Edit: I forgot I wanted to mention the other food that can be anything with enough thought: SALAD.

You cannot put chicken or pineapple on pizza. Well, I mean, you can physically place it there, but you shouldn't.
*looks at the BBQ chicken and the buffalo chicken slices of pizza in front of himself*
Uhh... chicken works fine on pizza.
*fondly remembers the 'alfredo' pizza with white sauce, chicken, red onions, and mushrooms of yesteryear*

I want Skidmark to walk in the restaurant. He deserves what he gets...
I just realized this whole discussion about pizza has been going on without anyone referencing Pizzeria Tycoon.

Your GM has never GM'd for Infernals in Exalted. Malfeasian Stealth is explicitly hiding by making them look ANYWHERE but where they should be.
To be fair, SOLAR stealth is their Exaltation screaming at Creation "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" (or alternatively at the end of the scene screaming "YOU NEVER SAW ME")

There's also a Siderial Dodge charm that lets you say "Fuck this, I skipped work today" and retconning yourself out of a scene.

(And I think it's the Malfean parry charm that lets you parry Creation with your face to negate fall damage)
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I believe the two pizzas would be mostly cooked separately, then stacked on top and cooked together for the last bit, which would avoid those issues.
Where I work we used to make pizzas like that. So believe me when I say that that is not how we'd cook them. Mostly it just takes a bit more care to make sure it doesn't burn over a regular pie and a minute or so extra to cook it thoroughly.
Eh, never played it. But my understanding is that Exaulted isn't well liked due to the GM not being allowed to let events in-game affect the system creator's vision of the storyline.
Eh... to the extent that that happens, it's because White Wolf has a surprising number of writers who are pricks. That's explicitly called out in the game book as something that's *not* supposed to happen, as I recall (i.e. GMs are *supposed* to have free rein.)
Personally I am fine with having Pineapple on my pizza (ham, pepperoni & pineapple... lovely) but the one thing I truly object to is olives; they do not belong on pizza, they do not belong on food, disgusting things.

I can't have shellfish due to allergies, and green peppers just tear up my insides but olives are vile. :mad:
Eh, never played it. But my understanding is that Exaulted isn't well liked due to the GM not being allowed to let events in-game affect the system creator's vision of the storyline.
I have no idea what you mean to say there, but White Wolf in general was not in the habit of letting their players affect the course of the metaplot of their game series. Once you've bought the sourcebooks, it's up to you what kind of storylines you play and there's really all of jack that anyone can do to stop you. Exalted is basically All Of The Anime: The RPG, so while it's not the most popular game out there, the fanbase that it has is very persistent.

Personally I am fine with having Pineapple on my pizza (ham, pepperoni & pineapple... lovely) but the one thing I truly object to is olives; they do not belong on pizza, they do not belong on food, disgusting things.
The Mediterranean would like a word with you. All of it.
The old World of Darkness handled things by letting the players be Big Damn Heroes and accomplish things which can change the world. But in the end it's all meaningless because Armageddon is fast approaching and everyone who *could* do anything about it is too busy dealing with their own problems. Vampires are too busy with their internal politics and power struggles, so get caught completely off guard when the eldest vampires wake up and start to destroy the world. Werewolves and their allies are too busy fighting Pentex and each other to even notice anything else until it's too late. Hunters are uncoordinated, by and large, and too busy dealing with individual flash fires to notice things going to hell. Mages are also too caught up in their internal power struggles to notice anything else. Mummies, like Hunters, are busy dealing with the symptoms thus never get a chance to even notice the underlying problems. Then there's fae and the ghosts. Both of whom are too busy struggling with personal issues to notice how bad things are getting. Not that these two groups are likely to step in to help anyway.

And by the time all these factions are forced to sit up and notice what's going on around them? It's too damn late. None of them are capable of working together due to various issues. Hunters hate everything that isn't human, The shifters can't stand the un/living dead due to considering them wyrm tainted, nobody trusts the fae, and so forth. Nobody was sharing intel with each other in advance or even seriously preparing for it, so when the dozen or so End of the World situations all cropped up at once it quite literally was the end of the world. Even with all that, the player characters in a given campaign can still be Big Damn Heroes. They can do important things and change the world, it's just not going to be enough.

With Exalted, as I understand it, players and GMs weren't even given that much freedom. As I heard it, the creator of the game went on record repeatedly saying that his vision of events are the only ones allowed. If he decides to have a corrupt politician become president and start WW3, no campaign was allowed to contradict that regardless of what the players were doing. And every source book would force the world to conform to his vision without leaving any room for player agency.
Actually, to my knowledge White Wolf used sessions at Gen Con to help guild the overall story for major plot points.
I would argue that it's less "All Of The Anime: The RPG" and more "The Twelve Kingdoms: Holy Shit edition".
I've never played the game, but I found the sourcebooks fun to read and I can speak to it that it's definitely very broadly anime-inspired and stands to that. It makes a point of catering to a wide range of sub-genres, such as alchemical exalted which basically do a game that is more mecha anime than medieval fantasy if that's the kind of thing you want.

Actually, to my knowledge White Wolf used sessions at Gen Con to help guild the overall story for major plot points.
Not that I know of, that has always been more Games Workshop's thing. Maybe they started doing that after I stopped paying attention, though, which was quite a while ago at this point.
As I understand it, for a while White Wolf was running scenarios at Gen Con for their various World of Darkness games, with the aggregate result of them affecting the overall story as advanced in the next version of the core/source books.

Personally, while it was bleak and depressing overall I prefer the old World of Darkness setting since it does give more freedom to the GM and players then the new WoD setting. Werewolves now, for example, are tied to their territory and can't leave it. Which severely limits the kinds of stories that can be told.
@FaerieKnight79 Might be we're talking different things, then. I stopped paying attention when they scrapped oWoD because I just can't stand the new one, but the oWoD setting just had so many deeply entrenched conspiracies trying to mutually fuck each other over for 10000+ year running that letting players meaningfully affect the outcome of that was just never really an option. With the way nWoD has shifted to a more local scale I can see where that sort of thing would come in, though.
I mean, that sort of thing is common for RPGs that are still kind of stuck in the 80s mindset? D&D gets around the issue by only publishing the information of the world and letting the players/GM go from there or create their own worlds. They might publish Adventure Paths, but those are self-contained by design. But another example would be, well, RIFTS. Nothing that the Players/GMs do actually matter or do anything. Granted, that is because Status Quo is quite literally God there and you got problematic issues like the creator literally adoring his creation, the Coalition States and giving them all the help he can (and it is problematic considering the CS is, quite literally... Nazis. No, seriously, the leader literally holds up Hitler as a personal hero)...
@FaerieKnight79 Might be we're talking different things, then. I stopped paying attention when they scrapped oWoD because I just can't stand the new one, but the oWoD setting just had so many deeply entrenched conspiracies trying to mutually fuck each other over for 10000+ year running that letting players meaningfully affect the outcome of that was just never really an option. With the way nWoD has shifted to a more local scale I can see where that sort of thing would come in, though.

With the old WoD the players could do major, world changing, things. But in the end it meant nothing because of those deeply entrenched conspiracies you mention. And that's above and beyond the fact that there were six or seven different apocalypses in the works, most of which are entirely unplanned and unnoticed (until it's too late) side effects of what various factions are doing. But that still doesn't mean that the players can't be Big Damn Heroes, if they manage to pull it off. But again, even that is just a drop in the proverbial ocean of upcoming problems, almost all of which are unnoticed or otherwise not being prepared for. The shifters for example were so focused on stopping Pentex and the black spiral dancers that it never occurred to them to try dealing with the underlying root cause of the problem. AKA the Weaver being out of control.
Of course. I was just talking about letting player games affect the published setting, not that players in your own games weren't able to do any of that. Just too much of a mess even as it was, you know?
Wouldn't be enough, if only because the Exalted setting kind of runs on its own laws of physics and so antimatter is likely to either fizzle out or work no different from any normal matter.
Which setting is it that an important part of high-level combat, like ship-to-ship and stuff, is physics stabilisers to prevent your opponent from cheating physics TOO much? Get some of those and you might be able to cancel out the Exalted's more egregious bullshit.