The Galaxy is Flood, Not Food

The Orks, however, possess something else, something that ensures they are a cut above the rest. Their entire culture, the very fiber of their being, all of it is dedicated towards fighting.
The Old Ones created the Krorks as the vanguard against the Necrons and their C'tan during the War In Heaven. However, the Old Ones forgot to put an Off Switch on the Krorks to stop them from waging war forevermore as Orks... Or since they're losing and dying off, they might as well go "If we can't have the galaxy, then no one will!"

He noticed that every single Ork, Squig, and Grot grew in size. Just a little, but undeniably becoming larger and stronger.
The Krorks are making a comeback and it's gonna be War of The Beast 2.0 Electric Boogaloo!
However, the Old Ones forgot to put an Off Switch on the Krorks to stop them from waging war forevermore as Orks... Or since they're losing and dying off, they might as well go "If we can't have the galaxy, then no one will!"
For all we know the Orks could have a whole settings menu that could make them do whatever the Old Ones wanted. Without an actual Old One with admin permissions, it is probably impossible to get to it.
[The Machine God] operated the universe, it was the universe. Every spinning atom was its gears, every star its power cores, the sentients within its data-nodes. Tide was simply another aspect of the Great Work that was the Machine God's will and self. In a way, all things were [...]
Ah, pantheism. Honestly a pretty reasonable conclusion to come to, given Mechanicus doctrine.
He didn't know entirely what to make of that. Could he turn this to his advantage? He wasn't sure. Fortunately, he had an expert in these kinds of Warp-related phenomena, one who happened to be rather bored now that she didn't have much to do around Monstrum. He found her and, with a mental tap on the shoulder, asked:

Want to consider the Ork with me?
Purilla is about to have a fun homework assignment. Wonder if she and Tide can find a way to adapt the Flood connection into a similar gestalt energy?

Imagine every Flood form and Altered not only contributing power to a Tidemind, but being able to wield minute amounts of Neural Physics themselves.
Purilla is about to have a fun homework assignment. Wonder if she and Tide can find a way to adapt the Flood connection into a similar gestalt energy?
...While I have no doubt about Purilla's talent with Tide assisting her...

I don't think she's suitable for some meta-gaming on that level.

No offense to her, but like...she's not that special of a psyker.

To make that kind of Gestalt and make it safe (i.e the people controlling the Gestalt and not them all going insane from being connected and collapsing into a hivemind, like how all Orks are literally built to fight and the Gestalt support that one purpose only, and deviating from that gestalt's purpose literally kills them) is something that even the Emperor, Magnus, the Eldar, and the Necron will consider a difficult challenge working together.

Tzeentch might be able to do it. But that failure is more likely to lie to save face than actually go through with the challenge.

Stack Neural Physics + Tide having full control of the Gestalt on top of that?

You will probably make more progress going on a blind hunt for an Old One that is still around (and even then).
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While they are certainly gaining valuable combat experience, I wonder if the Orks and Orkoids are reproducing (probably depends on if Tide generates or brings soil into his Domain for spores and ecosystem to take root) and/or growing either in literal physical size/toughness/strength or in technological and/or tactical sophistication (which presumably would be reflected in their gestalt Waagh spirit) within Tide's Domain independent of his intentional "raw/primal" Warp feeding?

I suppose enough time hasn't passed to see any "natural" meaningful development yet, but it's an interesting thought. He might turn around and before he knows, suddenly realise that they've evolved into Krork Space Marines, or maybe even the gestalt spirit is becoming a new nascent (twin?) god(s) in the absence of Gork and Mork!
Tide finally allowed Aliciel to return to the Domain.
Now that I think about it, I've been imagining the transition into the Domain physically resembling a Floody version of The Shifting Mound absorbing/claiming Their various Vessels from Slay the Princess.
Want to consider the Ork with me?
You don't just spring that as a first date idea, Tide! Pondering the Ork is a 5th-6th date activity!
Given how much trouble even a proto-Krork like The Beast gave the Imperium, I sincerely hope that Tide can find some way to actually moderate them somewhat. I also think that this new knowledge about how the Waaagh! field eats raw warp stuff indicates that the Krorks were supposed to be a self-correcting issue. So once the Sea of Souls had been cleansed of the daemons and all the raw warpstuff, they would have basically starved to death.
Given how much trouble even a proto-Krork like The Beast gave the Imperium, I sincerely hope that Tide can find some way to actually moderate them somewhat. I also think that this new knowledge about how the Waaagh! field eats raw warp stuff indicates that the Krorks were supposed to be a self-correcting issue. So once the Sea of Souls had been cleansed of the daemons and all the raw warpstuff, they would have basically starved to death.
Wait they were made to eat the warp so it can heal
In an experimental mood, he had fed the gestalt a bit of the Warp energy he possessed. There was no clear change in the actions of the Orks, but Tide's senses were far more expansive within the Domain. He noticed that every single Ork, Squig, and Grot grew in size. Just a little, but undeniably becoming larger and stronger.

Feed them! Restore the the Krork to their full glory! You know you want to!
Could Tide create a psyker construct to condense small amounts of liquid warp into a stomach of the most potent acid and antibiotic compounds he can craft in order to kill any microscopic daemons that try to come through the Sieve and use said warp energy to feed his personal waagh field generators?
Wait they were made to eat the warp so it can heal

Possibly, although it might also be a failsafe/precaution to make sure if Old Ones (or their other souled constructs like the Aeldari) happened to (physically) die in the vicinity of a Waagh their own souls wouldn't accidentally be eaten (and the C'Tan and their pawns having no Warp presence means there's no tactical advantage to soul-consumption anyway so such abilities would only harm the Old Ones themselves and their vassals).
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I don't blame the A.I. for being reclusive, having to deal with being controlled and abused by a Greater Daemon isn't something most people would be able to shrug off, let alone a Keeper of Secrets, hopefully Tide can use his Domain on the A.I. down the line to better treat them (once said A.I. gets out of their hiding phase).

As for Ork experimentation, that could go multiple ways, and while Purela isn't a complete expert or on the level of Magnus or Big E her insights could still be helpful for Tide, speaking of Warp shenanigans so far Tide hasn't tried engaging in any of it, nor has he even used the Daemon remains either, hopefully we'll get some warp experimentation later (yes I know Neural Physics is Tide's Faction gimmick, but he can do some warp fuckery as shown with his soul prodding it'd be wasted potential if he flat out ignored trying to do some freaky psyker shit with Purilla's help.

What would be a good name for Tide's first ftl-capable ship?

Uh, you could go for a Halo reference maybe?

As funny as that is, I do want to just reaffirm that Tide won't be dating anyone in this story.

Understandable, as I imagine it would be hard to have a relationship with anyone when you're a pseudo-god/god-like being.

But luckily Tide's options are not limited, as there are at least two single Warp Goddesses in 40K that Tide could court and have a healthy relationship with.

(Okay maybe I low key secretly ship Tide with a Tsundere Isha that keeps pestering him anytime he tries making a new alien specifies in a post-canon 40K setting, sue me).

Feed them! Restore the the Krork to their full glory! You know you want to!

I'd be on board with it if only so that Tide can get the complete genetic make-up of the Korks in their prime to use to power himself up. As funny as it would be for the galaxy to witness a second coming of the Korks it already has enough problems as is.
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Journeys - Part 4
Journeys – Part 4

Ahsael stared at the small display screen. It was low-tech, perhaps more complicated than could be found on a feral world, but certainly not the sort of thing he'd have expected to see on a hive world. The device was simple enough that producing it in the numbers he had seen would be child's play, but still more advanced than was necessary for its intended purpose.

Said purpose was currently be enacted, as Selene's small fingers worked at the buttons of the brick-shaped device expectedly named 'Gamebrick'. Ahsael himself was planted in front of her, trapped by her arms that hugged him to her as she 'showed him how it worked'.

It was an entertainment device for children, Ahsael had determined. Selene had understood how to operate it like she'd used one all her life, faster than even Ahsael had deduced how it functioned. He assumed it was a new production, as he had never heard of such devices being produced, so either the child was far cleverer than he'd given her credit, or something else was going on here. He suspected the latter.

The games on the device were easy to understand, each being able to be selected from a menu that appeared after pressing a button labeled 'home', with each game having different symbols to mark them. One was a game where various shapes made of cubes fell down to the bottom of the screen, where the goal was to form horizontal lines across the screen to win. Another had the goal of bouncing a ball from one's own moving platform across the screen towards an opponent's side with their own platform presumably controlled by a simple machine spirit. If the opponent was unable to deflect the ball, a point was scored for the user. If the user was unable to deflect the ball, the opponent scored. The reasons behind these games being named 'Tetris' and 'Pong' respectively were unknown to Ahsael, though he suspected they might be the words of some xenos language.

There were other games as well, all of roughly similar levels of complexity, but two had stuck out to him not just for their relatively more unusual gameplay, but also for their names.

The first that had stuck out to him was called 'Super Space Marine'. It allowed the user to control a very low-resolution design of what was possibly a Blood Angel, moving them from side to side and allowing them to jump. The game was a puzzle, with the user jumping from platforms and over obstacles. Some of those obstacles were enemies, each of which had a different way they could be defeated, some simply being bounced atop of, others requiring certain tools that could be picked up within a level of the game.

Ahsael had noticed, with some confusion, that many of the enemies within the game had appearances similar to Tyranid bioforms and Necron automatons, albeit very much simplified for the very simple display screen. The game's icon within the menu was said Space Marine, squashing what seemed to be the final enemy of the game, a Hive Tyrant. Ahsael noted how unlikely it was for a single marine to be able to defeat a Hive Tyrant by himself, let alone by jumping on it.

The other game was even more confusing. It was called 'Tarot Arcana' and it was a card game. It also was easily the most complicated game within the 'Gamebrick' and its menu icon was a blue dragon with white eyes.

The game was strange and confusing and Ahsael wasn't sure how it worked even after watching Selene do so for nearly an hour. She occasionally would make mention of 'spell cards' or 'effect monsters', which seemed to be rarer than 'normal monsters', but he still wasn't sure. Not understanding a children's game, normally, would not have bothered him.

However, it was the fact that Selene understood it so readily while he did not that was grating to him. She was a child, an actual child, and she had taken to this game like a fish took to water, while he had taken nearly thirty minutes to determine the goal of the game was to reduce the enemy player's 'life points' to zero.

She was already stronger than him physically, but he'd always thought he had the edge mentally, yet now even that was being challenged! He could not allow this!

True, it was probably the Malum Entity's fault. Selene occasionally drew pictures of strange and far away places, something he suspected to be the enigmatic being's influence as much as everything else about this strange place was. Nonetheless, Ahsael's pride could not take any more damage.

He watched Selene's game closely, ingraining the effects of each and every card and how they played together, trying to burn it all into his mind. He would get this.
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Did I create this sidestory entirely so I could recreate Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth-Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker in my story? No.

Was it a major factor? Maybe.