1. No meta-gaming. Voting decisions are made IC. OOC desires choose the vote, but IC explanations explain the vote. No using knowledge the character does not have to support a choice. This is not going to be like one of those Harry Potter fanfics where the MC somehow figures out all the enemy's plots and makes all the perfect moves due to their genius (teenage author with meta-knowledge) and skill. Fuck that. This is a quest. Not a fan-wank "fix it" fic. I hate those even more than I hate meta-gaming.
To be clear, general knowledge about a House's reputation is fine. "A Lannister always pays their debts," for example. Knowledge about a particular member of that House? No. Not unless the characters know them, or have otherwise heard specific things about them. So for example, if your characters have heard false things about people, make judgments according to that false information. Not your personal knowledge to the contrary. If you are unsure whether something you want to use for your IC argument is meta-gaming, post it, but @ me somewhere in there asking if it is or not. I'll give the yea or nay.
2. No rolling unless I say so, and only for what I say so, when I say so. No rolling more than the number of times given by me. Accidentally rolling the wrong die is no big deal, as it won't count. Just make sure to point it out and then roll the correct die, so I don't think you cheated because I didn't notice that the post said the wrong face for the die.
3. No harassing players for their 20s. Debate is acceptable, even encouraged by me, but not harassment. If they say to just leave them alone, leave them alone. You may re-suggest to that same player for a different vote however. Just not for that particular vote where they requested to be left alone, and not every single vote, or every other vote or some nonsense like that. Be realistic. If it looks like harassment, I'll rule it harassment.
4. Time. If/when votes are set up to use days, how many days you have available is obvious. If they are set up in types (Major, Minor, Free) then you will be told how many of each type is permissible. However you may trade down for more types of votes available. Each rank above is worth two below. You may therefore trade a Major action for two more Minor ones, and a Minor action for two more Free actions. You may not trade up however.
5. Morality is an issue in this quest. However in the interests of keeping the quest on track and lessening the potential for "forum wars" we will only discuss the morality of things that are actually happening in the story. Keep real life examples, or even just hypothetical examples that aren't directly tied to the in-story point out of it. I'm trying to avoid everyone becoming Hitler here.
If there are any questions about these rules, ask me. I will punish infractions accordingly. This is one thing where I will not budge. On this, I am QM and my word is law. Anything else is up for debate.
"Main Archetypes" are like classes and determine base attributes. Knights have more HP and Con, Magi less HP and more Int/Wis etc. I'll be using stats similar to d&d, with Luck as an added stat. The stats and saves are pretty much all that comes from d&d directly though. (Well, maybe some of the treasures!) Feel free to make up an archetype, (so long as it fits the world and character background!) knight is unavailable for now, you could be a "fighter" or "brawler" if you wish, and that can be changed into Knight later should you become one.
All skills have ranks of 5 minimum, with 100 point tiers. You cannot be higher than Rank 1 in anything that you weren't trained in (except begging, brawling, other street skills) to start off with. If you want to be Rank 2 or higher in something, backstory as to who taught you and why is required. You gain skill points not from leveling up, but from using skills or training them appropriately. Which is why Dany and Viserys have more points than you. Dany was trained by various patrons to be a good catch as a wife, while Viserys has been your guardian and protector for years. He's fought most of the "battles" (read: street fights with urchins and thieves) in order to keep you safe. He also had real training (though only a little) before the Iron Throne was lost.
Skills are much easier to train via a teacher rather than independent study. Imagine a person trying to teach themselves to fight, instead of learning from an actual experienced warrior.
Allowing write-ins for skills because I obviously won't think of every possible skill. But yes, anything can be a skill. If you don't have it, it doesn't mean that you can't perform it, just that you are average.
For example, Aegon will never be as quick at cleaning dishes thoroughly as a person who works in a restaurant and actually does it for a living. Unless you put points into dish-washing of course, but he can still wash a dish.
Alignment - Not just
what you do, but
why you do it is important. Please don't try to make up false justifications for what is truly a greedy action so that you can be greedy but not suffer points towards another alignment. If the action
really has a good reason behind it, even if the action itself is horrible, I'll let the alignment points go, but if it seems to be just greed or revenge, the points will go towards a shift. I'm putting some trust into you guys being honest on these.
Sometimes if the action is evil enough, even good reasons won't cut it. Because sometimes the steps toward evil are rationalizing away every evil action you take. 40-60 is Neutral. Above is Good/Lawful below is therefore obviously Evil/Chaotic.
The die rolls for Dragon-blooded determine both innate sorcery, and madness potential/severity. Sorcery required 80 or higher, while Madness was a 50/50 chance, with higher numbers increasing severity.
94 on Sorcery for Aegon, 83 for Viserys
44 on Madness for Aegon, 83 for Viserys
Yes, you could have gained the Madness penalty. No Viserys would not have lost his madness if he rolled under 50, it just wouldn't have been as severe. (Well, unless you got
really high and he got
really low, then it would have been
your madness causing you to think him mad, and no I would not have told you. POV is important.) However it seems Viserys' madness comes in
exactly the same measure as his sorcery. Perhaps his sorcery and his madness are linked?
Stats I rolled 8d18, dropping the lowest, with scores of less than 3 re-rolled to simulate rolling 3d6 for each stat.
Stats are: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Luck