Huh, you don't say? I always wondered why the RGB seemed at odds with the colour chart thing from school stuck in my head. Thanks for the lesson.
The chart from school is also flawed in its representation of pigment, the primary colors of pigment are CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow,) and because sometimes you need a darker version of a well saturated color,v printers also use a Key toner of black, thus the final form of CMYK
Have an Omake I thought of while re-reading the story. Inspiration partially taken from Dr. Facilier's death in Princess and the Frog.
Quarrel's first indication something was wrong was when a hand in purple power armor smashed though the wall, grabbed her, and threw her onto the street.
Trying and failing to call on any of her powers, she had just started to sit upright when an armored boot smashed down onto her chest hard enough to crack ribs. Trying to catch her breath through the sudden pain, she looked past the rather angry armor and saw the sidewalks and every rooftop and balcony in sight covered in monstrous. . . things, that started to chant in a horrific chorus:
"Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum"

The armored figure spoke in voice dripping with malice and amusement "So butcher whatever, if I simply rip your head off , you'll just jump to some other victim. I wonder if that little trick still works if you're not on earth?"
A pinkish hole in space she could barely stand to look at tore open behind behind the armored figure, as the demonic chorus roared out

The armored figure continued, somehow easily heard over the continuing chant "I was going to deal with you myself, but then I realized I had lots of Friends On The Other Side just waiting for a chance to Serve my Will, and deal with minor annoyances for me. Have fun in Hell."
One of the larger demons started walking towards them, the armored figure shouting out "TAKE HER AWAY BOYS!" before vanishing through it's own portal.

The demon began dragging a frantically protesting Quarrel towards the portal as the surrounding ones roared out again one last time

The portal slammed closed behind them with a muted thud, all of the demons vanishing into the night, leaving behind a silent city and a whiff of brimstone.
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Oh the HELL! Yes!!!!
I can totally see Doomed!Taylor personally sending S class threats to hell and letting her deamons deal with them.
Oh the HELL! Yes!!!!
I can totally see Doomed!Taylor personally sending S class threats to hell and letting her deamons deal with them.

Eh, so far she's been doing so by splattering their component atoms across the landscape. In fact, she's so far unaware that the demons of Hell are following her. Or that she's now known as The Doom Queen.

In fact, one could say that she walks angrily and carries a big gun... And hell follows after her (at a very respectful distance, please don't look this way! We wont get in your way again oh Lady of the Incandescent Rage... eep!).
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Eh, so far she's been doing so by splattering their component atoms across the landscape. In fact, she's so far unaware that the demons of Hell are following her. Or that she's now known as The Doom Queen.

In fact, one could say that she walks angrily and carries a big gun... And hell follows after her (at a very respectful distance, please don't look this way! We wont get in your way again oh Lady of the Incandescent Rage... eep!).
And now I am imagining demons in butler outfits... and Maid outfits. And after She's finished scattering someone's component atoms across a landscape, they come around and sweep them up with brushes and pans. (Also they dust, vacuum, mop, do the dishes and wax the car) Also they may or may not be a cult.
And now I am imagining demons in butler outfits... and Maid outfits. And after She's finished scattering someone's component atoms across a landscape, they come around and sweep them up with brushes and pans. (Also they dust, vacuum, mop, do the dishes and wax the car) Also they may or may not be a cult.

I have to ask... How in any version of Hell or Heaven would you get a Baron of Hell into a maid outfit?!
Not a bad omake. Plenty of DOOM. Could have thrown in a few Teeth, performing the 'run away, now, right now' manoeuvre...

I guess an alternate would have been for Taylor to splatter the Butcher, notice that something immaterial is trying to leave the scene, then stamp through a pink portal and wreck this crystal thing it is trying to hide in?
Because sometimes you read about Nazis in the real world, and need some catharsis lest you go on a rant that would certainly leave you infracted, I have just finished rereading the main story from the point Taylor shows back up on Earth Bet. On other occasions, for similar reasons, I have reread the entire story in order to get the full build-up before the Nazis are HyperslaughteredTM. Protip: among other music, the Doom2016 and Doom Eternal obviously make for good accompaniment, but so do the Machinegames' Wolfenstein series OSTs, the 2012 Dredd movie soundtrack, and if you're in the right mood, the Mad Max Fury Road soundtrack, all add to the experience. Depending on your reading speed, the length of the album, and whatever other distractions you have going on at the time, you may get to enjoy greater or fewer numbers of these - for the entire fic I average about two to sometimes three if I'm reasonably focused, four or so if I'm doing something else at the same time such as preparing my evening meal or something.

Thoroughly enjoyed the fic on this readthrough as ever, mpπ, and looking forward to more whenever your muse returns to the tale(s) of The Doom Queen.
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Eh, so far she's been doing so by splattering their component atoms across the landscape. In fact, she's so far unaware that the demons of Hell are following her. Or that she's now known as The Doom Queen.

The Butcher's ability to transfer to new people might be enough to warrant making sure they're in another reality entirely before splattering. If the Butcher is actually transferring souls when it jumps to a new host, well, in hell they could separate out the souls and torture each one independently, releasing the heroes stuck there in the process. After all, the purpose of Hell does not lend itself to actually wanting good souls present; a demon's job is to tempt those who seem good, to reveal whatever sins lurk within them, and then to drag the wicked down for a nice, long "talk" about their life choices.

While jumping to this Taylor would be entirely unlikely to change things inside her head that much, putting the heroes in her head would be unnecessarily cruel. The villains, on the other hand, wouldn't worry her all that much, as they would burn in her incandescent rage.

Whether she's aware of the demons following her is unclear. How well behaved the forces following her are suggests she has stopped on occasion to smack down the demons who, while worshipping her, acting as the demons following any other Lord of Hell. She's not the forgiving sort, but unless you mean she's for-giving lots of bullets at very high speed.
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Hell in the Doom series is a bit different. As is Heaven, apparently. In fact according to Doom Eternal Heaven's rulers were actually using Hell to power their own society.

No "corrupting of souls" in Doom's version of hell. Argent Energy is derived from tormenting any soul.
Hell in the Doom series is a bit different. As is Heaven, apparently. In fact according to Doom Eternal Heaven's rulers were actually using Hell to power their own society.

No "corrupting of souls" in Doom's version of hell. Argent Energy is derived from tormenting any soul.

Interesting. I'm not really familiar with the lore involved, having only played through a few of the games, beyond what I've seen in strange corners* of the internet and references in stories, so I missed entirely that Hell is powering Heaven. It reminds me of Watchmen, where it is briefly mentioned that they'd discovered both Hell and Heaven were siege weapons fighting a war for species that no longer exist, fueled by souls. After learning that, they learned that being within the blast radius of a nuclear explosion destroyed the soul, so a bunch of people would gather in underground test sites, setting off a minimum yield nuke for the sole purpose of saying "F-you" to both of them.

*That said, I haunt a lot of strange corners of the internet, so I've picked up substantial amounts of, generally, completely useless trivia.
Might be just me, but I suspect that Taylor doesn't approve of demons torturing anyone... DOOMing them, yes, torture, no. So, Hell (and Heaven if they approve of Hell doing torture) might find the new management, if they attract their attention, is planning... some changes. :)

Of course, Taylor is unlikely to let the demons starve, if they are polite. She'd probably just glare at some shards (via their parahuman, or directly) until they fix the problem, :)
That assumes she even knows they exist. And I personally find it funnier to believe she doesn't.
On the one hand, just because she doesn't know they exist, doesn't mean they aren't hers.
On the other hand, I'm sure after running into THE DOOM QUEEN, Victor, Krieg and Hookwolf would look at Hell as a vacation.
But she has to know the exist to give them orders. I have no doubt they will act on their own initiative to support The Doom Queen, but thats a separate matter.
As far as Taylor's concerned, she doesn't have any demons. There were those who were smart enough to stay out of her way, and the ones she killed (and there were a lot of that second type).

But now she's home, she's reconnecting with her dad (killing Nazis is a great father-daughter bonding activity, who knew?), and when she gets up in the morning, she's going to find Sophia wrapped up in electrified ribbon on the front step next to the newspaper, with a note saying, "With our kindest regards, please don't blow up the city any more than you already have. Your friends at the PRT."
As far as Taylor's concerned, she doesn't have any demons. There were those who were smart enough to stay out of her way, and the ones she killed (and there were a lot of that second type).

But now she's home, she's reconnecting with her dad (killing Nazis is a great father-daughter bonding activity, who knew?), and when she gets up in the morning, she's going to find Sophia wrapped up in electrified ribbon on the front step next to the newspaper, with a note saying, "With our kindest regards, please don't blow up the city any more than you already have. Your friends at the PRT."
Silly Rabbit, everyone knows the best part is the HUNT. Just giving her up takes all the fun out of it!
As far as Piggot's concerned, if the night before was Taylor's idea of fun, she's had enough of Taylor having fun for the next 10 years.
Cmon now, it's easy! All you gotta do is arrange for them to be dropped onto a small planetoid together, retreat to a safe distance, retrieve her afterwards, and then get your astrologers to replace the small planetoid on their maps with 'asteroid field'.
Cmon now, it's easy! All you gotta do is arrange for them to be dropped onto a small planetoid together, retreat to a safe distance, retrieve her afterwards, and then get your astrologers to replace the small planetoid on their maps with 'asteroid field'.
I might suggest that anyone who wants to make Taylor do something which they aren't quite sure she is completely willing to do is... a little optimistic. :)

All the DOOM stuff seems to be about 'argent energy'... I might wonder about an omake where a spelling mistake changes that to 'ardent energy', which Taylor proves is just as effective. :)
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I might suggest that anyone who wants to make Taylor do something which they aren't quite sure she is completely willing to do is... a little optimistic. :)

All the DOOM stuff seems to be about 'argent energy'... I might wonder about an omake where a spelling mistake changes that to 'ardent energy', which Taylor proves is just as effective. :)

"Ardent Energy."

Ummm, QQ was knocking on my door and is asking for their concept back..... >.>