hmm going to need a new nazi teamed gang in the city i guess
any one know some good news for the new guys once the old once's are gone
So why did she have a sensation in the pit of her stomach that the other boot was gathering speed as it dropped from orbit?
Because the first boot left craters, plural, all over the world, and you have basic pattern recognition?
"Tough. He'll have to live with it. Get Miss Militia to… No." She stopped, then thought hard. "On second thought, don't involve her either. A weapons cape is not the right one to approach someone who has all the weapons. I can see that going very strange very fast."

"She's one of the best at talking down a new Trigger we've got," he said a little doubtfully. "She's also very calm under pressure."

"True, but I just have this feeling..."
Miss Militia upon meeting DoomGirl: "Why do I feel like I can suddenly make things more dangerous than a micro-nuke?"

He wondered if this young lady was involved. If so, it was an impressive debut.

He'd have to ask her when she visited.
"There's a Tinker out there that just left a glowing green crater, and we know who she is. Let's go violently try to strong-arm her into joining our evil organization."
Say what you want about Emily Piggot, at least she's still got a functioning brain. Unlike, apparently, Kaiser. Taylor couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of nazis, really.

Alternative joke: And here we see this year's Darwin Award Winners for mass suicide by stupid.
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any one know some good news for the new guys once the old once's are gone

Your death will be quick and painless?
You wouldn't even see it coming?

Also is Danny really the Doomslayer with amnesia? In the last chapter he is portrayed in such a way that he could be it. Maybe he simply doesn't remember it?
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Hooky goes metal...Doomlor punches him so hard his fleshy self exits the metal confused, before eating a pistol shot to the face

Why pistol? She's got nearly infinite ammo for the thing and doesn't know what it will do to a 'human' target after all the demon mods

Max, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia," but only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Hebert, full stop!"
"I am a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker."
-Taylor Hebert, as her father watches, tears of joy in his eyes.
Also is Danny really the Doomslayer with amnesia? In the last chapter he is portrayed in such a way that he could be it. Maybe he simply doesn't remember it?
Maybe not amnesia because he's aware of these sorts of extra-dimensional excursions.
She looked good, he thought. Physically healthy, more so than she'd been when she disappeared two horrible weeks gone now, and while a little thinner in the face, seemed in good spirits. He'd noticed immediately that she also looked somewhat older, perhaps eighteen or so, and was definitely taller. Apparently her trip had been somewhat more extensive than normal.
Emphasis mine. The implication is that he too went on some sort of Field Trip. Or as the Kaiju says, perhaps he knew someone who did. Either way, the trip to Elsewhere is something he knows about. Granted, for all we know he could be the protagonist of a different game. The Chex Warrior, perhaps?
Nazis... Nah nothing of value will be lost...are we sure that Taylor is not descendant of B.J. Blaskowicz from her mother side? Piggot is being more than reasonable sending Assault is a smart choice much better than anyone else. Cheers
Brockton Bay is gonna earn a few more holes methinks.

Unlike the PRT which investigated the Winslow Crater and would maybe connect the armored tinker with the event, I really don't think the E88 capes have any clue who they are messing with. Literally. They seem to think this is a naive new trigger tinker and not an unstable WMD in human form, showing a frightening lack of intuition regarding a possible connection between an armored tinker and a new and sizable crater in the city.

What is worse is they are all set to press Taylor's triggers. Nazi's, she may have a genetic imperative to purge with extreme prejudice that has only been delayed by distractions. Making demands, she's pretty independent thinking by now I'm sure. Threatening her father, see all previous chapters for the crap she had to slog through just to get back to him. Cooldown, she's had the literal span of time for a long lunch break to relax after weeks/months/years of subjective time dealing with Hell, and she hasn't even gotten to sleep with her armor off in her nice warm bed for a night. He'll, she hasn't had a shower yet.

And finally, is she even done with her pizza? Are they seriously interrupting the Divine Hour of the Pie?

This day will end with one less gang. Even worse, Skidmark is too brain dead to make reasonable decisions and strung out for natural cunning, Lungs ego and position of dominance will be directly threatened and he's been too long without a strong enough counter to teach him caution, and Coil is arrogant enough to think timeline manipulation and Bond villan-ness is a sufficient shield to protect him when his avarice comes a calling. Unless he can instinctively connect his innate terror with the image of Taylor in UAC armor, that is.

But, yeah... I think Coil may be the only one with the impetus to not get involved on what will one day be known as the Great Brockton Bay Purge... may God have mercy on their souls, because Taylor won't.
Dragon gave him the idea; children occupied with toys are not interfering with his work, and teddy bears can be compressed into a smaller space to save room for the other items in his armour.

Ah, but the space used by the teddy bears is space not available for more gadgets, gizmos, and whatchamacallits. And he is obsessed with cramming as many of each of those as he can into everything he owns. I really don't want to know how many features his underwear have by now.
So is anyone else here getting any thoughts that danny may be the original doom guy after retiring/settling down and or a reincarnation of the original doom guy who's offspring just so happens to be even more powerful or is that just me
We're missing one big thing. The manuals Danny is quite calmly reading......

Who knew, if she… when she got home, she might be able to sell some of the things she was learning. It was as good as Tinker tech, but it was also better, since it was real engineering and not powers bullshit. The manual did after all go into quite a lot of the theory behind much of what the suit used, and she was fairly certain that a 'micro fusion cell' was probably pretty advanced.

So basically 100 years of "fun" future tech in easy to explain format just got dumped on a highly connected person.
Patent office anyone?
Yeah, but the tech she appropriated is all powered by Hell. You sure that's a good thing to hand over to Cauldron? Let alone Earth governments?
You know, it would be just conceivable that Danny's maternal grandfather could be B.J. Blazkowicz; if BJ had a daughter in the mid to late 1940's (a Baby Boomer) who then had Danny in the late 1960's or early 1970's, then he could easily have had Taylor in 1995....

Naturally, whoever Danny's father was had to have had balls of freaking titanium to live through meeting his girlfriend's father; perhaps he was also the son of someone with a history of killing Nazis.

Now, given the stories Danny would have heard from both of his grandfathers, and especially when they were in the same room trying to out-due one another, it is rather understandable why he's so chill right at the moment.

Sooo..... 5 will get you 10 that while Taylor uses Hookwolf to beat Cricket to death, it's Danny that kills Victor. Any takers?
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*Hookwolf attempts to grab Taylor*
Taylor: *Pulls out Shotgun* "I'd already figured out that violence was going to be the solution for this problem, thank you."
Taylor: "Don't be sorry, just don't do it again."