Added my chaff infantry, decided to make a third of it zombies created from the Azeroth civilians mostly because I found it thematic. Although it does remind me to make full use of the fact that Necromancy is a school of magic first introduced in the lore through the warlock arts.
Define Reality Terrorist. I know that Reality Deviant is code for a Mage that doesn't buy into the Technocracy's message, but the other term escapes me.
Leader: Union High Command Why are you here?:We have no idea. Apparently, the entire Union was thrown into an Everett Volume of some sort by what was presumably some mass reality deviant ritual that was more successful than anyone could possibly have imagined. This... must be dealt with
25 superheavy vehicles
500 heavy vehicles
5,000 light vehicles
10,000 "Heroes" (Enlightened Scientists)
30,000 "Elite infantry" (Enlightened scientists of various stripes)
100,000 "Infantry" (Various Sympathizers and Constructs)
2 Iteration X Assault Carriers (airborne) 8 Qui la Machinae
25 heavy aircraft
1000 light aircraft
No civilians
Enlightened Science: Technocratic "Enlightened scientists" are capable of reality-warping cosmic power, expressed through the Technocracy's technology. Said technology is unusable by those without Enlightened Science ability The Laws of Reality: Through use of Enlightened Science, the Technocracy is capable of defining the rules of reality inside its own facilities, making magic impossible and all of its technology more effective, and to craft materials like Primium that are resistant to magical effects overall Constructs: Through use of cloning vats, the Union has at its disposal the ability to create significant numbers of artificial constructs (biological or synthetic) for various purposes
Paradox: This world is treated like a umbral realm where the laws of reality consist of those unique to this world and, beyond that, technology which is considered Coincidental or Consensual within the Union's own world (Near-future stuff, basically). Use of more advanced technology draws paradox, unless in a zone of Technocratic-defined reality or unless the Union successfully manages to redefine reality in this world through shifting Consensus Paradigm-limited: The Union is only capable of working magic through technological means. A few exceptions may exist as the game goes on and Union members hit Enlightenment 6
Leader: Union High Command Why are you here?:We have no idea. Apparently, the entire Union was thrown into an Everett Volume of some sort by what was presumably some mass reality deviant ritual that was more successful than anyone could possibly have imagined. This... must be dealt with
25 superheavy vehicles
500 heavy vehicles
5,000 light vehicles
10,000 "Heroes" (Enlightened Scientists)
30,000 "Elite infantry" (Enlightened scientists of various stripes)
100,000 "Infantry" (Various Sympathizers and Constructs)
2 Iteration X Assault Carriers (airborne) 8 Qui la Machinae
25 heavy aircraft
1000 light aircraft
No civilians
Enlightened Science: Technocratic "Enlightened scientists" are capable of reality-warping cosmic power, expressed through the Technocracy's technology. The Laws of Reality: Through use of Enlightened Science, the Technocracy is capable of defining the rules of reality inside its own facilities, making magic impossible and all of its technology more effective Primium: The Technocracy possesses stores of, and the ability to synthesize, exotic element Primium, which is resistant to magic and other things that fall outside the Technocracy-accepted Consensus Constructs: Through use of cloning vats, the Union has at its disposal the ability to create significant numbers of disposable constructs for low-level workl alleviating some manpower issues
Paradox: This world is treated like a umbral realm where the laws of reality consist of those unique to this world and, beyond that, technology which is considered Coincidental or Consensual within the Union's own world (Near-future stuff, basically). Use of more advanced technology draws paradox, unless in a zone of Technocratic-defined reality or unless the Union successfully manages to redefine reality in this world through shifting Consensus Paradigm-limited: The Union is only capable of working magic through technological means. A few exceptions may exist as the game goes on and Union members hit Enlightenment 6
This late in the day I definitely won't be able to start the IC or go through all the sheets today but I can answer questions, particularly regarding lore as I've given the setting a revamp since last time.
Enlightened Science: Technocratic "Enlightened scientists" are capable of reality-warping cosmic power, expressed through the Technocracy's technology. The Laws of Reality: Through use of Enlightened Science, the Technocracy is capable of defining the rules of reality inside its own facilities, making magic impossible and all of its technology more effective Primium: The Technocracy possesses stores of, and the ability to synthesize, exotic element Primium, which is resistant to magic and other things that fall outside the Technocracy-accepted Consensus Constructs: Through use of cloning vats, the Union has at its disposal the ability to create significant numbers of disposable constructs for low-level workl alleviating some manpower issues
This late in the day I definitely won't be able to start the IC or go through all the sheets today but I can answer questions, particularly regarding lore as I've given the setting a revamp since last time.
Leader: Jozef Pilsudski (Enhanced by Janekium Derived Super-Serum)
Why are we here?: Some sort of Soviet Trick no doubt, although why they would bother to displace lands they want to conquer is beyond us.
Bio: The Tale of the Intermarium Federation begins even before the independent nations that would become the Federation were established. It starts in 1907, when a meteor carrying exotic matter crashed in the Tunguska Forest in Russia. This matter was studied and led to many technological and scientific breakthroughs. Scientists even found a way to synthesize these so called Tunguskic Elements. nfortunately, such scientific advancement could only heighten the danger of the Impending European Powder Keg as the Great Powers all sought to utilize Nikolayevite Fuels to make faster planes and Tunguskite Plating to make more protected Armored Cars, to make Jenkite Based Explosive Shells capable of busting the toughest bunkers and trenches. This arms race came to a head in 1913 when a Baltic German Political Dissident shot and wounded Tsar Nicholas II in an assassination attempt in Riga. The Tsar's Life was in Mortal Peril as doctors worked to save his life. Ultimately the Tsar would survive, although he would be a changed man, though no one would know just how changed until it was far too late. The Tsar, egged on by his closest advisor the Russian Occultist Grigori Rasputin immediately pressed for a Declaration of War on Germany, who refused to cooperate with the Okhrana when asked to investigate possible links between the would-be assassin and German Based Nationalist Groups operating out of Riga. A valiant attempt by Austria-Hungary to preserve the peace in Europe was foiled when Archduke Franz Ferdinand took a bullet meant for the Emperor fired by a Serbian Nationalist. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia the day after Archduke Ferdinand was buried, starting the chain of declarations that would plunge Europe into a Brutal War.
For 5 years Europe would be torn apart by war, fueled by Tunguskic Element Technology and Bloody Stubborn Mindedness. The Russians did poorly in the War, as the Tsar grew Increasingly mad and Rasputin stoked the flames of his insanity. Finally after the Germans had captured Poland and the Baltics with the Aid of Jozef Pilsudski and his Polish Legions, the Russian Underclass had had enough and revolution was declared. General Brusilov, the Russian's Best Commander, who had doggedly held onto Kiev in the face of overwhelming Austro-Hungarian pressure sent a letter to the Tsar Threatening to Resign if the Tsar did not make peace with the Central Powers in order to deal with the rapidly spreading revolution. This letter was followed by similar letters from almost the Entire Russian General Staff. The Tsar was driven into a murderous rage and reportedly was only held back from killing the messenger and calmed down by Rasputin who urged the Tsar to Send Peace Feelers out. Ultimately Russia would lose much territory in the Treaty of Kiev, but now her forces could return home to fight in a civil war that would go on for years after the General war had wrapped up.
However the Central Powers success in the East was not mirrored in the West or the Mediterranean. Greece and Italy had joined the Entente and together were turning the Mediterranean into a nightmare for the Central Powers. Greece had taken much of the Ionian Coast from the Ottoman Empire via surprise invasion aided by the many Ionian Greeks in the occupied territories, this had cut off Constantinople from the Rest of the Empire by a thin strip of Occupied Territory. The Ottomans problems were further Compounded when a British Backed Arab Revolt led by the House of Al Rashid managed to Capture much territory in Ottoman Arabia and the Levant. Meanwhile Italy had managed to reverse the Initial Austro-Hungarian Gains at the Battle of the Adige River, pushing the Austro-Hungarians back to the Piave in successive battles at Verona and Venice. In the West, France, Bolstered by British and American Reinforcements managed to push the Germans back into Belgium and were currently Planning an Offensive to retake Antwerp.
While German and Austro-Hungarian Reinforcements from the East managed to halt the tide of the Entente at the German and Austrian Borders for much of 1917, ultimately it would be a Fresh wave of American Recruits that would see the war end in Victory for the Entente. At the peace conference, the Austro-Hungarian and German Empires were carved up, with new states in the East. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, and Ukraine were all created out of German and Austro-Hungarian Territory in the East. Hungary lost Transylvania to Romania and Bosnia, Herzgovina, and Slovenia to Serbia, Germany lost her Partition Borders to Poland, Czechoslovkia was severed from Austro-Hungary, Germany Lost Alsace Lorraine to France, and her Colonies to Britain. The Ottoman Empire lost Arabia, Palestine, and her Red Sea Coast to the New State of Rashidi Arabia, as well as Cyprus the Dodecanese, and the Ionian Islands to Greece. Italy Gained Trieste, Corfu, Trentino, and Dalmatia from Austria-Hungary.
For several years things were quiet, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary grew closer together and formed an alliance, a Little Entente as it was known at the time to prevent Russian and German Revanchism. Russia fought a civil war that culminated with the Capture of the Winter Palace and the Tsar by Revolutionary Forces, who then set about reorganizing Russia into a Socialist Nation based on Workers Soviets. In 1927 Pilsudski first borached the Topic of the Intermarium to his fellow little entente members. Poland was the unquestioned leader of the Little Entente at the time and so naturally assumed the others would follow her lead. This was not so and negotiations dragged on until late in 1928 when two things happened. One Pilsudski took over negotiations personally and proposed the federal structure and parliament, and two, the Soviet Union invaded Latvia and Estonia after "Spontanious" Demonstartions in Riga and Reval in favor of joining the soviet union broke out. These Invasions, coupled with the more reasonable offer, led to acceptance and the Intermarium Federation was born. It would be put to the test in late 1929, when the Soviets invaded both Belarus and Ukraine, both of whom immediately asked for Intermarium Assistance.
The Soviet-Intermarium War lasted from 1929 to 1931 when the Soviet Union was forced to seek terms after their poorly led and trained conscript armies were pushed back into Soviet Territory some 50 kilometers East of Smolensk. In the Treaty, Ukraine and Belarus were allowed to join the Intermarium Federation and the Soviets had to pay an indemnity in gold.
From 1931 to 1938 was a period of rapid industrial growth for the Intermarium as well as consolidation. However while things were looking up for the Intermarium, sinister goings on were happening in Germany. The Ultima Thule Occult Society was previously something that only the well to do in Germany were a part of, a social club dedicated to the occult. However the hard times Germany had fallen on after the Great War had transformed the relatively harmless social club into a powerful and sinister political movement. Ultima Thule preached that it was Germany's Destiny to retake those lands lost and to once again be a Great Power. It also preached that this destiny was handed down by the Mythical Ancestors of the German Race, the Golden Men of Ultima Thule who ruled much of the world in a time before pre-history. To anyone else this would sound like madness, but to the German People it was a spot of hope in a suicidally depressing period of history. Ultima Thule managed to win seats in the Reichstag in 1932 and their candidate won the Chancellory in 1934. Immediately Ultima Thule outlawed all other political parties now that they had a stranglehold on the government, and set about reorganizing the German Economy, first by deferring reparations payments and instead pumping that money into the economy, then by ceasing to pay reparations at all. Next Ultima Thule Abrogated the Arms Treaties and began to rearm. The Population slavishly followed Ultima Thule's Doctrines, as the German Situation Improved, and by 1936 the Germans had reoccupied the Rhineland, and by 1937 had a growing air force and armored corps. Germany even funded antarctic expeditions at this time to find the lost realm of Ultima Thule. This would have disastrous consequences later on. In 1938, Germany decided to test their might by invading Czechoslovakia and invoking the Ire of the Intermarium. The war would last until 1940 and see the terror that the Germans had found in the antarctic wastes unleashed, a giant bio-technological monstrosity that used human brains for processing power. This monstrosity was named the Golem of Ultima Thule, and later analysis of the Wreckage showed it to not be mystical, as thought by the Germans, but extraterrestrial having crashed long before human history. Regardless the monstrosity used the combined brains of the people of a small village near the Town of Teplice in German Occupied Czechoslovakia as processing power and was only destroyed through the combined efforts of the Entire Intermarium 5th Army. Eventually the Intermarium won the War, occupying East Prussia and Silesia and threatening to destroy berlin itself before the French and British got involved to negotiate a peace. Ultima Thule was removed from power in Germany, the Intermarium would keep Silesia and East Prussia, and the Government and Military of Germany would be subject to French, British, American, and Intermarium Oversight. The peace was signed in 1940. It has been ten years since then.
Tier C: Inter-war to mid cold war era earth, Generally dieselpunk, assorted famously strong fantasy factions
20 Rex Międzymorze-Class Land Battleships
100 Huszar-Class Heavy Battle Tanks
2,000 Szabla-Class Main Battle Tanks
20,000 Anders-Class Armored Fighting Vehicles
160,000 Super-Soldiers (Captain America Type)
400,000 Regular Infantry
0 Chaff Infantry (Traded for 150,000 Elite Infantry)
40 heroes (Doc Savage Type Pulp Heroes)
20 Ships of the Line (Grunwald-Class Battleships, Zielnice-Class Carriers, Wizna-Class Ballistic Missile Submarines)
100 Galleons (Split Between Battlecruisers, Light Cruisers, Attack Submarines, and Destroyers)
2000 galleys. (Split Between Frigates, Corvettes, Torpedo Boats, Mine Warfare Vessels, and Patrol Boats)
5 Warszawa Class Aerial Battleships (15 exchanged for 75 more Heavy Aircraft)
75 Perun Strategic Bombers (100 Exchanged for 20,000 Light Aircraft)
4000 Light Aircraft (Split Between Jasztrab II Supersonic Fighters, Sokol Supersonic Attack Aircraft, Orzel Attack Helicopters, and Sep Utility Helicopters)
You get 16,000,000 Civilians
Tunguskic Elements: The Synthisization of the Exotic Matter known as Tunguskic Elements allows for much of the hyper-advanced technology of the Intermarium to be possible. Tunguskite Armor Plating allows the war machines of the Intermarium to withstand attacks from Electro-Rays and Railguns, Nikolayevite based Fuels allow the Intermarium's Planes and ships to be capable of speeds unheard of with diesel or petrol, Processed Sobieskite allows the manipulation of electromagnetic forces that make things like Electro-Rays and Railguns possible, and Janekium Derived Chemicals allow for the creation of super-soldiers capable of reaching the heights of Human Physical Achievement and beyond.
Industrial Heartland: The Industrial Heartland of the Intermarium came along for the ride when the Federation Was Translocated. Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Silesia, and East Prussia all came along. This allows for greater production of materiel and goods to be manufactured relatively easily by the Intermarium.
Federation: The Intermarium is a federal entity made up of several former nations, though some of them remained behind in the Translocation. Each Nation State retains it's own local laws as well as federal laws and has representation in the Federal Parliament in Krakow. As Such, it is easier for the Intermarium to assimilate other nations than it would be for an Empire.
Magic Prejudice: During the Eastern War with the Ultima Thule led Germans, the citizens of the Intermarium Grew to have a deep-seated distrust of the Occult and those that practice it, being that the Occult was a tool of the Enemy. This distrust only grew when the news of the German Atrocity at Teplice reached the General Public. An Entire City had it's population sacrificed to power one of the German Wunderwaffen, the Golem of Thule, which was only destroyed at great cost by the Intermarium's 5th Army all focusing on it together. Accordingly the Intermarium has a hard time assimilating occult based groups into the federal structure, as prejudices run high. In addition the Intermarium Military shuns the use of the Occult as a result of their experiences in the war.
So, I'm trying to decide which of 4 factions I want to play. I could just reintroduce my Abyssal Dwarfs, or I could upgrade the Trollkin Kriel from Willyvereb's game. Alternatively, I was considering playing Yharnam/Cainhurst or the Thanagarians from DC.
So, I'm trying to decide which of 4 factions I want to play. I could just reintroduce my Abyssal Dwarfs, or I could upgrade the Trollkin Kriel from Willyvereb's game. Alternatively, I was considering playing Yharnam/Cainhurst or the Thanagarians from DC.
So, I'm trying to decide which of 4 factions I want to play. I could just reintroduce my Abyssal Dwarfs, or I could upgrade the Trollkin Kriel from Willyvereb's game. Alternatively, I was considering playing Yharnam/Cainhurst or the Thanagarians from DC.