I wonder what would happen if Taylor used a Berserker power-up on Earth-Bet. And if it was in public or recorded and posted by Uber and Leet.

Probably be their only NC-17 video.
"We try to find this person or persons, and very politely ask them to fuck off if they wouldn't mind," she finally said. "We don't need the sort of trouble they're likely to bring if they stick around. Not in this city."
She won't leave but she wouldn't cause you long term problems its everyone else who will. She lives there you have to live with her as well.

"Interesting. I think we need to invite the young lady to consider the advantages of our organization. Clearly she's unaware of some of the more unsavory elements that might seek to take advantage of someone in her position."
She knows all about unsavory elements and how to deal with them. Poor Nazis never really had a chance since they are one of four reasons Danny has troubles at the docks.
Oh, wow. I don't think I've ever felt sorry for a Nazi before.
I'm not sure what to say about that.

Oh, no. I know. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Let's just hope that Taylor doesn't make any more duck ponds.
Duck ponds with backlighting. I don't think the trinitium at the epicenter is ever going to stop being at least a little luminescent.

Lung is going to see the aftermath of the DOOMLADY meeting with the Nazis and either try to muscle in on their territory or decide that he needs to move out of town.
... then who was the Maternal line? A Heterodyne? (Haven't actually read Girl Genius but osmosis and fanfic has given me a pretty good idea of the insanity that would result.)
...that would be a pretty interesting crossover point
Glory kill. Punch stagger hookwolf, then break off one of his own blades to shear him in two and curb stomp his fleshy core. No one's touches her father.
*cut to a demon wearing Hookwolf's remains as armour*
Duck ponds with backlighting. I don't think the trinitium at the epicenter is ever going to stop being at least a little luminescent.

Lung is going to see the aftermath of the DOOMLADY meeting with the Nazis and either try to muscle in on their territory or decide that he needs to move out of town.
"YOU. You are not Huge yet. Not enough. Until you are Huge, you are boring and unworthy of my time. Become Huge. Then I will Rip & Tear. Until then, run, little dragon man. Run."
... then who was the Maternal line? A Heterodyne? (Haven't actually read Girl Genius but osmosis and fanfic has given me a pretty good idea of the insanity that would result.)
At first glance that seems like just a bit of fun spitballing, then you remember that when DOOMlor wasn't killing demons, she was upgrading her arsenal

Look me in the eye and tell me that Death Ray isn't a valid term for her various energy weapons
Lung's power wouldn't even power him up because it would be useless to fight. XD
I can't wait to see Taylor just punch Hookwoof out of his breaker form, and no sell Othela's 'invinciblity' power up

Max, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia," but only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Hebert, full stop!"
Quite true they have mastered the true skill of ESCALATION and even if you do kill one of them will ESCALATE things before the minute is done and if you kill both, good job have a star and this note that says "If you need me I'll be on the moon playing cards with Zizi while holding a teddy bear and you have about a day before they get back" as you sent them to hell which DOOMLOR has *conquered*

You give Armsmaster too much credit. He's too socially inept to think of that.
your right he won't but the PR people will though

But, yeah... I think Coil may be the only one with the impetus to not get involved on what will one day be known as the Great Brockton Bay Purge... may God have mercy on their souls, because Taylor won't.
I must wonder what will happen when he tries to use his power I hope it goes "ERROR 404 - *&GAIB&£GH$((!-" incompressible info follows and he falls over nose bleeding
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Might be more appropriate if Annette was always twirling around pencils, or occasionally caught fiddling with an odd looking gold coin, while coolly staring down anyone threatening her as if they were nothing. And she always tipped her tailor. No exceptions.

When asked by Danny, just before their wedding, she remarked she learned it from her father.

(The Blazkowicz is Annette's mother)
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