that said, I acknowledge the artistic license while commenting that the armor found on Mars in the crate likely wasn't crafted in a feminine mold with boob plates and curves.
Honestly, I have no problem with it. The chest bit on the OG praetor suit does stick out a bit, as that's the thickest armor and where the fiddly computer bits seem to be. Combine that with a bit of exaggerated artistic style and the pose, and it only looks like boob plate.

EDIT: there's also the possibility that the Suit is adapting itself to Taylor's desires and self-image due to being bathed in copious amounts of soul juice as Taylor rips and tears her way across Hell.
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Frankly, I dont really see a boob plate in that image. I see a large chestplate on a hefty suit of armour while the angle and the fact that the wearer is female is giving the impression of a boobplate.
Is it wrong that I consider this story over? I mean that's a pretty great ending, so to speak… a part 2 can be cleaning the loose ends, but this just feels like the end of a book (with a sequel coming soon)
I must disagree, Worm is a Super Hero setting with a cosmic horror big bad. A very, very, VERY stupid cosmic horror.
And with absolutely broken cast of chars each with INEXCUSABLE idiot ball problems positively destroying major elements of the narrative by existing. (Eidolon, Contessa, Alexandria, DocM)

Or... alternately... It is a story (told via patsy character, and then a second) of Contessa setting herself up with two dead core consciousnesses Teacher reviving one of the bodies and Contessa being the ONLY one in position to take over as core controlling intellect and fulfill her little 6 year old power fantasy of becoming an all powerful goddess.

But cosmic horror as it's foundation? No. Its the walls of the house to be sure, without it there ain't no roof; but it is far too removed from core story telling themes to be foundation.
Looks awesome. Will point out two very very minor notes. First; not sure Taylor needs or wears glasses anymore. Second; I don't believe her bust got that much of an upgrade. Actually I don't recall her getting any sort of major increase in that area but then again I'm also pretty sure she hasn't taken the armor off in five or so years and it probably wasn't busty armor to begin with.

*sets aside the reality critique because this is fan fiction*

Anyways that aside, it is a very impressive piece. Do you plan on coloring it in?
The bustline is fine, canon Doomslayer's armor looks similar even though he's a guy. Historical armor had some similarities as well, actually. It's a combination of that being one of the places where the armor needs to be thickest because it's the biggest target area and at the right height for where people will naturally try to strike the most, the electronics (or Argent equivalent) used in the suit, and a couple other subtleties of armor design. Notably, a decently shaped swell in the armor there is valuable because it presents an angle that incoming blows can glance off, instead of a flat surface that they can hit directly to try and penetrate. Obviously, going too boob-shaped with such a swell is counterproductive, since you would end up redirecting the blow into exactly where you don't want it.

Knights in medieval times had "boob plate" (but not boob-shaped) all the time, despite generally being men. This also had the happy coincidence of not actually needing to do anything different for a woman to put the same armor on, but that wasn't really the intention.
Looks awesome. Will point out two very very minor notes. First; not sure Taylor needs or wears glasses anymore. Second; I don't believe her bust got that much of an upgrade. Actually I don't recall her getting any sort of major increase in that area but then again I'm also pretty sure she hasn't taken the armor off in five or so years and it probably wasn't busty armor to begin with.

*sets aside the reality critique because this is fan fiction*

Anyways that aside, it is a very impressive piece. Do you plan on coloring it in?
She glared at the armour until it reshaped to what she wanted.
What is the deal with bubblegum?
It is obviously a reference to an earlier generation of power armour as worn by women you would be unwise to mess with?
Might be just me, but I think using an armour designer instead of a (women's) lingerie one gives a more solid build quality... The lack of high heels is good, too...

Bubblegum Crisis

On the other hand, how good is Taylor at singing? (Assuming you're happy with techno-demons.)

( Cheesecake/Fanservice/Pre-millennium anime/Non-English Warning.)


Or if you prefer the live-action version, with subtitles... (possibly better sound quality)

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You know, if Taylor was ever summoned by the various anime characters in search of the hero that will save them form the evil something or other, that is the picture their enemy (or morally bankrupt summoner) the evil something or other would see. Very cool and thank you for sharing.
And the BIGGEST problem for Integra would be that she is stuck with one of them while the other can just go on "very enthusiastic" interdimensional walks whenever they wanted.
I'd say the biggest problem there is going on very enthusiastic interdimensional walks TOGETHER, and taking the Police Girl with them. After said Police Girl has manifested her powers.

"What's that noise?"
"Oh, just Alucard amusing himself."
"I mean, just look at the TEETH on my chainsaw."
"...and that noise?"
"Ah, that's Taylor, Alucard's new friend."
"Alucard has a friend?"
"It's weird for me too."
The lack of high heels is good, too...
Designing the joint(s) required for armored footwear is one of the things that separates the amateurs from the pros and not even the pros have been able to come up with something that can both tank a lot of damage and be flexible enough to walk normally yet. Thus you often see flexible boots covered in small overlapping plates and frills on traditional armoured feet, this reduces flexibility somewhat in exchange for some armour value but even the best design can't take anything more than a glancing hit. Having the lower legs and feet as one inflexible unit negates the need for a joint at all of course and lets you seriously up the armour value in exchange for total loss of movement of the foot.

You have the same tradeoff problem with shoulders and hips but in those cases you can solve the issue with large overlapping, hanging plates that only expose the vulnerable areas in certain stances, like a kick or holding you arm straight out or up. Oh, and of course you have the problems of hands... where I think the best solution is a type of waldo system where the hand is actually controlling a set of machine operated fingers from somewhere in the armours forearm (look at the armouring scene from Starcraft 2).

Anyway, to get back to the point of armouring feet. Having a pointed stiff "high heel" look actually makes sense if you have some gyros or something to help with stability since this lets you both armour the feet effectively and avoid having to engineer such a complex joint. Since you won't be placing your weight on the soles of your feet but instead basically shoving your feet and lower legs into a cone you'll have to have some seriously comfortable padding or limit your time in armour if you don't want some spectacular bruises but if you're building power armour you have probably figured out how to make comfortable padding.

Of course in fiction we only see girls with this solution to the problem, the boys just have to get used to having their feet blown off because it wouldn't do to have your space marines toddling along on high heels, it just isn't done. 😁 (someone please draw me a picture of an ultramarine in high heels, I'll use it as background on all my devices. It'll seriously irk a coworker of mine but that is just a bonus.)

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention why you need massive armour value for your feet. Even today we have the ability to make 'toe-poppers', very small mines designed to damage the feet of an advancing enemy combatant using basically off the shelf batteries, electronics and explosives that wouldn't take up much more space than a largish coin and could last for a couple of days out in the open (we don't use such because it's hella illegal, even in war). In a future where you have power armour I imagine these types of mines would be scattered in their billions and be used tactically by everyone and their grandmother. They'd probably also be self-forging armour piercing capable of at least an inch of armour penetration. Having low armour value on your feet now makes your power armoured soldier one misstep from being a very heavy burden instead of a soldier.
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I'd say the biggest problem there is going on very enthusiastic interdimensional walks TOGETHER, and taking the Police Girl with them. After said Police Girl has manifested her powers.

"What's that noise?"
"Oh, just Alucard amusing himself."
"I mean, just look at the TEETH on my chainsaw."
"...and that noise?"
"Ah, that's Taylor, Alucard's new friend."
"Alucard has a friend?"
"It's weird for me too."

Oh dear....
Is there an other Universe aviable?
Anyway, to get back to the point of armouring feet.
I'd agree that being 'de-feet-ed' is something to avoid. Moving up the leg a bit, knees are also a significant issue. You can see why not having actual living legs in there is desirable to avoid...

Wait, wtf. How is this thread still active???
Because we are waiting for the author's muse to deliver some more words? Or, possibly, to find a way for Taylor to calm down enough that she stops scaring the laws of reality? Mr. Pi is a rather unpredictable author, so we don't know.

Also, 'thread necromancy'? Sounds like something an economist might invent, to justify something weird like the 'attention economy'. :)
I'd agree that being 'de-feet-ed' is something to avoid. Moving up the leg a bit, knees are also a significant issue. You can see why not having actual living legs in there is desirable to avoid...

Because we are waiting for the author's muse to deliver some more words? Or, possibly, to find a way for Taylor to calm down enough that she stops scaring the laws of reality? Mr. Pi is a rather unpredictable author, so we don't know.

Also, 'thread necromancy'? Sounds like something an economist might invent, to justify something weird like the 'attention economy'. :)
The more you read of economic theory the more it resembles magic. You can sort of quantify bits of it but much of it depends entirely on how people feel and think and such is as useful as trying to use sacrifices to coax the gods into unclogging your toilet.

They say a science is a hard science when you can use it to predict the outcome of something in that scientific field. Economic theorist often have as great a chance to predict the outcome of some part of the economy as a coin has. In the late 90's they hooked up a plant in an airplane terminal to some sensors and had those sensors control a dummy stock account, that account made more money than 95% of all the brokers in my country during the 2 years it was active. Economic theorists never managed to explain why.
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