Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

So neat we get to see other locations and can tell these places are related to our mission.
Oh, wow. I wonder what we could have found there, had we chosen to go to the Lakes instead of the Fortress. And hey, we can still go there after we've saved Briggs.
Oh, wow. I wonder what we could have found there, had we chosen to go to the Lakes instead of the Fortress. And hey, we can still go there after we've saved Briggs.
Assuming we want to learn more about our faction and possibly even rebuild it going there later so kinda needed.

Besides note like we have a set long term goal anyway so up to us what happens.
Dex, The interactive statusventory is awesome.

I just read through all the tutorials contained in the statusventory and they were witty, had some hints of how the C3 acts and how it relates to the rest of the world, they were funny and very informative on how the world works :D. I really enjoyed reading it all. Which doesn't happen often with me and tutorials.
Oh, wow. I wonder what we could have found there, had we chosen to go to the Lakes instead of the Fortress. And hey, we can still go there after we've saved Briggs.
Possibly all sorts of things -or possibly gotten ourselves killed yet again. Something breached those defenses fifteen years ago, and it might still be around or at least able to respond to renewed signs of activity. So I say, once Briggs is saved and our questions mostly answered, we go on a little scouting mission -and proceed with extreme caution.
On another note, surpised to learn Falling Lakes used to be Orange territory. So far that makes it three: our arrival site, this fortress and the city itself. There could well be others, either Orange or some other colour. More questions to ask, it seems.
Yay, update! This tutorial is excellent, you're a really good job of explaining things while still keeping it in-character and fun to read!
On another note, surpised to learn Falling Lakes used to be Orange territory. So far that makes it three: our arrival site, this fortress and the city itself

most likely all three were once part of the 'starting area' of the orange faction, after all the three of them are connected through minimal distance

either way
[X] stay calm and keep watching the tutorial

thats all for now, once we have finished the tutorial, I want to have a serious talk with Deava, one where we tell him that everything is going to be alright from now on, that we will 'fix everything' and kick the baddies behinds, together
thats all for now, once we have finished the tutorial, I want to have a serious talk with Deava, one where we tell him that everything is going to be alright from now on, that we will 'fix everything' and kick the baddies behinds, together
I'm for having a serious talk with Daeva, but saying we're gonna fix everything and whoop all the asses? Eh. For right now, let's stick to saving the kid, learning what's what, and then when we're done with that, we can have a good palwow with our lonely buddy.

Really the first thing to do would be to find out what has him so far down in the ground. I mean complete loss of your friends and family would be MORE than sufficient, but I dunno he seems to take the loss weirdly personally? Maybe he did something and his actions wrecked shit so...We gotta find out before we can help, and he may just want a friendly ear.
We can eat. It's in the Tutorial.
Really? Must have missed that somehow and remembered how we couldn't eat or even hold the fruit things connected to our coffin near the beginning of quest so thought we couldn't.

I guess that means that Ghosts can only eat certain things and I wonder what those are.
Really? Must have missed that somehow and remembered how we couldn't eat or even hold the fruit things connected to our coffin near the beginning of quest so thought we couldn't.

I guess that means that Ghosts can only eat certain things and I wonder what those are.

Zest tried to take a bite out of the fruit in the beginning, they didn't completely envelope it with their mouth. As for touching things, it comes up later.