Voting is open
I'm sure they knew we stole some stuff,
What? That's ridiculous.
I'm sure they knew we stole some stuff, just not how much we stole. Getting permission would incriminate the nice admiral when he goes back to RoR, which is not endearing to anyone. Best to slowly phase in the improvements for both government to look the other way and Admiral to play "I'm an admiral not KGB!" card.
This is equally ridiculous. He will be punished just as, if not more harshly for letting us steal the data. At the least with some diplomacy it can and will be couched in terms of "the common defense."
What? That's ridiculous.

This is equally ridiculous. He will be punished just as, if not more harshly for letting us steal the data. At the least with some diplomacy it can and will be couched in terms of "the common defense."

A xeno wary race parking entire fleet for repair in a territory that had no previous relationship apart from distasteful council experience will suspect information theft regardless. The fleet wouldn't push now as they like and depand on us but the government will once the fleet is returned.
So what's your point? We should just advertise that we stole it so that what? The quarian government will not like us?

What, which part did I say that we should tell them we stole their stuff? I'm saying that we keep the sleeping dog lie and do not attempt to contact Admiral or Government about "data" or "knowledge" at all.
Regardless, we need to get the Quarian's permission to use the data before we actually use it. If we don't, they'll know we stole it, and that's bad, mmm'kay?
Not as bad as coercing their current representative into blatant treason.

Just asking nicely is not the solution here, so long as we can provide a fig leaf excuse, we're possibly better off not incriminating Mahan directly.

And of course, the Virmireans stole some data in the years their ships where in Virmireans dry docks getting extensive repairs by Virmireans. No one is going to be surprised or scapegoat him when it's an utterly impossible circumstance to maintain security in.
We could always offer it as a tech exchange for our nacent infantry scale barriers. I know I want quarian marines to have that kind of tech, especially seeing as it will be difficult for the 3RWF to get replacement personelle
Year 17 Results: 496 GS
[X] Plan Kan It
-[X]Martial 1: Integrating Reforms: -50,000 Income permanently: 3 years: DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
-[X]Martial 2: Backsplash: 30,000: 1 years: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
-[X]Diplomacy 1: Lystheni(Making Demands): 20,000 : DC41 - Minister 11 = DC30
-[X]Diplomacy 2: Lystheni(Trade Sanctions): 20,000 + -40,000 Income: DC31 - Minister 11 = DC20
-[X]Stewardship 1: Colony Equipment: 70,000 + -30,000 Income(starting end of year 2): 2 years: DC26 - Minister 10 = DC16
-[X]Stewardship 2: Administrative Overclocking: 42,000: DC31 - Minister 10 = DC21
-[X]Intrigue 1: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets: 25,000: DC16 - Minister 12= DC4
-[X]Intrigue 2: Board of Shareholders: 35,000: DC36 - Minister 12= DC24
-[X]Learning 1: Quarian Tech Adoption: 35,000: 3 years: DC11 - Minister 11= DC0
-[X]Learning 2: Dietary Supplements: 40,000: DC31 - Minister 11= DC20
-[X]Personal 1: Personal Attention Integrating Reforms [Military 24]
-[X]Personal 2: Personal Attention Lystheni Making Demands[Diplomacy 16]
-[X]Personal 3: The Prime Minister Is Coming Here?: 10,000

Year 17 Results: 496 GS
Martial: Integrating Reforms

Rolled: 43+11(Minister)+24(Personal)+19(HERO UNIT TRIGGER)=97. Needed: 41. Greater Success

Day Bureaucracy: It turns out that maybe I should have done this sooner. There's a lot of work to be done here.

Context: We're getting to work actually implementing Beshkar's proposed reforms. Problem is...well, this is no simple task.

See, first things first is to update what the Virmirean Naval Academy is teaching (also it's looking like that's yet another choke point we'll soon need to address. Large recruiting pool =/= adequate qualified naval personnel. We're starting to outproduce our supply of qualified people. We may need to open new campuses). We're currently still teaching with the basis of Massalian doctrine, with Beshkarian reforms being an advanced class. We...really need to fix that. I can see how and why they wound up teaching it that way, but Massalian doctrine really needs to be folded into the advanced coursework on understanding other powers' militaries. Maybe as part of a course on the doctrines of allies and how to coordinate with them? Ah, leave it for the professors.

Once we fix that, it'll be down to retraining active-duty personnel. Harder than you'd think, given that they're all deployed to critical duty stations. We may end up mandating that our officers pass a retraining course. Pulling them back into class probably won't work.

After that we'll need to reconfigure some of our command structure. There's not a lot of that -- we at least have our fleets reorganized -- but there are a few key differences in how our forces will operate. If we want to go on the offensive soon -- and we do -- we need to address this.

Then...ah, hell, just suffice to say that there's a lot. I need to get my people qualified. Then apparently I need to look at the shipyards. They're laboring a bit under the strain of the expansion, and there are some inconsistencies in manufacturing.

I've spent all year planning how to fix this.

Integration begun. More or less your entire military is under your eye as you reconfigure everything to fit Beshkar's new ideas. Presently, the chief point of hesitation is that some of the more conservative minds are reluctant to commit to so drastic an overhaul in the middle of wartime. You're working on them. 2 years remaining. -50,000 yearly income.

* * *
Martial: Backsplash

Rolled: 67+11(Minister)=78. Needed: 31. Success

Malan, when the situation is described to him, is ultimately more than willing to position more forces along the LBZ, against the possibility of...unwise...reactions. Getting those dreadnoughts moving is a wince-worthy expense, but you're happy to have them out there.

Continued in interlude. -30,000 credits.

* * *
Diplomacy: Making Demands

Rolled: 35+11(Minister)+16(Personal)=62. Needed: 42. Success

Setting the people's minds on fire with fury wasn't the hard part here. The hard part was talking the Dalatrass to the bargaining table...

Continued in interlude. -20,000 credits.

* * *
Diplomacy: Trade Sanction

Rolled: 2+11(Minister)=13. Needed: 31. Failure

It is perhaps not unreasonable that the Lystheni might feel twitchy at the sudden cessation of all communication and trade, and your merchants packing up their stores. You did not, however, expect their reaction...

Continued in interlude. -20,000 credits, -40,000 yearly income (from trade).

* * *
Stewardship: Colony Equipment

Rolled: 65+10(Minister)=75. Needed: 26. Success

Preparing to launch a colony expedition is no simple thing. You need the people -- well, check. You need a site -- check, again.

But those people and that site don't meet until you have the equipment to make that happen.

Assilia's prospect is by no means a simple matter. It's not the blasted, half-molten environment of the local mining prospect which the colony will be dedicated to exploiting, but the air pressure is hazardously thin. There are a lot of batarians going on the expedition, but you don't want this to be a batarian-only colony. Thus, your shopping list includes enough material to make airtight environment domes all across the planet's surface. It includes materials for the construction of homes and businesses. It contains all of the equipment the colonists will need to build cities all over the planet's surface. It includes raw materials, for the same.

Assilia is going to be a massive investment, with what you hope to be a similarly massive reward; if nothing else, the sudden outflow of a hundred million bodies into a planned economy with 100% employment rates should stall the unemployment crisis, as some of your unemployed flow in to fill the gaps.

That investment begins now.

You have begun throwing together the equipment you'll need to get Assilia's colony off the ground, and set up the infrastructure the colonists will need to request more as the situation on the ground develops. 1 year remaining. -75,000 credits.

* * *
Stewardship: Administrative Overclocking

Rolled: 85+10(Minister)=95. Needed: 31. Greater Success

"What do you have for me, Lissa?" you ask, entering your friend's office.

"Results!" she says, looking up with a grin. She stands. "So! While your various projects this year mean that slack in the budget is not as much of an issue as I'd thought, we're still doing alright, impending catastrophes aside. Money unused is money wasted, so, as you know, I've been researching how we can leverage that cash." She passes you a datapad. "Ultimately, 'throw money at it,' is a tidy phrase that covers up a lot of administrative work behind the scenes. If you just overfund a project without any follow-up, the money is as likely to go to waste as not. There are some very particular steps you need to take in order to make sure that money works for you. What I've been doing is looking into how we can make that work a reliable thing. I've distributed instructions throughout my Ministry. We have a process put together."

"And this means what, exactly?" you say, glancing at the pad. "You haven't told me much about your aims here. I've been trusting you, but..."

She waves impatiently. "I know, I know, and I appreciate it! But I have results. My original plan was to figure out how to use excess funding for project redundancy -- do things more than once in order to decrease the chance of one failing and wrecking the whole project. I...actually got the idea from reading Durrahe's reports. About the quarians." She sobers. "We managed to figure out how to streamline that process. If the situation comes up again...well, no guarantees, not ever, but I think it'd be far less likely to fail. Other than that, we have a procedure for speeding things up. More than I figured we'd accomplish, that. More resources let you rush things. It's no tidier, but it's faster, so if that's the overriding concern..." She shrugs. "Regardless. It's not going to be official policy on every project, but if you have a priority, Mira...this is what we have."

Lissa gains trait, "Knife's Edge." Details in the character sheets. Double Down and Expedite features unlocked. Once per year, you may opt to double down on or expedite one of your selected options. All project costs for that project are doubled (hits to income, even permanent hits, are only doubled for the duration of the option itself). In exchange, the project gains access to the following bonuses: for doubling down, the relevant Minister's bonus is not halved, but rather doubled from base (i.e., Shurna would grant +46 rather than +12); for expedited, the project, if successful, completes in half the time (mathematical rounding), but gains no bonuses towards its roll (thus, a five-year project would complete in three years, but gain no additional bonuses towards completion). You do not need to take either of these options in a given year, although you always may. In order to Double Down on or Expedite a given option, include, "Double Down," "DD," "Expedite," or "EX," as a sub-vote of the option in question, to whit:

[ ] Plan Name
-[ ] Option To Be Boosted
--[ ] Double Down/DD/Expedite/EX
-[ ] Option Not To Be Boosted
-[ ] Etc.

Explanation now available on the Rules Screen. -42,000 credits

* * *
FDO Report

This year, the FDO finally settles SO 28.

Established as the system of Nimal Pak, the system is already sending raw materials back to Virmire. Your report takes a distinctly celebratory tone in its discussion of the system's founding; despite the somewhat anemic first draws, this first foothold in the system promises vastly increased gains in the future, once you have the time to establish a proper colony.

Furthermore, SO 32 was settled under the name of Cantraval, and it has proven to be a truly and swiftly profitable prospect. Boasting several profitable terrestrials, many rich asteroids that even include eezo deposits, and gas giants teeming with gases vital to your enterprises, you always knew this system was going to be incredible. It has proved you right.

A private note from Virani is attached to the report; on it, she notes that she banked a significant portion of her budget this year in order to save for a final push to the edges of the SO 28 microcluster, a development drive in SO 28 itself to set up some rudimentary local processing centers, and a research outpost in SO 26. It would seem that she wants you to be aware that she's willing to work with you within her expanded remit.

+45,000 yearly income.

* * *​

Intrigue: The Best Way To Deal With Pickpockets

Rolled: 20+12(Minister)=32. Needed: 16. Success

It's a textbook operation. You know where they are, and what they're doing.

What they have to say for themselves, on the other hand...

Continued in interlude. -25,000 credits.

* * *
Intrigue: Board of Shareholders

Rolled: 93+12(Minister)=105. Needed: 36. Greater Critical Success

It's not the Lystheni.

It's the companies themselves.

Apparently, the owner of Virmire Development Corporation, a volus who actually came in with the first colonization wave, recently died of old age, and their...son? Daughter? You can't find any reference to it...inherited.

They have made some changes.

"So this new owner has done...what, make all of Kirai's friends nervous?" you ask.

"Apparently, we have the pleasure of an intelligent person at the helm of a corporation," says your Minister, chuckling. "Their first move was to-" gshk "-buy out the shares of Nemata Prospecting and Extraction, Incorporated. Their Board of Directors caught on to what was happening, but by the time they stopped it, our delightfully-" gshk "-cutthroat little up-and-comer had a 43% share. And then it turned out that they employed the holders of another 17%, who had made some quiet purchases-" gshk "-while all of the noise was causing a distraction, and were more than willing to sell. Thus did NPE fold. My sources inform me that the new boss plans to fold the assets of both corporations together under the name, 'Republican Mineral Enterprises.'"

You're impressed, despite yourself. "We have a name for this Woman? I can't find any reference to it..."

San chuckles. "No wonder."

You frown. "...and is there a reason for that?"

San leans forward. "Oh, yes. Out of curiosity, Prime Minister, what sex would you assign to me, if pressed?"

You blink, caught short. "I...suddenly suspect that whatever my answer is, it will be wrong."

She nods, snickering. "Very likely. To incompletely answer your question, young Tava Hilami does not overtly object to feminine pronouns."

You shake your head. "...right. And what does...she...plan?"

"From what I have heard, she is primarily doomsaying," says Shurna. "She, like we, sees the impending signs of economic trouble, and she hopes to avoid them. Furthermore-" gshk "-the politest way I have seen her describe the general corporate sentiment of opposition to you is, 'rank idiocy.' Her stance is that the proper way to approach you is as a resource rather than an obstacle. She hopes-" gshk "-to position herself as an ally."

"How generous of her," you say, refraining from voicing your obvious skepticism.

"She is by no means an altruist," says Shurna, shrugging. "She is-" gshk "-quite focused on profit and expanding her company. The only difference between her and her fellows is that she believes that to treat you as an enemy is legal and financial suicide. She sees opportunities where they see a threat." Shurna picks up her datapad. "Furthermore, she is extremely ambitious. Kirai tells me that-" gshk "-the Chief Legal Officer of Irune Foreign Development's local branch has been inquiring into the state of Virmire's anti-trust laws. Apparently, Tava Hilami has been making inroads on IFD's shares as well, although they have mustered a somewhat more effective defense, given their advance warning. All in-" gshk "-all, the picture Tava Hilami's actions present is that she hopes to establish a monopoly over the extraction and refining industry in Virmirean space -- as near to one."

"And your advice?" you ask.

Shurna shrugs. "I am not your Minister of Finance. You don't need me to tell you that permitting this would grant her a great deal of power. I certainly-" gshk "-don't need to point out how a motivated, powerful, and active corporation could pose a threat. Insofar as I have advice, it is to watch closely, and if possible take control of the situation. Not counsel that I imagine you needed." She stands. "As a final bit of information: I have a source in the soon-to-be rebranded VDC who tells me-" gshk "-that Tava Hilami intends to approach you once she has finished off the IFD local branch. Presumably so she may negotiate for your approval from a position of somewhat less-catastrophic weakness. We may wish to act prior to that point in time."

The new owner of Virmire Development Corporation, Tava Hilami, has absorbed Nemata Prospecting and Extraction, and merged the assets of both companies under the name, "Republican Minerals Enterprises." In general, she appears to be working towards dominance of your expanding extraction and refining industry. Her last major opponent in this struggle, the local branch of the galactic megacorporation Irune Foreign Development, is reeling somewhat, but currently continues to oppose you. Hilami's apparent agenda is apparently to ally with you rather than oppose you, and in so doing help in staving off your looming economic woes. A friendly and dominant corporation would certainly be a valued asset...but Hilami is unapologetically ambitious, and probably can't be counted upon to continue supporting you if the situation changes to make the alternative desirable. In any case, you have time to decide what to do about her; IFD continues to withstand her attempts at hostile takeovers, and she has no intentions of coming to you until she has secured dominance over this market. -35,000 credits.

* * *
Explorer Corps Survey Report

This noting the entry into the records of four (4) systems surveyed in full and to military and scientific satisfaction; the 33rd​ through 36th​ entries to this record.

With the Explorer Corps primarily committed to scouting, in support of Fleet Admiral Beshkar's forces and around the Lystheni Border Zone, survey work received a lower priority. The objective for this year's operations, thus, was to push the ring of surveyed systems further from Hoc. This objective was selected in order to confirm the security of the capital, as a conservative measure making use of limited resources. In the EC's findings of this year, we have uncovered no immediate threats to the security of Hoc, or indeed of Virmirean space in general. Furthermore, this year is a promising one for the sciences.

In summary:

SO 33, nearly directly rimward of SO 14, and rimward-trailing of SO 13, is largely devoid of interesting features save for a lush terrestrial suitable for carbon-based life. Approximately composed of 60% ocean to 40% landmass, with much of the landmass covered by dense jungle or forest terrain, the planet appears to be eminently suitable for colonization. However, the Explorer Corps does not classify this terrestrial as a garden world. On the planet's surface is a large, abandoned complex of Precursor design. The complex's purpose is unknown, but it is large enough to have been a significant undertaking. Especially given the stark reminder of the risks of xenoarchaeology presented by Amalinya, the recommendation of the EC is to ban colonization of SO 33 entirely. Until the complex is cleared and its purpose discovered, the planet cannot be considered safe.

SO 34, coreward of SO 4, is host to what on first glance appears to be an unusually-dense asteroid field, but on closer examination are the remains of a shattered terrestrial planet, destroyed a time estimated between ten million and thirty million years ago. The Explorer Corps has issued an emergency travel ban on SO 34, but does not consider it to pose a serious risk given the obvious age of the cataclysm. Nonetheless, it is the recommendation of the EC that a civilian travel ban remain in effect until a forensics team can be dispatched to determine the cause of the calamity on SO 34-VI.

SO 35, spinward of SO 18, is unremarkable. The outer system hosts a gas giant rich with several valuable elements and compounds, and may prove to be a useful, if unexceptional, mining prospect. The EC recommends exploitation when practical.

SO 36, spinward of the midpoint between SO 8 and SO 21, is unusual in that it hosts no planets of any description; the system is composed entirely of asteroid belt after asteroid belt. On closer examination, many of these asteroids appear to be hollow, including several of the larger ones. In addition to the obvious mining applications, the larger asteroids could be repurposed to host ship docks, granting shielded and somewhat concealed basing for military vessels. The EC recommends exploitation when practical.

Discovered 1 High-Quality Research System, 1 Research System, 1 Mining System, and 1 Military/High-Quality Mining System.

* * *
Learning: Quarian Tech Adoption

Rolled: 53+11(Minister)=64. Needed: 11. Greater Success

The process has begun, and thus far it seems promising. Your research teams have already collated a huge amount of data that you can't practically implement!

You're told that this is a better result than it sounds like.

Option begun; 2 years remaining. -35,000 credits.

* * *
Learning: Dietary Supplements

Rolled: 36+11(Minister)=47. Needed: 31. Success

The quarians weren't experiencing morale issues yet, and honestly weren't even fully in danger of it at this stage of things, but even with the multitude of other crises facing you, even with the promising research avenues you've deferred to address this, even with the expense, even with the painful reminders it brings of those you failed to save, and even given that fact that Malan himself was surprised that you jumped on it this're pleased to have made this not an issue.

Goddess knows that morale will probably face some challenges down the line. You want this sorted.

And, blessedly, it has been.

Quarian food diversity addressed, providing a safety cushion for morale. -40,000 credits.

* * *
Personal: The Prime Minister-

"-is coming here?"

The asari's face is pale as she stares at the screen showing the face of the salarian to whom she penultimately answers.

"That is correct, Head Researcher," says Minister Durrahe. "She and I find your recent request to be light of the contrast to your prior reports."

"I told you I'd be requesting army units!" she replies.

"You requested enough forces to hold a city," replies Durrahe. "Or to take it. That level of firepower is an insane investment. You will justify it. That said, you are no longer reporting to me. Until the Prime Minister is satisfied with your explanation of the situation, she is your direct superior. I expect you not to embarrass this Ministry. Have everything prepared for her arrival, and ensure that whatever it is requiring this level of force, it is under control."

She swallows. "We'll make sure to redouble our efforts."

"That you even need to do that to ensure the security of your base camp is even more disturbing still." The line cuts out.


The asari looks over at one of her subordinates -- a batarian woman. "Yes?"

"What's going on?"

Milera Sha'reen stands, somewhat shaky on her feet. "The Prime Minister is coming."

The woman pales. "What are we going to do?"

Milera wrings her hands, glancing at the ever-present, looming ruins. "Send out notice to the perimeter teams. We need to make sure the camp is secure when she arrives."

As of year's end, you will arrive at the Amalinya site to take charge of the situation. -10,000 credits.

Credit Reserves: 335,000 credits.

Yearly Income: 269,000 credits.

When you go to Amalinya, what approach will you take?

[ ] Imposing. You are going to put the fear of you into this team. That they were experiencing difficulties of this magnitude and you're only now finding out is unforgivable. Come down in an aura of menace and restrained fury.
[ ] Businesslike. There has been quite enough drama over this already. Get in, get your answers, get out. You can take corrective measures at your leisure.
[ ] Friendly. These people are clearly dealing with a lot. Get them to see you as their friend, and open up to you. You'll get more information that way, and maintain a less terrifying reputation.
[ ] Write-in.


Man, that's gonna be one important interlude, with all those options going into it, isn't it?

Funny, that. :evil:

Ah, but we'll get to that later. We have this vote to which to attend, first. :D

I'll be updating the cluster map in a moment; there are a fair few changes I imagine you all want to see.

See y'all around, folks! Have fun! Per usual, let me know if I missed something, especially with the math.
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Well I was not expecting a competed corporate head to come about . Of course if we allow her to consolidate it be a huge gamble later on. If we ever get stable lines to the outside.

I get the feeling that the interlude will be worse than I thought it was.
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Diplomacy: Trade Sanction

Rolled: 2+11(Minister)=13. Needed: 31. Failure

It is perhaps not unreasonable that the Lystheni might feel twitchy at the sudden cessation of all communication and trade, and your merchants packing up their stores. You did not, however, expect their reaction...

Continued in interlude. -20,000 credits, -40,000 yearly income (from trade).
So did we get all civilians out of Lsytheni territory? Also increase nervousness of what my failure caused.
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Well the Foreshadowing is clear the Lystheni have a overreaction.
Corporate Bulshit is typical our problem.
Ähem IMposing to our subordinates will be my vote
Being all business is my view, those underlings are under enough pressure already; it will be unhelpful if they crack under unnecessary pressure.

Also, we need to send out ministry of finance and lawyers to make "unofficial inquiries" to that budding monopoly. Business competition is good for the government.
Yeah, looks like they basically decided to take civilians hostage, or possibly cities hostage by placing invisible bombs all over it and are going to demand submission or boom.

Or something.

Realistically, having the initiative rather than waiting for them to snap on some minor detail and them having it is better, and succeeding at every "Fuck the Lystheni, seriously" action will probably mean the pain is mitigated, but evidently, they're going to flip out in a fairly epic fashion now that Virmire isn't passively accepting whatever they do

Possibly up to and including sabotaging the defenses and giving a big call for the Rachni to roll in and stomp using their magic intrigue powers, expecting to be fine because they made some kind of bolthole that nobody knows that they can retreat to without a trace.
My guess is they decided to hole up in their embassy and armed some kind of WMD as deterrent.
My guess is they decided to hole up in their embassy and armed some kind of WMD as deterrent.

Yeah, something like "Yeah, we built a WMD in our embassy and we've been doing this for a while, give us everything we want or say goodbye to your capital--and we know you can't afford to lose it."
I too am feeling
[ ] Businesslike. There has been quite enough drama over this already. Get in, get your answers, get out. You can take corrective measures at your leisure.
We're not their friend, we're their boss. We may not get all the information, but we rarely do anyways, and I don't think it's in our best interest to make them crack with an extended stay. Frankly, I wouldn't trust us if we were acting friendly.

on the Corporate Climber: ehhh, I work for a big company, and they actually have really sweet benefits 'n shite. My thoughts are: as long as the miners are taken care of live and let live. If she treats the miners like crap and they stage a strike or revolt, we'll nationalize her holdings (I'd rather us treat our civies like US during WW2, not like Britain in WW1).

On Lystheni dirty bombs: I doubt they exist. that much radiation is hard to cover up if it's not inside a ship. Maybe they rigged a few civvy ships to explode in atmosphere, or they made a few manchurian candidates with forced cybernetics?

If i had to guess, they're using fission as a way to mass produce certain elements (californium is made in colliders, as there exists none naturally for example). While it could be used to make bombs, it's waay less efficient than a fusion bomb, unless it's for the sole purpose of spreading fallout. Possible, but why use that over an H-bomb? Our expanded medical network would be able to cope with the radiation sickness, most likely (tho with rather severe strain, of course).
Real talk, I'm starting to think separating from the Citadel is a shitty idea now that we are starting to have to humor all these rogue regimes by ourselves.
So did we get all civilians out of Lsytheni territory? Also increase nervousness of what my failure caused.
My guess is they decided to hole up in their embassy and armed some kind of WMD as deterrent.
Potentially, although this reads more as if they're preparing for an imminent war than anything else. That's what I get from...
It is perhaps not unreasonable that the Lystheni might feel twitchy at the sudden cessation of all communication and trade, and your merchants packing up their stores. You did not, however, expect their reaction...
It seems like we accomplished our objective well enough, we just did it in such a way as to ring basically every alarm bell the Lystheni had.
Wait so our Intrigue Minister is a Robber Baron?
Welp, time to push for antitrust laws.
Uh, no, our Intrigue Minister is informing us about another, entirely different volus who is a robber baron.

Real talk, I'm starting to think separating from the Citadel is a shitty idea now that we are starting to have to humor all these rogue regimes by ourselves.
What do you mean by "these rogue regimes?"
Voting is open