After this battle if over we are going to need to request a permanent assignment of a marine/army battalion fitted out in Steeds and other power armor as well as a permanent attachment of at least one air wing to us, preferably two or three.

This battle has shown us we definitely need some sort of organicly attached power Armored infantry force to deal with enemy infiltrators and infantry sized enemies. And we want fighters to support our super robots.
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Voting will run till tomorrow my time, but given how the vote is going I may call it sooner. We'll see!

So far I'm having a lot of fun writing under the new format. That said, if anyone has suggestions or feedback let me know!
It's too bad the chair force is probably infiltrated, because I don't think we can justify holding this tech back from them. Morally speaking, even, since it's proven to be able to actually let them do their damn jobs in a supertech fight.
It's too bad the chair force is probably infiltrated, because I don't think we can justify holding this tech back from them. Morally speaking, even, since it's proven to be able to actually let them do their damn jobs in a supertech fight.
"After hearing about the maintenance issues plaguing the TMU, our R&D staff believe that the Seeker in its current form is not viable for mass production." There's your justification.

I mean, the TMU was explicitly noted to be a nightmare to keep in working order, and the Seeker is even more complicated. Do you really think the rank-and-file would be able to keep it in working order?
"After hearing about the maintenance issues plaguing the TMU, our R&D staff believe that the Seeker in its current form is not viable for mass production." There's your justification.

I mean, the TMU was explicitly noted to be a nightmare to keep in working order, and the Seeker is even more complicated. Do you really think the rank-and-file would be able to keep it in working order?
That would be a valid excuse... if not for the fact we let the CRAYON-MUNCHERS test drive it. If it was actually breakable, the jarheads would have found a way to break it. Our only hope is them deciding it has icky squid germs.
That, and giving the flying carrier first dibs.
That would be a valid excuse... if not for the fact we let the CRAYON-MUNCHERS test drive it. If it was actually breakable, the jarheads would have found a way to break it. Our only hope is them deciding it has icky squid germs.
That, and giving the flying carrier first dibs.
Remember, our perspective is skewed: We have pretty much the best maintenance crew on the planet on the job, who literally only washed out of the standard military because they were eccentrics incapable of fitting in anywhere else. This was explicitly noted to be a problem when the layman's opinion of our designs' maintenance was brought up; what our guys consider an easy fix takes outsiders hours or days of continuous effort.

And besides, even if it is potentially possible for them to maintain, do the paper-pushers need to know that? All we need to tell them is that it's more complicated than a design specifically mentioned to be hard to repair, and they should come to the desired conclusion on their own.

Plus, there's the inevitably-high expense required to build them in the first place. I'm not sure the Union is even capable of mass-producing the Seeker with its current tech levels. I mean, the Jackal was based on an old design, and so the factories just needed a bit of adjustment to start pumping them out, but I'm pretty sure the Seeker is an original design, which means they'd need to build the production facilities from scratch. This would be incredibly expensive, and may have a low output of Seekers depending on how finicky the construction process is. They might just write the Seeker off as too expensive to produce for anything but elite units, which we are more than capable of covering ourselves.
Also. It is entirely possible they could insist it gets rolled out anyway, then the maintenance crews mutiny in frustration over the sheer difficulty in keeping them combat ready
Plus, there's the inevitably-high expense required to build them in the first place. I'm not sure the Union is even capable of mass-producing the Seeker with its current tech levels. I mean, the Jackal was based on an old design, and so the factories just needed a bit of adjustment to start pumping them out, but I'm pretty sure the Seeker is an original design, which means they'd need to build the production facilities from scratch. This would be incredibly expensive, and may have a low output of Seekers depending on how finicky the construction process is. They might just write the Seeker off as too expensive to produce for anything but elite units, which we are more than capable of covering ourselves.

Then again, part of our reputation is that we take in the Military Industrial Complex's failed projects and breathe new life into them by using them as testbeds for new technology. It gives us free resources and a bit of political clout.

Taking old obsolete/failed stuff and making them cool is basicly our thing. Heck. Even our AIs were made from old obsolete computers.
Then again, part of our reputation is that we take in the Military Industrial Complex's failed projects and breathe new life into them by using them as testbeds for new technology. It gives us free resources and a bit of political clout.

Taking old obsolete/failed stuff and making them cool is basicly our thing. Heck. Even our AIs were made from old obsolete computers.
Which could go either way, really. On the one hand, we've got a reputation for taking old tech and revolutionizing the industry with new applications and small (relatively, at least) customizations. On the other... considering what we can do with old designs, what kind of ungodly monstrosities are we capable of putting out when we decide to make something entirely new?
Which could go either way, really. On the one hand, we've got a reputation for taking old tech and revolutionizing the industry with new applications and small (relatively, at least) customizations. On the other... considering what we can do with old designs, what kind of ungodly monstrosities are we capable of putting out when we decide to make something entirely new?

We already have with Sam & the SCIENCE team creating Psychic MMI technology.

Then there's also 'faedium' which we are in the middle of researching.

Granted K-Scale/Fang are plagerised from Sheol's work.

The rest of our technology are traded from the Legio Galbinus & Magical Girl transformation trinket.

We already have the technology, we just lack resources. We develop Xenotech and cover them up with Old-tech.
We already have with Sam & the SCIENCE team creating Psychic MMI technology.

Then there's also 'faedium' which we are in the middle of researching.

Granted K-Scale/Fang are plagerised from Sheol's work.

The rest of our technology are traded from the Legio Galbinus & Magical Girl transformation trinket.

We already have the technology, we just lack resources. We develop Xenotech and cover them up with Old-tech.
I know all this; I was speaking from the POV of... well, everyone else.
I know all this; I was speaking from the POV of... well, everyone else.

Everyone else being the rest of the Earth Union armed forces? The answer is politics and budget fights.

Between General Armistead playing silly buggers and Lieutenant Colonel Mark Howell's Project: Ground Pound, us "playing around" with near-obsolete and failed projects makes us more friends (with deep pockets and lobbyists) and fewer enemies.
Also, with the combat data we've gained from this battle we'll damn well be able to lobby our superior for assigning additional assets to our organization. Especially since this battle has shown that we do definitely need additional supporting forces for our super robots.
Everyone else being the rest of the Earth Union armed forces? The answer is politics and budget fights.

Between General Armistead playing silly buggers and Lieutenant Colonel Mark Howell's Project: Ground Pound, us "playing around" with near-obsolete and failed projects makes us more friends (with deep pockets and lobbyists) and fewer enemies.
You're missing my point. You're giving answers about "what is the situation?" while I'm asking rhetoricals about "what do they think we can do if we try, and how hard do they expect it to be to keep it working without our mad scientists?"

Basically: Your "answers" are completely inapplicable to what I'm actually saying, to the point that I'm close to ignoring them as non sequiturs.

edit: Not hypothetical, but for some reason the right word's escaping me; I meant "I don't actually expect an answer at all." ...Rhetorical, that was it!
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Voting will run till tomorrow my time, but given how the vote is going I may call it sooner. We'll see!

So far I'm having a lot of fun writing under the new format. That said, if anyone has suggestions or feedback let me know!

Please put the winning vote in a spoiler box at the start of the update? It helps a lot in readability for people who don't follow the votes that closely.