We all help each other out here and there are plenty of GMs that have their mistakes pointed out so they can improve. In fact you never improve unless you make mistakes so feel free to make lots and we'll help you fix them!
On another note @Dexexe1234 can our crystal constructs be moved independently after we make them? Like if we made a drill can we will it to spin really fast so we can pierce through hard stuff in general?
We all help each other out here and there are plenty of GMs that have their mistakes pointed out so they can improve. In fact you never improve unless you make mistakes so feel free to make lots and we'll help you fix them!
On another note @Dexexe1234 can our crystal constructs be moved independently after we make them? Like if we made a drill can we will it to spin really fast so we can pierce through hard stuff in general?
Any creation made of ectoplasm can essentially be controlled within your area of effect, meaning that when a ghost is possessing something, it should concievably be able to control any part of this possession, even replicated matter through ectoplasm, like with making a Drill or even a Gatling Gun, but, as we tried back then, this matter wasn't that easy.
A literal hint at how to attain this level of control: Training. You just aren't good enough at matter molding yet.
Yet, hinting at training like this is a bit mean, it's an action needing time to go by before it shows off progress, and we are currently on a timer. I am sorry.
Yet, hinting at training like this is a bit mean, it's an action needing time to go by before it shows off progress, and we are currently on a timer. I am sorry.
A nice concept all around, and an interesting angle to set a story piece from! Very nice :>
Congratulations @DaLintyGuy ! You've won THE RIGHT TO CREATE A CANON MONSTER!
Let's keep our talk going in the PMs eh?
C) @Familiar 's Entry: The Creation of Zest - 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 3 1 = 36
This is really cool, and the fan-art train Familiar has got going for terrene spire is honestly such an awesome thing to me, thank you, it means a lot!
Congratulations @Familiar ! You've won THE RIGHT TO CREATE A CANON EISHALON!!
Get to that PM box and lets get SINISTER!!
And from a surprising left field, Lesovik the Mushroomoid Ordgrown wins the big bout! I really do enjoy this design, it is very delightful!
Congratulations @King_Rule ! You've won THE RIGHT TO CREATE A CANON HEEEEROOOOOOOO!!!!
And that's a wrap people! The Fan-work anniversary contest is over! We got fewer entries and fewer voters than last time, and that's entirely fair. This year has not been a good one for my productivity, but I still thank you all for turning up, submitting entries and keeping the attention going for Terrene Spire!
I promise it's gonna take a LONG WHILE before the next contest comes. For now, I should focus on delivering these new and exciting entries into the Darosian Canon! I will see you winners in the private messages, and to everyone else:
And from a surprising left field, Lesovik the Mushroomoid Ordgrown wins the big bout! I really do enjoy this design, it is very delightful!
Congratulations @King_Rule ! You've won THE RIGHT TO CREATE A CANON HEEEEROOOOOOOO!!!!
*Strikes Saturday Night Fever Pose* Oh baby! OH BABY! By one whole point. Oh that was so close.
I'd like thank you all, voters whether you rated me high or low; fellow readers, artists and finalists whom love this series as much as I do; and hands down the Dex man himself for both creating this fabulous fantasy and allowing me to compete in the finals. Again Thank You for I don't believe I'll ever be able to say it enough.
Terrene Spire IRC Chat. We have a chatroom, created by the magnificent @WhoAmEye! Come in, have a chat! I will be there sometimes. I try to be there. Simply write my name and I will react! It's most often "Dexe" right now. Simply click the link and write a name and all that, it's super easy!
Terrene Spire on TVTropes. Word of mouth is a strong way to help share what stories you like! Go improve the online presence of Terrene Spire! It's a big help.
The Dexworks Patreon. Help me to survive to keep drawing! You can gain great insight and nice sketches! No pressure though, my stories will always be free. I am sorry that there is nothing special to go look at yet but, I am working on it. I promise.
And if you can, please show Terrene Spire to someone else! Who knows, they might enjoy it? Please share it around!
So the only way Ghosts can permanently die is for their Halo to be destroyed or for the Sarcapholeum to be inoperable...plus maybe turning into an Eishalon.