Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

Well, I was the one who promised a review, and moreover, I promised an essay review. This will take time, for sure, but you'll all get to see an English minor write a review on a forum quest.

For now, let's start the 23 re-readings of TS which will be needed for this.
Okay I am posting this for logging purposes, read the, insanity if you want to. How my brother and his GF talk to me.

If anyone wants me to take this down I will.

DexI dag kl. 19:08


brother GF is pissed because brother is going nuts trying to do everything himself as per usual and this is my fault for not helping.

AtanahI dag kl. 19:09

i mean. I wanna give good advice... but fuck her, just vent and call her a bitch.

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:11

...Granted, that is What She is doing. Venting at you.

DexI dag kl. 19:12

she also used the phrase "you also have a room to empty of all your shit"

sounds like theres some anger

"dont you think you need to stay some days? You don't get anything done on one day."

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:15

Oké that makes me blood boil Because Its hard for me to bring to words. But you are not owed them anything

DexI dag kl. 19:16

"you suddenly went home the last time so your brother and I had to stop both my brothers birthdays because of the dogs. We also had to drop my mothers birthday. I have a birthday on thursday and I hope you arent gonna destroy that day too. I think you should stay here from wednesday to friday morning. Else ALL of my birthday plans go awash. I have invited the house full of guests, not dogs." "but if you want to go home again wednesday, then you can take the dogs with you, then we collect them again on saturday."

AtanahI dag kl. 19:16

ok dex type: If the doctors manage to suck all your fat out of your fat ass in day, i can clean the room in day.

DexI dag kl. 19:16

holy shit.

told her "okay now we have a timeframe. Let me check my calendar."

AtanahI dag kl. 19:18

or wasen't you flappy tits a one day job, though i guess it was a team effort.

DexI dag kl. 19:18

no seriously read that

fucking christ.

@here gonna need some more eyes on this

"you can take wednesday to friday this week. Thursday and friday next week and then hunting season starts. Then your brother is not even home and I am working. Then thurrsday to friday after that my belly balloon is coming out."

AtanahI dag kl. 19:20

belly balloon?

DexI dag kl. 19:20

"but you are impossible to make any arrangements with because you just stay away becuase it doesn't go like your head wants it to go. How dare you act like that!!! Your brother jumps and leaps and dances around while you just sit and stare into the air."

she has one of those stomach balloons so your stomach is smaller

well this turned aggressive.

AtanahI dag kl. 19:21

say no

DexI dag kl. 19:22

yeah I don't really want to take this.

NeriI dag kl. 19:22

Literally just say no.

AtanahI dag kl. 19:22

she can ask nicely that is all you want

RaiuI dag kl. 19:22

Angry and attempting to guilt trip you? Nah.

That's not something to say yes to.

AtanahI dag kl. 19:24


derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:24

Its less guilt trip and more demanding

AtanahI dag kl. 19:25

btw remember the thing from marts where verbal abuse became illegal

DexI dag kl. 19:28

I want to reply but what the fuck would I even say

I cannot give them anything but compliance or anger

they dont give me any choice

AtanahI dag kl. 19:29

i mean

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:29

I think the worst part were "you dare" to step away when "its not like your head wants it to go" That is, rather riode and hypocritical

VyorI dag kl. 19:29

I'd reply with "stop trying to guilt trip me, for that? Not happening."

Puts the onus and guilt on them

DexI dag kl. 19:31

they wont accept that and then im causing grief because I am asking for decency

AtanahI dag kl. 19:31

hey i am sorry but i have to decline, it is not fair to talk to me that way, i was willing to go help and even talked with per about it. However i do not want to go because if i do, you will just keep abusing me.

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:32

You tried compliance, it was bad for your mental state.

AtanahI dag kl. 19:33

just don't comply no matter what.

it is mental abuse and you have prof

DexI dag kl. 19:37

I say "I cannot help because it is not fair that you talk to me like that. I want to help ad I talked to my brother about the 8. of may." "I cannot take the emotional torture that you push on me and thus I cannot be a help without hurting myself."

she replies "Stop that piss or I will hang myself." "Cant you yourself hear how fucking stupid you sound? Wake up to the real world and drop that computer fantasy world you live in."


derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:39

... I am livid

VyorI dag kl. 19:39

Tell her to do it

RaiuI dag kl. 19:39

>Or I will hang myself God, it would be so gratifying to reply "Then do it."(redigeret)

DexI dag kl. 19:39

no thats abuse Vyor

VyorI dag kl. 19:39

Not if she's threatening it

DexI dag kl. 19:39

I am already by default being an asshole to them because I am not bending to their will

as atanah can attest to

AtanahI dag kl. 19:40


DexI dag kl. 19:40

so this, saying no

is really really pissing them off.

AtanahI dag kl. 19:40

i could also tell the police that

DexI dag kl. 19:40

det er ikke nok referencer at kun have to trusler.

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:40

I think react could With "If your only recourse is threatening suicide or insulting me, Then you have proven my point."

AtanahI dag kl. 19:41

i mean just scroll up in the messages

DexI dag kl. 19:42

my body is pumping with anxiety

I am in hell

AtanahI dag kl. 19:42

i mean... just talk to the police so they are aware of what is happening

RaiuI dag kl. 19:43

Take screen shots of the message, contact the police through their non-emergency line, provide the screenshots.

DexI dag kl. 19:44

is this really enough grounds

AtanahI dag kl. 19:44

i mean you are not trying to put them in jail but just to make them back off

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 19:46

SHE is being indecent

RaiuI dag kl. 19:46

It's not enough grounds for anything, however it can be used as a bit of history.

I.E. If things do have to go further, then this would help.

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 19:48

her threatening to hang herself is proof of their excessive manipulation

definitely take it to the police on a non ememrgency

AtanahI dag kl. 19:48

i think she makes fun of dex

like he is going to hang himself

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 19:48

as well as the fact they are NOT accomidating something you are actually diagnosed and seeing professionals for

DexI dag kl. 19:49

"its not fair that we talk like that to you? Listen, is it fair that you write to your brother like you do? No I don't think so!!"

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 19:49

then don't write

don't answer

if they want nothing, they can have nothing

DexI dag kl. 19:49

the things I "wrote to my brother" is statements of how they hurt me and how their stress makes me shatter. There is also a lot of "this is what I did and this is the plan."

the latest one I wrote to them is an explanation of the emotional work it is to deal with them

because they asked why I didnt want to be in the house


them: "Can I ask why you dont want to sleep in moms house?" Me: "It gives me stress to be away from a place I can call my own and find peace in. A big part of the stress is also keeping an eye on the dogs and the furnace, while trying to keep a normal sleep cycle so I am not destroyed when you two appear. It is a long series of emotional work which gives me a lot of pressure because I don't functional like a normal person."

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 19:51

they don't want to understand. and authorative powers need to get involved

DexI dag kl. 19:52

and they know the pressure they give can "shatter me" like it has before so I act like they want

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 19:52

thats still abuse

RaiuI dag kl. 19:53

That's literal abuse.

VyorI dag kl. 19:54

explicitly so

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 19:55

if they don't want to listen to you, they can listen to a case handler

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 19:57

Talking to her Sounds like trying to take down a wall. It does more damage to you Then to the wall Granted, She Sounds more like a spiked wall

DexI dag kl. 20:03

I called the police

they made a note of my call

but they couldnt do anything for me

AtanahI dag kl. 20:03

what did you tell them?

DexI dag kl. 20:04

about my brother and his girlfriend and how they talk to me, how I was in that house for 34 days

the things we have discussed

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:04

documentation is important, it establishes a history

DexI dag kl. 20:04

they said "it must be their turn to be in the house and also take those dogs to a shelter."

"you need to talk to your brother about this"

AtanahI dag kl. 20:04

did you tell them about the messages?

DexI dag kl. 20:04

and I told her he wont listen

I did yes but thats not their jurisdiction

AtanahI dag kl. 20:04

i mean... it is

DexI dag kl. 20:05

except apparently it isnt

this is not enough for a case atanah

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:05

its not the phoneladies, no, but it is the police's

DexI dag kl. 20:05

it needs to have taken place in a visible format like SMS or recorded conversations for a long time

before its considered an abuse case

AtanahI dag kl. 20:05

but it have... and you have sms messages

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:06

Whats a 'long time' Are we talking years or months?

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:06

this is something to submint in person, not over phone

they are going to need that month and more

AtanahI dag kl. 20:06

i mean i am a witness who can say it has been years... and so is your psyciatrist

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:07


DexI dag kl. 20:07

I want to punch myself over this

I reaaally want to just hammer myself until blood spatters

I cannot emotionally connect any dots anymore

everything is chaos inside

at least pain brings some clarity

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:09

Dex Making change is very hard, Especialy With all that chaos. But... I am... Proud is not the right word, but I am...glad you were able to make this step. Changing things is hard and I hope it pays off.

DexI dag kl. 20:10

I havent even told them off

but this shit

I dont know.

AtanahI dag kl. 20:10

shall i call kim to come and help you?

DexI dag kl. 20:10

what could he even do

AtanahI dag kl. 20:10

talk with you

talk with the police

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:11

what you are doing does not call for punching yourself

you are taking a stand and you'r brother and his gal is trying t knock you back down again

thats not how this acceptabily works

they owe you the means to deal with your needs

hunting is not a need

if your brother actually cared about you, that would not be their reason to force you they way they do

DexI dag kl. 20:13

"but we are out of options!"

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:13

I understand where Dex is coming from Because its So frustrating you want something happening, to focus on. But...its not good Maybe its good for that friend to Come over. Someone actually listening does help.

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:13

they aren't out of options

flash sale is a thing

they are refusing options

they are refusing to hand over control

third party accompanyment, and recordings

they will bulldoze you less when more people show them that they are the dicks

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:16

What were there other 'options' because being out of options is selling it short. There are often alternative routes. But those are not as easy for them. Not as cheap either. Why ask for a third party when you can bully someone into doing it for you.

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:17

options are never gone. because there are aspca places to drop the dogs off for free

they will be taken care of by somebody

there are pawn shops that do pick ups

DexI dag kl. 20:17

my head keeps screaming that it doesnt matter anymore

that I should just shut up

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:17

theres even bulk garbage companies

it never doesn't matter

shutting up is what they want

but it doesn't help you

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:18

That is what they want, or atleast the girlfriend, and fuck them. Get mad, what is anger but speaking up when things are unfair

Oke, let me rephrase that

DexI dag kl. 20:19

but its currently unfair to them in their head and they dont respect my words so nothing I say mean anything

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:19

because they refuse to look

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:19

Compliance and shutting up only causes the problem to last longer Offer alternate solutions, and if they do not take those, force them

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:19

they refuse to acknowledge that its not all about them

you need to take care of yourself. everything else is third

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:20

They can choose now, but if they keep being shit heads you will make them choose. Or else you will cut them off. I am pretty sure you can set their numbers on ignore. Don't take any messages from them. If they think that is unfair, then they should have stopped when you showed that you were done.

They do not want compromise, they want to have the whole cake. Life is full of compromise, it is not fun but a part of life. You need to share the cake. But they want the whole cake. So what they missed some birthdays that are 'ruined', I am pretty sure they ruined an entire month.

DexI dag kl. 20:23

yeah but that month is a positive thing to them because I finally got off my ass and helped them.

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:24

and they could have had more if they listened to you

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:26

So a positive month is worth torturing someone? From the sounds of it you tried to it the balanced and good way, and they abused your trust and nature. I advice not talking through phone anymore, as in not reacting at all anymore to long conversations and only planning in person with a friend. Because you need someone who thinks about you. It has been 2 against 1, and they have been pushing you around

DexI dag kl. 20:27

they would see that as being a coward because im not doing it myself

the day I "ran away" my brother called me broiling mad

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:27

pot calling the kettle black

DexI dag kl. 20:27

I couldnt handle the call and gave it to atanah

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:28

they did it first

DexI dag kl. 20:28

atanah goes "Dex isnt doing so well right now." And my brother went "Yeah he isnt the only one." and hung up instantly

they will not talk to third parties

they only want me

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:28

they had you long enough it sounds like

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:28

and you do not want them. Refuse to talk with them at all, except with a third party

if they want your help, they have to except a third party.

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:29

they have to accept a level playing field

DexI dag kl. 20:30

it dodesnt matter anymore. I want to die... I am so tired

but I wont rest

I will be unsettled about this


who knows how long

I am always the assshole and now im just whining

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:31

you aren't the asshole

DexI dag kl. 20:32

my body is so heavy now.

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:32

whining is used to belittle someone elses complaints. Because if you do not complain, nothing chances. They call you a whiner, they make you feel like an asshole, to control you.

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:32

and whining just means something could be better

have you seen your therapist recently?

DexI dag kl. 20:33

I havent had my psychologist for like 8 months(redigeret)

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:33

step one is an appointment then

DexI dag kl. 20:33

my current "psychologist" is my social helper

I dont have anymore appointments

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:34

step two is making them go through her

DexI dag kl. 20:34

I have to pay for the next one

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:35

i think even your social helper could tell that what they are doing is dumb

DexI dag kl. 20:35

she already did with the last time where they yelled "I am so DISAPPOINTED!!"

in the SMS.

she said thats weirdly hostile and not at all friendly

thats not hte full message, it was about her birthdfays again

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:36

...how many birthdays does she have?

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:36

still shows that they are not think about you

DexI dag kl. 20:36

first its her two brothers

then her mothers

then her own

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:36

that they arent talking with you but at you

DexI dag kl. 20:36

because they go to work, they have stuff planned, they have things they neeed to do

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:36

its not like its any of their last birthdays

DexI dag kl. 20:36

but I dont do anything but sit on my ass licking my own eyeballs

to them

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:37

because they aren't paying attention

and they don't care that that isn't what you do

they can shelter the dogs and let the house sit a month if it really comes to bdays over progress

DexI dag kl. 20:38

I want to post all of this to the TS thread...

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:38

bdays over being decent people

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:39

Look, I had to move my birthday because of exams. Because there are things that are more important then birthday parties. But they do not care about you, they care about themselves. because you tried it their way and it was not enough.

DexI dag kl. 20:40

its never enough.

derpalicious lizboiI dag kl. 20:40

They will not look out for your health, so you have to.

ClockworkpieceI dag kl. 20:41

life is about the fact that its never enough
Jesus fucking christ. What the actual fuck is wrong with some people? Dex I need you to tell me one thing. Are you okay to talk about this further or not?
Uhm...I don't know what to say in situations like this, but I will say what most Anime, Cartoon, and Real Life taught me: Don't Give Up
Jesus fucking christ. What the actual fuck is wrong with some people? Dex I need you to tell me one thing. Are you okay to talk about this further or not?

go ahead. EDIT: I reread what you wrote and I think I misread. I have tried untold amounts of things to try to get them to listen but there is no budging them.
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[X] Deep Breath (even if we are not sure if we breath still)
-[X] Lets us all calmly talk about what just happened.

Lysa Skal: I've know Zest for two minutes and I already need an Ibuprofen. And I don't even have a head to ache.

[X] Deep Breath (even if we are not sure if we breath still)
-[X] Lets us all calmly talk about what just happened.
[X] Deep Breath (even if we are not sure if we breath still)
-[X] Lets us all calmly talk about what just happened.
[x] explain things to Daeva in a calm and ordered manner just to prove the robot wrong, then ask Daeva to explain what happened from their prespective.
[X] "Ugggh... what?"
-[X] "Okay, you can explain stuff in super simple terms later."
We shall focus hard on just how curious about everything we are, and in this fashion supercharge Zest's powers!
[X] Express more curiosity
This Voice Lord wishes to voice this Voice Lord's considerable enjoyment.


That is all.