Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

Fan-work contest judging and finalists found. Final vote begins.
After a month and a half of downtime, trying to finish up the Satsuma Tutorial arc and fighting my depression and anxiety, I guess it's finally time to finish the fan-work contest! Welcome, to the second JUDGEMENT post! Let us begin:

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@ShieldCrown 's entries:
Entry 1 - 8: A grim cavalcade of Eishalons!

There's a long list so let's go over each of them and then all of them thematically together afterwards:

Design 1: A design recalling the idea of the grim reaper! I like the horns and the mask, and the scythe is folded up like a proper war scythe!
Design 2: Cloaked angel weeping tears, Hmm, hmm. Not much to say here.
Design 3: The Lawbringer carries it's own heat it seems! I dig the teethy mask and the cross-hair eye!
Design 4: The Chef is probably the most bulbous of the designs, its got three (or four) hulking elephant feet and it carries SICK BURNS!
Design 5: The forgotten child reminds me of five nights at freddies, and that gives me the creeps for that regard alone. Also does the child and the angel share a mask? They are identical!
Design 6: The Scholar, with their book and glasses, remind me of the fanon idea of Gaster from Undertale, though I dig their illuminati symbol!
Design 7: Wrathful Fighter's got a big fist and seems ready to use it! Their beast-like mask is nice, though it's shape is a bit wobbly?
Design 8: Now the Dancer is very interesting, and probably the most unique of the designs! I really dig the segmented floating limbs and the stabby shoes and fingers!

Altogether, these designs are inspired by the souls from Undertale, which kind of makes them a set by default. I like them, but the reoccuring form of a none-descript coat is maybe a bit lazy? When it comes to quantity though, it's not something to neglect. I like them all, though the "GENOCIDE" and the Dancer ones are my favorites!

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@DaLintyGuy 's Entry:
Entry 1: Lore Piece: Green Faction!

Heheheh I like the fusion of dwarven tech and druidic reverence and control over nature! The lore piece hints of enough of their terrible power, yet never hits home with something definite, allowing the mind to run wild with what kind of terrible constructs they made. Could be a fun direction to explore as well!

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@Familiar 's entries:
Entry 1: DON'T FORGET; YOU'RE HERE FOREVER. Dex in Daeva's net!

Heheheheh this ones nice. It, it also kinda hits home with the feeling that I am completely tangled in my work. I couldn't leave it even if I wanted to! I will probably craft stories until my demise.

The flashy version is a BIT hard on the eyes but, EH, so is the Daeva!

Entry 2: OrdigrO's!

Ppfpfffffhahahahahaah!! I love it! Satsuma would too!

Entry 3: The Creation of Zest!

Holy SHIT. This one is actually really cool! I really like Iggy half coming out of the TV, the use of the chop sticks instead of just their hand, the freaking Chatterimp of all things grabbing Zest, I mean, woah! Awesome!

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@Vindictus 's entries:
Entry 1: One o'dem newfanged frogs!

Very cool! I love the detail shot of the mouth, with the extra set of teeth inside for latching on! Their derpy frontal face is cute too! Could see a potential for these critters in the Falling Lakes!

Entry 2: Stalk armed Cyclops!

Heheheh! I like this one on the merit that it has the body of a Glukkon from Oddworld! It's eye screams "Mike Wazowski" to me though. I think it's the eye and the teeth together? It's still cool!

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@VoiceoftheAbyss 's entry:
Entry 1: Cataclysmic Poem!

Very nice, very "doomsday" as well, speaking of the ghost war and then a feint little light of hope for this dying child! I can only presume that this is about Briggs and Zest at the end! I uh, I can't see the rhyme structure, but I am also not that taught in poem types, so it might be a form I don't know of, but I still like it a lot.

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@King_Rule 's entries:
Entry 1 - 6: A whole series of critters and curios!

Let's start from the top then!

Design 1: Vass: I still like this one, and I see you retooled it into a person instead of an Eishalon! I like their "mimic"-like state when just resting in the Pot, and I like their bag of holding concept! The idea of a backpack buddy is cool too, so I dig this one a lot!

Design 2: Vessel of Sloth: I remember this one too! Big fat friend is friendly still. Not much else to say though other than... Reminds me of Snorlax?

Design 3: Vessel of Pain: This snappy deathspider clutching a bitey heart mask STILL freaks me out! I like its daggers and the effort of giving both this one and Sloth star flesh has not gone unnoticed!... Why is it eating it's own hands? We just don't know...

Design 4: Lesovik: It's a mushroom man! I like his assymetry with the big arm and the small arm! I dig his staff and his crooked feet! Also you know I love puns. All of Terrene Spire is basically one long running pun gag! Like the fact that "Slagmar" is short for "Slag Marsh" but also when said in danish, it's "Battlefield" (Slagmark) without the K at the end! Wait that's not a pun. OH WELL.

Design 5: The Hermit: CRABS! I love crabs. The prehensile tail is cool, and I like it's lantern! The beard is neat and well, it's a crab! I dig it's shape and it's implied sapience as well! Very cool!

Design 6: Taokoi: Hehehe I get it. Fusion of the Tao, the white black yin / yang symbol and Koi fish! I love the lore bit you wrote, makes them seem like a pokemon!

Entry 7: Playing with Dolls!

Heheheh this one's very cute! A nice little moment between Iggy and Satsuma!

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@Archeo Lumiere 's entry:
Entry 1: Lore Point: Green Faction!

People like the color green it seems! A faction of constructors, builders, creators! Very nice! I like the idea of them building across the land, only for their creations to become battlements and fortifications for the more aggressive factions, which in the end proved their downfall, maybe? It's still nice!

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@Genon 's entry:
Entry 1: Lore Point: Umbra Noir!

I like the idea of a single unit faction, very very interesting! The aesthetic of the suit and tie, the cane, the coffin, it's like a walking funeral director. The skills, are a bit stereotypical, and the power level and implied unlimited power breakdown is uuuuuuh. Well. It's part for the course with your entries! It is a really cool idea though, don't get me wrong about that.

Addendum: Drawing of Umbra Noir by @King_Rule !

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@Reguna-Blade 's entry:
Entry 1: Inclinations!

Niiice nice! Is this a story about Red? I really dig this one! There's a, a gruesome hint of a story, a reason for all the despair! It is VERY COOL! :> Hhahah!

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@DrumsInTheDeep 's Entry:
Entry 1: The Ballad of Zest Lavie!

Heehehehe this one has that, offbeat perfect level of silliness! I enjoy the visual of Shrub playing a flute and Zest on the trumpet! The song is also silly but I dig it!

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A little fewer entries than the last contest, and that's perfectly understandable, given how confusing I made it this time. I am sorry about that! I promise it will be a WHILE before the next contest this time. But hey, without further ado, some stats:

26 entries from 10 participants! Still not too shabby! So, the question:


Let's continue in the same rail as the last time, because me judging alone is a tiresome effort, HERE'S THE FINALISTS:

A) @DrumsInTheDeep 's Entry: The Ballad of Zest Lavie!
B) @DaLintyGuy 's Entry: Lore piece: Green Faction!
C) @Familiar 's Entry: The Creation of Zest!
D) @Genon 's Entry: Umbra Noir!
E) @King_Rule 's Entry: Lesovik!

Again, these are the FINALISTS, not the winners in order! The last step is yours to take after all.

You make your own list between these five entries, and rank them from 1 to 5! Based on their position, they gain points:

1: gives 4 points
2: gives 3 points
3: gives 2 point
4: gives 1 point
5: gives 1 point

And with this, the final vote begins! You guys create your lists and then we have our winners! And of course the finalists can vote too, seriously. Just like last time!



1. C
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. B

EDIT: Changed my vote.
Last edited:
[1] A
Because songs are amazing

[2] C
Because it's the most classical art of all.

[3] B
Dwarves and Druids, the singular combination that nobody ever expected.

[4] E
Put here mostly out of the fact I like the rest more, even though I really like this character.

[5] D
Just... Eh. He feels like a rather generic OC.
Heck because of our actions already, Route A from the prologue of Terrene Spire is now one of these shed BETA timelines, running their course until causality consumes them to respend the energy into more infinite potential timelines.

By the way, what was Route A anyway?
[5] D
Just... Eh. He feels like a rather generic OC.

Yeah, I was debating scrapping him altogether, but eventually kept him around because I just couldn't think of anything else to replace him. You'll notice I tried to reduce his massive Mary Sue-ness by writing in personality flaws, giving him weaknesses, and giving an easy way to kill him off, but I don't really think it eliminated the Sueness all that much.

Frankly, I was surprised he even got up to the finals. There was a lot of stuff that I thought was better.
Reminds me of Snorlax?

I will not deny it served as at least 30% inspiration. It is my spirit Pokemon after all.

Design 6: Taokoi: Hehehe I get it. Fusion of the Tao, the white black yin / yang symbol and Koi fish! I love the lore bit you wrote, makes them seem like a pokemon!

Oddly enough (or not) it is a retool of an old Pokemon idea. Yeah pokemon influences a lot of my creature designs it seems.

As for votes:

[1] C: Parodies of great works are always funny.
[2] B: Green 'IS' a creative color.
[3] A: Sounds like something Zest and crew would do in universe
[4] D: Congrats man
[5] E: I'm not the type to vote mine higher than someone else's