Voting is open
More than that; it'd be almost trivially easy to automate a flying car compared to a ground car, because in the air you don't have to worry about visual identification so much, everything you see while at cruising altitude is an object to avoid hitting, but there are no stoplights. In anything but urban areas, the traffic density dispersed over three dimensions would make collisions very unlikely; in urban areas, you'd have centralized traffic control take command of all the vehicles. The big hazard would be takeoff and landing and a good automation system could reduce that to:

[image of ground 500 meters below the hovercar pops up on the driver's viewscreen]

"Touch the spot where you want the car to land."
More than that; it'd be almost trivially easy to automate a flying car compared to a ground car, because in the air you don't have to worry about visual identification so much, everything you see while at cruising altitude is an object to avoid hitting, but there are no stoplights. In anything but urban areas, the traffic density dispersed over three dimensions would make collisions very unlikely; in urban areas, you'd have centralized traffic control take command of all the vehicles. The big hazard would be takeoff and landing and a good automation system could reduce that to:

[image of ground 500 meters below the hovercar pops up on the driver's viewscreen]

"Touch the spot where you want the car to land."
I'm sure Elon Musk already has a prototype system worked up. :D
Yeah, I mean if we had some kind of cheap, energy-efficient antigravity (!) or pseudo-antigravity tech, something like eezo or Starktech repulsors plus arc reactors, it would be pretty easy to drop traffic fatality rates through the floor.
[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.
[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.
[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.
Honestly, I think that superconducting magnetic cars would be safer than flying cars, because they hover at a set level and won't fall to the ground if the power goes out. The only drawback would be their inability to go off-road (because they require a special road to function), but I think the safety benefits outweigh it.
[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.
There may actually already be flying cars around by this point. As for the robotic security systems in the Prothean ruins. I had an interesting thought about just what they might be potentially protecting. We know from Canon that Javik was still in Stasis on Eden Prime as of the time of ME3. I know its not Canon but we might potentially have an opportunity to find a living Prothean or 2 depending on the power source if we get that lucky. Another thing that might be in the Prothean ruins might be an intact Database on the scale of the one at the Temple of Athame on Thessia. Only this one could have anything from an intact blueprint for the Crucible to other weapons, ships, or even a Starmap of the surrounding sectors pointing out stuff that might be interesting enough to investigate. My point is we just don't know and that is why we need to deal with the Robots and secure the facility..

@PoptartProdigy Will we get a chance to colonize that system with the Advanced mining station derelict? I am interested in it because of its potential applications to our mining ventures. the better stuff we can mine with it the better off we might potentially be. We already have a mining colony nearby that we can use as a supply base for the research colony if we send one.

Lets have a Tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Apr 14, 2018 at 9:33 AM, finished with 80 posts and 42 votes.
There may actually already be flying cars around by this point. As for the robotic security systems in the Prothean ruins. I had an interesting thought about just what they might be potentially protecting. We know from Canon that Javik was still in Stasis on Eden Prime as of the time of ME3. I know its not Canon but we might potentially have an opportunity to find a living Prothean or 2 depending on the power source if we get that lucky. Another thing that might be in the Prothean ruins might be an intact Database on the scale of the one at the Temple of Athame on Thessia. Only this one could have anything from an intact blueprint for the Crucible to other weapons, ships, or even a Starmap of the surrounding sectors pointing out stuff that might be interesting enough to investigate. My point is we just don't know and that is why we need to deal with the Robots and secure the facility..

@PoptartProdigy Will we get a chance to colonize that system with the Advanced mining station derelict? I am interested in it because of its potential applications to our mining ventures. the better stuff we can mine with it the better off we might potentially be. We already have a mining colony nearby that we can use as a supply base for the research colony if we send one.

Lets have a Tally.
As you have turned all minor colonization work over to the FDO, you will settle that system once Director Virani finds time for it in her schedule.
The orbital yard that Lystheni found - in what condition and how big is it?
And did they try to bring it online?
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@PoptartProdigy :

It would be nice if (and this is not the same as saying 'you don't do this,' I mean literally that in this condition, it would be a nice situation...)

Anyway. It would be nice if every several years the FDO came to us and asked us what their priorities should be, in broad terms- prioritize research, prioritize economic development, or balance between the two, et cetera. This could be a simple curated vote, and it would help us avoid a situation where the FDO turns into a totally independent fiefdom (which realistically it wouldn't be), and where we lose all sight and interest of the cool planets the Virmireans are colonizing. Win-win-win all around, IMO.

Honestly, I think that superconducting magnetic cars would be safer than flying cars, because they hover at a set level and won't fall to the ground if the power goes out. The only drawback would be their inability to go off-road (because they require a special road to function), but I think the safety benefits outweigh it.
That depends entirely on which is the greater hazard: the system that provides levitation failing and falling out of the air due to a power outage during normal operation, or the vehicle colliding with something on the ground during normal operation.

The historical track record with internal combustion engines and aircraft suggests that "suddenly random engine failure" is LESS of a problem in the air than "controlled smack into an obstacle" on the ground. Especially with competent diagnostic software and maintenance.
Anyway. It would be nice if every several years the FDO came to us and asked us what their priorities should be, in broad terms- prioritize research, prioritize economic development, or balance between the two, et cetera. This could be a simple curated vote, and it would help us avoid a situation where the FDO turns into a totally independent fiefdom (which realistically it wouldn't be), and where we lose all sight and interest of the cool planets the Virmireans are colonizing. Win-win-win all around, IMO.
Oh, they will be. It just hasn't yet come up.
Anyway. It would be nice if every several years the FDO came to us and asked us what their priorities should be, in broad terms- prioritize research, prioritize economic development, or balance between the two, et cetera. This could be a simple curated vote, and it would help us avoid a situation where the FDO turns into a totally independent fiefdom (which realistically it wouldn't be), and where we lose all sight and interest of the cool planets the Virmireans are colonizing. Win-win-win all around, IMO.
The FDO has only been operating for five years or so, having been established by Year 12.
I'd expect something like that would only come up at the end of a decade or so of operations.
[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.
The FDO has only been operating for five years or so, having been established by Year 12.
I'd expect something like that would only come up at the end of a decade or so of operations.
That's reasonable; I honestly wasn't sure whether it had crossed Poptart's mind that this would be necessary; they've got other things to think about.

[Although five year intervals or so would also be reasonable. Bear in mind that we can start an entire new minor mining colony in a year or so]
The Asarian Stimulus Package
Omake - The Asarian Stimulus Package

Lady Kirai and Prime Minister Mira could be said to be the most different Asari one could see. One a veteran political operator and cynic while the other was a General and Optimist. The collision between the free-spirited Maiden and the Power Broker Matriarch was inevitable. Said collisions were done in "The Room". A place where both discussed sensitive issues with Matriarch Dantius as the Arbitrator. The idea being that she could appeal to boths better senses in a heated discussion. But theory and practicality lived apart. Literally.

"456 Billion credits in an investment to includ-"

"Absolutely not!"

"You are not even listening!"

"I am not going to negotiate with lobbyists or give someone kickbacks Kirai! End of discussion!!" Mira growled out as she pounded her fist into the table. She was beginning to lose her temper as Kirai continued to go back to a 'simple favor' for billions in investments. Kirai in the meanwhile massaged her temples as she tried to prove how good a deal with was for the Administration and the Economy. An it was for multiple reasons: With investments in colonization and heavy equipment, they could easily finance 10 years of development and still have enough for medicinal production and military industry. All Kirai needed was to bring about Mira and then green light to her agents in the assembly to start the bills production.

One large Economic Bill with all of the above and one very important detail that angered Mira attached to it: Government Back Insurance for Flooding.

"Ladies it's been 30 minutes. It is time for a recess before we continue."

"There won't be a recess Matriarch Dantius. I am not going to sign this bill and I will kill it if your try to force it Kirai."

Dantius sighed as she saw a sharp look come from Lady Kirai. She was proud Matriarch Dantius knew. An to be spoken to by a Maiden, even, a Prime Minister was beneath her.

"Mira we have potential challengers standing on an economic platform of civilizing the economy and re-appropriating funds from Emergency Military Budgets to Social Welfare programs. In a time of Genocidal War against the Rachni, A threat you know damn well has no problem eating us alive if it could.

We cannot risk losing to them or for them to gain steam. We should cut this weed by the stem and unleash our own economic bill to steal there platform." The Matriarch reasoned again. Dantius knew the breaking point was here. An we can't risk them doing stupid shit to the war efforts for political points from dumb voters. You know this concept damn well."

The two eyed each other and moved closer for another clash of words but Dantius stepped in and reiterated a call for recess. The girls needed time to blow off some steam.


*Kirai's Corner*

"It pains me to see you two like this Lady Kirai." Dantius says as she pours tea into Kirai's cup.

"She's making things harder then they need to be. It's not the first time i've had to break down my clients when there own ideology got in there face though. I can still crack her open."

"May I suggests a different course of action?" offered Dantius. But Kirai stopped her cold as she held up her hand.

"Please no. My mind is set and hers will be too when i'm done with her. I will not allow myself to be ignored by the Prime Minister and i'm going to pull her head out of her ass."

"Very well Lady Kirai but I will continue. My mother always told me that "Others perception of me is a reflection of themselves". Please take these words to heart."

The two shared a look and drank tea until recess ended.


*Mira's Corner*

"I can't believe i'm stuck in here debating kickbacks for investments. I'm the Prime Minister and there trying to deal with me? They should do as I fucking say!" Mira shouts to the roof. Lissa sitting down lounging simply nods her head along.

"This is all a waste of time Mira begins again" but this time Lissa stops her. IT had been the 5th time she had heard her point on the matter. Her words a clear determination for righteousness but also grating after awhile. She really wouldn't do well in a military environment. Ledgers at the very least didn't talk back as you wrote into them. They just waited for you.

"Mira stop."

At that Mira looked up at her friend and pouted a bit as she crossed her arms. An angry look plastered her face as she waited for her friend to finish. If it was anyone Mira would never yell at her best friend. Afterall, they lived in poverty together for years and was the only one that could ever counsel her personally in a way no one else could.

"The Economy will be struggling as butter runs out in stores. We can use this money to start Planetwise food production to continue up the variety and the kickback is pretty minor. If you like we can just ask Kirai to put some limitations and make sure that it's available to all."

"But why do I have to concede to that point if I don't want to? I'm the leader and they should follow me."

"Because this isn't war Mira. You know that people respect you and that you'll work for there betterment. That's how Government works in the end but you've been focusing too much on there open term instead of details.

This is what I propose..."


*Time passed as the both sat down and waited Matriarch Dantius to restart the debate clock in the room

"After speaking to counsel, I think I'm ready to accept your terms Lady Kirai. I have to apologize for my refusals, I do sometimes get lost in emotional rants.

We can offer flood protection at an Interstellar level in the case of new worlds to be populated but for all types. And if an area is being flooded too much the insurance can buy out the home in appropriations and move the resident as a safety concern. We simply can't waste valuable financing powers liberally when a war is on foot. Besides not many have this concern so it'll be limited by how many can sign up and what they can claim in emergencies. Anything extra will come from the Markets."

Kirai for the first time in centuries was caught off balance. She had gotten what she wanted but to demand terms here would be ungrateful for future negotiations. As she thought about it though her backers didn't necessarily care about the pool or exact policy measures. They simply would get what they got and she'd take there SuperPac money as agreed. Still, something felt very off she could just feel it in her bones.

"Lady Kirai?"

"Oh yes?"

"These terms see amicable. Can you accept the Prime Ministers counter offer?"

"I can but I'll need to time to float it by our constituents and-" as she spoke Mirai's hand grasped hers quickly. She stared into her eyes determinately.

"Please accept my compromise...Madam Kirai."

'For Asari to behave in such a way though!' thought Kirai. It was usually a very passionate thing left to romance in the Asarian culture to look another in the eyes like this. And between members of the same species..these ladies could be in for a scandal if things got heated.



"Breaking News Here at XOF. A new Bill has just been passed in less than 48 hours led primarily by the Prime Ministers's Bloc and a big tent coalition of Independents.

The Bill in question is a Stimulus bill of around 500 billion credits to go to the Industry Sector, Medicine productions, Agri-Businesses, and more. The distribution method being mainly grants totaling up to 85% of the Stimulus with the rest being low interest loans. We now go to Political commentator Joane Bobber."

"Thank you Urlak. First let me be clear: This bill is a mutated mess of Buerocratic requests being rubber stamped by Tamara Kirai. Anyone can see that she's the one pulling the strings here and it shows what's coming next. We will be seeing more kicksbacks to the Prime Ministters Government in exchange for votes, campaign donations, and investments."





Re-writing a rough draft? NEVER! Also here's an omake where everyone wins. An my headcanon Fox news is XOF.
Omake - The Asarian Stimulus Package

Lady Kirai and Prime Minister Mira could be said to be the most different Asari one could see. One a veteran political operator and cynic while the other was a General and Optimist. The collision between the free-spirited Maiden and the Power Broker Matriarch was inevitable. Said collisions were done in "The Room". A place where both discussed sensitive issues with Matriarch Dantius as the Arbitrator. The idea being that she could appeal to boths better senses in a heated discussion. But theory and practicality lived apart. Literally.

"456 Billion credits in an investment to includ-"

"Absolutely not!"

"You are not even listening!"

"I am not going to negotiate with lobbyists or give someone kickbacks Kirai! End of discussion!!" Mira growled out as she pounded her fist into the table. She was beginning to lose her temper as Kirai continued to go back to a 'simple favor' for billions in investments. Kirai in the meanwhile massaged her temples as she tried to prove how good a deal with was for the Administration and the Economy. An it was for multiple reasons: With investments in colonization and heavy equipment, they could easily finance 10 years of development and still have enough for medicinal production and military industry. All Kirai needed was to bring about Mira and then green light to her agents in the assembly to start the bills production.

One large Economic Bill with all of the above and one very important detail that angered Mira attached to it: Government Back Insurance for Flooding.

"Ladies it's been 30 minutes. It is time for a recess before we continue."

"There won't be a recess Matriarch Dantius. I am not going to sign this bill and I will kill it if your try to force it Kirai."

Dantius sighed as she saw a sharp look come from Lady Kirai. She was proud Matriarch Dantius knew. An to be spoken to by a Maiden, even, a Prime Minister was beneath her.

"Mira we have potential challengers standing on an economic platform of civilizing the economy and re-appropriating funds from Emergency Military Budgets to Social Welfare programs. In a time of Genocidal War against the Rachni, A threat you know damn well has no problem eating us alive if it could.

We cannot risk losing to them or for them to gain steam. We should cut this weed by the stem and unleash our own economic bill to steal there platform." The Matriarch reasoned again. Dantius knew the breaking point was here. An we can't risk them doing stupid shit to the war efforts for political points from dumb voters. You know this concept damn well."

The two eyed each other and moved closer for another clash of words but Dantius stepped in and reiterated a call for recess. The girls needed time to blow off some steam.


*Kirai's Corner*

"It pains me to see you two like this Lady Kirai." Dantius says as she pours tea into Kirai's cup.

"She's making things harder then they need to be. It's not the first time i've had to break down my clients when there own ideology got in there face though. I can still crack her open."

"May I suggests a different course of action?" offered Dantius. But Kirai stopped her cold as she held up her hand.

"Please no. My mind is set and hers will be too when i'm done with her. I will not allow myself to be ignored by the Prime Minister and i'm going to pull her head out of her ass."

"Very well Lady Kirai but I will continue. My mother always told me that "Others perception of me is a reflection of themselves". Please take these words to heart."

The two shared a look and drank tea until recess ended.


*Mira's Corner*

"I can't believe i'm stuck in here debating kickbacks for investments. I'm the Prime Minister and there trying to deal with me? They should do as I fucking say!" Mira shouts to the roof. Lissa sitting down lounging simply nods her head along.

"This is all a waste of time Mira begins again" but this time Lissa stops her. IT had been the 5th time she had heard her point on the matter. Her words a clear determination for righteousness but also grating after awhile. She really wouldn't do well in a military environment. Ledgers at the very least didn't talk back as you wrote into them. They just waited for you.

"Mira stop."

At that Mira looked up at her friend and pouted a bit as she crossed her arms. An angry look plastered her face as she waited for her friend to finish. If it was anyone Mira would never yell at her best friend. Afterall, they lived in poverty together for years and was the only one that could ever counsel her personally in a way no one else could.

"The Economy will be struggling as butter runs out in stores. We can use this money to start Planetwise food production to continue up the variety and the kickback is pretty minor. If you like we can just ask Kirai to put some limitations and make sure that it's available to all."

"But why do I have to concede to that point if I don't want to? I'm the leader and they should follow me."

"Because this isn't war Mira. You know that people respect you and that you'll work for there betterment. That's how Government works in the end but you've been focusing too much on there open term instead of details.

This is what I propose..."


*Time passed as the both sat down and waited Matriarch Dantius to restart the debate clock in the room

"After speaking to counsel, I think I'm ready to accept your terms Lady Kirai. I have to apologize for my refusals, I do sometimes get lost in emotional rants.

We can offer flood protection at an Interstellar level in the case of new worlds to be populated but for all types. And if an area is being flooded too much the insurance can buy out the home in appropriations and move the resident as a safety concern. We simply can't waste valuable financing powers liberally when a war is on foot. Besides not many have this concern so it'll be limited by how many can sign up and what they can claim in emergencies. Anything extra will come from the Markets."

Kirai for the first time in centuries was caught off balance. She had gotten what she wanted but to demand terms here would be ungrateful for future negotiations. As she thought about it though her backers didn't necessarily care about the pool or exact policy measures. They simply would get what they got and she'd take there SuperPac money as agreed. Still, something felt very off she could just feel it in her bones.

"Lady Kirai?"

"Oh yes?"

"These terms see amicable. Can you accept the Prime Ministers counter offer?"

"I can but I'll need to time to float it by our constituents and-" as she spoke Mirai's hand grasped hers quickly. She stared into her eyes determinately.

"Please accept my compromise...Madam Kirai."

'For Asari to behave in such a way though!' thought Kirai. It was usually a very passionate thing left to romance in the Asarian culture to look another in the eyes like this. And between members of the same species..these ladies could be in for a scandal if things got heated.



"Breaking News Here at XOF. A new Bill has just been passed in less than 48 hours led primarily by the Prime Ministers's Bloc and a big tent coalition of Independents.

The Bill in question is a Stimulus bill of around 500 billion credits to go to the Industry Sector, Medicine productions, Agri-Businesses, and more. The distribution method being mainly grants totaling up to 85% of the Stimulus with the rest being low interest loans. We now go to Political commentator Joane Bobber."

"Thank you Urlak. First let me be clear: This bill is a mutated mess of Buerocratic requests being rubber stamped by Tamara Kirai. Anyone can see that she's the one pulling the strings here and it shows what's coming next. We will be seeing more kicksbacks to the Prime Ministters Government in exchange for votes, campaign donations, and investments."





Re-writing a rough draft? NEVER! Also here's an omake where everyone wins. An my headcanon Fox news is XOF.
Ah, more of the classic fever-dream madness from our most prolific omake poster. Magnificent. :D Added to Apocrypha!

Meanwhile, I suppose it's time to close. One moment.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - Terminus Quest: A CKII Mass Effect Quest | Page 513 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12808-12891]
##### NetTally 1.9.8

[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.
No. of Votes: 40

[X] Actually, you know what? Communication isn't even the issue, here. We should just give research teams enough money and guns to handle problems like this themselves. It'll totally work out.
No. of Votes: 2

[X] Write-in?
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 43

That is one lopsided vote.

[X] This year has showed you the seething pot of madness on which Durrahe keeps a lid. You can't make Virmire's research institutes less insane, but you can ensure that they're communicating clearly. Perhaps it's time to institute a review of their reporting procedures. When you're giving them funding like you are, you'd appreciate being notified of what the hell is happening to it. Gain an option next year to review and update accountability requirements for research programs benefiting from federal funding.

I wonder how angry the scientist are at each other now. I bet it was waaaay easier to get your project funded before the new buerocracy gets put down.
I wonder how angry the scientist are at each other now.

Not as angry as they are at the Lystheni.

"How dare they start distracting the budget boards with their illconcieved experiments and waste of perfectly good lab space. Lets go write passive aggressive articles about how their research is dumb and should fund us instead"
"Your proposals say here you want to experiment a truth serum to know if your wife is cheating. I'll save you the time.

Yes and with me."
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Voting is open