It's too early to risk the Pegasus imo

[X] Plan Distract and defend
Then when are you willing to risk it? Cause if not now than next round it will be even riskier to use it since all our planes will likely be shot down leaving the Pegasus alone in the air meaning we either have it try and yolo the swarm by itself or have it flee the battlespace allowing the flyers free range. I just don't see any way keeping up the current status quo of the air battle leads to anything but our inevitable loss.

Like sure the Pegasus and its lasers cannons would be useful for helping against the Kaiju fights but that's kind of irrelevant when the flyer swarm is likely to force it off the field before we get to that point. So better to risk it now while it still has flight mates helping it than later on as far as I can see.
Then when are you willing to risk it?
I know you're not asking me, and I'm not voting at the moment, but my answer to this: NEVER. It is a unique machine, for which we do not have easy or priority access to the parts to replace it. Thus, it is currently irreplaceable and should be treated as such.

Besides, it is both our SR team's ticket out of there once things are finished, and Diana's primary link to the op site. Preserving it means she can continue to contribute; losing it means she can't help coordinate the infantry defense anymore.
We should probably think about making a dedicated carrier ship for hordes of Seekers and their eventual upgrades as support forces for our super robots. Plus having dedicated Mechanized infantry available from the start instead of just shot down Seeker pilots would be a good idea in the future.

They'd have a lot of utility against both Kaiju infiltrators and Westphalia separatists.
A massive armored fist slammed into a shrieking mass of leather wings and now broken teeth, silenced only as the fist recoiled from the massive forward guns embedded above the wrist. In one smooth motion, the writhing corpse was then sent flying, a massive foot slamming into the twitching remains as it was hurled skywards into its oncoming fellows. More cannon fire was leveled to bear, yet the mass of flyers dispersed, spreading into different directions in order to seek some way into the Institute that didn't involve going around the massively armored giant on the ground.

I know you're not asking me, and I'm not voting at the moment, but my answer to this: NEVER. It is a unique machine, for which we do not have easy or priority access to the parts to replace it. Thus, it is currently irreplaceable and should be treated as such.

Besides, it is both our SR team's ticket out of there once things are finished, and Diana's primary link to the op site. Preserving it means she can continue to contribute; losing it means she can't help coordinate the infantry defense anymore.
We might have to choose between the Mercury 5 and the Pegasus. Because the swarm is looking to join the attack on the institute. Which...
Well, considering even with the slow trickle of steeds, we aren't exactly winning, may be a big problem.
Once the Steeds allow the defenders to overwhelm the infiltrators, allowing the fliers to have free rein ceases to be an issue since theyll be fighting through enclosed spaces that deny them their advantages.

The institute is what matters, not the airspace, and every Seeker that gets shot down is a reinforcements for the Institute
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Basarin on Jan 28, 2023 at 2:57 PM, finished with 46 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] Plan Distract and defend.
    -[X] Perseus
    --[X] Send Perseus directly into the fray. There will be no point in keeping it held back if the kaiju manage to get within clawing distance of the Institute - and kaiju have been known to overly fixate on anything resembling a Super Robot.
    -[X] Pegasus
    --[X] Continue to pull back, and maintain the Institute's air space. Even if they've got more Pterawings than we have energy cells and ammunition - we can't risk losing the Pegasus.
    -[X] 25th Air Wing
    --[X] Continue to fight a delaying action, even down to the last Seeker if need be, we need to buy Mercury V time!
    [X] Plan Big Risk for Big Robots
    -[X] Perseus
    --[X] Something has to be controlling the small kaiju mooks (both infiltrators and flyers) and the most likely thing on the field doing that are the kaiju that summoned them via some psychic theater effect. Go punch the kaiju in the face with your mecha and your will to distract them and the horde
    -[X] Pegasus
    --[X] Plunge straight into the Pterawing swarm. As suicidal as it sounds, it's guaranteed to put a really big dent in that swarm.
    -[X] 25th Air Wing
    --[X] Continue to fight a delaying action, even down to the last Seeker if need be, we need to buy Mercury V time!
small idea. IS it possible tio get a special forces team?
Special forces isn't our remit. Ours is building and deploying Super Robots with a mix of building certain things like Dropships/Spaceships as well but that's more uncommon. And besides. the DFRI wouldn't be able to use a Spec Ops squad properly. that's better left to the people who know how to use spec ops squads.
Okay so specops are out... What about a garrison to protect against the mini Kaiju infiltrators.

What is the gsdf?
Okay so specops are out... What about a garrison to protect against the mini Kaiju infiltrators.

What is the gsdf?
We have that at the DFRI base. Each SR group handles their own base security. Our base security is shown in multiple updates including the battle with Warlord when he attacked the base.
Post is probably coming tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.

That said: developments like that would happen organically around you, rather than you having any input. Projects like the supercarrier refit were an exception due to interesting circumstances, but so long as you're developing the technology, someone somewhere in the EUDF chain of command is going to think up of new ideas of how to use them.