OHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! well my bad I don't really read posts unless a chapter recently came out.its been told repeatdly that tide has no access to other flood memories,he is begining from a clean slate as far memories goes
he has neural physics because thats not memories based skill,thats inherent to the flood
Being out of context has many advantages, plus neural physics overpowers any warp based effected out in the real world.I'm still a bit disbelieving that Orks would be just fodder for the Flood. Wouldn't have Necrons used nanites to attack the spores in the War in Heaven? Aren't Ork genetics black-warpboxed, yet Flood read them casually.
I'm still a bit disbeliving that Orks would be just fodder for the Flood. Wouldn't have Necrons used nanites to attack the spores in the War in Heaven? Aren't Ork genetics black-warpboxed, yet Flood read them casually.
I don't know if you are familiar with the Flood's nature but if you aren't I would suggest just reading what they did to the Forerunner Ecumene a Tier 1: World Builder civilization that spanned three million worlds stretching across the galaxy and the Flood almost rendered them and the entire galaxy extinct in mere centuries so yeah there's a reason why even 40k fans acknowledge ( excluding copium fanboys) that the Flood would murder-stomp factions like the Tyranids with almost no effort after they form a gravemind.I'm still a bit disbeliving that Orks would be just fodder for the Flood. Wouldn't have Necrons used nanites to attack the spores in the War in Heaven? Aren't Ork genetics black-warpboxed, yet Flood read them casually.
I'm still a bit disbelieving that Orks would be just fodder for the Flood. Wouldn't have Necrons used nanites to attack the spores in the War in Heaven? Aren't Ork genetics black-warpboxed, yet Flood read them casually.
Just to clarify, are they under the usual Chaos whammy or are they actually legit in what they are doing?"We declare ourselves the true servants of the Imperium of Man and of the God-Emperor of Mankind. We declare a righteous crusade against the madmen that have overtaken this world and we invite all of strong faith and mind to join us!
"For the Emperor! For Mankind!"
Oh, these guys are absolutely under the thumb of the Thousand Sons-led Chaos cult. Whether they know that, that's a different story.Just to clarify, are they under the usual Chaos whammy or are they actually legit in what they are doing?
I've seen a relatively common headcanon where the whole ork waaagh and soldiery were grafted onto a pre-existing terraforming tool, thus certain things are "militarized" and others not, is this the general case in your fiction? Like the code to make boyz is "encrypted" and the boyz themselves unusually resistant to many things, but the fungoid growths and general spreading mycelial network are less protected?I'll point out that those were Krorks, not Orks, who are so much more capable and advanced than Orks that they could fight literal gods of the material realm and make the average necron soldier look like a Guardsman.
We don't see any sign that regular orks are immune to being affected by Nanites or similar. I suspect they likely had technological counters.
As for Tide reading their genetics, he's severely limited in what info he can glean from them. He's basically limited to that Ork individual. He doesn't gain an understanding of their technology from their genes, nor is he able to access their gestalt. For example, he could infect and 'read' a squig and start pumping out pure forms or combat forms with that squig's traits, but if he only had the squig, he wouldn't be able to make, say, an Ork boy or nob. Certainly he couldn't make a Krork unless he had one he could infect.
I've seen a relatively common headcanon where the whole ork waaagh and soldiery were grafted onto a pre-existing terraforming tool, thus certain things are "militarized" and others not, is this the general case in your fiction? Like the code to make boyz is "encrypted" and the boyz themselves unusually resistant to many things, but the fungoid growths and general spreading mycelial network are less protected?
Just hoping the Sisters of Battle get 'gifted' by Tide some biosuits. My earlier post about that, them maybe wearing/are fused with Saryn Prime looking biosuits with similar-ish abilities (but built around spreading Tide even further than Void/Space magic).
The Saryn Night Hunter skin may fit the best for Flood/Tide aesthetics.
That is a dope looking skin, holy shit
Addition: Personally a big fan of the Dex Operator skin as well, which I think looks sort of like Saryn
As a certain wise man would say,"The Sisters, their chapel has an old service tunnel!" Selvik explained quickly. His nervousness was palpable. "It is used by their trainees during their initiation ceremony. They have to walk under the Barren Lands and back, just under the surface. The-the heat is supposed to cleanse them of their sins, bring them closer to the fire of the God-Emper-!"
Ellen, beyond the obvious lacking in Inquisitorial experience, hasn't learned to pick her battles. And it will cost her.I do have sympathy for Ellen, her instincts are absolutely correct about what's going on but she lacks the resources, personal charisma and agents to do what she needs to do and is dealing with a surprise multi-faction Thunderdome akin to the catastrophe that was Kronus in Dawn of War: Dark Crusade.
Ellen, beyond the obvious lacking in Inquisitorial experience, hasn't learned to pick her battles. And it will cost her.
The black humor here is that she's correct, and if she was a more seasoned Inquisitor, Tide would already have won.
I should note that Orks didn't yet even try to counter Flood. They have more than enough options to deal with infection - from power armor to cybernetics, to biological agents and so on. They may not be able to beat Flood spores directly, without becoming much more advanced, but fighting Flood forms with pretty primitive tech is very much possible - Halo kinda showcases it.I'm still a bit disbelieving that Orks would be just fodder for the Flood.