The Galaxy is Flood, Not Food

Damn I forgot about him, I have to admit with large casts I tend to forget names if they don't have a big enough role, so some call backs fly over my head until I reread.

Any hint on how her family is going to handle the sudden paper and honestly super expensive quill?

Yeah, I've got a lot of side characters that are basically one-offs, so it's not surprising that people forget. I do too, sometimes. Selene and, to a much lesser degree, her family will be recurring characters however.

I imagine they'll be freaked out for a while, probably a little more than they were by the fruits, but nothing to the degree of 'burn the witch'.
"You can't… help everyone," Aliciel said. "There's a tipping point, you know that right? A step too far, a line that gets crossed. A place they won't be able to come back from."

Maybe. Maybe not. Shall we find out together?
While I'm inclined to agree with Aliciel here, given how incredibly insidious and thorough Chaos corruption can be, I do think it's a good idea to figure out exactly where that tipping point might be. That said, I'm pretty sure "willingly" and "knowingly" (insofar as those words apply to Chaos Cultists) swearing yourself to a Chaos God is a strong candidate. Anyone who is merely brainwashed or misguided/desperate, who might have mutations but haven't completely dedicated themselves? They could be salvageable.
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"And is what he already has safe?" Aliciel asked. The former Sister of Battle was taking this whole thing surprisingly well. She hadn't tried to set fire to Tide's mind yet, which was very promising. More than that, she was actually willing to hear him out, which was also delightful.

The Blood God isn't a big fan of secret traps and hidden daemons, if that's what you mean. Most of these 'gifts' are meant to make him better at chopping off heads.
Just because Khorne doesn't like subtlety, doesn't mean he is unwilling. Look up Khorne's attempt to corrupt Dorn to see how subtle and sinister he can get when he really wants something.

Just because someone is always yelling does not mean they are incapable of whispering.
"Then why?"

Because I want to. And if we can help someone as damaged as him… who can't we help?

Aliciel wondered if Tide was really as sane as she'd previously thought.

"You can't… help everyone," Aliciel said. "There's a tipping point, you know that right? A step too far, a line that gets crossed. A place they won't be able to come back from."

Maybe. Maybe not. Shall we find out together?

Aliciel sighed once more.
Tide is hopeful and wants to see just how much he can help in his current condition. Trying to unscrew an almost chaos spawn is about as hopeful as you can get.
Mutation isn't inherently wicked.
Yeah, but talking about it in the context of someone who looks like a mini-bloodletter isn't exactly convincing.

Yet another case for why Tide is a god.

Only a god would have the time to worry about such minor things such as worrying about whether the enemy's mindless bloodcrazed beast can be saved.

Even when said Beast was filled to the brim with the blessing of their god and who was more than happy to slaughter everything around it.
When it comes to cults any sociologist will tell you willingly and knowingly get real blurry. Deprogramming ex cult members is exceptionally hard.
Tide could deprogram a conventional cultist/zealot just fine, I'm sure, even if it probably takes a while. It's the metaphysics of chaos corruption that is more likely to foil Tide's efforts. When a person is warped body, mind, and soul to best exemplify and exhort a Chaos God's principles, the person is almost definitely beyond salvation. They are only definitely beyond salvation when they wholeheartedly accepted their god and its blessings without even a shred of regret or reluctance in any corners of their blackened hearts.

For instance, a Thousand Sons Sorcerer could, in theory, be redeemed. It sorta happened before during Rylanor's middle finger to Fulgrim. Not saying that every TSS is salvageable, but at least a few of them probably are. They've resigned themselves to their current fates, but Tide could present a worthwhile alternative path for them.

Redeeming a marine of the (current) Word Bearers? Fat chance. I doubt even a Keymind would bother after the first attempt. It would be too much effort, for one. Plus, the Eldritch Knowledge they might possess (and would probably speak of) could be potentially too dangerous even for Tide. Maybe. (Admittedly, a sufficiently advanced Floodmind could probably withstand the Eldritchness of Chaos without risking SAN damage or deviance.)

Obviously, Chaos Spawn and Daemon Princes and (most) Possessed aren't even worth the thought of trying. Chaos already has them and isn't going to let them go without Tide decking a god in the face with one tentacle while doing some sleight of hand with another.
Most of the dark eldar are as bad as your average chaos space marines, while the worst of the lot (like the Haemonculi) are as bad as anyone favored by the Chaos Gods.
The Dark Eldar are the legacy of the Aeldari Empire that doomed their entire civilization with tgw super funny maximum overdrive fun times that made Slaanesh they've committed and still kept doing it after that.
Highly dependent on the eldar in question. Most of the dark eldar are as bad as your average chaos space marines, while the worst of the lot (like the Haemonculi) are as bad as anyone favored by the Chaos Gods.

But I mean as in the whole soul and mutation shenanigans.

Slaanesh while having on a whole a claim on the Eldar souls, it's obviously not nearly as absolute as the Chaos Gods have over their dedicated servants.