Kaiser trues his trick to cause metal spikes inside Taylor's power armor only to realize it's made of crystallized RAGE and can't be affected
Actually, his power would likely fail cause the armor isn't made of metal, but high tech ceramics infused with RAGE and hellfire.
Would like to remind everyone that Kaiser doesn't need metal to form metal off of, just solid surfaces, only limited in that he can't directly make things appear inside of people but can push them into and through people by making more metal at the base to extend the existing metal into the person.
More importantly, what will DOOMlor see with her dimensional-rift-sight when parahumans try using powers like Kaiser or Hookwolf's blades?

And... can she go through those rifts to the Shard itself?

Also, separate from her magic, she understands the science of dimensional rifts; any bets she can build something to shut them down? Or scramble them?
Would like to remind everyone that Kaiser doesn't need metal to form metal off of, just solid surfaces, only limited in that he can't directly make things appear inside of people but can push them into and through people by making more metal at the base to extend the existing metal into the person.

Ah, but is anger solid, liquid, gas or plasma?

Even if it's solid at standard temperature and pressure, it may not remain so in such high-density concentrations...
Would like to remind everyone that Kaiser doesn't need metal to form metal off of, just solid surfaces, only limited in that he can't directly make things appear inside of people but can push them into and through people by making more metal at the base to extend the existing metal into the person.
If that's the case, anyone who wears power armour or anything decently protective, or even holds physical weapons rather than projections, wanting to go up against Kaiser would have a hard choice to make - wear their armour/hold their weapons and live with the fact that unless they can keep Kaiser off-balance enough to not try it they are going to get metal spikes through their anatomy, or go without and be at that much of a disadvantage against him, to say nothing of his mooks - he would be one of the premier anti-Tinker capes, unless there's more to it than there seems, because just imagine Armsmaster going up against someone who can make the inside of his armour an attack surface, or any Tinker in a vehicle being attacked by metal spikes forming off the interior of their ride. Anyone who's not a Brute or Changer and is smart enough to want to be protected against bullets, or is a Brute and wants to have some protection against things that would still hurt them, would not want to go up against him, because their armour would be an instant liability to his power, but they can't go without it because someone around him will have a gun, or for the Brutes Hookwolf might be around.

His power would be a near-OHKO against anyone not completely immune to it who is wearing/inside some manner of protection, since he could turn even something as simple as trauma plates inside bullet-resistant vests into a place for spikes, and considering they're usually over places you very much do not want bits of metal inside - that's why you're wearing the plates, after all - he could at the very least grievously wound anyone who might be a threat to him as soon as they make themselves known.

So I assume there's some weakness to his power, otherwise the combination of him and some manner of firearm would be near-unstoppable for anyone not completely immune to one or both means of attack. And that would probably throw the balance of power in Brockton Bay out just a little from what canon gives us.
I suspect Kaiser's biggest limitation is that he wants to portray a particular image; that of the "Protector of the White Man" and seem heroic to those that follow him. Part of that is that he can't afford to be the one that breaks the Unwritten Rules, but instead must be one that enforces them. This is why he personally executed the man who killed a member of New Wave in her own home. This is also why he can't afford to kill his enemies himself (since the use of lethal force against capes is right up there with attacking a cape's family as a Rule Violation,) but instead needs to be "disappointed in the actions of his followers" when they go over the line (even when they are secretly following his orders to do so.)

Like any Empire Builder, Kaiser plays the game of Politics, and is limited by the rules of that game. Image is all important when building a support base, so he has to be all about image.

So, when facing the Doom Girl, I doubt her will go for growing blades inside her armor instead of growing them around her to trap/immobilize her at first. The only question would be if he lives long enough to realize what a mistake that was....
Does he need a solid/fixed connection to the surface in question, or does it work remotely?
if the former, he can project spikes from a floor through a desk, but not through someone's armor unless he's touching it or possibly after they've been immobilized by someone else.
So I assume there's some weakness to his power, otherwise the combination of him and some manner of firearm would be near-unstoppable for anyone not completely immune to one or both means of attack. And that would probably throw the balance of power in Brockton Bay out just a little from what canon gives us.
.50 cal sniper round from 500m+ That armour he likes to wear can't be thick enough to stop it without being too thick for him to move in.
Not off hand. Somewhere in the middle, I think. After they learn the reason for the loops, but I think before they started getting loops where they replace Luna and Celestia as rulers of Equestria.

EDIT: My mistake. The first "replace the alicorn sisters" loop is early on.

What, MLP Time Loops? I love that fic. Especially the first time Skitter gets sent to Equestria.

I especially love how the authors treat both TCB and Cupcakes. I hate both of those tropes.

Yep, I'm a brony; though you probably could tell by my profile pic.
If that's the case, anyone who wears power armour or anything decently protective, or even holds physical weapons rather than projections, wanting to go up against Kaiser would have a hard choice to make - wear their armour/hold their weapons and live with the fact that unless they can keep Kaiser off-balance enough to not try it they are going to get metal spikes through their anatomy, or go without and be at that much of a disadvantage against him, to say nothing of his mooks - he would be one of the premier anti-Tinker capes, unless there's more to it than there seems, because just imagine Armsmaster going up against someone who can make the inside of his armour an attack surface, or any Tinker in a vehicle being attacked by metal spikes forming off the interior of their ride. Anyone who's not a Brute or Changer and is smart enough to want to be protected against bullets, or is a Brute and wants to have some protection against things that would still hurt them, would not want to go up against him, because their armour would be an instant liability to his power, but they can't go without it because someone around him will have a gun, or for the Brutes Hookwolf might be around.

His power would be a near-OHKO against anyone not completely immune to it who is wearing/inside some manner of protection, since he could turn even something as simple as trauma plates inside bullet-resistant vests into a place for spikes, and considering they're usually over places you very much do not want bits of metal inside - that's why you're wearing the plates, after all - he could at the very least grievously wound anyone who might be a threat to him as soon as they make themselves known.

So I assume there's some weakness to his power, otherwise the combination of him and some manner of firearm would be near-unstoppable for anyone not completely immune to one or both means of attack. And that would probably throw the balance of power in Brockton Bay out just a little from what canon gives us.

Even worse, just wearing clothing would mean he can kill you anytime he wants with no effort and no way to defend against it. Since this clearly isn't the case, there must be some limitation involved.
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Pol Pot, Hitler, Zodiac Killer

vs. Mahatma Gandhi, Pope John Paul, Mother Theresa

I dispute that we don't have examples of both extremes in ou
A few dozen demons and a few thousand complete monsters (serial killers etc.), a few angels and a few thousand saints (not talking biblical here, more general meanings of the terms) are a drop in the bucket compared to the billions that have lived on this planet. If it was that every other person on the street was at one extreme or the other I'd be more inclined to believe that our humanity lay towards the side of the bell curve.

How would this planet look if ten percent of the population was as good as the absolute best we have ever experienced? Seven hundred million paragons could make this world into something resembling a paradise.
I have heard that that is fanon. And that the person who killed Fleur was instead accepted with open arms.
The wanna be Nazi went to prison and was accepted into the E88 after his release.

Something about that never made sense to me... Contessa spends a bit of time, according to WB making sure that normals don't snipe capes, think that a cape is the only way to fight a cape.

How the hell did a wanna be gangbanger kill a cape?
For that matter, how did he come back to Brockton Bay and not get squashed by collateral damage Barbie?
If that's the case, anyone who wears power armour or anything decently protective, or even holds physical weapons rather than projections, wanting to go up against Kaiser would have a hard choice to make - wear their armour/hold their weapons and live with the fact that unless they can keep Kaiser off-balance enough to not try it they are going to get metal spikes through their anatomy, or go without and be at that much of a disadvantage against him, to say nothing of his mooks - he would be one of the premier anti-Tinker capes, unless there's more to it than there seems, because just imagine Armsmaster going up against someone who can make the inside of his armour an attack surface, or any Tinker in a vehicle being attacked by metal spikes forming off the interior of their ride. Anyone who's not a Brute or Changer and is smart enough to want to be protected against bullets, or is a Brute and wants to have some protection against things that would still hurt them, would not want to go up against him, because their armour would be an instant liability to his power, but they can't go without it because someone around him will have a gun, or for the Brutes Hookwolf might be around.

His power would be a near-OHKO against anyone not completely immune to it who is wearing/inside some manner of protection, since he could turn even something as simple as trauma plates inside bullet-resistant vests into a place for spikes, and considering they're usually over places you very much do not want bits of metal inside - that's why you're wearing the plates, after all - he could at the very least grievously wound anyone who might be a threat to him as soon as they make themselves known.

So I assume there's some weakness to his power, otherwise the combination of him and some manner of firearm would be near-unstoppable for anyone not completely immune to one or both means of attack. And that would probably throw the balance of power in Brockton Bay out just a little from what canon gives us.
There was one story I read, can't remember which (sorry) where Kaiser was limited to growing blades from the iron in his blood. He got around this limitation by picking his battlefields and having a few goons prep the area ahead of time by sprinkling bags of his blood all over the place.
There was one story I read, can't remember which (sorry) where Kaiser was limited to growing blades from the iron in his blood. He got around this limitation by picking his battlefields and having a few goons prep the area ahead of time by sprinkling bags of his blood all over the place.
There's a number of ways you might think about Kaiser limitations...
  • One, does the surface have to be non-flexible, and at least the cross-section of the spike, in which case solid belt buckles might be a bad idea, but flexible armour...
  • Two, does he need to be able to perceive part of the solid surface, which he might not be able to do with the inside of armour, depending on the design, but he could with a floor. Possibly as long as it doesn't have a fitted carpet, if you want to combine this with the previous.
Or, you might say that he just hasn't put as much thought into using his power as (canon) Taylor has...
There's a number of ways you might think about Kaiser limitations...
  • One, does the surface have to be non-flexible, and at least the cross-section of the spike, in which case solid belt buckles might be a bad idea, but flexible armour...
  • Two, does he need to be able to perceive part of the solid surface, which he might not be able to do with the inside of armour, depending on the design, but he could with a floor. Possibly as long as it doesn't have a fitted carpet, if you want to combine this with the previous.
Or, you might say that he just hasn't put as much thought into using his power as (canon) Taylor has...
I thought he could only grow metal from metal? That is he, could multiply and shape what was already there.

Edit: this means that blades could form from pipes underground, steel reinforcements in concrete, a car on the side of the road or that watch you are wearing.
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Taylor is used to killing demons, not people, her reflexes aren't entirely correct for that kind of instant reaction.

You know, I hadn't considered that that might be an issue, but it very well probably is.

I thought he could only grow metal from metal? That is he, could multiply and shape what was already there.

Edit: this means that blades could form from pipes underground, steel reinforcements in concrete, a car on the side of the road or that watch you are wearing.

Incorrect. He can form them from any solid, stable surface. Doesn't have to be metal. There's several examples in canon.
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I thought he could only grow metal from metal? That is he, could multiply and shape what was already there.

Edit: this means that blades could form from pipes underground, steel reinforcements in concrete, a car on the side of the road or that watch you are wearing.
Nope, he can extend metal blades from any solid surface around him.
Something about that never made sense to me... Contessa spends a bit of time, according to WB making sure that normals don't snipe capes, think that a cape is the only way to fight a cape.

How the hell did a wanna be gangbanger kill a cape?
For that matter, how did he come back to Brockton Bay and not get squashed by collateral damage Barbie?
a) Surprise shotgun/pistol to the back of the head? Not knowing the guy with a gun is there is one of the principles of sniping, but while harder at short range, still works.
It is also possible that the moron was so high he didn't really intend to kill Fleur until about 5 seconds before it happened. That might get around a badly worded path too.
b) Collateral damage barbie always struck me as a runaway wrecking ball. It smashes whatever is in front of it, and may bounce to the side a bit. However, it doesn't tend to go looking for specific targets.
Didn't Vicky trigger some time after Fleur's death? By which point the man responsible had already been sent to prison, and had been released/escaped (can't remember off hand which) years previous. May be he was even dead already. But if not, Vicky hunting down that one man and "pulverizing" him would have been a serious mistake due to the following reasons:

1. If he survived, he would likely be cripled and would press criminal charges. That's premeditated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and probably a few others.
2. More likely then not, he would have died. That would mean the police would get involved. And since the attack was premeditated, it's murder rather then manslaughter. But either way, Vicky is in serious legal trouble and New Wave is getting seriously bad press.
3. Amy hadn't triggered yet, so there would be no such thing as having Amy patch up the victim in order to get away with it.