"Sorry we're late, we heard Hookwoof was in the area, and suspected he was going to do something stupid*, but we couldn't find him in time."

*Like, say, breathing.

Edit: typo in the name turned out to be perfect, so I kept it.
I feel sorry for Assault and Dauntless in this.

Over their heads is an understatement.

Yeah, but they can do their jobs even in this situation. Mainly, be calm, prevent them from killing helpless hostages, and convincing them to not attack the Nazis.

Taylor has so far mainly wanted to just "Go Home", and "Relax." Assault and Dauntless have absolutely zero problem with making that happen. After that, it's someone else's problem!
Yeah, but they can do their jobs even in this situation. Mainly, be calm, prevent them from killing helpless hostages, and convincing them to not attack the Nazis.

Taylor has so far mainly wanted to just "Go Home", and "Relax." Assault and Dauntless have absolutely zero problem with making that happen. After that, it's someone else's problem!
Convincing her to not make the Medhall building go boomies with Mr. Death is going to take some doing though, especially since Kaiser being Kaiser he is likely to react to her killing 3 of his best minions by going all frothy at the mouth and trying to 'teach her a lesson', because if he doesn't then it shows weakness, which he can't stand.
Convincing her to not make the Medhall building go boomies with Mr. Death is going to take some doing though, especially since Kaiser being Kaiser he is likely to react to her killing 3 of his best minions by going all frothy at the mouth and trying to 'teach her a lesson', because if he doesn't then it shows weakness, which he can't stand.
They also have no reason to stop her. They've just been informed that StabbyFluff went after a cape's family unprovoked, and apparently on Kaiser's orders. The unwritten rules should have them offering to help.
It's actually impressive that Hookwolf survived so many chaingun rounds.
When he's in his full Changer form he doesn't actually have a human body, he has a 'core' that constantly spews forth new blades, which basically means regenerating ablative armor and you need to do quite a bit of damage to the core to 'shake' him out of his Changer form and back into human form. So something like the chaingun which is lots of little (by Doom standards) physical attacks is actually exactly the wrong kind of weapon to use on him, though very viscerally satisfying.

They also have no reason to stop her. They've just been informed that StabbyFluff went after a cape's family unprovoked, and apparently on Kaiser's orders. The unwritten rules should have them offering to help.
Well, I mean, apart from the likely collateral damage. She wasn't wearing a mask and thus wasn't technically protected by said unwritten rules either, and the unwritten rules are unwritten and thus fall below the actual written laws against things like murder and the like in terms of importance for Protectorate and PRT employees.

'They violated the unwritten rules' doesn't actually legally grant a person the right to commit murder and whatever crime mass destruction of large chunks of private property is; it means that people will generally be inclined to look the other way, but 'inclined to look the other way' != 'will ignore you walking off with a portable nuke launcher after declaring you're going to go shoot some motherfucking Nazis.'
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Huh, are Spacebattles only just now realizing that Danny is the Doomslayer, who apparently decided to take a holiday\retirement on Earth Bet? Presumably after the events of Doom Eternal, given the distinct lack of Demonic hierarchy Taylor encountered other than the Megademon.

Because when you're the Doomslayer, Earth Bet is actually a pretty laid back place.
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Yep. That went about as expected. Kaiser really has no idea what he invited towards his home by sending Stabbypuppy out to recruit. Also, all the nicknames was hilarious XDD
Didn't Vicky trigger some time after Fleur's death? By which point the man responsible had already been sent to prison, and had been released/escaped (can't remember off hand which) years previous. May be he was even dead already. But if not, Vicky hunting down that one man and "pulverizing" him would have been a serious mistake due to the following reasons:

1. If he survived, he would likely be cripled and would press criminal charges. That's premeditated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and probably a few others.
2. More likely then not, he would have died. That would mean the police would get involved. And since the attack was premeditated, it's murder rather then manslaughter. But either way, Vicky is in serious legal trouble and New Wave is getting seriously bad press.
3. Amy hadn't triggered yet, so there would be no such thing as having Amy patch up the victim in order to get away with it.

Yeah, that was something that happened just after the Brockton Bay Brigade made the MONUMENTALLY STUPID idea to unmask. And it was Kaiser that killed the idiot.
Huh, are Spacebattles only just now realizing that Danny is the Doomslayer, who apparently decided to take a holiday\retirement on Earth Bet? Presumably after the events of Doom Eternal, given the distinct lack of Demonic hierarchy Taylor encountered other than the Megademon.

Because when you're the Doomslayer, Earth Bet is actually a pretty laid back place.
It's still an ongoing thing... I still want Danny Hebert to pull out his old set of armor!
Yep. That went about as expected. Kaiser really has no idea what he invited towards his home by sending Stabbypuppy out to recruit. Also, all the nicknames was hilarious XDD
Kaiser is used to being the biggest fish, and acts like it. The downside to this kind of behavior is that should he ever encounter a situation where he isn't the biggest fish then he inevitably ends up with a big ole' serving of Hubris right where it hurts.

It's still an ongoing thing... I still want Danny Hebert to pull out his old set of armor!
It's probably hidden back at the house somewhere; I can't imagine he'd have gotten rid of the Praetor Suit, stuff it in a concrete box and bury it under the garage floor though? That seems plausible.
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IF there one thing I can say about mp3. It is that they make great fanfic of crossover that I didn't think would work but they make it work quit well. That being said it I begin to feel just a tiny tiny bit sad for Kaiser but then again he a Nazi.
Yeah, that was something that happened just after the Brockton Bay Brigade made the MONUMENTALLY STUPID idea to unmask. And it was Kaiser that killed the idiot.
Fanon, the guy who did it went to jail, after he got out he was welcomed into the E88 with open arms. Beacon 8.9:
Beacon 8.9 said:
I could barely remember Auntie Jess. The memory was occluded by the very clear distinction of a sniveling kid in a courtyard- someone who'd been looking to earn his stripes as a member of our local racist troupe. He'd cried, begged, and asked for his dad to save him when the pronouncement had come from the court. I could remember seeing him and being disgustedly disappointed in him. That someone as awesome as my aunt had been killed by someone as far from awesome as him.

No- no. That hadn't been my opinion. It had been something my mom had said that had struck so close to home that it felt like my own idea.

My opinion had been a quiet certainty that his craven behavior in court would at least ensure that he didn't get what he wanted. He wouldn't get his initiation into the gang if he acted like that. And I'd been wrong. He was young, he hadn't been tried as an adult, and he'd gotten out in short order. He'd gone straight to Empire Eighty-Eight and been welcomed with open arms.

The guy who killed Fleur was basically not punished at all for what he did, and got exactly what he wanted to get out of it; membership in the E88, where he presumably got to have bragging rights about having killed a cape.

Welcome to Worm.

I don't get the feeling Taylor is going to use weapons with enough precision to apply pain that specifically. Well, unless you count "everywhere" as "where it hurts". :p
When it comes to Hubris, 'where it hurts' is 'the ego' :V

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rest in hell, stabbypuppy. give hitler my regards, kaiser will be joining you shortly.

Yet again we see that the shards are cowering in fear. actually a fairly smart reaction. certainly beats out "meh, i can take her"

Danny is definitely reacting in a way that makes you think either he's the slayer himself, a blazkowicz well aware of his family history, both, or something else entirely. at any rate, i actually think he's a bit scarier than Taylor right now.

Assault and Dauntless are quickly going to get the message that Taylor is to be left alone at all costs. no, she wont be leaving the city. yes, she'll try to avoid blowing holes in it, she lives here after all and the pizza is excellent. she wont start things, but will (angrily) end them, quickly and violently.
IT'S A DOOM FAMILY! Everyone out of the universe the Doom Marines are here!:D

Edit: The family reunions must be insane and cause gibbering terror in the local hell dimensions:drevil:
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"Or Ellisburg, or any of the other places. I do not want to have a cape fight between a rage dragon and something that makes Behemoth look tame, trust me."

She's done there. rage dragon(not real dragon not true rage) and Behemoth will look tame after Doom!lor gets started.

"Get out of here, find this mad Tinker or whoever it is, and persuade them to become someone else's problem for now, will you?"

Mad Tinker? Doom!lor isn't mad she'd the embodiment of RAGE and she's only wants to live peacefully left alone to her devices.

"Probably, yes. The bounties on some of those threats were enormous, not that anyone thought it was possible to collect," she allowed slightly suspiciously. "And Ellisburg didn't even have a price, as it was obviously never going to happen."

She can now start up her own business or get Dockworkers business. Ellisburg happened get over it.

"Maybe we could point them at the S9 or something," he grinned. "If they're profit-orientated, I mean. That would keep them out of our hair."

Looking forward to that smackdown; profits you mean bloodbath? Right?

He shrugged. "They freeze to death in the winter?"

Let him dream.

"I think we should go introduce ourselves and pass on Kaiser's… request."

Admit it I wasn't the only one who started BFG Division here.

"You know who I am?"

Soon to be dead guy.

As he was about to say something, his temper rising, she snapped her armored fingers in triumph. "Aha! I know. Hookwolf! That's it!" Her demeanor changed from almost playful to completely focused in an instant, making him go from confused to wary. "Hookwolf the Nazi. Go away, Hookwolf the Nazi, or I'll do something you'll regret. I've had a very long day and I am not in the mood to play. I just want to go home with my dad and catch up on what happened while I was away." She turned dismissively and looked at the man, who was watching with apparent amusement and what looked like pride.

She did get it from somewhere...fuck.

"Out of practice, Taylor," the guy replied, not looking away from the others. "I think they're still alive."

Shame on you... oh shit everyone run.

Abandon all hope.

She'd actually caught a fifty caliber sniper bullet in flight!

*breathing intensifies*

"Oh, fuck," he managed to say. Then the world turned into pain.

I've been looking forward to this all week.

"Well, yeah, point to you. But it's still weird. What the fuck did Winslow have in common with Ellisburg, Eagleton, the Three Blasphemies, Moord Nag, and all the others?"

They were all figurative hell holes.

"It looks almost like something basically scared him so much he just… fell over."

Doom!lor in a nutshell.

"Is it me, or did that person look angrier than anything you've ever seen?"

You haven't seen anything yet.

"Oh, fuck me, this isn't good," Ethan mumbled.

"You think?" Dauntless hissed, his hand on his arc-lance.

I raise my glass at them for preparing for the asskicking that might happen.

Everyone in the room without exception was shocked when he suddenly sat bolt upright on the bed and shouted "She has come!" at the top of his voice in a really offputting way, paused, added almost conversationally, "She is ANGRY!" then screamed and fainted again.

Following a very long and extremely confused silence, Panacea said, "Well, that's not worrying at all."

Giving her an unfriendly look, Emily shook her head, then tried to work out what the fuck was going on.

So SNFU for Doom!lor involvement.
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rest in hell, stabbypuppy. give hitler my regards, kaiser will be joining you shortly.
We've seen Hell, there is a distinct lack of resting happening down there.

Also a distinct lack of Hitlers, probably for the same reason; eaten by Demons. Either literally, or by having sippy straws jammed into their souls to suck all the delicious Argent Energy out of them, depending on how exactly that works.

IT'S A DOOM FAMILY! Everyone out of the universe the Doom Marines are here!:D
As long as you're not a Demon, a Nazi or a Stupid McDumbface, you're probably fine.

Edit: The family reunions must be insane and cause gibbering terror in the local hell dimensions:drevil:
Taylor already RIPPED AND TORE a path of death and destruction through the local Hell dimensions, remember? They're not gibbering in terror; they've converted to her minions and are following her at a safe distance. (Note: Distance may not actually be safe.)
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We've seen Hell, there is a distinct lack of resting happening down there.

Also a distinct lack of Hitlers, probably for the same reason; getting eaten by Demons. Either literally, or by having sippy straws jammed into their souls to suck all the delicious Argent Energy out of them, depending on how exactly that works.
Nah the reason there are no Hitlers in Hell is because even Hell wants nothing to do with that guy (stupid Nazi)