Terrene Spire - Gently ended.

Well, that was a thing.

[X] Try and test the limits of your new found ability to change your shape.
-[X] Try to make yourself wider
--[X] Try to turn yourself into different shapes
---[X] Try to turn yourself back to your "default" form.

[X] If stuck, go back inside and see if Red can be of any help.

You are not alone my son. Fear not the unknown in this new land, for you carry my blessing.

Pasta be with you my son.

[X] Receive blessing from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Oh wait since my vote came true I should do another.

[X] Spell out naughty words in elegant cursive using your noodle-body.
[X] Receive blessing from the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
- [X] The Flying Spaghetti Monster grants you the power of flight.


Lol that critfail.
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Speaking of which, I think we just used some sort of ...gem? slot there. I'm not sure, but if I'm right, I think we have an unknown 3 digit resource of which we only have 1 and some sort of slot which I'm guessing is used whenever we use 'skills' or whatever. Also, the 3 digit might be a counter instead of a resource. So we have a few questions to be answered here:

1. What was filling that slot and how to refill it? The purple gem maybe?
2. What is the 3 digits counting? Some kind of otherworld currency? Number of respawns?
3. Is the bar below the numbers our HP? Our stamina? Spiritual power? Or simply stylistic decoration?
4. Using all of our 'gems' each time we use skills seems inefficient. Can we have more slots?

However, before anything else we need to know if that popup actually showed up or was it actually just some kind of meta knowledge:

[x] Can we see, or at least sense that popup above?