Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

Excellent, I was actually just getting nostalgic for this and rereading it on your website when I saw that this updated again. Glad to have you back.
[X] Take the Tutorial in a nice orderly manner.
---[X] Make sure to take notes as applicable. Mental or otherwise.
----[X] "Is this going to be on the test?"
Somebody needs to add a link to Dex's Dexnet site to the TvTropes page, as he actually gets money from people going there.
its back! not going to lie, I have missed this so much. I half expected it to have ended when your computer broke... this is a nice surprise!
[X] Take the Tutorial in a nice orderly manner.
---[X] Make sure to take notes as applicable. Mental or otherwise.
Yaaay!! The quest is back!! <3

[X] Take the Tutorial in a nice orderly manner.
---[X] Make sure to take notes as applicable. Mental or otherwise.
Hyyyyyyyyyyyype!!11!1!one! Terrene Spire has returned!
Hahaha, I love the Daeva! He's actually so awesome.

[X] Take the Tutorial in a nice orderly manner.
---[X] Make sure to take notes as applicable. Mental or otherwise.
----[X] "Is this going to be on the test?"
Hm...That's what this is suggesting yeah. I think we need someone to put something over our eyes to see if it holds true or if this is just an effect "our" powers working on us.

EDIT: Wait....Would this mean we're...Are we seeing from the second person? Not even as a joke here. Third person you see the environment around you, however odd that may be, but not through your eyes. First person you see through your own eyes. Second would be...You see the environment around you through your own eyes?????????
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Hm...That's what this is suggesting yeah. I think we need someone to put something over our eyes to see if it holds true or if this is just an effect "our" powers working on us.

EDIT: Wait....Would this mean we're...Are we seeing from the second person? Not even as a joke here. Third person you see the environment around you, however odd that may be, but not through your eyes. First person you see through your own eyes. Second would be...You see the environment around you through your own eyes?????????
You mean the helmet from the tutorial? The one that simultaneously formed around Zest's head and our view point frame for frame?
Pretty much. Especially given the weird way that we apparently cannot see someone literally holding up their fingers right in front of us. Even though we're apparently looking directly at them...There is definitely some weirdness going on here, but we knew that already.
Pretty much. Especially given the weird way that we apparently cannot see someone literally holding up their fingers right in front of us. Even though we're apparently looking directly at them...There is definitely some weirdness going on here, but we knew that already.
... we only see HUDworks with our first person eyes.

I may be misinterpreting or misremembering something here. I get that we're seeing the hudworks with our first person eyes, but that does still functionally mean we're seeing in third person unless i'm missing something here. the fact that we're doing so with our eyes directly, via means that still haven't been explained (I distinctly recall Daeva stating we are not, in fact, a ghost, which may have something to do with it) Raises the question of how. At the moment we're either just seeing a screen of some sort via our eyes in a direct link somehow (which, ok we are, but I mean in the sense of We have our normal eyes by which we see the world and instead of taking in normal eye things it's instead getting replaced with Hudworks third person perspective being beamed in from somewhere) or fundamentally our eyes are seeing kind of both first and third person in a weird way.

Because if we were JUST seeing hudworks, the helmet shouldn't have done anything but cover our face and we'd suddenly have a helmet on our "sprite" on the screen, regardless of if we could read whatever was being shown on the screen in the helmet.

Instead, when the helmet covered our face, our vision was obscured, and at the same rate that it was happening on the Hudworks view. Now it may just be because it's late as hell where I am and I should be asleep, but that strikes me as fundamentally bizarre in a way that JUST seeing the world in third person perspective from my own eyes doesn't. If that makes sense.

I may be misinterpreting or misremembering something here. I get that we're seeing the hudworks with our first person eyes, but that does still functionally mean we're seeing in third person unless i'm missing something here. the fact that we're doing so with our eyes directly, via means that still haven't been explained (I distinctly recall Daeva stating we are not, in fact, a ghost, which may have something to do with it) Raises the question of how. At the moment we're either just seeing a screen of some sort via our eyes in a direct link somehow (which, ok we are, but I mean in the sense of We have our normal eyes by which we see the world and instead of taking in normal eye things it's instead getting replaced with Hudworks third person perspective being beamed in from somewhere) or fundamentally our eyes are seeing kind of both first and third person in a weird way.

Because if we were JUST seeing hudworks, the helmet shouldn't have done anything but cover our face and we'd suddenly have a helmet on our "sprite" on the screen, regardless of if we could read whatever was being shown on the screen in the helmet.

Instead, when the helmet covered our face, our vision was obscured, and at the same rate that it was happening on the Hudworks view. Now it may just be because it's late as hell where I am and I should be asleep, but that strikes me as fundamentally bizarre in a way that JUST seeing the world in third person perspective from my own eyes doesn't. If that makes sense.

Perhaps we were both given a helmet and a view-obscuring HUDwork. The two might not be as connected as you think.

It could be just an in-world representation that we are currently busy, much like the floating indicators in multiplayer games. Starboard comes to mind - if you have a window open (which obscures the world view) a little icon appears over your head to give indication of such to other players.
[X] Take the Tutorial in a nice orderly manner.
---[X] Make sure to take notes as applicable. Mental or otherwise.
[X] Sit down, shut up, and watch the tutorial.
-[X] Ask how long we need to wait before it's safe to eat the class crystal.
--[X] Ask if there's like a codex the Daeva has of things that've been scanned we want to see all the thingies
[X] Tutorial time. Time to sit down. read and ask Deava about anything you don't understand. Question, question question. We better look stupid and uneducated now. Then at a time where mastery of the hud and system is crucial to our survival!