, but in space, it's much easier to retain heat because the only way to lose that heat is through it radiating away which is very very slow. In the freezing wastes and any other situation where matter is in regular contact with other matter in general however, heat can be much more easily transferred between particles.
Given that it's making even Space Marines cold (when they are deep inside a spaceship wreck), while flash-freezing Flood forms the moment they appear (even though they are designed to be absurdly resistant to cold).
I would say...probably really cold.
Obviously not right next to Absolute Zero or Absolute Zero itself, since that's crazy.
Since the 'slaves' inside the wreck can still breathe normally, I think this is likely above the boiling point of oxygen so around >-180 C/-297 F.
I'd say it's colder than anywhere natural on Earth atleast.
Given that it's making even Space Marines cold (when they are deep inside a spaceship wreck), while flash-freezing Flood forms the moment they appear (even though they are designed to be absurdly resistant to cold).
I would say...probably really cold.
Obviously not right next to Absolute Zero or Absolute Zero itself, since that's crazy.
Since the 'slaves' inside the wreck can still breathe normally, I think this is likely above the boiling point of oxygen so around >-180 C/-297 F.
I'd say it's colder than anywhere natural on Earth atleast.
Yeah, so no oxygen snow, but it'd also have to be above the boiling point of CO2, Nitrogen, etc as well to be breathable because too much oxygen is also deadly. Which I doubt would be cold enough to flash freeze stuff like that. It's likely that the extreme cold is unnatural.
While unnatural, it's probably a good thing to note that whatever this unnatural thing is, it isn't strong enough to apply Absolute Zero over a large area.
Outside of that, there is something else about the Frost Ghost too.
Based on this:
An instant later, the Flood form froze solid within the armor as the heat was ripped away from it unnaturally swiftly before it collapsed to the ground.