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The Empire of the Hand - A Star Wars Legends Quest (DEAD)
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The galaxy crumbles with the death of Emperor Palpatine. With the rebellion victorious at Endor, warlords rise up as the return of the Republic is inevitable. And in the Unknown Regions, a Chiss by the name of Thrawn stands poised to take action. A suite of destinies await, which one will he fall into?
The Starting Pathway
GM Note: Yep, a second quest while the first one is still ongoing. But I had this idea some time back and it wouldn't leave me, so here we go.

The galaxy burns in the fires of war. Standing in an impeccably designed room, with reports all around you, only one other man stands within it. Voss, one of the few people you respect, stares at reports alongside you. The Emperor has died, one of the few possibilities you hadn't accounted for. He should have ordered you to join him alongside his forces at the Battle of Endor, while you may not have been able to prevent the truly miraculous victories achieved by the Rebellion, you're confident that you would have done far more damage to the ragtag rebel fleet.

But in the chaos, there is an opportunity that must be seized. Even if your own commitments mean such a possibility will be more difficult than you had hoped. The Ssi-Ruu invade the galaxy, while you must also deal with the former Grand Admiral Zaarin. The Empire itself continues to splinter as the deep rivalries between Moffs will soon transition to outright war.

The only groups that you truly believe have a chance of taking the galaxy can be counted on one hand. Admiral Zsinj, while he may lack the capability for more subtle action, is a formidable admiral. And not someone you would prefer to meet on the battlefield with the numbers you currently wield. The Pentastar Alignment under Ardus Kaine may be somewhat isolationist, but it is for good reason. Kaine is competent and patient, and he has developed a rather stable dictatorship in a mere few years.

Then there is the Rebellion, a force that may be ragtag and disparate, but displays deep unity along with an ideological cause. Zealots in essence. Their artwork is proud and crisp, contrasting colors mixing to form a definitive statement, they are here to stay. Even when the Empire was at its height, prior to Yavin, they were a thorn in your side. Now, with their victories and accomplishments, their morale and fervor will be unending. But they come with weaknesses as well. Their very goal hamstrings them for a simple reason.

You don't believe Democracy works. The Republic died thanks to it, and Democracies are slow and unwieldy, taking months to make a decision in a galaxy this large. No, to secure to the galaxy, a dictatorship is needed, and perhaps you can be that leader.

But even your own skills may not be enough for the task at hand. You hold a mere 30 thousand planets, a tiny fraction of the systems within the galaxy. And you have but a single world capable of producing frigates and cruisers. Star destroyers and above are beyond your reach for the immediate future.

The economy itself is in shambles as a galactic recession hits. Where once your income stream was stable, it has now cratered to unacceptable levels. Piracy looms as a threat for the future in these dire times, as your fleet of a mere 300 vessels, only 20 of which are Imperial Star Destroyers, will be overstretched. But there is one ship that you can rely on, a single Executor that you command. Now all that remains is to decide what must be done. And to see if the galaxy can handle the plans of Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Long Term Goals for Thrawn (Pick One)
[] The galaxy was stable under the Empire. But while the Emperor had some good ideas many of his actions were flawed. With you at the head, a new age of stability will be brought to the galaxy, and should he return, then you will be the power behind the throne, or perhaps the power alongside him. (Path of the Emperor) *This path involves creating a new Empire and when Palpatine returns, working alongside him.*
[] The galaxy is unstable, but you do not have the time to create the ideal government with you at the top. The galaxy needs forces capable of standing on their own against the threats to come, and you will make it so. Even if you are not one of them. (Path of the Bastion) *This path involves accepting that attempting to take control of the galaxy may not be possible, and so another power will need to become a superpower, or perhaps even multiple powers.*
[] The galaxy is unstable, and in that instability, none know what may happen. And so, your goals shall be flexible, based on circumstance and your own personal desires. (Path of the Reactionary) *This path means that Thrawn's future is uncertain and reactionary. While it cedes the initiative, it allows for a more flexible future to work towards.*
[] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[] Write-in

But even you can't do this alone. You are not so arrogant to assume that just your military skill will allow for your success. At your command, the call for the greatest military commanders, the best diplomats, the best economist, the best spymaster, and even the call for a Force user went out. If you wish to accomplish your goals, then you must work with the best the galaxy has to offer.

GM Note: The next post will be on advisor options as I have fluffed out quite a few.
Status of the Empire of the Hand
The Empire of the Hand

Planet Count: 31000
Keystone Shipyards: 0
Major Shipyards: 0
Minor Shipyards: 1

Empire GDP: 32,074 billion credits (per 4 months)
Treasury: -4525 billion credits (debt, 0.33% interest)
Revenue: 3749 billion credits (per 4 months)
Expenditures: 3029 billion credits (per 4 months)
Net Income: 2033 billion credits (per 4 months)

Military Upkeep: 1804 (800 for 24 turns due to reforms)
Social Programs: 667
Education: 333
Intelligence Services: 220
Other: 233
Debt: 15

Military Assets
Capital ShipsConstruction CostOfficersCrewAnnual Maintenance (Millions of Credits)NumberNet Maintenance (Millions)
Strike Class5130019720.517035.7
Carrack Class1015710070.130030
Golan Platform509200278500.5168

StarfighterCost (1000s)MaintenanceNumberNet Maintenance (Millions)
Tie Fighter600.650000003000
Tie Bomber1501.5600000900
Tie Avenger400400
Tie Defender300300
Tie Interceptor1201.2600000720
Tie Heavy900.91000000900
Tie Punisher2532.5350000126.5
Tie Reaper1501.55000075
Tie Phantom3653.6520007.3

320,000 Army Regiments (3500 men each)
20,000 Stormtrooper Regiments (3500 men each)

Assets of Note

Major Governmental Reform
Military Reforms in Progress (-44% strength)
Standardized Logistics Chain
High-Level Lobbying in Other Empires
Chiss Refugees
Reformed Financial Sector and Banking Guild Connections
Restructured Intelligence Agency
Anti-Corruption Agency
Private Research Grants
Hardened Palace
Pinnacle of Intelligence Agencies with T4 Spy Networks in Major Powers
Force Museum
Force Order Fortress
Thrawn - Pinnacle of military skill
Pellaeon - A skilled admiral
Voss - An experienced and loyal admiral
Philip - Intelligence agent
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Character Sheets

Thrawn's self-portrait, hung in the foyer of the palace.

Position: Emperor

Pinnacle of Military Command - Multiply combat values by 10
Genius Incarnate - Assumed to always gain as much information as they can from the situation at hand. Can create setups for battles far beyond what is normal.
The Artist - Increase command multiplier by 5 against the Empire, 2 against factions derived from it. Increase multiplier by 10 against the Chiss Ascendency (additive). Divide bonus for enemy force users by a factor of 2.

Admiral Baidan, posing for an image that was published by several news agencies.

Position: Grand Admiral

The Ambitious Innovator - Actions she influences have higher rewards but take longer to have an effect.
Skilled Commander - Multiple combat values by 2.
Entirely Unorthodox - For the first time she's in command against a foe that doesn't know about her, multiple combat value by 10. Reduces by 3 per encounter for that admiral.

An image of Athaen during a discussion with Rebel Alliance representatives.

Position: Head diplomat

Politically Inclined - Increase effectiveness of actions taken that involve high-level politics
Seemingly Impartial - Increase effectiveness when trying to avoid taking sides during debates between parties
Patient - Increased effectiveness of actions taken that are useful in the long term

An image of Oldolor, taken during one of his breaks.

Position: Head of the Treasury

Experienced Banker - Reduces interest rates of loans and bonds. Increases effectiveness of banking systems.
Money Above All - Increased effectiveness for actions that increase empire wealth. Decreased effectiveness for those that don't.
Used to Wealth - Increased effectiveness of actions on developed worlds. Decreased effectiveness for poorly developed worlds.

An image of Cen Kam taking during her bounty hunting days. And one of the last available today.

Position: Spymaster

Impeccably Meticulous - Massively increased espionage and counterespionage bonuses. Has many, many layers of security and redundancy.
Experienced Field Operative - Increased personal combat to ???. Far harder to assassinate.
A Crippled Master of Disguise - Nearly impossible to cold-read her. Can disguise herself as anything. Activates metal detectors.

An image of Yewe taken during a ceremony as part of a photoshoot.

Position: Head Researcher

Utterly Consistent - Treats rolls below a 25 as 25. Treat rolls above 90 as 90.
Wide Range of Standardized Knowledge - Increased results for nonexotic research. Decreased results for exotic research.
Genius - Increased results for actions she affects

A long-distance image of Kanuas, one of the few ever taken due to his infamous dislike of recording equipment.

Position: Head of a Force Order

Impossibly Broad Knowledge of the Force - ???

An image of Eshu during one of her contracts

Position: Head bodyguard

Masterful Assassin - Increased chance to assassinate targets. Increased bonus for defending against assassins.
Honorable - Will never break deals and promises made. Will not backstab those she's in charge of protecting.
Ties to the Shadows - Understands assassins and bounty hunters well. Reduced cost to hire.

An image of Admiral Voss taken while on duty.

Position: Admiral

Experienced Admiral - Multiple combat values by 3
Friend to Brilliance - Ensures loyalty of military subordinates to Thrawn
Steeped in the Empire - When facing those with Empire backgrounds, increase combat multiplier by two (additive).

Image of Admiral Pellaeon taken while on duty.

Position: Admiral

Masterful Commander - Multiple combat values by 7
Steeped in the Empire - When facing those with Empire backgrounds, increase combat multiplier by two (additive).
Brilliant - Increase effectiveness of offenses he is involved in

An image of Agent Sole taken during a mission gone wrong.

Position: Agent

Young, but Bold - Reduced chance of success on everything. Increased understanding of unorthodox methods and ideas.
K.I.S.S. - Increase success chance of missions. Treat rolls above 80 as 80.
Loyalty Above All - Will not betray his superiors unless they act against the Empire of the Hand
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Combat System
For combat, each ship or unit has three particular combat ratings. Their capital combat, starfighter combat, and skirmishing combat. Their capital combat covers when fleets are engaged directly in combat and also represents the health of various combatants. Starfighter combat represents starfighters as you can probably tell, and one very important thing to note is that non-starfighters when engaged in this apply a bonus as well representing point defense weapons. However, if one side loses their starfighters, or has a massive deficit of them, then their starfighter combat gets divided by 5. The last is skirmishing and represents long distance combat along with hit and runs, the Rebels made great use of it, and the Imperial Fleet is weak to it overall.

ShipCapitol CombatStarfighter CombatSkirmishing
Strike Class152025
Carrack Class41530
Golan Platform60300
Tie Bomber01.00
Tie Fighter0.1 (health only)0.20.2
Tie Avenger0.30.50.5

As you can see, your fleet is very focused on capitol ship combat, and struggles with starfighter combat and skirmishing. With the Tie Fighter in particular being insanely fragile.

Now, how do you know which ships will be lost in a battle and by how much? Well, for that you have no idea, you can shift the casualties somewhat, but by and large it's a decision made by the enemy commander. For the mechanism to determine the losses, I roll a d100, and based on dividing one side's combat score by the others, I get a multiplier to use for losses.

There are situational modifiers, the most prominent of which is the commander. Pellaeon multiplies all combat scores by 7, and Thrawn vs the Empire multiplies it by 20. Other examples are gambits by different groups, like using asteroids for shields and other things. Also included are informants, battle plan knowledge, surprise, flanking, etc.

The actual type of combat that's being engaged in varies considerably, but typically transitions occur with both sides getting a say. Generally this means the better commander gets to decide, but that is not always the case. It's a rather soft system for this though, so don't read to much into it. Think of it like attempting gambits so to speak.

Now for an example:

So Thrawn and Pellaeon are playing a wargame against each other, Thrawn has 5 IS2s and nothing else. Pellaeon has 5 IS2s and 2000 Tie Fighters.

Thrawn's Combat: 300*20/7 = 847 Capitol, 150*20/7 = 429 (/5 no starfighters) = 214 Starfighter, 50*20/7 = 143 Skirmish
Pellaeon's Combat: 320 Capitol, 550 Starfighter, 450 Skirmish

Now Thrawn has a major disadvantage due to lacking any starfighters, so he'll be jumping directly into Pellaeon's formation which he expects, this leads to a capitol combat stage:

Roll: 50 (79 damage to Pellaeon, 4 to Thrawn)

This results in Pellaeon losing 1 IS2, and another being at a 2/3s of its health. While Thrawn just takes minor damage to one. For the next round, Pellaeon is going to try and pull back and try to harass Thrawn's forces with his Ties.

Roll: 76 (140 damage to Pellaeon, 1 to Thrawn)

And Pellaeon loses 2 more IS2s along with his last two being at around 2/3s of their health each. However, Thrawn is forced to deal with Pellaeon's Tie swarm now out of necessity as he doesn't have a way to deal with them:

Roll: 14 (1 damage to Pellaeon, 55 to Thrawn)

And Thrawn loses one of his IS2s, while Pellaeon loses 10 Tie fighters in exchange. But now Thrawn is still able to hit the IS2s of Pellaeon, due to the modifiers, realistically Pellaeon would surrender now.
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[X] The galaxy is unstable, and in that instability, none know what may happen. And so, your goals shall be flexible, based on circumstance and your own personal desires. (Path of the Reactionary) *This path means that Thrawn's future is uncertain and reactionary. While it cedes the initiative, it allows for a more flexible future to work towards.*

A bit vague, but it sounds like a possibility to ally with the NR.
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*

Let's us build something new upon the Empire's foundations while still having the option to change.
[X] The galaxy is unstable, but you do not have the time to create the ideal government with you at the top. The galaxy needs forces capable of standing on their own against the threats to come, and you will make it so. Even if you are not one of them. (Path of the Bastion) *This path involves accepting that attempting to take control of the galaxy may not be possible, and so another power will need to become a superpower, or perhaps even multiple powers.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*

I'm fine with either of these two.
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[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The galaxy is unstable, but you do not have the time to create the ideal government with you at the top. The galaxy needs forces capable of standing on their own against the threats to come, and you will make it so. Even if you are not one of them. (Path of the Bastion) *This path involves accepting that attempting to take control of the galaxy may not be possible, and so another power will need to become a superpower, or perhaps even multiple powers.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*

The whole galaxy shall know of our peaceful ways. By force.
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[X] The galaxy is unstable, and in that instability, none know what may happen. And so, your goals shall be flexible, based on circumstance and your own personal desires. (Path of the Reactionary) *This path means that Thrawn's future is uncertain and reactionary. While it cedes the initiative, it allows for a more flexible future to work towards.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*

[X] The galaxy is unstable, but you do not have the time to create the ideal government with you at the top. The galaxy needs forces capable of standing on their own against the threats to come, and you will make it so. Even if you are not one of them. (Path of the Bastion) *This path involves accepting that attempting to take control of the galaxy may not be possible, and so another power will need to become a superpower, or perhaps even multiple power
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*

[X] The galaxy is unstable, but you do not have the time to create the ideal government with you at the top. The galaxy needs forces capable of standing on their own against the threats to come, and you will make it so. Even if you are not one of them. (Path of the Bastion) *This path involves accepting that attempting to take control of the galaxy may not be possible, and so another power will need to become a superpower, or perhaps even multiple powers.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[x] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The galaxy is unstable, but you do not have the time to create the ideal government with you at the top. The galaxy needs forces capable of standing on their own against the threats to come, and you will make it so. Even if you are not one of them. (Path of the Bastion) *This path involves accepting that attempting to take control of the galaxy may not be possible, and so another power will need to become a superpower, or perhaps even multiple powers.*
[x] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*
[X] The Empire has failed, and in this new galaxy, a new power must rise. The mistakes of the old Empire must be learned from, but so should its successes. The Emperor was its failure, and you will ensure that what succeeds it will be seen different from its founding. A benevolent dictatorship, the ideal form of government. And should the Emperor return, he will find a galaxy that does not want him. (Path of the Dictator) *This path involves creating a new empire, but unlike the Path of the Empire, it explicitly rejects Palpatine and the Tarkin Doctrine.*

I remember reading a fic years and years ago where Thrawn finds out that Luke was Vaders son, so he made him become a 'benevolent Emperor' for legitimacy's sake while he ruled from the shadows. This option kinda-sorta reminds me of that.
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