What are the end goal(s) of this quest?

  • Retake the Iron Throne.

    Votes: 36 14.0%
  • Destroy the White Walkers.

    Votes: 44 17.1%
  • Rebuild fallen Valyria.

    Votes: 43 16.7%
  • Create a new empire, forget the past and forge your own destiny.

    Votes: 74 28.7%
  • Survive. Who needs a crown?

    Votes: 24 9.3%
  • Utter domination. You are the Dragon and will not rest until you rule over all!

    Votes: 29 11.2%
  • Become the wisest of the wise. A true Loremaster. Learn the magics of old and converse with Gods.

    Votes: 40 15.5%
  • Forbidden Power - Why speak with the Gods when you can BECOME one of them?

    Votes: 64 24.8%
  • Immortality - The problem with Aegon the Conqueror is that he died. You will not.

    Votes: 79 30.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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The Dragon Has Three Heads

You are the first trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna...
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Discord Chat!
The discord is useful beyond just another place to talk. If you have the app on your phone, I will post messages @everyone in real time whenever a new segment is up, or when a new vote is up. I know some of you have not been getting messages from the site properly letting you know when to check the thread, so this can be a backup notification system. Inactive people are kicked from it though, since there are plenty of hidden tidbits in there. You don't have to be active when I'm on, if no one is on but you, just leave some info/questions/suggestions in there and we'll look at them when we get on.

Remember, the discord is for the Meta-game, so players of the regular quest need not go there unless they want to be a part of the meta.

tl;dr - No lurkers in the discord.
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The Dragonlords' Court
The Dragonlords' Court​

Age: 14
Class: Rogue
Primary skills: Persuasion, Acrobatics, Stealth.
Secondary skills: Fighting: Dagger, Fighting: Archery.

She has silver blonde hair, cut shoulder length. Hazel eyes. Olive colored skin. Freckles. Lithe and flexible build with cords of lean muscle all throughout.

A young woman who at first glance seems little less than a beggar. Goes about her home city dressed in unflattering rags, with her head covered by an unexceptional hood, drawn down to an inconspicuous degree.

Her face is pretty in an unpolished sort of way. People often muse that she could even be called beautiful if she put in some effort.

Whenever some man is foolish enough to tell her this (often pared with a lewd proposition), she is liable to snort derisively before knocking him out and stealing his coin purse.

Although her clothes and general demeanor point to a life of destitution, Laena is in good health and seems cheerful more often than not.

"I get by with a little help from my friends."

"Braavos! City of coins, freedom, and murderous face-stealing death priests!"

"Watch out for that one. I heard he likes to beat his maids when he gets drunk. You can find out a lot about a person when they're drunk."

"Beggars, stable boys, maids, whores. Most rich folk don't actually see them. But even if they can't read for shit, they can still hear things and remember."

"The men work for this arse, calls himself the motherfucker... yeah he's about what you expect."

"Rich, poor, lord, or whore. People are people. They all just want to live as well as they can."​
#05 - @OnlineArmadillo

Age: 19
Class: Bastard
Primary skills: Deception, Persuasion.
Secondary skills: Accounting, Fighting: Dagger.

Born to a pleasure slave in Volantis by a nobleman, Bantis was never sure of his place in life. Being the bastard of a noble he was taught to read and write, but being the son of and so himself a slave he was also taught the menial tasks expected of a servant. He enjoys reading and could always be found in his father's library looking for new books to study. He secured work helping an old merchant with managing his bookkeeping and counting coppers. After he and his wife reached Braavos, they found a group of the worshippers of their gods and joined them.

He is married to Vezenka, and by all accounts their marriage is a happy one, though the other members think she is too good for him, despite her lack of Valyrian blood.
#17 - @NúmenoreanNazgûl

Age: 24
Primary skills: Diplomacy: Intimidation, Diplomacy: Political
Secondary skills: Fighting: Cutlass, Stealth

Vezenka is not Valyrian, and was originally from Astapor. But when she was 4 years old, she and her mother were sold to a Volantene nobleman. They were treated well, for slaves. Initially, she worked as a servant in the household, helping the other maids. When she was 16, she was given to one of the nobleman's ship's captain to warm his bed. She also had a prancing horse, the figurehead of the ship, tattooed on her right cheek to show her status as a slave. Once, on a voyage, they were set upon by pirates. There, she saved the captain's life by fighting off two of them. Impressed by her untrained skill, and in gratitude for saving his life, he taught her how to properly use a cutlass. When she was 20, the nobleman's house was invaded by R'hllor zealots, claiming them to be heretics for worshiping the old gods of Valyria. After the fighting men, including the ship captain, were killed, the rest of them were captured. Later, her mother and the nobleman were sacrificed to R'hllor in a ritual. Fearing she and her friend Bantis were next in line, she used her stealth skills and prowess with a blade to make their escape and stowed away on a boat. The boat brought them to Braavos, and the Braavosi merchant who the boat belonged to took pity on them being slaves and offered them both jobs as freedmen. Vezenka was made a member of the boat's crew after she proved her skill. She has been working there ever since.

Vezenka and learned of, and follows, the gods of Valyria from her Volantene master who worshiped them. On the way to Braavos, she met and fell in love with Bantis and got married. She loves her husband more than anything else in the world. She enjoys being on a ship's crew and she gets a rush of excitement every battle she's in, usually against pirates. She gets bored with any non-physical work and she hates being idle. She has a severe hatred of R'hllor and his followers. After how hers turned out, she has a distaste for slavery. She loves her newfound freedom and life of not being a slave. She has expensive tastes in food and drink, and she wishes she to wear the dresses worn by the rich. She desperately wants to prove her worth and move up the ranks of the crew and the world. She knows it will be hard for her as a woman, but she believes that with her skills of political maneuvering as well as skill with a cutlass and physical intimidation she can pull it off, along with the help of her husband.

Age: 19
Primary skills: Accounting, Fighting: Dagger
Secondary skills: Lockpicking, Pickpocketing

Born in the free city of Lorath, to a slave family. Her parents, house slaves to one of the richest men in the city, managed to instill a rudimentary knowledge of letters and numbers into her head, before she was taken at the age of seven from her parents, and branded a pleasure slave, she was to be sent to the city of Lys with several dozen other girls for training. However, a Braavosi patrol happened to intercept the slave ship she was aboard, and thus she was freed. She chose to travel back to the city of Braavos, seeking to make a life amidst the famous waterways of the Bastard Daughter. However, the Secret City did not live up to the stories whispered among the slaves of Lorath. Instead of a paradise, where all men and women are welcome, she was forced to beg on the streets. She quickly taught herself how to wield a dagger in defense of her person, as well as how to pick locks and pockets, although she never gained any great skill in the art. Eventually, she found employment with a minor merchant company, working as a clerk. Fortunately, she had quite the head for numbers, and her skill eventually attracted the attention of several Braavosi Merchant Princes, including one Thomas Mecumber, who also introduced her to the Valyrian Faith. Although she does not work for the Mecumbers, she is employed by a lesser Merchant Prince, one Thorio Vynos.
#47 - @MEHFOOD

Age: 51

Born the son of a barber-surgeon and his wife attached to a sellsword company out in Essos, Varen learned his trade on the fly, with little formal schooling.

On the upside, he learned from a young age the important stuff, how much milk of the Poppy is needed to pacify someone for surgery, how to properly restrain someone (Which is related to the mask, guy broke loose mid operation and fucked up his face before expiring), and best of all, how freakin' idiotic people can be.

No, seriously, he had to pull 6 rats out of people's anuses within the first week of him arriving in Braavos! And one of them was a repeat customer at that. That was when he realized that while Braavos had less chances of him being stabbed to death by sellswords, it came with a worse issue, namely idiots with too much cash on their hands, and liquor. While it does keep him paid, before he takes a bit off the top, it gets annoying after awhile.

He's too uncouth and probably more pertinently, too off putting for the richer nobles to hire, he gets along with the middle and lower classes. The Braavos though, are of mixed opinions on him.

On one hand, he tends to ramble a bit when operating on them, and says stuff like "If you come back here one more time with a pox from the whores, I'm cutting your cock off ", but at the same time, he's got cool stories, and on occasion, will beat the demons of stupidity out of someone who refuses to pay up.
#51 - @Night_stalker

Age: Centuries?
Primary skills: Business Acumen, Mercantile: Fencing, Sorcery?
Secondary skills: Linguist

A moderately successful merchant who owns the store Windblown Antiquities a "Purveyor of Strange Artifacts and Other Curiosities Collected for the Discerning Eye" (at least officially). She actually makes the bulk of her income running a fence for stolen goods and acting as a broker for those conducting 'questionable' business transactions. Her true profession is something of an open secret to the elite of the city, but she is allowed to keep operating due to her reputation for being both discrete and frighteningly competent. She speaks more languages than most can believe and has her own force of skilled sell swords on retainer. She appeared abruptly several decades ago and led a secret war against her competitors before finally coming out on top. Her true history remains unknown to even her closest friends. Some words whispered in the dark say that she is actually an ancient sorceress, many centuries old. But one should never take such foolish notions seriously.

She is extremely angry the Thomas Mecumber has cost her the position of merchant dominance that she worked so hard to own, but grateful that the gods sent you to warn her that she might get out of town while it was still possible. She still hates the idea of having to start all over somewhere else however.
#63 - @OnlineArmadillo

Age: 16
Primary skills: Prostitution, Seduction
Secondary skills: None

Daughter of a rich politician of Lys, but born to his pleasure slave. Eventually losing interest in her, their master sold them to a worshipper of R'hllor (who lived in Braavos) when she was six. They were smuggled into Braavos and their new master kept her mother in his basement, sacrificing her blood and performing rituals. She was allowed to roam outside, and employed as a servant, but was forbidden from speaking to anyone about her slavery with the threat of her mother's death. When she was fourteen years old, her master sacrificed her mother to R'hllor by burning her alive. She escaped and brought the news of her master's slaving and burning practices to the world outside. He was arrested and beheaded. She has been living as a prostitute ever since.

All her life, her mother taught her about the Weeping Lady of Lys. Meanwhile, her Braavosi master kept talking about their Valyrian blood. On one of her appointments, her client mentioned the gods of Valyria. She grew interested, and he brought her to this group where she learned about the gods, especially Meleys the Temptress. Determining her to be the Valyrian equivalent of the Weeping Lady, she took on "worshiping" her wholeheartedly, by being the best prostitute she can.

She enjoys fucking and earning a good wage while at it. But she also secretly dreams of being someone more important than a prostitute. She prefers Braavosi food, but Lysene music. She hates R'hllor and his worshippers. But she surprisingly doesn't hate slavery, remembering her happy childhood as a slave. She just hates when people mistreat slaves. She also can't stand dogs or cats or pets of any kind. Why do people voluntarily choose to bring animals into their homes? She doesn't understand it at all.
#69 - @NúmenoreanNazgûl

Age: 35
Primary skills: Business Acumen, Mercantile
Secondary skills: Sorcery?

Daenera is a strange one. Not much is known about her personal life. She has a child – but one which she's not seen grow into a man, having left him with the father. Aegon looks like him she acts somewhat sad and wistful around him but not matronly.

She is very beautiful, yet hard as steel; this apparently was a side-effect of having made it as a merchant alone in a patriarchal world. She's something of a mystic, showing some interest in the esoteric. She never really trusted Thomas, but this was the only place those who believed in her gods gathered, so she put up with his obvious (to her) lies.
#76 - @McDonkey1

Age: 17
Primary skills: Appraisal: Art, Diplomacy: Politics
Secondary skills: Knowledge: History

Aenerys Vareen is a cold woman, at least when she forgoes her mask. She was taught by a famous Mummer from the Summer Isles, making her experienced in acting, and controlling her emotions. She has an interest in Valyrian culture and history, and took up the Ancient Dragon Gods of Old. She'd like think of herself as a good judge of both character and art, most of which she gained experience in the court before the current Sealord made her "unwelcome".

She recently gained quite the sum of resources due to her late husband's death, leaving all of his property to her in his Will. With no apparent Heir, all of which seems to have recently disappeared, she gladly accepted her new found wealth, taking time to thank to Meraxes for her continued luck.

She married young, at sixteen summers of age. Her husband died only a year later.
#88 - @Galerius
Thomas Mecumber
#89 - @Lunasmeow

Age: 39

Physical Description: Tall and muscular, with light brown skin and Valyrian features, Violet eyes and brown hair. Wears reinforced leather armor with 'ceremonial' (Valyrian?) steel bracers, greaves, and breastplate, as well as a hooded cloak which is designed to hide his upper face but leave his vision unobstructed.

Observant - +2 to Perception

Major Skills - Evolved skill: Assassination 0/100 Rank 1/5
- @RaptorusMaximus
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Character Sheets, Assets, Allies, Associates, Enemies & Prestige
Character Sheets​

Blessed of Balerion & Meraxes
Shared Grace - Meleys
Main Archetype: Noble
Alignment: Lawful Neutral 60/100

While Aegon was on the path of good, he recently committed murder in cold blood. A justifiable murder in the eyes of many, but murder nonetheless. There were other ways to deal with the problem, but he chose murder because it would be easiest, rather than attempting the good, though difficult path. How this might affect his outlook on things in the future remains to be seen...

Apparently once wasn't enough. While there was much better reasoning for killing all those that may have been infected than for the murder of Bantis, a member of your Faithful and blood of Old Valyria, it still doesn't qualify as "good" or even "neutral" unless you have confirmation of the people you kill being infected.

Aegon has seen the path that his evil ways can lead him down, and despite the power at the end of that path, rejected the rage and hate that came with it. Is being evil the only way to achieve such power? Still, though he rejected it this time, there is no telling what he may do in the future. The path of evil is not so easy to get off of...

New to Volantis, Aegon has run into the first of potentially many laws that he considered to be stupidly convoluted in order to uphold tradition and maintain the status quo. However rather than simply ignore them, he bent his personal feelings to the law. Though he might attempt to change laws in the future, he so far is choosing to obey laws rather than break them. So far.

HP: 24 (-1)
Str: 18
Dex: 10
Con: 9
Int: 13
Wis: 12
Cha: 17
Luk: 12

Dragon-blooded - 100/100 Rank 5/5
******-blooded - 0/100 Rank 0/5
Greenseer - 0/100 Rank 0/5
Child of Destiny - 3x/mo, reroll a failed d20, or force an enemy to reroll one made against you.
Genius - +2 to all int based skills. Advantage on intelligence checks.
Observant - +2 to perception. Advantage on perception checks.
Reactive - +2 to reaction rolls.
Charming - +2 to diplomacy rolls. (Not intimidation or other negative diplomatic actions.)

Begging - 50/100 Rank 1/5 (+1)
Deportment - 85/100 Rank 7/5 (+4)
Diplomacy: Deception - 50/100 Rank 6/5 (+4)
Diplomacy: Intimidation - 0/100 Rank 5/5 (+4)
Diplomacy: Persuasion - 0/100 Rank 7/5 (+4)
Diplomacy: Political - 15/100 Rank 7/5 (+4)
Fighting: Archery - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Battleaxe - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Bastard Sword - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Brawling - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Dagger(s) - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Dragonscale Defenses - 50/100 Rank 0/5 (+0?)
Fighting: Dual Battleaxes - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Dual Maces - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Dual Swords - 50/100 Rank 4/5 (+3)
Fighting: Greataxe - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Greatsword - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Lance - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Longsword - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Mace - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Spear - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Staff - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Sword & Shield - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Fighting: Warhammer - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Hunting - 0/100 Rank 2/5 (+2)
Knowledge: Eldritch - 15/100 Rank 0/5
Lock-Picking - 60/100 Rank 0/5
Matchmaking: Political - 0/100 Rank 4/5 (+4)
Mercantile - 40/100 Rank 4/5 (+3)
Politics - 30/100 Rank 7/5 (+4)
Riding: Dragonback - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Riding: Horseback - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Rulership - 15/100 Rank 5/5 (+4)
Sailing - 0/100 Rank 2/5 (+2)
Sorcery: Battlemagic - 50/100 Rank 3/7 (+3)
Sorcery: Scrying - 0/100 Rank 1/3 (+1)
Stealth - 50/100 Rank 0/5
Strategy & Tactics - 0/100 Rank 4/5 (+4)
Wayfinding - 0/100 Rank 2/5 (+2)

Spells Known:
Channel Fire - 25/100 Rank 0/5 - Can be used for small feats. Lighting torches, burning something held, etc.

Fireball? - 5/100 Rank 0/5 - A large gout of flame that (you think?) you can shape. Takes all your "mana" currently, but that may change if you increase your ability with the spell.

Blessed of Shrykos & Meleys
Shared Grace - Balerion
Main Archetype: Noble
Alignment: ??? ??? ??/??

Daenerys is finally married to her betrothed. She has that unreserved joy of being newly wed, and will hopefully have it for some time yet. Still unsure about the influence of her future self (selves is unknown to her at the moment) she hesitates to use the power and knowledge available to her by reaching out to it. She recently narrowly escaped becoming a subject of the line "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" from any creepy salsesmen trying to hawk masks on unsuspecting travellers. Were they to see her scarred face and missing/glass eye, this line surely would have been said. Thankfully, that fate has been avoided by a Fierce Deity who traveled through time to protect her.

Recent blessings of her new gods have increased her skills.

Interference from her potential future have caused her to do some "bad things" however, she thoroughly believes they were for good reasons.

HP: 11 (-1)
Str: 5
Dex: 6
Con: 8
Int: 16
Wis: 14
Cha: 18
Luk: 13

Dragon Dreams 100/100 Rank 5/5
Dragon-blooded - 0/100 Rank 0/5
Robust - +5 on rolls to resist disease or to survive death.
Insightful - +2 to insight rolls.
Persuasive - +2 to diplomacy.

Begging - 0/100 Rank 4/5 (+2)
Cleaning - 50/100 Rank 2/5
Cooking - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+2)
Deportment - 0/100 Rank 10/7 (+3)
Diplomacy: Deception - 75/100 Rank 7/9 (+4)
Diplomacy: Persuasion - 0/100 Rank 6/5 (+4)
Diplomacy: Political - 0/100 Rank 9/9 (+4)
Empathy - 50/100 Rank 3/5 (+2)
Fighting: Brawling - 38/100 Rank 1/5 (+1)
Fighting: Sword & Shield - 50/100 Rank 1/5 (+1)
Knowledge: Eldritch - 15/100 Rank 0/5
Matchmaking: Romantic - 0/100 Rank 2/5 (+2)
Politics - 50/100 Rank 8/7 (+3)
Precognition - 0/100 Rank 2/5 (+2)
Rulership - 50/100 Rank 5/5 (+3)
Seduction - 0/100 Rank 9/7 (+2)
Sewing - 50/100 Rank 2/5
Sorcery: Battlemagic - 0/100 Rank 1/3 (+1)
Sorcery: Compulsion - 0/100 Rank 4/9 (+3)
Sorcery: Scrying - 0/100 Rank 3/5 (+3)
Sorcery: Protection - 0/100 Rank 6/9 (+6)
????????? - 0/100 Rank 1/2 (+1)

Main Archetype: Noble
Alignment: Lawful Good, ???? (Madness affects this.) 98/80
A recent decision to give his life for his family caused a shift from Neutral to Good.
HP: 27 (+3)
Str: 18
Dex: 13
Con: 16
Int: 13
Wis: 12
Cha: 6
Luk: 5

Dragon-blooded - 3/100 Rank 3/5

Madness - 3/100 Rank 3/5: The power of insanity causes higher damage in battle, but reduces defenses and lowers abilities in skills requiring mental awareness or diplomacy. Skills shown are the base amounts, not those as affected by bonuses or penalties.

Bartering - 50/100 Rank 2/5
Begging - 50/100 Rank 1/5
Brawling - 50/100 Rank 2/5
Deportment - 50/100 Rank 3/5
Diplomacy: Deception - 0/100 Rank 2/5
Diplomacy: Intimidation - 35/100 Rank 2/5
Diplomacy: Political - 50/100 Rank 1/5
Fighting: Bastard Sword - 50/100 Rank 1/5
Fighting: Longsword - 50/100 Rank 1/5
Politics - 50/100 Rank 1/5
Sorcery - ?/100 Rank ?/5

Main Archetype: Bastard
Alignment: ???
HP: ?? (+4)
Str: 14
Dex: 10
Con: 18
Int: 14
Wis: 11
Cha: 9
Luk: 6



Assets, Allies, Associates, Enemies & Prestige​

As of now you and your family have a rather ridiculous amount of money available, more befitting a small to medium sized kingdom rather than a noble family. You can thank your ancestor Jahaerys for his insight in storing 1/4 of the treasury in the Iron Bank for that. Still, wars are expensive, so if you seek to dominate as a Dragon should, you will need to create sources of income.

Making good investments, owning lands and collecting taxes, starting merchant companies, raising mercenaries and other such endeavors can suffice. Even the greatest of windfalls can be squandered if you spend without a way to replace the spent funds. Entire kingdom's have gone bankrupt after all.

You live in the Dragonlord Estate in Volantis. You are unaware of the state of your properties in Braavos, though you hope they are well. You still have much to learn about your new home however...

10 CW=1SD
78GD & 8SD=1GT

Copper Wyvern = Iron Shaving
Silver Drake = Iron Chip
Golden Dragon = Iron Mark
Golden Talon = Iron Bar

Currency in the Iron Bank: 100,000 GT, 77 GD, 4 SD, 45 CW Lost to the Dothraki.
Currency on hand: 3 GT, 100 GD, 50 SD, 0 CW
Currency in the Dragon Bank: 14,803,225 GT, 30,180 GD, 4,030 SD, 0 CW

1 Short sword. (Shorter Rapier.)
1 Longsword. (Rapier.)
1 Bastard sword. (Westerosi style.)
1 Set of light chain-mail.
1 Valyrian Steel Shield.
1 Ancient book written in High Valyrian along with a list of names.

Targaryen Vaults containing various books.
Small gem encrusted statues and other items from Illyrio's storehouse valued at 2967 GD.

3 Dragon Eggs - Petrified from age. Petrification is currently 100/100 Rank 5/5 - Apparently if the burning is not continuously done, the petrification will return over time, just as it originally occurred. The recent burning has brought it back to where it was before. You might want to just set up a dedicated fire chamber in your home so these eggs can burn continuously.

3 Large Dragon Eggs - "Petrified" from age. The types of "petrification" are different, considering that the eggs are of three different types of dragon. Normal petrification for the large Fire Dragon egg, a substance similar to coral on the Sea Dragon egg, and a strange crystalline substance on the Frost Dragon egg. These eggs were left to you by your ancestors in the Last Temple of Valyria, hidden away in a mountain cave near Braavos. They are no doubt ensorceled, with lost magics of old, and supremely powerful. Their obvious coloration shows which of the Dragon Deities they represent. Urrax, Vermithor, and Serwyn.

Special Books:
Blood & Fire
The Fires of the Freehold
Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns: Their Unnatural History
Dragonkin, Being a History of House Targaryen From Exile To Apotheosis, With a Consideration of the Life and Death of Dragons

Future assets:
200 Dragons/year on the 5th month - Horse sales Lost due to the sacking of Braavos.
5 Dragons/year on the 5th month - Flower sales Lost due to the sacking of Braavos.

Current Businesses
A trading/shipping company. Does not currently have it's own dedicated ships, and thus utilizes your fleet. Should war come, the ships out on business will either be lost to the war effort, or if they are too far away to return in time, your navy will be that much weaker until they do. Hopefully they even can return instead of dying to a naval blockade. Perhaps you should get this business its own ships in the future...

An investment company. You are going to abuse insider trading and Dany's scrying/precognition magics as much as humanly possible. Hopefully this idea catches on and the nobles make you rich with their money. What better money to risk than someone else's?

A fishing company. This business has its own dedicated fishing boats, though you neglected to take the whaling option. A shame, because that business is booming, and others will no doubt step in to take the stakes that you have refused. By the time you decide to get in on the whaling business it might well be too late.

None yet.

Volantis (Valyrian Faith) - 250
Volantis (R'hlloran Faith) - -250?

Future Prestige Gains:
Braavos +140 - 5th month, year 298. Braavos is a smoking ruin.

Jaehaelyx and Saenera - Husband and Wife couple from Lys. Grateful to you for your employment after they escaped the slave city. Living happily in the manor, but won't be able to continue to do so if they have a child... unless you give them the room meant for your own children.

Jorah Mormount - Ex-knight. Self-exiled after his life was forfeit for participating in the slave trade. Goes out at odd hours.

Boromun - Day shift guard. Ex-Pirate who turned Braavosi Navy for unknown reasons.

Matalarr of Lys - Night shift guard. Ex-gladiatorial slave who is a master of wielding dual blades. Ladies man, flirt, all around rogue.

Magister Illyrio of Pentos - A wealthy former patron of yours, Illyrio was planning to get you back on the Iron Throne. Or at least, that's what he was supposed to be doing. He seemed to be planning some other trickery, but it is unconfirmed as of yet. You robbed his storehouse, and was safe to assume that he is now an enemy, but he may not be from his current actions. You aren't quite sure what to consider him as at the moment.

House Baratheon - Distant cousin or no, the Usurper has stolen your throne and slain your kin. Not merely the adults in battle, but the children. This atrocity cannot stand. Your blood will see his destroyed or die in the attempt. Seeing as he has ordered all "Dragon Spawn" dead, even going so far as to strangle babies with their own umbilical cords, the feeling is mutual.

House Lannister - Tywin Lannister had Elia Martell slain, as well as the two children she bore Rhaegar Targaryen. He will pay for his crime with Fire and Blood. As he is the head of House Lannister, it is safe to count all of that House as your enemy.

Sealord of Braavos - While he isn't a personal enemy, he hates all Valyrians, and you are not only Valyrian by blood, but a worshiper of the ancient Valyrian gods. He is undoubtedly an enemy at the moment, though how he will act based on that you are not sure. The previous Sealord is dead, and you do not know the new one. However given that the prior one's death implicated the Valyrian faithful, and that Braavos in general hates all Valyrians, it is likely that the new one is no better. There is no Sealord now.

The Dothraki - While the Dothraki are not a single unified nation, instead many tribes called khalasars, one has grown impressively large recently, swallowing all others it comes into contact with. If this continues, then it is possible that the nomadic hordes will finally be united under one ruler. Khal Drogo. The man who seeks Dany as his wife, and will stop at nothing to get her. No matter where you run, he will follow. You must find some way to deal with this horse lord, or you will regret leaving him be.

35 Carracks, 64 Frigates, 37 Galleons, 1 Flagship (The Newborn)

Household Guard
250 Exceptional Unsullied, 500 High Class Unsullied, & 250 Mediocre Unsullied - These are your household guard, but can be leveraged into use in war in a pinch if needed, especially if that war is against your home city. Even so-called "mediocre" Unsulled are extremely good warriors due to their incredibly punishing training and exacting standards. "Low Class" Unsullied being roughly equivalent to a knight. Unsullied have a reputation for never losing for a reason. (Unreasonably lopsided battles aside of course.) Exceptional Unsullied can be given leadership positions and become "generals" of their brethren if you do not already have someone set for the position.

Trianna Belaryes - Descendant of the 40?
Malaquo - Triarch
Nyessos - Triarch
Doniphos - Triarch
Lunasmeow threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Relic of Westeros Total: 171
28 28 91 91 52 52
Lunasmeow threw 2 20-faced dice. Total: 15
9 9 6 6
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Rules & Mechanics

1. No meta-gaming. Voting decisions are made IC. OOC desires choose the vote, but IC explanations explain the vote. No using knowledge the character does not have to support a choice. This is not going to be like one of those Harry Potter fanfics where the MC somehow figures out all the enemy's plots and makes all the perfect moves due to their genius (teenage author with meta-knowledge) and skill. Fuck that. This is a quest. Not a fan-wank "fix it" fic. I hate those even more than I hate meta-gaming.

To be clear, general knowledge about a House's reputation is fine. "A Lannister always pays their debts," for example. Knowledge about a particular member of that House? No. Not unless the characters know them, or have otherwise heard specific things about them. So for example, if your characters have heard false things about people, make judgments according to that false information. Not your personal knowledge to the contrary. If you are unsure whether something you want to use for your IC argument is meta-gaming, post it, but @ me somewhere in there asking if it is or not. I'll give the yea or nay.

2. No rolling unless I say so, and only for what I say so, when I say so. No rolling more than the number of times given by me. Accidentally rolling the wrong die is no big deal, as it won't count. Just make sure to point it out and then roll the correct die, so I don't think you cheated because I didn't notice that the post said the wrong face for the die.

3. No harassing players for their 20s. Debate is acceptable, even encouraged by me, but not harassment. If they say to just leave them alone, leave them alone. You may re-suggest to that same player for a different vote however. Just not for that particular vote where they requested to be left alone, and not every single vote, or every other vote or some nonsense like that. Be realistic. If it looks like harassment, I'll rule it harassment.

4. Time. If/when votes are set up to use days, how many days you have available is obvious. If they are set up in types (Major, Minor, Free) then you will be told how many of each type is permissible. However you may trade down for more types of votes available. Each rank above is worth two below. You may therefore trade a Major action for two more Minor ones, and a Minor action for two more Free actions. You may not trade up however.

5. Morality is an issue in this quest. However in the interests of keeping the quest on track and lessening the potential for "forum wars" we will only discuss the morality of things that are actually happening in the story. Keep real life examples, or even just hypothetical examples that aren't directly tied to the in-story point out of it. I'm trying to avoid everyone becoming Hitler here.

If there are any questions about these rules, ask me. I will punish infractions accordingly. This is one thing where I will not budge. On this, I am QM and my word is law. Anything else is up for debate.

"Main Archetypes" are like classes and determine base attributes. Knights have more HP and Con, Magi less HP and more Int/Wis etc. I'll be using stats similar to d&d, with Luck as an added stat. The stats and saves are pretty much all that comes from d&d directly though. (Well, maybe some of the treasures!) Feel free to make up an archetype, (so long as it fits the world and character background!) knight is unavailable for now, you could be a "fighter" or "brawler" if you wish, and that can be changed into Knight later should you become one.

All skills have ranks of 5 minimum, with 100 point tiers. You cannot be higher than Rank 1 in anything that you weren't trained in (except begging, brawling, other street skills) to start off with. If you want to be Rank 2 or higher in something, backstory as to who taught you and why is required. You gain skill points not from leveling up, but from using skills or training them appropriately. Which is why Dany and Viserys have more points than you. Dany was trained by various patrons to be a good catch as a wife, while Viserys has been your guardian and protector for years. He's fought most of the "battles" (read: street fights with urchins and thieves) in order to keep you safe. He also had real training (though only a little) before the Iron Throne was lost.

Skills are much easier to train via a teacher rather than independent study. Imagine a person trying to teach themselves to fight, instead of learning from an actual experienced warrior.

Allowing write-ins for skills because I obviously won't think of every possible skill. But yes, anything can be a skill. If you don't have it, it doesn't mean that you can't perform it, just that you are average.

For example, Aegon will never be as quick at cleaning dishes thoroughly as a person who works in a restaurant and actually does it for a living. Unless you put points into dish-washing of course, but he can still wash a dish.​

Alignment - Not just what you do, but why you do it is important. Please don't try to make up false justifications for what is truly a greedy action so that you can be greedy but not suffer points towards another alignment. If the action really has a good reason behind it, even if the action itself is horrible, I'll let the alignment points go, but if it seems to be just greed or revenge, the points will go towards a shift. I'm putting some trust into you guys being honest on these.

Sometimes if the action is evil enough, even good reasons won't cut it. Because sometimes the steps toward evil are rationalizing away every evil action you take. 40-60 is Neutral. Above is Good/Lawful below is therefore obviously Evil/Chaotic.

The die rolls for Dragon-blooded determine both innate sorcery, and madness potential/severity. Sorcery required 80 or higher, while Madness was a 50/50 chance, with higher numbers increasing severity.

94 on Sorcery for Aegon, 83 for Viserys
44 on Madness for Aegon, 83 for Viserys

Yes, you could have gained the Madness penalty. No Viserys would not have lost his madness if he rolled under 50, it just wouldn't have been as severe. (Well, unless you got really high and he got really low, then it would have been your madness causing you to think him mad, and no I would not have told you. POV is important.) However it seems Viserys' madness comes in exactly the same measure as his sorcery. Perhaps his sorcery and his madness are linked?

Stats I rolled 8d18, dropping the lowest, with scores of less than 3 re-rolled to simulate rolling 3d6 for each stat.

Stats are: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Luck
Lunasmeow threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Dragon-blooded Total: 304
94 94 83 83 44 44 83 83
Lunasmeow threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Aegon Stats Total: 4
4 4
Lunasmeow threw 8 18-faced dice. Reason: Aegon Stats Total: 81
9 9 17 17 13 13 10 10 12 12 6 6 8 8 6 6
Lunasmeow threw 12 18-faced dice. Reason: Daenerys Stats Total: 89
8 8 5 5 1 1 6 6 1 1 18 18 2 2 2 2 3 3 14 14 13 13 16 16
Lunasmeow threw 8 18-faced dice. Reason: Viserys Stats Total: 83
6 6 18 18 16 16 6 6 13 13 15 15 4 4 5 5
Lunasmeow threw 8 18-faced dice. Reason: Jon Stats Total: 87
6 6 11 11 10 10 18 18 14 14 9 9 5 5 14 14
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Calling All Artists!
So, @NúmenoreanNazgûl made/found some imagery for the pantheon.

Symbol of the Valyrian Gods

He also has other imagery for each particular deity. I'm opening a prize to any artists in the forum. Each of you can make icons for each of the deities, and whoever's I choose will win a nat20 to use on one of their voting options. You MUST however make an icon for every single deity, and one for the religion as a collective whole; as I want these deities to have a uniform look in their imagery.

So far two people have 20s, MrApollo and thepsyborg. Both are unused. If you feel a particular voted action is important enough, you may ask (but not pressure) them to use their 20. If you're going to ask, I would suggest that you provide some reasoning. It is their 20 after all, so they are the ones who need to be convinced. You can go back and forth with discussion, but if they say that it is a definite no and tell you to stop asking, you will stop asking. Period. I won't have players harassed for their 20s.

Edit: If you guys manage to save up 5 nat20s, and all of the holders agree, I will allow you to use them collectively on a d100 roll. As with other quests, nat20s can be won with fanart and omakes. QM discretion only.

Oh, by the way...

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Nat20 Holders (and other such benefits)
20s can be used on any vote. Multiple can be used on the same vote if it requires a d100. They are added as modifiers to the roll. Using 5 will equal instant success on a d100 roll.

Five d20s can be traded to force a 1 on an enemy of your choice.

@OnlineArmadillo: 18
@Galerius: 0
@RaptorusMaximus: 5
@HugoR: 5
@Loinvoyant: 1
@Wizard_Marshall: 1
@McLuvin: 1
@Dylan Bailey: 0
@RideTheWalrus: 0
@Isaacssv558: 2
@Raybomber: 0
@Duesal: 1
@Mischief&Magic: 1
@FractiousDay: 0
@godofsmallthings: 0
@Blackstar: 1
@Exiledparia: 4
@Cassanova: 0
@thepsyborg: 5
@One Autumn Leaf: 1

Grace of the Gods:

Pool 1 (d20 ≤ 5 → Use a n20.): 5
Pool 2 (Saving throws for resisting Eldritch Influence): 5
Pool 3 (Saving throws against resisting Eldritch Influence: 0
Pool 4 (Saving throws against Evil Future Dany): 2
Pool 5 (Saving throws against Good Future Dany): 0
Pool 6 (Saving throws against Sorceress Future Dany): 0
Pool 7 (Saving throws against Corrupted Future Dany): 8
Pool 8 (Saving throws for Corrupted Future Dany): 2
Pool 9 (Death Saves): 12
Pool 10 (Enemy 20s): 5
Pool 11 (Hindsight): 20
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Voting Tutorial
Voting Tutorial
Condensed and Updated
Please Read & Follow
Votes that do not follow the template will not be counted!

At this time I am using a counter system, listing the number of days votes take to be put into action. However for write-in votes you don't know how many days an action may take. For this we will use the old system of Major/Minor Decisions, and I will tell you how many days/weeks/months the plan will take. Remember that every month has 28 days, and that there are 13 months in the year with New Years as a special day alone outside the months. There is no leap year, as their calendar is not accurate to that degree.

Major decisions are any new endeavors. Finding new investments. Finding new allies (specify what type, where you're looking if possible, what you want from them, etc) finding new trainers, starting new training even if it is with people you already know... Anything new.

No mixing something that would qualify as a minor decision or free action into your major votes! If you have a question about your votes, ask me.

Talking with specific people about specific subjects. You can generally only talk with one person at a time with this. There are simple logical exceptions, Husband & Wife combos can be put together as one conversation, brother & sister, stuff like that. I'll clarify if a combo is unacceptable when I see the vote. This is also for continuing any long term action. Any major decision that you have already voted to start (not just mused about in-story) can be a minor action the next time around. Continuing training that you have already begun for example. Continuing a long-term investigation or plot. Stuff like this.

Making small talk with characters. You will not learn anything special really, but it gives you more insight into their backgrounds and history, can raise/lower their loyalty or other relationship points with you, etc. Raising/lowering and how much depends on rolls.

These can interrupt any current action(s) and will take precedence over the current plan. A way to change things on the fly as you discover new information or alternate ways to potentially enhance your plan, or change it completely if needed.

Remember for all votes if you take a guard or other individual with you, you will need to write-in which guard/person you take with you (just saying take a guard or ally will leave the decision of which one up to me) and also whether Daenerys tries to use any future knowledge on the decision as well if it is one of hers or she is present. (She still may decide to try and use her future knowledge without your consent if she thinks it necessary.) These details are sub-votes.

[] [Plan] X (Current Month, Short Term, Long Term, Immediate Actions, Purchases, etc.)
-[] Major Decisions: Character name here
--[] Major Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 1
--[] Major Decision 2
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 2
---[] Sub-conditions of Major Decision 2
-[] Minor Decisions: Character name here
--[] Minor Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Minor Decision 1
---[] Sub-conditions of Minor Decision 1
--[] Minor Decision 2
-[] Free Actions: Character name here
--[] Free Action 1
---[] Sub-conditions
--[] Free Action 2
---[] Sub-conditions

You get the jist of this.

However, under the plan vote, you will then put a "Priority" Vote.

[] Aegon Priority: 1. Major Decision 1, 2. Free Action 2, 3. Minor Decision 1, 4. Major Decision 2, etc.
[] Daenerys Priority: 1. Free Action 2, 2. Major Decision 3, 3. Minor Decision 1, etc.

This way we can vote on the general plan, then I can separate the order of events in said plan.

Don't put V1, V2, or any other such revision information into your plan. Just leave it like I have it. Nothing extra. The tally system will update to your newest post. No need to make version markers. It just makes things harder for me.

If an action in a plan is not one for a specific character, more a general idea of what needs to be done, it will still need to go into the priority matrix.

At the end of all your votes, put your reasons explaining your vote choice. As I've said before, a plan with reasons will get more weight than one without. Because reasons matter. I care about reasons more than numbers. I need reasons to help build the characters. Get used to putting reasons into your plans, as eventually reasons will become a requirement rather than a suggestion. This post will change when that occurs.

[] [Plan] X

You may (but are not required to) put additional reasons to agree with that plan beneath your vote if there are reasons for it that the original vote creator didn't put in that you thought of. The more/better the reasoning inside explaining a vote, the greater the chance it will be added into the story.

Votes are typically closed after either 12 or 24 hours unless real life interferes. Ties will be either decided by me, or by whoever is in the forum or the Discord that has not voted already at the time. I will @ whoever is currently in the forum or Discord that I choose to be the tiebreaker.

Plans have specific timelines. Immediate Actions are obviously immediate. Current Month is similarly self-explanatory. Short Term is something that can conceivably be done within 1-3 months, and Long Term is 3-6 months.
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World Map
Interactive Game of Thrones Map with Spoilers Control

Braavos has mountain between it and the other free cities, but they are passable mountains. The dothraki will take time to get their horses and men over them, but they will get through. Then they have a straight shot to Braavos. Braavos is a small city of connected islands, but in some places coming from that side, the water is shallow enough to ford it. They CAN find a way to attack the city. Specifically, the two tips of land closest to Braavos. So they could do a pincer attack. This can only happen during low tide, but is possible.
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On Secrets
Apparently, as a Dragon Priest, it is my priestly duty to bring you secrets from the mouth of Tessarion the Unknowable, our God of Secrets. So, here goes:

2. Thomas is an agent of the Sealord, sent to keep an eye on Valyrian worshippers.
3. Boromun worships the Drowned God and Matalarr worships the Red God.
XxX End Priest Mode XxX

@Lunasmeow, I'd already typed up that secret when you told me not to say it. So it's redacted now. Was the one I wanted to share the most too.

@NúmenoreanNazgûl What a shame that...

For everyone else, know that "secrets" that the priest(s) choose to reveal are sent to either Aegon, Daenerys, or Viserys (later) as either Dreams from Shrykos, or Visions from Tessarion. Yes, there is a difference.

Also, yes Priests know more, but they can also be wrong. Like Naz was last vote. They're human, they just tend to have more info than most.
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