Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

[X] Choice One: Mantle 2
-[X] Choice Two: Arms 3

Fuck it, changing my vote.

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[X] Choice one: Mantle 1
-[X] Choice two: Arms 1

Like the ego cape the most and don't really think we need extra arms at this time that the mantle can't provide later.
Wait. Are these being counted by winning combonation, or is it "Mantle that gets the most votes + arms that get the most votes"?
Wait. Are these being counted by winning combonation, or is it "Mantle that gets the most votes + arms that get the most votes"?

Yes, by combo.


If there are 10 votes for

mantle 1
arms 1

and less of any other combination but 14 votes for mantle 2

mantle 1
arms 1

still wins, because the two choices together is 1 vote. Individual parts don't matter, only the whole vote.
[X] Choice one: Mantle 2
-[X] Choice two: Arms 2

Home stretch! No matter who takes the gold this day folks, it was a good showing from everybody! GG!
@Dexexe1234 have to say no matter what wins the designs for all of it looks really good in general so great job!:D

Can't help but imagine using the cape as a glider, the large ring as a buzz saw, and the chest rings as throwing weapons.

Also arms options look cool as well.