The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

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Federation of Bladus: Power Armor Technical Details
Federation of Bladus: Power Armor Technical Details

Powered armor is regular equipment among all branches of the Federation's armed forces. While a handful of different patterns are utilized, all inheriting to varying degrees from old Confederation templates, all nevertheless make use of a number of basic systems. First among those if the armors control software. A far cry from the AI systems used before the fall of the Confederation, the ACS is still an advanced piece of adaptive software assisting the wearer in utilizing the armor by regulating cooling and power distribution and assisting in targeting, sensor interpretation and coordinating movement between the armor and the weapon by interpolating the readouts coming in via the cybernetic-neural-interface. A two part system, the interface employed by the Federation utilizes a tradeoff between invasiveness and responsiveness. The wearer requires a relatively simple operation, during which a neural microchip is implanted into the C2 vertebrae just under the back of the head. The chip reads the nerve impulses sent through the spinal cord, the ACS interprets it allowing the armor and wearer to move with great synchronicity. In case the chip is disrupted however, the armor can still be manually controlled via detecting negative resistance, allowing the wearer to continue to operate even with reduced speed and coordination. In all patterns, locomotion is provided by artificial muscle fibers in combination with servo-motors.

In terms of secondary features, all patterns are equipped with internal life support allowing for limited duration operations in highly toxic or void environments, helmet integrated auto-senses for improved friend-foe recognition, a sensor suite, photolenses, allowing vision in low light or dark conditions, and vox-bead and -receiver. Information is provided to the wearer via a comprehensive heads-up-display integrated into the visor and a wrist mounted control display. The ACS controlled life sign monitor also includes a basic medical system allowing for remote or automatic injection of stimulants, anesthetics, blood coagulants or other life-saving medicine and a filtering system allowing for extended operations in less contaminated environments.

The Kirin is the most widely deployed pattern of Power Armor in the Federal Armed Forces, its form characteristic because of the external back-mounted power pack containing the double microfusion reactor array and temperature regulation vents. Kirin is light enough to provide its wearer with significant strength enhancing qualities. Single layer ceramite composite armor provides a significant and, for most situations, sufficient levels of protection, but it is still bulky enough to limit the wearer's range of motion somewhat. Infantry units in the Navy and Army meant for front-line combat roles are equipped with Kirin armor and an assortment of weapons, including the federations service arm, the Crosshot-pattern lasgun rifle, and an arsenal of auxiliary-, flamethrowers, mela-guns, plasma-rifles and heavy-weapons, las- and plasma-cannons, missile launchers, graviton-cannons and assault lasers. The Crossshot pattern is specifically adapted to be used by power armored infantry, allowing for a number of features such as sharing targeting and system data with the ACS via gauntlet data-surfaces and being able to feed the lasguns las-chamber directly via the armors power pack. Doing so allows for a fourth, slow-firing firing mode with greater penetrative and destructive power that would short out the lasguns normal power pack.

Kirin-S or Kirin-Stealth is a subpattern for more covert operations. The outer frame of the armor is redesigned to reduce the bulk, weight and sound-profile while moving. The lighter armor frame coated with chameleonic materials, blending the armor's visual profile with its surroundings, and the reduced power and cooling profile decrease the Kirin-S's sensor profile. The S-subpattern is worn by Scouts and other types of units serving a reconnaissance or light infantry role where low profiles are preferred to the raw offensive- and defensive-power offered by the parent-pattern.

Kirin-Light is a lighter subpattern meant for roles where the full power and equipment suite of a military grade power armor is not required or even unwanted. The lighter subpattern trades defensive power for reduced weight, bulk, cost and maintenance requirements. A lighter armor frame and plasteel plating instead of ceramite composites save enough weight to only require a single microfusion reactor instead of two. Because of those factors it is favored by policing and security forces in the Federation Police and Armed Forces, offering the capacity to wield power-armor rated weapons at a reduced requirement profile while still being able to protect its wearer from most types of weaponry.

The Bulwark is a heavy, hydraulic assisted piece of powered armor closer to a small, heavily armored battlewalker than the other patterns used by the Federal Armed Forces. Thick plates of ablative ceramite composites enable the Bulwark to shrug off hits by all but the most powerful of weaponry, while its greatly enhanced strength and reactor systems allow it to field and power heavy weapons with ease. Each of its arms has a mounting point for a single assault laser, plasma-, grav- or las-cannon and its chest sports a missile-pod. Heavily armed and armored as it is, the Bulwark is a slow, long-range support firing platform, designed and built to pour large amounts of heavy weapons fire at the enemy.

The Aegis is the most recent addition to the Federation Arsenal. Based on extreme environment hazard suits of Confederation design, the Aegis is meant to bridge the gap between the Kirin and the Bulwark patterns, the protection offered by it leaning more towards the Bulwark, while being sized more towards the former. The bulky exoskeleton frame, protected by thick layers of ceramite plates, give the armor a hunched over appearance, but provide increased strength allowing easier handling of heavy weaponry and unparalleled protection for its size, while the hunchback itself serves as a mounting point for a missile pod. All combined, the Aegis serves to provide frontline formations with faster, more mobile, infantry based shock-assault capacity that can also be deployed inside the tight corridors of starships and structures.

Omake I cooperated on with our great QM. If someone spots a grammar error or type, please point it out. Thanks :)
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Boarding Action
Boarding Action

The situation around them felt tense, the air charged with static energy and building tension. It might have been the teleportarium capacitors building up charge, might have been the fact they were minutes away from engaging in combat within the narrow halls and corridors of an enemy space vessel. Resistance would be hard and bloody. Weapons and armor were checked a last time, while Lynn was kneeling at the center of the massive space filled with arcana machinery, her eyes glowing and static energy arcing off her in concentration. Wedge chuckled into the squad vox channel, saying something about what the chances were wonder girl would teleport them right into the middle of space, to which Lead could only roll her eyes and tell him to shut up. Zip was checking the ignition flame of her heavy flamer for what felt like the hundredth time, her manic excitement being visible even while clad in the heavy Aegis armor. Cloud was pacing from one leg onto the other, every movement sparking a low rattle as her armorpanels moved against each other. Wrench was the only one who appeared calm, but you couldn't really tell under the Aegis. The other squads showed similarly diverse reactions, it was madness, on some level, but also an incredibly ballsy move if Lynn could pull it off.

It was just then, that the arcing stopped and everyone suddenly felt the stench of ozone in their nose, even inside the environmentally sealed power armor.

"I got it." Jen Lynn declared, looking up at the Federal Marines standing around her. "Get ready."

Officers shouted orders into their channels and Lead did his part, shouting "Form up and prepare for teleport." to his squad as the Marines established a perimeter around the psyker in their midst. Aegis moved and rattled, Zip giggling as they moved into position. Cloud asked her if she could please shut up. Weapons were directed outside the circle, assault laser capacitors charging up with barely audible whines as they prepared for teleport.

Lead closed his eyes.

There was a sudden loss of orientation, of up and down, of left and right as the teleportarium activated, throwing them through the Warp on a long range, psyker-assisted jump onto the enemy battleship. A mad suggestion by a mad psyker, but chances were they would die either way in this battle. Might as well risk it all if it could get them an advantage.Reality refocused and the five quickly tried to gain their bearings, confused for a moment, because it appeared they had not moved.

Then they spotted the Dominion uniformed armsmen staring them down. For a split second both sides were silent, staring down each other in surprise, the Marines because the plan had worked, the armsmen because a few dozen Federal Marines had appeared in the middle of their ship, way outside of normal teleportarium range, in their teleportarium.

Fate could be funny sometimes.

Cloud was the first to break her spell. The armsmen just about having time to grab her weapons before her assault laser whined louder and began to spew red beams of destructive energy everywhere, cutting apart lightly armored armsmen and mechanics with every shot, separating limbs from bodies, bursting open heads and torsos as flesh and flak armor got vaporized.

The moment over, both sides engaged in the horrible, close range bloodbath. The Dominion marines began to organize and catch their bearings, someone sounded an alarm, and soon reinforcements streamed into the room from everywhere, bathing the Federal marines in a shower of las- and autogunfire.

"Wrench." Lead cursed, as he turned his armored side towards the tech specialist. "Disable the teleportarium."

"I will need a minute." He answered, firing his plasmacannon towards one of the entrances on their side, vaporizing a whole squad had just entered through it, scorching the walls in gaseous human remains.

"I don't know if we will have a minute." Lead responded dryly, but turned towards the enemy again. "Wedge, Cloud, cover him. Zip, suppress the starboard entrance. Move!"

"Yes, Sir." His squad responded and moved their heavy suits into position, their steps clanging terribly loud on the metal floor as Wrench searched for an open power relay or something he could use to disable it, his two squadmates covering him from the worst of the enemy fire spewing forth their way.

Zip ran as much as someone in an Aegis could run towards the Starboard door, firing her flamer all the way until the metal of the door frame was red hot and bent under the immense heat of promethium fires. Wrench turned portside, observing with growing unease how the sheer mass of Dominion marines and their weapons fire had forced the Federal Marine attachment apart, even with the Psyker in their midst. They were performing a fighting retreat up the portside teleportarium entrance.

"Don't worry about us, Colonel." He voxxed his commanding officer. "We are going to make sure nothing makes it off this thing that soon."

"Wondergirl tries to get to the bridge." He answered, the sound of an nearby explosion rattling the deck and Lead's ears. "Try to move up with us."

"Guys, its getting quite hot in here." Wedge alerted them, marking the bow entrance on his hud where carapaced armored Dominion marines were spilling into the Teleportarium, their attention still divided between the two groups.

"Shit, shit, shit." Cloud cursed, moving to return the fire from the new arrivals with her assault laser, forcing them to take cover.

"Wrench, disable it now."

"Fuck it." The techie groaned frustratedly, charging up his plasma gun before aiming up at the capacitor arrays. "But we have to move quickly."

Lead nodded. "Everyone, move Starboard. Zip, make sure noone is preparing a surprise on the other side of that door."

"Glady, Lead." She responded, charging forwards from her position through the still burning and red hot glowing door frame, flamer still firing, the screams of burning, unarmored Dominion marines following in her wake. With trained coordination, the rest of them retreated towards the door as more and more of the enemy weapons were targeting them. They stood their ground, pouring assault las fire into the enemy ranks, but at this range their effectiveness was limited. Finally, Wrench let loose a blue ball of destructive plasma that detonated with a small, white-blue explosion. Followup detonations cascaded through the teleportarium, as they hurried as fast as their heavy armor allowed out of the space away from death, uncaring if they had managed to knock it out fully or not. Zip was already far down the hallway, her Aegis scorched and blacked from her own fire and the countless impacts of las bolts, autogun rounds and other weapons.

"I could use some help here." Came from her. The Dominion marines had found out the maximum range of her main weapon and were moving backwards as fast as she could move forwards, always keeping out of range.

"Move aside, press yourself against the wall." Cloud told her, hurrying down the narrow corridor with greater speed towards her ally, assault laser ready.

"Not easy", Zip grunted and she tried to do so without exposing one of the Aegis weak points. "In these things."

The Assault laser finally convinced the Dominion marines up the corridor to retreat, while behind them they moved up again. Wedge put herself in the middle of the corridor, keeping the more lightly armored marine infantry at bay. They were stuck again. Wedge was working on an access console, the bulky armor making insertion of his datatool difficult. "There is a ehhh…" He paused, trying to figure out the readouts. "There is a freight elevator access point two decks down and 500 meters to port."

"You know how the Dominion builds its stairs, we cant get two decks down without throwing ourselves down the staircase. Get a different route." Lead ordered, shuffling next to Wedge as well as the limited space allowed. In that moment, several grandes rolled down the corridor, releasing smoke, blocking view up and down the assault vector, before plasma rounds whizzed through the smoke. Wedge cursed and staggered, her firing ceasing. Lead was quick to step in, pushing his weapon and powerpack to the limit as he tried to suppress the enemy as best as his auto senses allowed through the dense smoke.

"It's got the pauldron Wedge, you're okay." Cloud tried to calm her teammate, to no avail.

"I can't raise my arm fully." She complained. "How am I supposed to give high fives like this."

"They got me too", Zip growled. "ACS is telling me they strafed the fuel line."

"Only short bursts for you Zip. I don't want you turning into fireworks again."

"Yes Boss."

"Where is my route Wrench?"

"I got it, but you won't like it." He stood back from the access terminal. "200 meters down, then right, through two walls. There is a maintenance shaft barely large enough to get us through."

"Get moving, the smoke gives us cover."

"They have cameras." Wedge pointed out as they hurried down the corridor, gunfire following them, pinging off their armor.

"That does not help them aim. Open up the wall."

"On it." Cloud responded, unsheathing her power sword and carefully cutting a hole into the wall to their right.

"Can't that go faster?"

"It cannot." Wedge defended her. "Switch to thermal. See those hotpots. Those are plasma lines. If we hit them we have a incapacitated marine at worst and a broken powersword at best."

"You are leading us through a corridor full of plasma lines?" Zip asks, tilting her head.

"It was that or the stairs."

"Less talking, more moving. Cloud, You're the least likely to blow us into the Warp, take the lead." Lead ordered before the stepped trough the wall and into the maintenance shaft, Lead taking the rear.

"The elevator shaft is behind this wall." Wrench stated after minutes of tense walking upwards, a tiring exercise even in power armor.

"And are we supposed to jump down to our deaths to find an elevator?"

"Cloud, its a zero G shaft and the damn elevators don't move fast enough to kill us in these." He tapped against rhe Aegis demonstratively. "We can use the magboots to walk down until we find one and commandeer it from its inhabitants. Sounds good?"

Lead grunted, thus showing the team the plan was accepted. After Cloud had made another careful holly they stepped one after the other onto the wall of the shaft. The sudden switch to zero G pulled at their stomachs, but they were trained for this. Not one of them vomited inside their armor as they made their way down, finally not under fire for once. Wrench was walking next to Wedge, trying to figure out if there was anything that could be done without the arm. But before the final decision on that could be made, they saw a freight elevator approaching.

"Everyone brace." The warning did not make it better as they collided with the elevator's roof, leading his nose break as he smashed against the front of his helmet. He felt a sting in his thigh as the ACS injected him with coagulant and a sedative. Having a nosebleed fill ones helmet with blood was an unpleasant experience. Wrench and Zip were already up, cutting open the roof with their powerswords. The rectangular piece of metal clashed to the ground, revealing to them several Federal Marines Aegis armors in different stages of damage looking up at them.

"You going to the bridge too?" Wedge joked, as they carefully hopped down, one after the other.
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The Blood of Drake
I finally finished an Omake that I have wanted to write since about October. The discussion about the Vatborn in this part inspired me.

I hope you people like it.

The Blood of Drake

Maximilian Oda sat in the small changing room before the maintenance airlock on the prime deck of the Tiamat-class destroyer Hydra. He could feel his heart race in his chest and the tension grow. In the small room, another vatborn was already waiting. The vatborn was Miles Sisko, the oldest vatborn on the Hydra. He had been part of the first batch that had joined the navy; even if his rank was below Maximillian's, he was a parental figure for most of the vatborn. A man you went to when you require advice or help with something that the military protocol can't take care of.

Or when someone faced a dilemma. Such as the one Maximilian encountered when he read the book Miles had given him when he was off-duty. The book was The Blood Manifesto, a work that was part philosophical, part religious. Written by vatborn for vatborn. There was only one way to truly get it, from a vatborn who was part of the Bloodsworn – those who had accepted the truth as laid out in the book. Maximilian had been given his book by Miles. At first, most of it had made sense, but the more he read, the more his questions became. Finally, they had reached a point where he couldn't continue. He needed help to solve the dilemma he had found himself facing.

"You have questions, brother?" Miles Sisko's voice sounded rough, thanks to the loh-sticks he liked to smoke whenever he had the chance. His face showed a significant burn scar, a memory of the time the Hydra had faced orks and barely made it out.

"Yes." Maximilian hesitated for a moment as he tried to find the right words. "It's about the book you gave me. I've read it thoroughly. But certain parts have left me with an uneasy feeling. I understand what is written, but it doesn't fit what I've experienced."

"Ah, I understand. You aren't the first young one who has felt like this. Questioning the manifesto is good, Maximilian. If you stop questioning its teachings, it will fail at its true purpose: to explain our place in the universe. This place will change over time; that is the fate of all things. Nothing stays the same forever. Change is the way of the universe; only if we question it can we hope to gain enlightenment. And yet we have to embrace what we have, see the decay that comes before the change and embrace it. Don't worry; ask your questions, and I will do my best to answer them."

"Right, in the manifesto, several parts stated directly or indirectly that vatborn are better than novats. That weˋre above them. Yet I've worked and fought next to novats. As far as I could tell, there aren't any differences between other military personnel and us. We share the same gene enhancements and perform at the same level. How can we be better than them?"

As Maximilian spoke, he could see Miles nod along with a slight smile on his lips, giving him the impression that the older vatborn had heard this many times before. And yet he didn't interrupt him once, simply let him continue with an air of passion around him.

"And you feel rightfully concerned about it. Do you know what I mean? All you said is true, yet you seem to overlook the obvious difference between ourselves and the novats. What separates us from them?"

For a moment, Maximilian was hesitant. "We're made for war, and they aren't?"

"Almost right," Miles said with a new smile blooming on his face. The smile turned his face into a grotesque mask thanks to the burn scar. "But not completely right. The difference between them and us is that they choose this life. We don't. When we leave the training, we know that our purpose in life is war; in theory, we could leave the military, but only if the Federation allows it. And that would require that the threats we face grow fewer in number and wouldnˋt immediately increase at a concerning frequency. Most of us will die before we have a chance for another life. Where novats might break over this knowledge; for us, it gives us resolve. They have families and a life outside the military. We've got the military, our duty to the Federation that gave us life. Our priorities are sitting opposite from each other. This gives us a strength they will never know."

"You mean because only a few of us have founded our own families?"

"Partly, yes. But mostly because we know that our lives are owned by the Federation and will be spent in its defense. That isnˋt something bad, the Federation gives us a good life, but they hate that they are forced to do it. Yet they don't understand that we give our lives gladly to protect them. This is our purpose in life. What better way to die than to fulfill your purpose simultaneously? Their inherent weakness is one of our strengths."

"But in the manifesto, it is also written that we carry a drop of perfection that novats miss. Isn't that hinting at an underlying feeling of superiority over the novats? After all, the same passage mentions that they lack it."

"What is the drop of perfection, Maximilian?"

"Well, to put it simply, it is the description Chief Genesmith Carlson gave in an interview regarding Admiral Drake's genetic makeup."

"Then you have the answer already. We carry the same hint of perfection that Father Drake has in his own genes. He has been gifted to our world by the currents of the Warp, from a faraway place with even better gene-forging knowledge than we have. We were created using knowledge the Federation gained by studying the genes of Father Drake. That means that we're created with this hint of perfection in mind. Novats indeed receive the same modifications as we have. The difference, young Maximilian, is that our bodies have been created to work better with them. There is a reason why they more often receive medical checkups than we do. Our bodies are better for them, even if we all received the same modifications."

"Is that why the manifesto names him as our spiritual father? I thought it was mostly because he used his influence to ensure the vatborn were created."

"It is one of the reasons, yes. But he also set the example all vatborn should try to follow. His loyalty and dedication to the ideals the Federation had been founded on are commendable. It is something all vatborn should try to do, just like Father Drake does daily. I would say that this is our greatest duty – to follow his example." Miles stopped for a moment. Out of his uniform, he took a worn and old-looking copy of the manifesto. Holding it up, he continued: "Indeed, that is the intention of the manifesto. Some information is lacking, and contradictions have been made intentionally. They are there to be questioned and challenged, just as Father Drake has challenged and changed, more than once, what it means to be an exemplary officer of the Federation Navy."

For a moment, silence fell over both vatborn. Maximilian tried to process what he had been told, and Miles simply waited for the other man to continue the exchange. Finally, the younger one sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not sure I can get a boyfriend with so much psychic potential as Father Drake's wife."

The older vatborn chuckled. "Yes, a challenge we all face. But not one that you should worry too much about. We don't have to follow Father Drake's example in every aspect."
Federation of Bladius Xenos Races:
Federation of Bladius Xenos Races:


Physical Attributes: They resemble bipedal pangolins, Average height is 4 '6 " with no member of the species growing taller than 5' 3" without augmentations. Covered head to toe in thick armored plates that can deter most small non military grade bladed weapons. Has highly abnormal strength for their size with most Panoplians being able to easily lift over 8000 pounds of weight one handed with little strain or difficulty. They produce psykers at about the same rate as humans.

Psychological Attributes: Panoplians exhibit an inescapable desire to travel and will get irritable if they have to stay in one place for longer than 3 to 4 months.

Planet of Origin: 4.9 earth masses, arid and mountainous with substantial tectonic activity. Has a moderate to small hydrosphere with 48% of the planet covered in water, high gravity, and possesses two moons.

Technology: Panoplian civilization was at a very early stage of space development with only a few satellites in orbit by the time they were discovered by the federation. Thus their technology was quite primitive by Bladus standards

First Contact: Their planet was initially discovered by a bladus exploration vessel, the Panoplians were in the midst of a planet wide famine and out of simultaneous desperation and intrigue they used what little primitive technology they possessed to try and get in contact with the exploration vessel. After some minor debate their home system was inducted into the federation and aid was sent to help their starving citizens.

Status Within The Federation: Panoplians are easily the most widespread xenos species within the federation with their famous traveling communities having at least some presence on every habitable planet within Bladius's territory.

Keteroi also known as keteroi worms or keteroi parasites:

Physical attributes: Due to the unfathomable amount of physical mutations the process of keteroi parasitism causes in addition to their natural ability to wildly shapeshift, every single keteroi synthesis is unique in appearance.

In their larval state Keterois resemble centipede like creatures, once they find a host they burrow into their spine or directly into the host's skull and begin a process of metamorphosis that allows the host greater ability to survive and interact with the world around them, through the process of bonding keteroi are capable of conferring sapience to the host (regardless of the previous level of intellectual capability the host possessed) as well as themselves with both minds inhabiting the same body.

Once the parasite has fully integrated itself into a host it's impossible to remove without killing both the host and the parasite.

Keterois are biologically immortal and share this with their hosts, their cells do not have a hayflick limit and are capable of dividing infinitely.

Regular Keteroi display psyker abilities far more frequently than humans and are more stable but their psychic potency almost never exceeds that of theta level.

Keterois have displayed the ability to bond with humans.

-Keteroi leviathans are a unique subspecies of keteroi that grow to tremendous sizes with the largest being over 19 feet in height and a staggering 1500 to 1800 feet long, All leviathans are potent psykers typically of beta to alpha level and beyond in ability. They have a strange spatial compression and pocket dimension ability that allows them to fit and bond themselves with hosts far smaller than them.

Psychological attributes: Keteroi form deep highly possessive relationships with their hosts, sometimes familial in nature, sometimes passionate or lascivious. They can read each other's surface level thoughts and feel each other's emotions. Keterois have a psychic link with other keteroi birthed from their spawning pods, they will seek out the same creatures to parasitize and tend to form lifelong friendships with each other.

Culturally keteroi are more desensitized to gruesome and bloody acts, this is due in part to the often physically violent and disturbing nature of their shapeshifting abilities in addition to their natural resilience, what could be a horrifically disfiguring or fatal wound to an ordinary human such as dismemberment or disemboweling would be the equivalent of a broken nose at worst to a keteroi. Additionally cannibalism is not as taboo within keteroi society as it is in the federation, while murder in any form or going out of your way to eat someone is a serious criminal act (a caveat to this is that during times of war it's not uncommon for soldiers to eat the bodies of enemy combatants, however killing and eating civilians usually results in the offender being executed), eating the corpses of recently deceased family members or close friends is a surprisingly common practise.

Planet of origin: 1.3 earth masses, planet is tidally locked with the systems star, substantial hydrosphere within the habitable zone but most of it contained in massive underground seas, reservoirs, cenotes, and aquifers. Planet has no natural satellites.

Technology: By the time they were discovered by the federation Keteroi civilization had moderately colonized 4 other nearby systems, one of which contained a human colony that was isolated from the rest of the galaxy during the dark age of technology, the humans on said colony have been living and bonding with keterois for over 400 years before the federation made contact with them. While their technology in most fields is inferior to that of the federation, keteroi biotech, organic weaponry, and medicine is roughly par with what the federation commonly fields

First Contact: Keteroi were first made known to the federation when a drukari slave ship transporting several of them was captured in one of Bladius's systems, with the freed slaves assisting exploration vessels the Keteroi home systems were eventually discovered, after a series of back and forth negotiations the keterois would become a client of the federation.

Status Within The Federation: On average the keteroi are a rare sight outside of their home systems with a few odd caveats in the form of the planets Florentas, Rafflesic, Protens, and Nymphac having unusually high Keteroi populations. While nominally accepted by the rest of the federation many citizens view keterois with a degree of suspicion and horror due to their shapeshifting abilities and their lackadaisical attitude towards gory acts respectively.


Physical attributes: Salamander-like in appearance, they have two sets of legs, have six eyes, vibrant colorful frills along their cheeks, head, and back. Average height is 4'2", physically frail compared to a human, all the bodily secretions of a Shakukan (sweat,spit,blood etc.) are naturally acidic and require a containment suit/mech to interact with other races outside of their native planet. Shakukan are short lived with most not living past the age of 45 however they breed rapidly compared to humans.

They've not displayed any capacity for psyker powers and their presence in the immaterium by trained psykers has been described as tiny.

Psychological attributes: Strangely enough in spite of their lackluster physical capabilities Shakukan are infamous for being reckless, boisterous and headstrong.

They have a muted sense of fear that allows them to maintain a baffling level of morale and confidence even in the face of the most overwhelming of situations, but said fearlessness also enables their rash behavior lending itself to poorly thought out tactical maneuvers and bold unpredictable assaults against their enemies.

Their history is rife with countries, kingdoms, and empires that reach rapid dizzying heights in power and influence and sudden catastrophic collapses just as quickly.

Planet of Origin: 0.75 earth masses, Planet's entire hydrosphere contains a tremendous amount of natural acids, all bodies of water and the air itself to a degree is corrosive. Moderate to Low gravity.

Technology: Expansion for the Shakukan has been slow due to the difficulty that comes with terraforming planets to match their unique preferences, taking several centuries of concerted effort to fully terraform a world. regardless of this they have several colonies and countless impressive space stations across 5 systems.

Their mining and resource extraction technology is almost as advanced as the federations however they're far more numerous and the shakukan are more eager to strip mine existing planetoids within their space.

Due to their frail bodies, Shakukan specialize heavily in the usage of robotics and a wide variety mech suits they pilot into battle, they were excited to say the least to get ahold of the federation's advanced mech designs and material.

First Contact: Shakukan ships entered federation space hoping to find a planet compatible with unique biological needs only to find several federation exploration vessels and stations within the system, while initial meetings between the species were warm a diplomatic incident nearly erupted when they learned about the eldar protectorates under the federation's aegis. Clever diplomatic maneuvering on drake's part explained the difference between the craftworld eldar and the shakukan's hated enemies the dark eldar and thus prevented a potential war from the headstrong shakukan.

Status Within The Federation: Outside of their home systems Shakukan are usually found on exploration vessels trying to secure claims on any planet that might match their corrosive homeworld, and at the forefront of military divisions eager to display their kinds 'strength' against the enemies of the federation, or oddly enough as social and political influencers using their larger than life personalities to passionately and aggressively push various political movements.


Physical Attributes: Oberzni have several castes and subspecies within those castes each specialized for various roles within their society, although they all have a vaguely moth like appearance. The Control and Queen castes are capable of influencing and controlling these castes through a combination of pheromones and psyker mental domination.

Worker Oberzni are not sapient and are subservient to various pheromones and psyker control given by the command castes, specialized for heavy lifting and other forms of menial work, they are large with long heavy arms eight legs and wings that aid them in jumping long distances.

Warrior Oberzni can be separated into various subspecies specialized for certain types of warfare, all subspecies have a level of intelligence equivalent to that human but are uniquely susceptible to the pheromones and psyker abilities of the higher castes, in terms of appearance they're far larger than the control and worker castes standing eight feet tall on average, with long thick strong arms with hard barbs on them, and hard chitinous hide that can deter most small arms (this is without being fitted with armor or enhanced with cybernetics), unlike worker and queen Oberzni the wings on the warrior caste are actually functional and fully capable of flight.

Psychological Attributes: Oberzni can be described somewhat accurately as paranoid and risk adverse to an almost comedic degree, While it varies depending on the caste the level of cautious preparation and paranoid investigation Oberzni will go through before they take even the slightest risk (both real and perceived) is almost laughable, a perfect example of this is the sheer amount of investigations they demanded the federation go through to ensure the safety of the main Oberzni embassy on bladus.

Planet of Origin: The Oberzni planet along with their home system were destroyed due to a catastrophic event caused by beings of cold steel, the survivors of the event have been hiding in the vast void between star systems on massive habitation ships for thousands of years, more akin to large mobile space stations each habitation ship can house and provide for hundreds of millions of citizens, over the centuries new ships have been built from drifting exo planets and other debris found drifting in the void, over 100 ships have been built by the time they were found by the federation and are collectively referred to as The Weave.

Technology: While not as large as the eldar's famed craftworlds the habitation ships found within the Weave would still dwarf the largest gloriana class battleship the federation can field, and hundreds of such ships make up the Weave within interstellar space between. However size should not be mistaken for combat capability, as its name suggests creating living space for the Oberzni's population is its primary focus and its weapon and propulsion technology are inferior to the federations baseline.

First Contact: A signal originating from interstellar space was initially thought to be nothing more than a glitch on the sensors of a federation outpost, further investigation and probes discovered several signs of what appeared to be hundreds of mobiles masses repeated messaging took several years to get a response due to the oberzni's excessively cautious nature, it took significantly longer to negotiate with them but eventually they agreed to be a client race of the Federation in return for resources, certain technologies, and a tentative defense pact.

Status Within The Federation: The vast majority of Oberzni are content to remain within the weave with only a few diplomats present on Bladius itself. They are however a constant source of aggravation and annoyance to Bladius bureaucrats due to their frequent paranoid inquiries.


Physical Attributes: Nautilus-like appearance galtean's possess a large hard shell covering their back and 'upper torso' with two large eyes at the front and a beaklike mouth. Their 'lower torso' extends out of the bottom of the shell and is lightly armored, They have twelve appendages in total with 6 'foot' tentacles they use to walk or 'gallop' and six thick arm appendages (4 coming out of the shell itself and two attached to the 'lower torso') tipped with 8 finger like suction cups. Their average height is comparable to that of a human's, and their lifespan is slightly longer, with most Galteans not exceeding the age of 140. No Galtean has displayed any psyker abilities whatsoever.

Galteans are noted to have potent regenerative abilities that make them far more resilient than humans, along with several secondary and tertiary organs that will keep them alive while any damaged organs regenerate. With sufficient medical care and time a Galtean can regrow a lost limb in less than 3 days. They have two sets of lungs, 3 hearts, 3 livers,4 kidneys, and 8 'sub' brains which are dedicated to fine motor control but can collectively replicate many of the advanced processes of the central brain while it regenerates.

Galteans have the unique ability to pass on perfect memories and skills/experience to any of their progeny, however the transferred memories tend to deteriorate to the point of uselessness after 5 to 6 generations.

Psychological Attributes: Most galteans seem to display some form of kleptomaniacal compulsion, with each individual Galtean having a particular type of object they compulsively steal and hoard when given the opportunity.

Planet of Origin: 1.8 earth masses, 89% of the planet is covered in water, hot tropical climate . Classified as a death world with frequent high intensity hurricanes, waterspouts, and tsunamis, along with a plethora of highly aggressive hostile sea life that can reach colossal sizes. Has two moons

Technology: Their technology on average is not as impressive as the federation's however cloning is far more common and widespread within Galtean society than it is in Baldius, so much so that when they were inducted into the federation the Galtean homeworlds were very eager to gain access to Bladius's cloning tech to improve their own.

First Contact: federation expedition vessels first discovered the Galtean systems under near constant attack by an titanic ork waaagh that they've been fighting against for over 100 years, after a long slog of an additional ten years the federations fleet finally managed to eliminate the ork forces and their commanding warboss. With most of their existing infrastructure utterly ravaged from the constant fighting across most of their systems the Galteans became a member race of the federation with little opposition.

Status Within The Federation: Considered something of an annoyance by the few colonies that have them due to their kleptomaniacal tendencies, thankfully most of the time they don't tend to manifest in overtly harmful ways such as robbery, kidnapping, or piracy.


Physical Attributes: Tall 7'6'' up to their shoulders 11'10" with their neck fully extended, peacock-like in appearance, long limbs that end in sharp taloned hands and feet and an equally long neck, a pair of long wings on their back that while do not possess the ability of flight allow them to glide quite a distance, their faces are covered in hard beak-like plates that give them a mask-like appearance. Jevoya have a maximum lifespan approximate to that of an average non-augmented human, their physical strength matches what is expected of their size but does not reach the impressive feats of strength displayed by Panoplians. Due to their history of development in a system with a warp storm that's been active for several millennia most Jevoya have some form of psyker ability, though nothing reaching beyond delta or gamma levels.

Psychological Attributes: Jevoya do not experience time the same way humans do, rather than experiencing time as a linear procession of events, upon their birth they are aware of all points within their respective life from the moment of their birth to the moment of their death and retain knowledge from it. They are capable of selectively focusing their attention on parts of their lifespan using foreknowledge to change their fate and avoid unfavorable outcomes or death, it's like perceiving one's life like a film at your leisure, the ending of which constantly changes, skipping about, fast forwarding and rewinding.

The changes to their personal timelines can also be influenced by the actions of other Jevoya also making changes along with sufficiently powerful seers, meaning that even as they jump around their own history they have to constantly adjust for changes made by others. They cannot travel back in their lives beyond their inception (their birth) nor can they travel forward or perceive beyond their absolute ends (a Jevoya can only delay their death so much, their physical bodies are still mortal and thus will eventually succumb to infirmity and age). Finally actions a Jevoya makes within their own timelines do not overwrite or undo actions that have occurred within existing timelines, it only allows them to create or slip into new timelines where said choices were made.

Due to humans being as they describe 'trapped within fate' only they are affected and aware of the changes they make, while a singular Jevoya can perish in combat or die from a disease/accident from their own perspective they can just skip back to a point in their life and make changes to avoid that fate, however, with humans being stuck in a singular stream of events they will still be dead to those humans, because of this Jevoya do not fear death the same way humans do.

Planet of Origin: 1.2 earth masses, a cold continental climate, 3 natural satellites, Would be considered a paradise world were it not for the warpstorm over the system that has led to multiple minor daemonic incursions over its known history, especially by the deceiver.

Technology: Were discovered at a late modern age of development with flintlock guns being the most advanced form of weaponry, however, due to their history of conflict with daemons nearly all of their weapons from their basic knives to their primitive cannons have some form of protective wards or anti-daemon runes to enhance them.

First Contact: Federation vessels were directed to the Jevoya home system upon the recommendation of several psyker who received a strange psychic call for help across the immaterium. The history of the Jevoya is a history of defiance towards chaos, there have been dozens of minor daemonic invasions spread across their 4,000 years of history, the jevoya had foreseen and experienced a coming invasion by the changer of ways that was to be the worst in their known history, one that they couldn't survive without outside assistance, so they sent out a psychic call to the federation for assistance. What followed was a short-lived diplomatic meeting followed by a massive daemonic invasion that required direct intervention by drake artorias himself to assist, even after a hard-fought campaign the non-corrupted jevoya had to be evacuated as their home planet was corrupted in its totality and needed to be destroyed.

Status Within The Federation: The Jevoya remnants needed to be resettled across several of the federations worlds after the first contact daemonic incursion, while not as widespread as the panoplians in terms of raw numbers they are a significant xeno species within the federation, mostly concentrated in systems where the warp is calm, they are viewed with a modicum of suspicion by many citizens due to their history with chaos and their unnerving insight into the future.
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