Suffer Not - The Story of Inquisitor Joanyn Praxis
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A 40k quest.
Character Sheet
][ Inquisitor Joanyn Praxis ][
Imperial Inquisitor, Ordo Hereticus

Physical Attributes
Strength - 1
Agility - 2
Melee - 1
Endurance: 4

Mental Attributes
Intelligence - 3
Tactics - 2
Nerve - 1
Fortitude: 6

Social Attributes
Charm - 4
Presence - 3
Contacts - 3
Resolve: 10

Faith Attributes
Belief - 2
Scripture - 0
Fire - 1
Conviction: 3
(3) - The Imperium should be an alliance of solidarity for the weak, not an alliance of strength for the strong.
(2) - People are more than problems, weaknesses, corruption vectors to eradicate. Their feelings and dreams matter.
(1) - A Shot Fired is a Shot Wasted

<1> - Victory makes me feel alive.
Strength is raw physical conditioning. Lifting stuff, swimming, running a long time, punching hard. It's added to many melee attack damage as well.

Agility is swiftness, reaction speed, and immediate awareness. It's used for dodging things, jumping, ducking, outrunning folks, and other twitchy reactions.

Melee is the general skill of up close combat with knives, swords, fists (power or otherwise), chainsaws, whatever else.

Intelligence is raw intellectual power, knowledge, and drive to learn and study stuff. It is also used for military logistics.

Tactics is your knowledge of battle tactics, from the strategy of leading armies to simply knowing when it is safe to rush across a hallway in a gunfight.

Nerve is the stat both for shooting firearms and for keeping your cool. Nerve checks are common in combat to prevent from panicking or fight through pain.

Charm is the social stat used for flattery, smoothtalking, lying, seduction, verbal sparring, deflection, and navigating high culture.

Presence is the social stat used for reasoning, explaining, teaching, intimidating, impressing, or public address.

Contacts is rolled to know people you need to know, and to have a good reputation with them.

Belief is your actual faith in... whatever you have faith in. The Emperor, hopefully. It is used to resist temptation and corruption.

Scripture is your knowledge of the intellectual side of your religious faith. If you can quote from the holy books and theologians. It's intelligence for matters of faith.

Fire is your ability to project your faith out and convince others of it. Want to convert somebody or whip a crowd into a fanatical fury? This stat.
Weapon: Laspistol
Weapon: Hellpistol
Trade: Manager
Trade: Spy
Trade: Political Operator
Talent: Verbal Sparring
Talent: Seduction
Talent: Dishonesty
Talent: Intimidation
Talent: Exfiltration
Talent: Logistics
Talent: Propaganda
Talent: Indirect Persuasion
People: Dahlia
People: The Corrupted
People: High Imperial Politicians
Knowledge: Imperial Political Theory
Social Loadout
1 Compact Laspistol, 1 Laspistol Reload, Flash-Safe Glasses, 6 Concealed monoknives, 1 Show Knife, 1 Belt Buckle Gun, 1 Plastex Bodyglove/Flakweave Suit, Displacer Field

Combat Options
+1 Hellpistol, +1 Transonic Machete

Compact Laspistol
Small Handgun
Attack Dice: 1/d10 -or- 2/d10-1
Aim Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: +2
Armour Reduction: 0
Magazine Size: 4
Laser: Does not cause bleeding.
Blinding: If operated without flash protection, witnessing the impact of a las-weapon will blind for 3 rounds.

Concealed Monoknife
Small Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10
Damage Bonus : Agility + 1
Armour Penetration : 2
Parry Bonus : -1
Disarm Bonus : +0

Show Knife
Medium Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10+1
Damage Bonus : Agility + 1
Armour Penetration : 0
Parry Bonus : +0
Disarm Bonus : +0

Buckle Gun
Tiny Handgun
Attack Dice: 2/d10-2
Aim Bonus: +0
Damage Bonus: -2
Armour Reduction: 0
Magazine Size: 1
Hidden: Will always escape searches.

Plastex Bodyglove/Flakweave Suit
Armour Value : 3
Coverage : All but Head and Eyes
Resistances : Impact, Blunt

Displacer Field
Energy Screen
When hit with an attack, roll 1d10.
1: Displaced into worse danger.
2: Displacer field fails. Take the hit.
3-6: Displaced hard. Take 1 Sore from bumping into something.
7-9: Displaced. Attack avoided.
10: Nothing personal, kid.

Hellpistol (Voss Pattern)
Medium Handgun/Carbine
Attack Dice: 1/d10 -or- 2/d10-1 (One-Handed)
Aim Bonus: +1
Damage Bonus: +3
Armour Reduction: 2
Magazine Size: 12
Laser: Does not cause bleeding.
Blinding: If operated without flash protection, witnessing the impact of a las-weapon will blind for 3 rounds.
Convertible: When converted to Carbine mode, gain +1 to Attack and Aim Bonus.

Transonic Machete
Medium Knife
Attack Dice : 1/d10+2
Damage Bonus : Strength + 3
Armour Penetration : 1 + Half of enemy Armour (Round Down)
Parry Bonus : +0
Disarm Bonus : +3
Sickening Vibrations: Enemies with 3 meters of an active blade count as being at -1 to all stats.
Sister Charitina
A member of the Order Famulous who found her faith again thanks to the Inquisitor. Praxis' closest confidant, dearest friend, and irritating ex-girlfriend.
Attributes of Note: Nerve 3, Contacts 4, Charm 3, Scripture 2, Fire 2
Skills of Note: Career - Order Famulous, Weapon - Bolt Carbine, People - Inquisitor Praxis
Equipment: Half-Plate Power Armour, Bolt Carbine, Burning Blade
Known Values: (3) The nobility is a blight on the Imperium, (2) I trust the Inquisitor's vision for the future, (1) Galaxy grim and dark, tiddy soft and warm.

Dahlia Hussian
A 17 year old unsanctioned psyker, rescued by Praxis from the witch's pyre she volunteered for at age 12. Loves the Emperor, and hates herself for being unworthy and twisted.
Attributes of Note: Power 1, Control 2, Sight 2, Faith 5, Strength -1, Nerve 0
Skills of Note: Talent - Self Discipline, Talent - Self-Hatred
Equipment: Web Derringer
Known Values: [3] I am here because I was given a chance. I should extend the same chance to others, [2] The Emperor is all things, [1] I can atone for my existence by aiding the Inquisitor

Marvel Ann Alemanga-Zero
A Magos of the biology wing of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Marvel Ann is an exuberant, odd, and enthusiastic cyborg lady who is an expert in medicine and bionics. She's Joanyn's current sweetheart, and she autotunes her voice.
Attributes of Note: Intelligence 4, Charm 3, Strength 4
Skills of Note: Career - Cyberdoc, Talent - Surgery, Talent - Singing
Known Values: [2] Adventure is to be seized with both hands (and as many mechandrites as possible)

Fraser Bookter
A positively ancient scribe who served Praxis' teacher, Bookter has seen all manner of things. Despite that, he keeps good humour.
Attributes of Note: Intelligence 4, Scripture 2, Contacts 2, Strength -2
Skills of Note: Career - Archivist, Knowledge - Imperial History
Known Values: ???

Korey Kilimnik
Once a Lightning fighter pilot for the Navy, until he was caught fucking an admiral's son. Kilimnik professionally doesn't care unless it has jet engines.
Attributes of Note: Nerve 5, Agility 3
Skills of Note: Career - Fighter Pilot, Talent - Piloting, Talent - Causing Trouble
Known Values: [2] By death or rejuvenation, age will never slow my reflexes

3 XP​
33 XP​
9 XP​

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1-1: Good Morning, Inquisitor Praxis


I don't know how to use a computer
You woke up to an incessant, grating buzz from your bedside table, the way you've been woken up without fail for near on thirty years now. You fished around for your spectacles with your good arm, pulled your data-slat off its power cable, and waited until your eyes adjusted to the glow of the screen and the runes within became clear enough to read.

//RECIEVED 3.978.998.M41

++Thought for the Day: Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.++

REPORT: Governor Sogistus' execution proceeded without incident 3.977.999.M41.
News of the incident is set to be distributed to the population as you ordered.
House Phodon has claimed rights to planetary governorship by Imperial law.

Your and His Humble Servant
Avistin Tiras

You sighed. Of course they had.

Your name is Joanyn Praxis, you're a spry 79 years old, and you just finished overthrowing a planet. It took you two years of careful work to do it in a way that didn't result in the entire sector falling into anarchy over it, and now if you didn't do something it would all be for nothing.

You dragged yourself out of bed and to the window, opening the blast-slates and staring out over the city. Dacoth City, creatively named for the planet itself, wasn't quite a hive, but it was one of those sprawls that was on its way to be one in a few centuries. Haphazard towers of steel and stone, intermingled with smokestacks and rising steam, pumping chemical smog into the crisp, cold grey air. In the distance, the huge dome of the Governor's Palace dominated the skyline, two hundred meter long banners fluttering impossibly in the wind. There was a shuttle landing, and you wondered if it was representatives from House Phodon come to claim their supposed birthright.

An Inquisitor's work is never done, it seems.

You'd been here long enough to make renting an apartment worth it, and honestly you liked it. At least business continuing here might mean you get to keep it a few more days before shuffling back into the void. Sure, you could have commandeered some mansion or penthouse, but this was more subtle, and honestly cozier. You had used your authority to get a pest exterminatus performed soon after arriving, though, there'd been roaches that could have given tyranids a run for their money when you arrived.

You did your morning prayers, calisthenics and abulations, attached your bionic forearm, downed your tiny vial of daily rejuvenat, and stared at your closet. What you wanted to do was wear something comfortable, what you usually wore when there wasn't field work to do. Slung over the back of your chair was a tunic shirt and well-worn denim trousers and you longed for them, but it simply wouldn't do. You had to keep up appearances, and as voluminous as the pockets were, they wouldn't fit your weapons. Inquisitors had to wear some proper clothes and look the part, and that went double for women.

What is Inquisitor Praxis' Signature Outfit? This will determine her starting stat arrangement and the persona she puts on. All options are at least flak armour.
[ ] A set of finely crafted carapace armour, complete with a single skull-shaped paldron and sculpted breastplate (with an emphasis on breast), a billowing scarlet cape, and miniature refractor field generator in the left gauntlet. A bulky tactical visor that also disguised your failing eyesight. Always ready for a fight. (++Personal Combat)​
[ ] You know, the standard for your line of work. Big hat, an armoured corset, long coat with a massive collar, a million little places to hide knives, boots that went up over your knees. It had an honest to god micro-torch burning behind your shoulder, and the gloves had razor-sharp fingers. Real good for scaring the shit out of the guilty... and the innocent, honestly. (Balanced)​
[ ] Something psudeomilitary, reflecting your service. Blue sleeveless coat with dangling epaulettes, braided cord, skulls on every button and badge. White leggings and undershirt, stiff boots and a stiffer collar, and a slate of medals, many of which even meant something. (+Tactics, +Personal Combat)​
[ ] You liked to disarm folks a little, so you went with a black bodyglove with strategically placed fur and armoured plates, a asymmetrical skirt finely embroidered with religious scenes of violence, an excess of belts, only some of which had purpose, and heels so high they came with gyroscopic compensators. You cherished the moment when somebody tried to talk down to you and you broke out your inquisitorial seal. (++Social)​
[ ] Something close to high fashion, a lot of red and gold, dress and cloak that merged almost seamlessly, purity seals all over. A hood that made you look mysterious, enhanced by the gentle glow of your optics. You'd worked in a few of your favourite pages from the Lectitio Divinitatus into the layers. (+Faith, +Intrigue, -Combat).​
[ ] Write In: Subject to veto. Must represent the excess of Imperial fashions.​

Weapons: Choose as many as you like, the most popular two will be used.
[ ] A humble laspistol, worn by decades of service. Reliable.​
[ ] A finely worked bolt pistol, cut down for your use. You still tried to only use it with both hands.​
[ ] A comically oversized stub revolver with explosive rounds, far more intimidating than useful.​
[ ] A sword with a minor disruptor field. Not like a field power sword, but sufficient to cut through most armour.​
[ ] A brace of monoknives of various shapes for throwing, stabbing, and cutting, hidden all over.​
[ ] A chainsword. Yes, it was oversized and silly and heavy, but nothing shut up a room like revving it.​
[ ] Write in. Remember she has to lug it around all the time.​


Welcome to Suffer Not, an Inquisition Quest. I'll be playing with 40k canon as I last remembered it when I stopped playing, which is before things got wacky, the galaxy got cut in two, and the sequel to space marines was released. A lot of this quest will be exploring the Imperium from a very grounded perspective: what is it actually like, to wear those clothes, use those weapons, navigate the social circles of a decaying, failing empire?

I will be using a simple custom system for this game based on an older system of mine. Nothing is without cost, every action will have consequences both personal and political.

You might be one of the most powerful people in the galaxy... but you are still just one person. What hope can you bring?
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[x]Plan Faith and Iron:
-[ ] Something close to high fashion, a lot of red and gold, dress and cloak that merged almost seamlessly, purity seals all over. A hood that made you look mysterious, enhanced by the gentle glow of your optics. You'd worked in a few of your favourite pages from the Lectitio Divinitatus into the layers. (+Faith, +Intrigue, -Combat).
-[ ] A sword with a minor disruptor field. Not like a field power sword, but sufficient to cut through most armour.

Because it's more fun to act as the Inquisition-as-faithful than as the detective, agent or worse yet the combatant. We're the frontline for the Imperial Creed against daemon, heretic and cultist, the replacement for the bald old cardinals of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Let's act like it.
[X] Plan: Just Scare The Shit Out of The Peons That Always Works
-[ ] You know, the standard for your line of work. Big hat, an armoured corset, long coat with a massive collar, a million little places to hide knives, boots that went up over your knees. It had an honest to god micro-torch burning behind your shoulder, and the gloves had razor-sharp fingers. Real good for scaring the shit out of the guilty... and the innocent, honestly. (Balanced)
-[ ] A sword with a minor disruptor field. Not like a field power sword, but sufficient to cut through most armour.
-[ ] A comically oversized stub revolver with explosive rounds, far more intimidating than useful.
[-] You know, the standard for your line of work. Big hat, an armoured corset, long coat with a massive collar, a million little places to hide knives, boots that went up over your knees. It had an honest to god micro-torch burning behind your shoulder, and the gloves had razor-sharp fingers. Real good for scaring the shit out of the guilty... and the innocent, honestly. (Balanced)
-[-] A humble laspistol, worn by decades of service. Reliable.
-[-] A sword with a minor disruptor field. Not like a field power sword, but sufficient to cut through most armour.

An @open_sketch 40K quest? This is gonna be a damn treat to read.

EDIT: Vote Changed
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[X] Sadly, we actually have to work with people
-[X] You liked to disarm folks a little, so you went with a black bodyglove with strategically placed fur and armoured plates, a asymmetrical skirt finely embroidered with religious scenes of violence, an excess of belts, only some of which had purpose, and heels so high they came with gyroscopic compensators. You cherished the moment when somebody tried to talk down to you and you broke out your inquisitorial seal. (++Social)
-[X] A humble laspistol, worn by decades of service. Reliable.
-[X] A brace of monoknives of various shapes for throwing, stabbing, and cutting, hidden all over.

Even in the imperium, we need to have more than violence and fear at our disposal. Otherwise, it wouldn't have taken 2 years to deal with a planetary governor without making a mess. Let's have some social skill to go with our authority.
40k quest by open sketchbook? I don't think I could have predicted this outcome, but it is intriguing.
[X] Write In: A Riff on the traditional. A Black Billowing Coat with a High collar reinforced and decorated in the bones of martyrs, Fingerless gloves that have reinforced kuckles and back plates made of gold, skin tight leather pants, a thigh holsters filled with knives and tools of confession. Thigh boots that ended in a literal knifepoint heel, with skull cap toes.
[X] A chainsword. Yes, it was oversized and silly and heavy, but nothing shut up a room like revving it.
[X] A humble laspistol, worn by decades of service. Reliable.
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[X]Plan: Lady of Pain
[X] Write In: A Riff on the traditional. A Black Billowing Coat with a High collar reinforced and decorated in the bones of martyrs, Fingerless gloves that have reinforced kuckles and back plates made of gold, skin tight leather pants, a thigh holsters filled with knives and tools of confession. Thigh boots that ended in a literal knifepoint heel, with skull cap toes. Plenty of hidden pockets in the coat. ( social+ combat+)
[X] A brace of monoknives of various shapes for throwing, stabbing, and cutting, hidden all over.
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[X] Sadly, we actually have to work with people

Well I suppose after playing as an IG squad in the last o_s' 40K related Quest experiment (four years ago by my reckoning), going the opposite end seems like fun. Nothing says social build like heavily impractical over engineered heels and knives hidden in said heels.
[X]Plan: Lady of Pain

And just like that, I change my vote away from the practical solution to the fun one.
[X] Sadly, we actually have to work with people
-[X] Something psudeomilitary, reflecting your service. Blue sleeveless coat with dangling epaulettes, braided cord, skulls on every button and badge. White leggings and undershirt, stiff boots and a stiffer collar, and a slate of medals, many of which even meant something. (+Tactics, +Personal Combat)
-[X] A chainsword. Yes, it was oversized and silly and heavy, but nothing shut up a room like revving it.
-[X] A humble laspistol, worn by decades of service. Reliable.

A chainsword for when we want to make a point, a laspistol for when we actually have to fight
[X] Sadly, we actually have to work with people

Get the feeling this is the Amberley Vail option
[X] Something close to high fashion, a lot of red and gold, dress and cloak that merged almost seamlessly, purity seals all over. A hood that made you look mysterious, enhanced by the gentle glow of your optics. You'd worked in a few of your favourite pages from the Lectitio Divinitatus into the layers. (+Faith, +Intrigue, -Combat).