Which setting is it that an important part of high-level combat, like ship-to-ship and stuff, is physics stabilisers to prevent your opponent from cheating physics TOO much? Get some of those and you might be able to cancel out the Exalted's more egregious bullshit.
The issue is that Exalted's more egregious bullshit goes down to the atomic level. In that there are no atoms. It all works off of essence and other such bullshit, as far as I can tell. Gunpowder doesn't exist and doesn't work, for example, all the guns in the setting are magic.
Wouldn't be enough, if only because the Exalted setting kind of runs on its own laws of physics and so antimatter is likely to either fizzle out or work no different from any normal matter.
The issue is that Exalted's more egregious bullshit goes down to the atomic level. In that there are no atoms. It all works off of essence and other such bullshit, as far as I can tell. Gunpowder doesn't exist and doesn't work, for example, all the guns in the setting are magic.

Bringing it back to this fic in particular, I have to believe DOOMlor, She Whose Rage Shakes The Pillars Of Reality, who sees transdimensional corners-not-corners, who sees the Hell-magic (or maybe all magic, who knows) in others and feels it in herself, who creates 1500 foot diameter glowing craters with eldrich runes in the bottom...

I'm pretty sure she isn't just using gunpowder herself.
"Ah, yes, that would certainly put people off," Danny agreed with a nod. He glanced at the menu again, then added, "I'll have the house special with extra jalapenos, thanks. And a coke."

"Sure." Sergio wrote it down.

The girl moved her helmet to the side on the table and turned the menu over. "Two chicken, bacon, and pepperoni with barbecue sauce, please," she said. "And I'll have extra jalapenos as well. And…" She turned to the back of the menu for a moment. "A large sprite."
The questions I have:
What is Sergio's house special? I might want to duplicate it myself one of these days...
WHY pepperoni and BBQ sauce?

I could see chicken and BBQ sauce, maybe with additional bacon, as it's a reasonably tasty combination, though not one I'd choose to eat on pizza...but I'm having trouble understanding the reasoning behind adding pepperoni to that. Maybe it's like that other revolting food pairing that people rave about...that I can never remember because it's so terrible-sounding? (Not chocolate and hot pepper...that one is somewhat interesting.)
Deep dish pizza crust, with shrimp, garlic, crab, garlic, fake crab/lobster, garlic, olive oil and herbs for the sauce, garlic, a bit of onions, and fresh mozzarella cheese.
Aside from the fake shellfish, sounds pretty good (assuming the shrimp isn't over-cooked into rubber). Fake crab and lobster seem to be a migraine trigger for me...flavor-wise, however, it's fine.
I was with you right up to the real crab bit; in my experience, fake crab is much tastier than the real thing.
Depends on what kind of crab...and whether any spices are added.

Typical fake crab is usually Alaskan pollock, at least in the US. It's the other stuff added that's potentially a problem for me...

Frankly, chicken can be a pretty good substitute for crab, at least when not mixing it with other seafood. Mom has a recipe that's a lot like a crab cake but uses chicken...much cheaper than using real blue crab (if you can't catch your own) and very nearly as good.
Hot pineapple on pizza is horrible.
On savory pizzas, yes...the acid helps cut the grease from the meat, but as the pineapple typically caramelizes during baking it ends up too sweet. A dessert pizza (like a pizza-form Pineapple Upside-Down Cake, for example) could be pretty good. Well, if you like dessert pizza anyway. IMO the crust is usually too tough for a dessert on thinner pizzas, or doesn't hold up well enough. I don't think I've ever seen a deep-dish dessert pizza...

In general, I'd say that hot pineapple only really works in certain circumstances...when cooked with a ham (sweet & salty), made into a hot pineapple sauce for e.g. sundaes (or used for other desserts), and sometimes in Americanized Chinese restaurant sweet & sour pork/chicken/whatever, particularly when only added to the red sauce. Fresh pineapple grilled on its own is also a very tasty dessert, particularly if the pineapple was a bit unripe. In every other circumstance I can remember encountering hot pineapple, cold pineapple would have been better.
Personally I am fine with having Pineapple on my pizza (ham, pepperoni & pineapple... lovely) but the one thing I truly object to is olives; they do not belong on pizza, they do not belong on food, disgusting things.
The olives you usually get on pizza (at least in the US) are the cheap commercial green or black olives, and I have to agree that they are not very appetizing. I'm more likely to put up with black olives than the green...and usually only in salads with feta cheese or a Greek/dill vinaigrette.

Even though you don't like olives, if you like dill pickles or cornichons, you may want to try Kalamata olives if you haven't yet (in red wine vinegar, especially). They're pretty good, and don't really taste like generic green or black olives. On the other hand, I use olive oil frequently, so YMMV.

Hmm...autocorrupt wanted to call cornichons "unicorns" for some reason...
Rule 2 Violation: Don't be Hateful, or, 'Don't go on ITG tirades about 'Glory kills' and other gory fantasies. This is not the place for it, and will never be the place for it.
As interesting as the discussion of pizza preferences may be (my standard go-to choice being either pepperoni & onion or a nice Garlic Pizza, but with several "for variety" options when in the mood, including Bruchetta and Hawaiian,) I do believe we have gone well past the point of significance to this story.

So, in an effort to get back on track, I wish to ask the following:

What sort of Glory Kills does everyone think will be in the future of the Bitches Three? Let's face it, they have committed quick yet painful suicide, and it's only a matter of time before Taylor delivers. So, how memorable does everyone think their deaths will be? And, how inventive will Taylor be?

As a first guess (should Taylor decide to take her time and slow things down,) let me suggest a failed method called Impalement, where a stake the width of a broomstick will be inserted via the rectum, run along side the spine (missing all the vital organs) and come out through the base of the neck. Cause of death would be blood loss if the stake is removed, or it can be anchored to the ground and exposure can be the killer. Naturally, Panacea will be able to save them, so Taylor will get to try again.....
So, in an effort to get back on track, I wish to ask the following:
I think that you are being a little too explicit, and I do not want you elevating this thread to an R rating for excessive gore or detailed descriptions thereof. And also I do not want to read detailed descriptions thereof, and will be very not happy if I am forced to stop following this story because of the other readers.
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I think that you are being a little too explicit, and I do not want you elevating this thread to an R rating for excessive gore or detailed descriptions thereof. And also I do not want to read detailed descriptions thereof, and will be very not happy if I am forced to stop following this story because of the other readers.
...you do realize this is a DOOM cross, right?
...you do realize this is a DOOM cross, right?
And if the Author decides to write detailed descriptions of excessive gore to the point where I have to drop his story, it won't be the first time I stopped reading a story because I didn't like the direction it was going. But the Author hasn't done that, and I'm just asking that people please not escalate the comments and discussion beyond the level of the story itself.
Nah, Doomlor will just turn to her horde of minions and tell them "They're yours. Be creative, make it last a long time, and impress me."

Then she grabs some popcorn and a mega-gulp of something to drink while she watches. By this point, the trio should fall over all on their own.
Pepperoni, green olives, and pineapple is also called a Deadpool Special.

That aside, I'll be interested in seeing which gang makes a suicide play to acquire Doomlor.
Your GM has never GM'd for Infernals in Exalted. Malfeasian Stealth is explicitly hiding by making them look ANYWHERE but where they should be.
Not entirely, Malfean Stealth isn't actually a thing, rather it's the logical result of applying the First Malfean Excellency to stealth actions; the First Malfean Excellency states that "Characters may apply this Charm to any actions in which they choose the ostentatious or overkill approach over merely adequate solutions", note that 'any actions' includes stealth actions, which means you can apply the First Malfean Excellency to stealth actions as long as you choose an ostentatious or overkill approach to the stealth action.

After some brainstorming, players concluded that this basically translates into something along the lines of "Lo as I walk through this valley of explosions and you see me not for there are too many bright shiny things to keep track of." 'Malfean Stealth' is thus primarily accomplished through being unseen because everyone who would see you is too busy being distracted by something outrageous happening all around you.
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DOOM "stealth" is merely killing everything in the same room as you then proclaming "see, nobody saw me" despite the fact that everything saw you. It works against demons because they don't communicate with each other. It'd fail against most other types of foes because they are remaining in contact with each other, thus your killing spree would get noticed. Any security cameras would also notice someone using DOOM "stealth".
DOOM "stealth" is merely killing everything in the same room as you then proclaming "see, nobody saw me" despite the fact that everything saw you. It works against demons because they don't communicate with each other. It'd fail against most other types of foes because they are remaining in contact with each other, thus your killing spree would get noticed. Any security cameras would also notice someone using DOOM "stealth".
That's why you also kill the guys they called, and the ones watching the cameras, probably take the chainsaw to the tapes for good measure
None of which means you were stealthy. A stealth "take out everyone" assault would be one where nobody knew they were under attack to begin with, and there's no evidence of your ever being there (beyond all the bodies). Sure towards the end of the stealth assault the last areas of the facility would be panicking and on high alert because they know something is happening to their people. But they wouldn't know who, how, or what direction their doom is coming from. Doom Lady isn't stealthy. You know she's coming, you know what direction she's coming from, and you know how she's going to probably kill you, there's just nothing you can do to stop her.
Not entirely, Malfean Stealth isn't actually a thing, rather it's the logical result of applying the First Malfean Excellency to stealth actions; the First Malfean Excellency states that "Characters may apply this Charm to any actions in which they choose the ostentatious or overkill approach over merely adequate solutions", note that 'any actions' includes stealth actions, which means you can apply the First Malfean Excellency to stealth actions as long as you choose an ostentatious or overkill approach to the stealth action.

After some brainstorming, players concluded that this basically translates into something along the lines of "Lo as I walk through this valley of explosions and you see me not for there are too many bright shiny things to keep track of." 'Malfean Stealth' is thus primarily accomplished through being unseen because everyone who would see you is too busy being distracted by something outrageous happening all around you.
Wait, how is 'overkill' defined? Because if you define it one way, that works, but if you define it another way, of 'doing the thing really ridiculously unneccesarily well' it absolutely does not. Also, 'ostentatious' approach to stealth? I would have ruled that as disguising yourself as someone important in the heirarchy of the people you're infiltrating, rather than just a mook, or disguising yourself as something or someone really really ostentatious in and of themselves, like a very up-themselves noble foreign dignitary or something. Only in the most reductive reading of that charm do you get lots'o'explosions as the answer.
DOOM "stealth" is merely killing everything in the same room as you then proclaming "see, nobody saw me" despite the fact that everything saw you. It works against demons because they don't communicate with each other. It'd fail against most other types of foes because they are remaining in contact with each other, thus your killing spree would get noticed. Any security cameras would also notice someone using DOOM "stealth".
That's why you also kill the guys they called, and the ones watching the cameras, probably take the chainsaw to the tapes for good measure
None of which means you were stealthy. A stealth "take out everyone" assault would be one where nobody knew they were under attack to begin with, and there's no evidence of your ever being there (beyond all the bodies). Sure towards the end of the stealth assault the last areas of the facility would be panicking and on high alert because they know something is happening to their people. But they wouldn't know who, how, or what direction their doom is coming from. Doom Lady isn't stealthy. You know she's coming, you know what direction she's coming from, and you know how she's going to probably kill you, there's just nothing you can do to stop her.

Warframe stealth in a nutshell, kill everybody in the room before they can call the alert and then move on, the best way to know if a Tenno came through a place is when it stops communicating, almost everybody else is dead and the place, whether a ship or building, needs to be repopulated.
Wait, how is 'overkill' defined? Because if you define it one way, that works, but if you define it another way, of 'doing the thing really ridiculously unneccesarily well' it absolutely does not. Also, 'ostentatious' approach to stealth? I would have ruled that as disguising yourself as someone important in the heirarchy of the people you're infiltrating, rather than just a mook, or disguising yourself as something or someone really really ostentatious in and of themselves, like a very up-themselves noble foreign dignitary or something. Only in the most reductive reading of that charm do you get lots'o'explosions as the answer.
Infernals don't really do... subtle. And definitely not Infernals beholden to the City himself, or one of his aspects. I suspect Explosions became a thing because it's seen as somewhat against that simply in trying to hide who you are period, no matter how absurdly you do so.
If all that you leave behind is a smoking crater, then by definition there is no evidence of your ever being there; because all the evidence that could have pointed to you got blown up.

Therefore, stealth run was successful.

I'd be picturing it as the following, only it works.

IIRC there's a fan-made Malfeas Charm which is basically that; the Malfean becomes invisible by shouting extremely loudly that no-one can see them, remaining invisible and undetectable as long as they continue shouting, and dares anyone to say otherwise.

No-one says otherwise.
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Bringing the Exalted conversation back slightly towards Doomlor, someone posted in another thread about Infernal Hero Style and I realized that Taylor has already begun practicing the tenants of "I beat a fucker with another fucker" Style.

(Also, another 'malfean stealth' is doing a Pink Panther where you creep about in plain sight humming the Mission Impossible theme and basically make Creation cringe at how campy you're being
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