Nah the reason there are no Hitlers in Hell is because even Hell wants nothing to do with that guy (stupid Nazi)
I sincerely doubt Doom Demons have standards, at least when it comes to food. They probably have standards when it comes to who gets to be reincarnated as a Demon, but I doubt they give a flying fuck about the people they eat and\or suck Argent Energy out of.

Does this guy look like he cares about the quality of his next meal? Hell, does he look like he cares about the edibility of his next meal?

A gentleman with standards this is not.
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I am assuming Danny is the son of B.J. Blazkowicz but he took Annette's last name.
Well, there's about half a dozen former E88 members who are going to do their time, become productive members of society, but, whenever racism or Nazism is mentioned, have weird panic-attack-like symptoms when there stop what they're doing, face a wall with their hands behind their heads and yell "Nazism is bad!"

I do wonder what the PRT will decide to call her since she's about twenty tons of Nope in a five pound bag.

Also I'm assuming Lung will have nothing to do with her because his power would look at her and go "Error 404: Insufficient Rage Dragon to contend with Target Rage. Please do not poke the Red Lantern Central Power Battery."
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Well, there's about half a dozen former E88 members who are going to do their time, become productive members of society, but, whenever racism or Nazism is mentioned, have weird panic-attack-like symptoms when there stop what they're doing, face a wall with their hands behind their heads and yell "Nazism is bad!"

I do wonder what the PRT will decide to call her since she's about twenty tons of Nope in a five pound bag.

Also I'm assuming Lung will have nothing to do with her because his power would look at her and go "Error 404: Insufficient Rage Dragon to content with Target Rage. Please do not poke the Red Lantern Central Power Battery."
*Red Lantern ring.*. Hey, look. New power source.
*Tries to Nom new power.*


"Too much rage."
Pretty sure Khorne has a closet shrine to Doom guy sempai. If you thought Bruce Banner had anger problems, whoooo boy you haven't seen anything yet.
They also have no reason to stop her. They've just been informed that StabbyFluff went after a cape's family unprovoked, and apparently on Kaiser's orders. The unwritten rules should have them offering to help.
I'll be honest, I actually really would like to see that. The comedic value of it alone...

I imagine Assault leading the way like an angry Kool-aid man.
Danny is a proud father, his daughter has inherited his temper.
Danny is a terrified father, his daughter has also inherited his wife's temper.

Gallant was great this chapter, he gave Taylor her new cape name that when spoken everyone will know that SHE is here and you should be very, very afraid.
Nah the reason there are no Hitlers in Hell is because even Hell wants nothing to do with that guy (stupid Nazi)

I think the reason that there is no Hitler's in Hell is that they have enough trouble with DoomGuy/DoomSlayer killing all their guys forever, the last thing they need is for a family reunion with his great Great Grandfather B.J. Blazkowicz.

...though now there's Taylor.

"This is getting out of hand, now there are three of them!"
Alas, poor Mr. Stabbypuppy. Rockets to the face are very painful.
Nope, not rockets - that was plasma, baby! Still not an especially effective weapon against Pokingpupper, since it's a lot of little hits, but with each hit being individually bigger than the Chaingun's rounds, along with heat propagation, I suspect it was more effective than the weapon SHE switched to for whatever reason.
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Nope, not rockets - that was plasma, baby! Still not an especially effective weapon against Pokepupper, since it's a lot of little hits, but with each hit being individually bigger than the Chaingun's rounds, along with heat propagation, I suspect it was more effective than the weapon SHE switched to for whatever reason.
Targeting her father is (was) quick yet painful suicide. Thus the choice of weapons favoring pain over lethality.
As far a legality is concerned, I have no decent look at Wormverse laws. But I do know Piggot HANDPICKED Assault for the very reason of this scenario. He's not terminally stupid enough to upset someone who can take the SS Murderblender apart as easily as she did.
>>> (In)Famous last words <<<
Lung's door: <Ding-Dong>
"Who are you?"
"Is it true that the ABB peddles in sex trade?"
"Job applications are handled by my office, not at my home."
the smart move for Assault and Dauntless would be to take custody of the survivors, then try to talk Taylor down from "turn kaiser and possibly medhall into a glowing crater" (with perhaps more emphasis on medhall since nobody likes kaiser anyway) to "severely maim kaiser", dont keep pushing if she refuses, and get everyone else out of the way.
As far a legality is concerned, I have no decent look at Wormverse laws. But I do know Piggot HANDPICKED Assault for the very reason of this scenario. He's not terminally stupid enough to upset someone who can take the SS Murderblender apart as easily as she did.
Which is ultimately largely what the "Unwritten Rules" are based on. As is common with such rules they are "enforced" by how dangerous it is to break them in that specific case; and in this instance, that would be "a whole lot".

You don't go after DOOM!Taylor's Dad for the same reason you don't go after Legend's husband, except more so because Legend would be more inclined to take prisoners.
They also have no reason to stop her. They've just been informed that StabbyFluff went after a cape's family unprovoked, and apparently on Kaiser's orders. The unwritten rules should have them offering to help.
Maybe if they were criminals, but they are Law Enforcement. By all rights they should be trying to arrest her for that execution. Hookwolf was down, and it clearly stated he was no longer a threat, yet she administered a coup de grâce.
The only reason they did not do so is because they realized they did not have enough firepower to survive if she decided to resist.
Just about everything up to the coup de grace was probably justifiable use of force, depending on the laws in that State (assuming no "duty to retreat"). Although the two rockets on Victor might have been excessive force.
Note that I'm completely ignoring the destruction of Winslow, which is a whole different kettle of fish.

Now I'm not saying they should have tried, not trying to do so at the moment was probably the smartest thing to do. No point in trying if you know you are outgunned and will probably just get killed.

Now as for a comment, is it wrong that I want to see Taylor playing Wolfenstein 3D with Kaiser and the Empire 88? Maybe taking some of those weapons the gang members that just attacked her for herself so she has something that is a little less destructive to the surroundings since she's mostly going against humans rather than demons. She can always switch to the Doom weapons when facing capes that can resist normal firearms, but for now she can use 21st century firearms against the normal gang-bangers (and also conserve her future-tech ammo since it might not regenerate from killing humans like it does from demons).
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