Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

So looking at this the Personabilities tab seems redundant with the Skillmanac tab showing all the same information. I assume there's a valid reason but I can't figure it out.
I wonder if we can't use Matter Mold to increase the size of our hands so we can move heavy objects out of our way.
Hoo, that was cool. Looks like we got 2 ticks probably? I can't think of anything else that'd mean. But of course we can do the simple thing.

[X] Ask for Clarification on some of these symbols in questistry. Those numbers mean the number of ticks?

Unrelated to that, APPARENTLY, ghosts recruit more ghosts the exact way that'd be implied. By Murdering people. This explains handily why the Ordgrown were a bit nervous around us. Although the fact that the Sarcophagus can be used to revive people as ghosts well...Hm.

IF it comes down to it, I suppose we could revive the boy that way. So that's an option to keep in mind. Probably not ideal.

Although, I am now mildly curious as to what happens if we possess a corpse. Hm...
On another note we finally have an inventory screen I believe which means we can start storing stuff.
[X] Wow that's neat
-[X] Deava you guys did this that is awesome
-[X] Keep watching the video

Edit: Dex this Equipventory is fucking incredible you are awesome
Last edited:
This is ridiculously good.

[X] Wow that's neat
-[X] Deava you guys did this that is awesome
-[X] Keep watching the video
The issue isn't willingness. It's more that there's a serious lack of coders that would work for free.

Of those that do, well. They aren't that good and tend to drop off the face of the earth.

The Statusventory's been in development for a long ass time.

Yeaaaah. I'm willing to say (with an ounce of shame) that I'm one of those people who tried to make a game with him. A lack of communication kinda killed the few games I did with him, though that was caused more by the fact I had school going on.

re: development time of the Hearth - let's just say it's been a long time in the making. I won't give an exact amount without Dex's okay.

(That said, again, if there's any issues with it that Iggy seems to have missed, feel free to shoot me a message or whatever. I wouldn't put it past that flashy technicolor pile of strings to not have it be 100% issue free. I know for certain that due to some oversights, it only works well in the most chromatic of brows--- wait. Dammit Iggy. No wonder he's got a preference for that browser in particular.)
(That said, again, if there's any issues with it that Iggy seems to have missed, feel free to shoot me a message or whatever. I wouldn't put it past that flashy technicolor pile of strings to not have it be 100% issue free. I know for certain that due to some oversights, it only works well in the most chromatic of brows--- wait. Dammit Iggy. No wonder he's got a preference for that browser in particular.)

I can confirm foxy browsers also work without a noticeable problem. Unless it's supposed to be like disco dancing Ghosts in the background in which case we have a distinct problem.
Hmmm, maybe you do "Lock on" by thinking about the words and/or about your next attack hitting/being guided to your enemy?
[X] Keep watching, hopefully we´ll finally get some answers. Of course, we already did get some, but many things remain mysterious.
-[X] We need All The History Lessons after this. Hopefully Daeva has those stored somewhere.


- Ordgrown, ghost, Daeva? Our CEO seems to share features with each group. Query more later.

- So ghosts come in roughly the way one would expect, by dying. But who are doing the dying in large enough numbers to form and reinforce entire armies of unknown size? Why does the Orange Corp. do things seemingly diffirent from their rivals? And just letting you go if you don´t wish to fight for them? That sounds... way too good to be true if Terrene Spire sapients think and behave anything like humans.

- Still no explanation for what this war is about. What are the various sides actually fighting over?

- Daevas apparently age. We already knew Ordgrown do, though the specifics are unknown and most likely unimportant. Is that something ghosts too need to concern themselves with? Old age rarely comes alone, after all.
- So ghosts come in roughly the way one would expect, by dying. But who are doing the dying in large enough numbers to form and reinforce entire armies of unknown size? Why does the Orange Corp. do things seemingly diffirent from their rivals? And just letting you go if you don´t wish to fight for them? That sounds... way too good to be true if Terrene Spire sapients think and behave anything like humans.
If I reading this right, the Living has to pay a fee before death for Orange corp to process them into a ghost.
- So ghosts come in roughly the way one would expect, by dying. But who are doing the dying in large enough numbers to form and reinforce entire armies of unknown size? Why does the Orange Corp. do things seemingly diffirent from their rivals? And just letting you go if you don´t wish to fight for them? That sounds... way too good to be true if Terrene Spire sapients think and behave anything like humans.
Life insurance is apparently what makes ghost for the Orange Faction at least while the other factions rely on more murdery options.