The Shittiest Wizard
Happy birthday to us! Huzzah!
Ah, so, my birthday has come and gone for me, this 29th is when I came to this world!
Man, another year, another set of trials eh? Again, to re-iterate: I don't really want your money as a gift, it helps but it's only going to help me survive, not flourish. If you can show Terrene Spire to people, talk about it, review it, link it, spread it around and in general cause a buzz about it, THAT would be helpful.
Heck, Terrene Spire doesn't have a TVTropes page yet, though some of my other stories do. I hear that's not exactly a GOOD site but, indexing is indexing.
heh... Well either way, thank you all for reading Terrene Spire, once more. As a tiny bonus on top of this weird update, I bring you sketches, some of which are made in MSPaint because of my lack of my own PC:
Thank you all for reading, and sorry for the extremely long break. Please, show TS to people, in any way you can muster, and I would love to read the posts / reviews or whatever else public medium you show it off in. And if you don't want to? no obligation.
Thank you :>
You're very welcome. I've already linked TS to a few people, including some on RPNation. Incidentally, that same link (along with a bunch of other quests, including a few of @Novus Ordo Mundi's) showed the mods there that there was a demand for quests, and thus caused them to put time into developing a quest forum and a system to go along with it. So partially thanks to you, another board has discovered the magic of quests!
Anyway, do you mind explaining somewhat the Davosian metaphysics image? What is Davos Prime? What are the beta timelines? Why are prime beta timelines surrounding all of the alternate universes regardless of whether or not the hub universe is prime?
Sooooo..... everyone won first prize in the Eishalon contest?
Ah yes, sure:
Daros Prime is the DE FACTO Daros. It's where the stories I make happen. THE prime. But because of how time is constructed, that is, backwards there is one singular "alpha" timeline and in the present and future there is literally endless iterations of possible timelines, where the one that has the most likely or possible outcome is the one that becomes reality and thus part of the alpha timeline, theres just this constant burst of endless energy in front of daros timewise. On top of that, all those endless timelines that never become the alpha then become the beta, existing alongside Prime but never being part of it. Excluded bubbles running their own "failed" variations on reality. In time these timelines are consumed and turned back into energy to be reburned into more possible timelines. Time bubbled mini possible universes, so to say.
Outside of a main universe and its timelines are broken or failed or different darosses, universes where the gods who govern the divine clockwork have either failed or broken something, where the system doesnt run anymore or the entire place has ground to a halt or died due to Ragnarok. These are what ifs and sketches for daros prime, used in the past to figure out and set up the universal bubble system in the first place. Destroying those is ridiculous though, because in theory those are also endless, as they have their own single alpha timeline and future possible timelines, thus making endless beta timelines swarm them.
The true end result of this is: The stuff I make is almost always Daros Prime. If someone else uses my characters, Daros, or anything I have created in any way for fun or, fan art or, fanfiction or really just, anything, by the system of these alternate universes, they are technically canon and can if breached become canon to daros prime, the main stories.
Essentially every fan interpretation is canon.
and also fuel (motivation) for the continuation of Daros prime?
Heh. Reminds me of Rick and Morty.
Fascinating. Now for the million-dollar question: can we visit these beta timelines and alternate universes? Have you already done so in one of your works? Do you plan to have alternate universe arcs in any of your future works?
and also fuel (motivation) for the continuation of Daros prime?
On top of that, all those endless timelines that never become the alpha then become the beta, existing alongside Prime but never being part of it. Excluded bubbles running their own "failed" variations on reality. In time these timelines are consumed and turned back into energy to be reburned into more possible timelines. Time bubbled mini possible universes, so to say.
So basically how Homestuck timelines work, except not quite?Daros Prime is the DE FACTO Daros. It's where the stories I make happen. THE prime. But because of how time is constructed, that is, backwards there is one singular "alpha" timeline and in the present and future there is literally endless iterations of possible timelines, where the one that has the most likely or possible outcome is the one that becomes reality and thus part of the alpha timeline, theres just this constant burst of endless energy in front of daros timewise. On top of that, all those endless timelines that never become the alpha then become the beta, existing alongside Prime but never being part of it. Excluded bubbles running their own "failed" variations on reality. In time these timelines are consumed and turned back into energy to be reburned into more possible timelines. Time bubbled mini possible universes, so to say.
So basically how Homestuck timelines work, except not quite?
Edit: Ninja'd
Wasn't the 'Alpha Timeline' a sole creation of Lord English, as befitting him being the Lord of Time? Yeah, I'm pretty sure the alpha timelines desription might as well read 'MUST contain the Birth and Death of Lord English. Everything that isn't this dies'.
I'm not sure how else Skaia is supposed to procreate universes otherwise, seeing as in alpha timeline land, only one session of sburb could ever exist at any point. On earth, for example, Sburb was supposed to be a game anyone could play but in canon nobody else ever made it to the medium.
No, I'm pretty sure that the requirement for a timeline to be the alpha is that all time loops in it have to be safely closed. LE just took advantage of that and makes it so that his creation is always a time loop. So his creation is always required for a timeline to be the alpha, but just as one time loop among many, not the sole deciding factor.Wasn't the 'alpha timeline' a sole creation of Lord English, as befitting him being the Lord of Time?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the alpha timelines desription might as well read 'MUST contain the Birth and Death of Lord English. Everything that interrupts this dies'.
I know I'm a little bit late, but I made you a birthday present! It's some kind of landscape thingy, and I posted in on the Bay12 forums and mentioned that it was inspired by this, so maybe that'll get some of those Bay12ers to come over here and join the quest!