Embarrassed to admit I forgot entirely about Kirika's slow ability and thought this was just the girls talking fast until I went to check wikis on her. TBF it's been a long time since I picked up a new fic in this fandom.

If I remmember correctly, Flairina commented a long time ago that Oriko's future sight magic was a pain to fit in a story, therefore she wouldn't have that or at least not in the same way that in the manga.

I may be wrong tho.
MG Kirika doesn't guarantee MG Oriko. Though the ease with which she found the witch does suggest precog support.
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ummmm...the end? wow. that did not end well at all.
it sounds like this might probably be a fakeout I think.
Wonder how Ash manages to get through this event, but I have no doubts that there's going to be a new chapter.

...come on guys, it's right there in the author's note; no need to posit it's a fake out when I literally said as much. :-/ I'll grant, this was originally going to be an actual fake out ending, with the refutation in invisitext rather than plaintext, but I kind of figured that given the update schedule this fic has been on, readers might worry I was being serious, so I made sure to add a note to the contrary. However, this does still require actually reading the author's note, so... maybe consider that in the future? ^^;

...Wait, so is this just a bad end that will be rewritten, or is this an actual chapter that will be continued, as in this is still 15 and next is 16. The latter is what i am assuming from the fact it's labeled as such but the ending narrations are...blurring that.
Wait, why did we get a bad end?

This is an actual chapter. A bad end would be filed under sidestory, and be labeled as much in the threadmark itself.

where is that from? because I don't remember her.
Someone mentioned "oriko", who I think was also referenced in another story as a future teller? Can someone name their source?
Who is little miss red???

Wouldn't call her little miss red given she's more little miss reduces-you-to-red, but close enough I suppose. As an answer:

Oriko and Kirika come from the Oriko Magica spin-off manga. Oriko is a seer who can see into the future and Kirika has the ability to slow time in a bubble.
DAMMIT, ORIKO. Why the hell did we get Kirika sent after us like a fucking cruise missile?

If you know anything at all about Oriko, or even just give her wiki page a quick glance, I imagine you can likely figure out the reason.

Gg kirika. Despite being an amalgamation of powerful witches and meguca, we're reminded that there are still plenty of threats around. Oriko must've sent her so we're in an oriko timeline in which homu hasn't killed them preemptively (were we in an oriko timeline before too?)

We should go to mitakihara! Homu can hard counter them! /s

Good news, you're basically there already! Tira lives maybe a minute's drive into Kazamino from Mitakihara, whereas Oriko's house is essentially right on the border between Mitakihara and Kazamino! They're practically neighbors! :p

Also, BS. It came out of literally nowhere.
it does feel a tad cheap having Ash get effectively oneshot out of nowhere though...

Sorry, but that is how assassination attempts generally tend to work. The successful ones, anyways. 🔪

I mean, that would've been just as abrupt, honestly. If Homura had to do a full reset this early, then something absolutely flabbergasting would've had to happen on her end with Ash and Co. being just as off guard. At least this way, we know what happened. Sorta.
I mean, if this were an actual quest the thread would have been locked by now from the actual riot that would be occuring. Mainly because for everyone but the 'QM' it looks like crazy meth girl came out of nowhere and knew all of our attacks like a hardcore dark souls player despite not appearing once in the quest before now.

Fortunately, this is not a quest, so I do not have to always construct the narrative in such a way that Ashtaroth knows about everything before it happens — that's Oriko's job. ;) You'll be getting more context for this event shortly, I assure you.

I don't know too much about the duo who are now in play, but I'm pretty sure Kirika seemed like she knew exactly what to do and when to do it because she did know exactly what to do and when to do it. Oriko probably used her future sight to give her what is basically a GameFAQs walkthrough of Ash's labyrinth.

I mean, if you were a seer informing your personal assistant/assassin how to go about a job... wouldn't you? 🔮

True enough, but with an ability like Kirika's, she'd have to be trying to get hit-- Ash doesn't seem to be too great at personal combat, but then again, she's almost always outclassed.
I keep forgetting how weak Ash is overall compared to the rest of the setting, even with technically 2 grief generators.

Honestly, at this point I wouldn't even define Ashtaroth as weak — maybe not much above average in terms of combat skill, but certainly not weak. However, this fight was stacked against her from the start — though, even excluding external factors, Kirika is extremely deadly in a one on one fight, and had arguably the perfect kind of weapon to fight Ashtaroth, so I wouldn't have put the odds in Ash's favor anyways.

(Kirika be scary as hell. @~@)

If I remmember correctly, Flairina commented a long time ago that Oriko's future sight magic was a pain to fit in a story, therefore she wouldn't have that or at least not in the same way that in the manga.

I believe my commentary in that regard was about trying to figure out where Oriko actually lived given somewhat conflicting information? That might have been discussed too though, because yes, she is a bit of a pain to work around... at least when she, herself, is around. The fact that I made mention of her that far back should tell you just how long I've had this plot point in mind though.

Petitioning for Shemesh vs. Kirika, double or nothing.

1 night only, Candeloro's cottage. Tira and Sayaka as somewhat embarrassed fight promoters. All proceeds go to evicting unwanted guests.

Get your tickets now!

Shemesh probably would have a much better match up against Kirika, owing to him taking claw attacks a lot better than Ashtaroth does (while Ash takes bullets and the like better in turn). Wouldn't recommend trapping him indoors if you want to give him the best chances though.

Though, given what happened last time someone thought they beat Ashtaroth, I'm expecting an equally nasty surprise in turn.

Hopefully soon. No offense, but this is not a cliffhanger to sit on.
I'm just hoping that the next chapter which resolves the situation doesn't take...let me check...another 3.5 months to complete.

I wouldn't worry about that. ;) (Next chapter is already done.)

And I'm interested to see what comes next!
Can't wait for your next chapter, in this work or others. I'm always pleasantly surprised when I see your icon in my notifications.

Thanks! You'll see it soon! (OuO)b

I appreciate this line of thought. People both in stories and in reality sometimes get caught up in thinking "Is the truth of the world A or B", not realizing that the best way to function in either case is the exact same.
That was a shocking amount of self awareness and maturity from sayaka. I hadn't considered that point about the witches bursting out being comforting either. Good stuff.
Sayaka's doing much better. I guess literally letting out all her negativity really freshened up her mood. And feeling like she does have some pull in the situation. Granted, it's a leaver labeled "make everything worse", but any amount of control useful makes people more at ease.

She is indeed doing almost paradoxically better after the previous night's explosive conclusion. Whether this is a culmination of thoughts she'd already been having after talking with Tira last interlude, a result of Kyubey saying these things and her going "Wait a sec, why would I want to listen to/agree with the jerk that tricked me into this in the first place, let alone keep putting myself down the same way?", and/or simply her literally getting all that negativity out at once, I will leave up to you to interpret.

I think this is the most interesting part - Ashtaroth has some future she was promised, presumably by her wish. I appreciate this on a personal level, too, since if I got to make a wish (and then was killed) I'd probably have the same sentiment.

No comment, other than if you're interpreting that correctly, that would imply Ashtaroth's wish is ongoing even now, or hasn't already come true, at least from her perspective.

Candeloro still makes my heart melt out of sheer cuteness.
Ah, I get it, the prologue is over and it's time for Candelero Quest to start!

Yes, it's time for this fic's real best character to take center stage! Ribbon Quest GO! 🎀

While obviously we don't have much to go on regarding Oriko and Kirika's motivation, I think it's pretty telling that this happened riiiiight after Ash started to leave for Asunaro. Wonder what the balance is between Oriko sniping our book-shaped butterfly before it leaves the city where she can most easily affect events just because we later grow into too much of an unexpected variable, vs doing so in order to outright prevent a Bad End - the Saints' situation is a whole mess of unusual powers and circumstances, I could definitely see Ash blundering into the middle of that and cascading into doing/becoming something that spells bad news for everyone including herself.

...though also, looking past the minor and barely-noticeable details like 'painful death' or 'the inherent existential horrors of iterative timelines', if this trend continues I can't help but imagine it as akin to Oriko (and her notfuture selves) spritzing an unruly pet with a spraybottle. :V

Ashtaroth: Alright girls, time to head to Asunaro!
*gets Kirika'd*

Ashtaroth: ...G-gah! I... am okay! That was weird, but thank god for timeloops. Alright, that's still our best lead, so onward to Asunar-
*gets Kirika'd*

Ashtaroth: ...Ugh, for fuck's sake. Could've sworn she was in a different spot last time. Onward to Asu-?

Ashtaroth: ...
Ashtaroth: ...Asunaro.
*Kirika'd once again, who'd've thunk*

Ashtaroth: ...Y'know maybe we should shelve those travel plans for the moment.

Ashtaroth may want to consider shelving travel plans for a bit regardless — these past few days have been stressful enough to warrant a vacation all on their own. :rolleyes:

I'm also wondering whether 'Grief Seeds, if left alone, respawn their witch' is canon or fanon, and which one Flair ascribes to.

That's not fanon. Charlotte's seed was found at the hospital in canon, but "hatched" into a full witch by the time Mami got there. Given what we later learn about how witches come to be, the only way this is actually possible is if she was rehatching, barring wild guesses about familiars becoming seeds first rather than immediately transitioning to witch-hood, or witches being able to re-enter seed form at will (which would be contradicted by Charlotte taking so much time to reform).

Why can't Ash chill in the clouds?
Because she can't get high enough to discourage magical girls from trying (and succeeding).

And if she managed to get to Space, the Magical Girl Space Program would bother her alongside Alien Magical Girls :V
It would discourage most of them if they don't have the skills to reach that high up.

Because she keeps trying that, and it keeps *not working*. Somehow Ashtaroth has managed to come across every magical girl capable of flight (Tira, Hirako), platforming in midair (Sayaka, Homura through timestopped wooden boards), or otherwise (Mami through ribbons + requisitioning Tira's help) in multiple cities now, and so decided to try relying on more solid/social obstacles this time. Which would probably have even worked, had this specific magical girl not come after her.

I got a mental image here that I wanted to see on screen, so here's a silly MS Paint doodle of Ashtaroth stretching her ribbons way out in the shape of a forklift to pick up a crate of Tira's stuff on a forklift pallet:


Threadmarked. XD
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This is an actual chapter. A bad end would be filed under sidestory, and be labeled as much in the threadmark itself.
Thank you for clearing that up.
Yes, it's time for this fic's real best character to take center stage! Ribbon Quest GO! 🎀
You joke (...i think) but a Witch Mami Quest would be interesting, and for a lot of reasons. First off just exploring Mami is as a character, both the parts that manifest as her Witch self, her realization of the Magical Girl System, and just in general would be interesting. Second is the fact unlike other Quests involving this kind of plot not only is it a canon character, but one we and the canon cast all know already pretty well(...well all but two but...you know what i mean), which makes a fic with a different flavor and opens up many possibilities. Lastly there's the fact Mami is a veteran, and therefor very skilled, who's Witch form does work with similar powers to her Magical Girl ones; while she will have to relearn how to fight, even more with her new body being way smaller then even Yuna(...Yuma?), she would be a lot more capable then either Ash or Roch. Add in something like her Witch body can act like her Soul Gem and allow her to control her Human body and you got a decent fic i think.
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While you're considering this, Tira summons a penbrush and begins rapidly sketching upon the air, leaving solid black lines of ink floating on seemingly nothing at all. Hardly a minute or two later — far faster than you were actually expecting given how Tira described her magic — two identical copies of a four-armed, four-legged sketch of a man lock their myriad limbs around the edge of Tira's bed, lifting it up and marching it over to your entrance portal.
Huh, that will be useful for looting stuff.

The door suddenly swings open in front of you, and a small troupe of Du Polignac comes marching out, surprisingly bereft of their usual tea platters. Tilting their heads up at you, they extend their arms upward with both palms facing up, as though gesturing for you to come closer.
Looks like Candeloro has some form of telepathic connection to her Familiars. Or they instinctively feel if a guest arrives, making ambushes against Candeloro impossible.

...well, there's your answer, you suppose. Man, how come Candeloro's barrier comes with neat little tricks like that? All yours does is glue itself to every other one it gets near.
I mean, there's the Canvas and we have yet to experiment with the space portals.

"I never thought I would find it disappointing that my residence does not stock much in the way of preserved food." Tira gripes as she finally reenters the portal herself. "Still, this should at least make our living situation considerably more comfortable for the future."

<I certainly hope so.> you reply, hovering not far overhead. <Also...>
Great, now Ashy just needs to raid a few shops for generators and other survival supplies.

As Tira is walking, you arrive at your destination before she does, slowly floating back into your presently-empty personal domain. Not that your work is done just yet — you still have to figure out where you're going to place your barrier tonight. You would just post yourself up in the sky again, but that tactic hasn't exactly been working out for you thus far, and since you inexplicably can't seem to go underground, that's not really an option either.

...so perhaps a different strategy is in order.
Hmm, I think there never was a test to see how the Barrier would interact with water? Hiding in the ocean or the bottom of a river might work? Might be possible to run a generator via waterwheels and portals...

You blink through Tira as she steps into a room that's actually larger than the cottage's main one, and at least as heavily decorated. The ceiling is at least as high as Tira's own room, while the walls are striped in cerulean blue and orange-gold, with multicolored ribbons hanging from them like celebratory banners.
Orange-gold would fit Candeloro but... The rooms color-themed around Tira and Sayaka?

"When did we get actual beds?"

...of all the potential first sentences you anticipated from Sayaka once she eventually woke up, that wasn't one of them.
Ha, I predicted that this would work as a distraction for Sayaka!

<Er... right.> you reply, kind of surprised to be on the same page for once. <Kyubey didn't seem to think much of them, but if there's a group of magical girls who can get a witch to even just the point of imitating humanity, that'd still be a major step up from where I am now, and I feel like it would have a fairly good chance of freeing you two from me in the process.>
Now that I think about it, Kanna Hijiri's reaction to Ashy and co could be pretty extreme. She has a big complex about being artificial and relates to Kazumi due to her also being an 'artificial' Grief being. If she interprets Tira and Sayaka as Familiars and thus 'artificial' she might latch on to them.

Hell, in that case, she might try to feed all Pleiads to Ashy in an attempt to replace them with 'artificial' versions that are like her.

"It is just..." Tira mumbles, mouthing something under her breath for a moment before suddenly shaking her head. "No, nevermind. This time's Tomoe-san will likely take care of her anyways."

Ah — "her". Yeah, you think you will let Mami take care of that. She'll undoubtedly have a much easier time of it, and you'd rather not deal with that yourself anyways.
...We probably should avoid meeting Mami or anyone from that area during this loop. Tira probably would take it badly if she found out what will probably happen to her version in this loop.

-only for the glass to suddenly smash inward as a black and white blur spears through it like a javelin. Blitzing across the warped hallway in the span of a heartbeat, you catch only the briefest glimpse of a single, piercing yellow eye before its owner flashes out of view, already having slipped into your barrier.
Kirika? Did we stumble into an Oriko timeline?

Your fragile projectiles fall like rain as you hastily back up and away, but the girl just laughs and starts weaving through the continuous hailstorm of runes nigh-effortlessly, not even their shrapnel managing to tag her.
Yeah, would need an AOE attack like Tearful Storm. Or have Shemesh show up. Turning the light off should also work against her, doesn't matter if you slow down if nobody can see shit.

You rapidly run dry on runes, not having had the time to prep a full stock, leaving the girl free to resume to beelining towards you like a bat out of hell. Left weaponless and scrambling for an answer, you force your illusion into motion, dropping half of the hanging ceiling blades while marble monstrosities rip out of the floor along the girl's path — all of which she completely ignores, continuing straight on through blade and beast like she already knew they weren't real. How the-?!
Yeah, sounds like Oriko predicted a lot. I wonder if she predicted the aftermath too(potentially two or three Witches spawning on top of Kirika, effectively writing off this timeline) or if that was too far in Grief cost.

Ashy probably should start having always someone stored in Novella. Or find a way to reliably summon Shemesh.

For a long, protracted moment, the girl seems to simply hang there, a frozen silhouette framed from behind by the coruscating storm of your illusion.

...then she pinwheels back around and falls like a meteor, spinning end over end as her lips curl back into that same crazed, manic grin.
That's just begging to be eaten by Novella. It's just a slightly differently angled Sayaka situation.

AN+Patrons: Thank you all for sticking with me through the end of Subsumption! I had fun, hope you did too! Kind of sucks it had to end this way, but thems the breaks I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I fully expect Ashy's Witchstincts to run amok now. That or we get a smash cut to the next timeline, due to being dragged along by Homura. Either way, I expect Kirika to have a bad time with the other Witches that are still around.

In retrospect, I think the only reason Oriko send Kirika after Ashy was that Kanna Hijiri's reaction could lead to a fusion between Ashy and Hyades Daybreak, accidentally creating a planetary class Witch. A slapdash version of Hyades was on a similar level to Walpurgis, if you throw a proper subsumption ability into that...

Sorry, but that is how assassination attempts generally tend to work. The successful ones, anyways. 🔪
Success doesn't necessarily mean the assassin gets away clean, just that the target is dead. I think Oriko wouldn't want to send Kirika on a suicide mission but if the alternative is a boosted Hyades Daybreak...
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With regards to the end of the chapter, there are a number of directions this can now go. Kirika appears to have been sent to take out Ashtaroth, and appears to have succeeded, but as we have learned from previous skirmishes, things are never as simple as they seem. For starters, Shemesh is still out there, and will likely defend his mistress, and possibly the veritable army of other familiars in the labyrinth as well. We know that Ashtaroth screamed through Sayaka and Tira, but we don't know that either of them was disabled by Ashtaroth being brought down. It's also possible that Ashtaroth got lucky and Kirika did indeed hit one of her false bodies, or that Tome will simply slam shut on the murder hobo. Regardless, I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.
There could be another alternative, playing into the "bad end but not truly" angle. What is the subjective experience for a witch being defeated and turned into a grief seed? I don't think PMMM has a concrete answer, even though the common interpretation would be that they go to sleep. And would being a sentient witch make any difference to that? In any case, grief seeds are never depicted as destroyed altogether, only handed off to Kyubey for god knows what.

So if Oriko's goal was to "kill" Ashtaroth, that leaves either keeping the grief seed and trying to ensure it doesn't rehatch, or giving it to Kyubey. Either could lead into a future revival, whether as part of Oriko's grander scheme or a backfire of her plan, a punishment from fate that sometimes gets handed out in stories to people who see the future.

That would leave a lot of the other denizens in Ashtaroth's labyrinth unaccounted for, so it seems unlikely but interesting to think about.
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For starters, Shemesh is still out there, and will likely defend his mistress, and possibly the veritable army of other familiars in the labyrinth as well.
Huh, he didn't show up at any point, despite his duty being to champion. "Dedicated and loyal, he defends the actions of the witch from others." as his Novella entry puts it. He should have reacted to the direct attack on Ashy.

Maybe he saw Kirika as he sees himself in relation to Ashy? Just an extension of the actual attacker, which means he might have wandered off to smash Oriko's face in. There's a good chance that would surprise Oriko, given that she was apparently focused on the Kirika vs Ashy fight.

So if Oriko's goal was to "kill" Ashtaroth, that leaves either keeping the grief seed and trying to ensure it doesn't rehatch, or giving it to Kyubey.
Either option would require getting the Grief Seed to her, which heavily depends on what will happen with the other Witches. We know their Grief storage is independent of Ashy if they aren't subsumed, so I give it good odds that Kirika just falls into another Labyrinth after Ashy's "death".
Kirika has two ribbon-like pieces of cloth around her waist, if she falls into Candeloro's Labyrinth she's pretty screwed.
...come on guys, it's right there in the author's note; no need to posit it's a fake out when I literally said as much. :-/ I'll grant, this was originally going to be an actual fake out ending, with the refutation in invisitext rather than plaintext, but I kind of figured that given the update schedule this fic has been on, readers might worry I was being serious, so I made sure to add a note to the contrary. However, this does still require actually reading the author's note, so... maybe consider that in the future? ^^;

This is an actual chapter. A bad end would be filed under sidestory, and be labeled as much in the threadmark itself.

Wouldn't call her little miss red given she's more little miss reduces-you-to-red, but close enough I suppose. As an answer:

If you know anything at all about Oriko, or even just give her wiki page a quick glance, I imagine you can likely figure out the reason.

Good news, you're basically there already! Tira lives maybe a minute's drive into Kazamino from Mitakihara, whereas Oriko's house is essentially right on the border between Mitakihara and Kazamino! They're practically neighbors! :p

Sorry, but that is how assassination attempts generally tend to work. The successful ones, anyways. 🔪

Fortunately, this is not a quest, so I do not have to always construct the narrative in such a way that Ashtaroth knows about everything before it happens — that's Oriko's job. ;) You'll be getting more context for this event shortly, I assure you.

I mean, if you were a seer informing your personal assistant/assassin how to go about a job... wouldn't you? 🔮

Honestly, at this point I wouldn't even define Ashtaroth as weak — maybe not much above average in terms of combat skill, but certainly not weak. However, this fight was stacked against her from the start — though, even excluding external factors, Kirika is extremely deadly in a one on one fight, and had arguably the perfect kind of weapon to fight Ashtaroth, so I wouldn't have put the odds in Ash's favor anyways.

(Kirika be scary as hell. @~@)

I believe my commentary in that regard was about trying to figure out where Oriko actually lived given somewhat conflicting information? That might have been discussed too though, because yes, she is a bit of a pain to work around... at least when she, herself, is around. The fact that I made mention of her that far back should tell you just how long I've had this plot point in mind though.

Shemesh probably would have a much better match up against Kirika, owing to him taking claw attacks a lot better than Ashtaroth does (while Ash takes bullets and the like better in turn). Wouldn't recommend trapping him indoors if you want to give him the best chances though.

I wouldn't worry about that. ;) (Next chapter is already done.)

Thanks! You'll see it soon! (OuO)b

She is indeed doing almost paradoxically better after the previous night's explosive conclusion. Whether this is a culmination of thoughts she'd already been having after talking with Tira last interlude, a result of Kyubey saying these things and her going "Wait a sec, why would I want to listen to/agree with the jerk that tricked me into this in the first place, let alone keep putting myself down the same way?", and/or simply her literally getting all that negativity out at once, I will leave up to you to interpret.

No comment, other than if you're interpreting that correctly, that would imply Ashtaroth's wish is ongoing even now, or hasn't already come true, at least from her perspective.

Yes, it's time for this fic's real best character to take center stage! Ribbon Quest GO! 🎀

Ashtaroth may want to consider shelving travel plans for a bit regardless — these past few days have been stressful enough to warrant a vacation all on their own. :rolleyes:

That's not fanon. Charlotte's seed was found at the hospital in canon, but "hatched" into a full witch by the time Mami got there. Given what we later learn about how witches come to be, the only way this is actually possible is if she was rehatching, barring wild guesses about familiars becoming seeds first rather than immediately transitioning to witch-hood, or witches being able to re-enter seed form at will (which would be contradicted by Charlotte taking so much time to reform).

Because she keeps trying that, and it keeps *not working*. Somehow Ashtaroth has managed to come across every magical girl capable of flight (Tira, Hirako), platforming in midair (Sayaka, Homura through timestopped wooden boards), or otherwise (Mami through ribbons + requisitioning Tira's help) in multiple cities now, and so decided to try relying on more solid/social obstacles this time. Which would probably have even worked, had this specific magical girl not come after her.


Threadmarked. XD
Just wanna say I appreciate that you take the effort to respond to so much
Damn, that's one mean cliffhanger. Of course, how much is written can't be helped, but now we have to deal with suspense for a long ti-

I wouldn't worry about that. ;)(Next chapter is already done.)

Ah. I see. So you just letting us steam in suspense and hype ourself up. Delightfully devilish, Flairina.
Anyway, considering that: previous timeline, before Ashy subsumed everything up, was supposed to be the one where Madoka makes "no witch" wish, which means Oriko's timeline already played out and our little magical time lord had all the reasons to deal with oracle-to-be and her lackey before they cause any trouble to her again - here comes my question:
Would you like a toast? Why magical girl Oriko is a thing that exist in this timeline?
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Why magical girl Oriko is a thing that exist in this timeline?
Maybe Homura hasn't gotten to offing her and Kirika off yet? Homura's loop begins with her still in the hospital, and she has to discharge herself and enroll to Mitakihara Middle first.

If the events of the past loop rattled her badly enough, she may have considered letting some other variables she'd normally deal with early go on for a little longer to collect information about this new aberrant Witch. In fact, maybe that's why Oriko's at play here, possibility of Kyubey wanting to cut-off a Puella-controlling Witch early before she amasses an army aside.

Oriko hasn't always targeted Madoka. I think there are timelines where she prepares against Walpurgisnacht, until (I think) Kriemhild Gretchen eclipses her in power.

If Ash scales as high as we suspect she will; it's possible that Oriko could put her higher in the 'destroy before she destroys the world' list.

After all, Madoka has to make a contract first before she can Witch out and become a global threat, but Ashtaroth is already a Witch.
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Maybe Homura hasn't gotten to offing her and Kirika off yet? Homura's loop begins with her in still in the hospital, and she has to check herself out and enroll to Mitakihara first.
Homura's loop begins 10 days prior to Ashy's (16th Homu wakes up in hospital, 26th Ahsy turns into witch), so theoretically she had enough time to calm down and get back to old routine. But yeah, I can accept the idea that being almost killed by some random witch rattled Himuhomu enough that she decided to focus this loop on information gathering.

Althou, I don't think that Kyubey is behind Oriko's actions. It seems too interested in nature of Ashy as aberration to act against her for now. And it's not like Oriko needs any additional prodding to go on a warpath, it's all probably purely her initiative.
<I know I said to grab anything else you need, and it's not as though we're hurting for space, but just how much stuff are you planning on bringing in here?>

"As much as I feel we may at some point want or need."
....that's fair.

"Wow, didn't know it had this much space inside." Sayaka comments, eyeing the various furnishings. "Guess I should probably stop questioning that sort of stuff."
By any means, please keep questioning! That way you can start tapping the weird kind of logic that, say, allowed Mami make muskets out of ribbons.

"Well if it is, I'm going to have words with her, assuming she doesn't just shoot first and also shoot second again." Sayaka fumes. "Also, Ash, for the record? You are absolutely awful at keeping people out of this place."
Ok, now I believe Sayaka is fine.

I'm not worried about Ashtaroth's story ending just yet, but it's going to be very disappointing if this ends up "killing"* Sayaka or Tira.

Worst part is the your writing timeline. Not blaming you but noting that, since it takes a lot of your time writing, it may be long before we see the continuation. Yeah, I read your spoilered message later, but that was my line of thought just after reading the update

*meaning not only dead/witched out like Mami, but also counting written out of the story like Hitomi and even Madoka
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Well seems Ashtaroth will soon be converted into Homura's view of 'murder Oriko right at the start of every loop', maybe they will bond over it. Shared hate of Oriko is actually a pretty good reason for Homura to actually talk with Ash, Sakuya and Tira here.
Why magical girl Oriko is a thing that exist in this timeline?
Maybe Homura hasn't gotten to offing her and Kirika off yet? Homura's loop begins with her in still in the hospital, and she has to check herself out and enroll to Mitakihara Middle first.

If the events of the past loop rattled her badly enough, she may have considered letting some other variables she'd normally deal with early go on for a little longer to collect information about this new aberrant Witch.

Oriko hasn't always targeted Madoka. I think there are timelines where she prepares against Walpurgisnacht, until (I think) Kriemhild Gretchen eclipses her in power.

If Ash scales as high as we suspect she will; it's possible that Oriko could put her higher in the 'destroy before she destroys the world' list.

After all, Madoka has to make a contract first before she can Witch out and become a global threat, but Ashtaroth is already a Witch.

Not going to comment on what Homura might or might not be occupied with, but I do want to note that the idea that Homura has been killing Kirika and Oriko every line since they first showed up is fanon in the first place. While it's an idea that one can very easily justify (and may even still be true in this story), the original Oriko timeline was explicitly an anomaly, not something that would necessarily happen every single timeline subsequent that Homura therefore has to repeatedly murder the pair for.

Ashtaroth is now confirmed to be forklift certified.
No, she isn't. The true reason Oriko decided to absolutely annihilate Ashataroth (i.e. carry out capital punishment through Kirikation) is because it is a legal penalty for operating a forklift without certification.


You joke (...i think) but a Witch Mami Quest would be interesting, and for a lot of reasons.
I am pretty sure there is a Candeloro quest or fic somewhere on this site.

Can't be sure though, but I have vague memories of something like that.

Are you perhaps thinking of Invitation Quest?

Great, now Ashy just needs to raid a few shops for generators and other survival supplies.

Hmm, I think there never was a test to see how the Barrier would interact with water? Hiding in the ocean or the bottom of a river might work? Might be possible to run a generator via waterwheels and portals...

Aww yeah, time to modernize. We're gonna turn this barrier from a living space into a home. A community with all the amenities you could ever want, complete with unique wildlife seen nowhere else on Earth and a gorgeous view! Why would you ever want to live anywhere else? :rolleyes:

Orange-gold would fit Candeloro but... The rooms color-themed around Tira and Sayaka?

Correct! Aren't the Du Polignac swell? :)

Kirika has two ribbon-like pieces of cloth around her waist, if she falls into Candeloro's Labyrinth she's pretty screwed.

I'm not sure if you mean the ones hanging from her coat or the ones crossed over her chest (neither of which are around her waist), but I'm afraid that either way those are belts, not ribbons. Kirika won't be detained quite that easily.

Ashy probably should start having always someone stored in Novella.

While not a bad idea, I'm not sure either of the girls would take being held in reserve like Pokemon very well. :V

That's just begging to be eaten by Novella. It's just a slightly differently angled Sayaka situation.

If Kirika was more injured, Ash's witchstincts may very well have risen right to that solution — but it's also questionable if Novella could be lifted in time, physically or mentally, to beat Kirika's "accelerated" drop, given it would have to be lifted all the way over what amounts to her neck.

Now that I think about it, Kanna Hijiri's reaction to Ashy and co could be pretty extreme. She has a big complex about being artificial and relates to Kazumi due to her also being an 'artificial' Grief being. If she interprets Tira and Sayaka as Familiars and thus 'artificial' she might latch on to them.

Hell, in that case, she might try to feed all Pleiads to Ashy in an attempt to replace them with 'artificial' versions that are like her.

Should be an interesting meeting, to be sure — well, assuming Ashtaroth ever actually gets to Asunaro, which isn't looking likely at the moment. ^^;

I fully expect Ashy's Witchstincts to run amok now. That or we get a smash cut to the next timeline, due to being dragged along by Homura. Either way, I expect Kirika to have a bad time with the other Witches that are still around.
With regards to the end of the chapter, there are a number of directions this can now go. Kirika appears to have been sent to take out Ashtaroth, and appears to have succeeded, but as we have learned from previous skirmishes, things are never as simple as they seem. For starters, Shemesh is still out there, and will likely defend his mistress, and possibly the veritable army of other familiars in the labyrinth as well. We know that Ashtaroth screamed through Sayaka and Tira, but we don't know that either of them was disabled by Ashtaroth being brought down. It's also possible that Ashtaroth got lucky and Kirika did indeed hit one of her false bodies, or that Tome will simply slam shut on the murder hobo. Regardless, I'm eagerly looking forward to the next chapter.
There could be another alternative, playing into the "bad end but not truly" angle. What is the subjective experience for a witch being defeated and turned into a grief seed? I don't think PMMM has a concrete answer, even though the common interpretation would be that they go to sleep. And would being a sentient witch make any difference to that? In any case, grief seeds are never depicted as destroyed altogether, only handed off to Kyubey for god knows what.

So if Oriko's goal was to "kill" Ashtaroth, that leaves either keeping the grief seed and trying to ensure it doesn't rehatch, or giving it to Kyubey. Either could lead into a future revival, whether as part of Oriko's grander scheme or a backfire of her plan, a punishment from fate that sometimes gets handed out in stories to people who see the future.

That would leave a lot of the other denizens in Ashtaroth's labyrinth unaccounted for, so it seems unlikely but interesting to think about.

Can't speak on them, but I'm quite enjoying looking over the various theories here! :D

Now for some older comments!

If safety is the concern, they should really setup in multiple areas. And be put together more like safe houses then a bedroom. Nab as much comfy looking furniture from Tira's place as possible and see if Tira's credit cards still work and stock up with toiletries, clothes, blankets, stuff like that. If they're feeling ambitious get some generators and a manual for electric lights. Or a hand charger for Tira's phone at least.
At least not in the lawn, a lot of Familiars inhabit the area, including the wild card that is Charlotte. Maybe the forest of Saar's barrier. As far as I remmember, only the Brandy inhabit the area and seem really passive.

Surprise! Turns out the housing decision actually had immediate consequences! If they'd set everything up in the grasslands/yard, Sayaka and Tira could almost certainly have intercepted Kirika mid-way — but they didn't, and so we proceed in this direction instead.

It's come up before surely but will we ever visit this mysterious skull witch? I get that they might not be any more intelligent than a six year old/ a parrot but they sounded like they could emit speech, worse case scenario, maybe absorbing them could turn us into such a vaunted audiobook?

Ashtaroth certainly would've liked that before Kyubey showed up and rained on everyone's parade. Now, sadly, priorities have shifted, and so Cecil (if she's still alive) will likely be left in the dust, and have to be content with naught but a flashback.

...well, assuming she doesn't seek out Ashtaroth herself, that is.

Second question: How viable would it be to build a relationship with Madoka, Is leaving her a letter just a guarantor of homoura leaving us a homecoming present in the shape of replacing our waterways with nitrogylcerin?

At the moment? Ashtaroth already intended to avoid Mitakihara like the plague, and is unlikely to believe Madoka is worth working around Mami/Homura to get in contact with again, unlimited potential or no. This is especially so given the main reason Madoka would presumably care to make a wish for Ashtaroth's benefit (Sayaka) is also now no longer her Sayaka. Ashtaroth theoretically could send Madoka a letter I suppose — I'm sure Sayaka knows her friend's address, and Homura certainly can't trace Ashtaroth to a different city off a letter that would only make it there days later — but I really don't see her taking that avenue.

More General thoughts: Actually listening to this as audio was a bit of a mixed experience, for some reason the program didn't read Astoraths dialogue text when it was contained within greater than and less than signs, it sure made the chapter with the girls exploring the garden a surreal experience listening through the first time. Astorath without Astorath if you will ;-)

I mean, her telepathy IS voiceless. That's arguably the intended experience. XD

I don't think Kyubeys is right about the girls being familiars but we should probably test if Familars recognize the girls as familiars. We are lucky indeed to have some generally more passive variants, not just the brandies but say Du Polignac.

Note that even if they do that might not be a safe thing though, I mean Pyotors certainly aren't having tea parties with our Ummashtart's. Whether they are directly linked to Ashtorath might be a deciding factor or it might not, the fact that we don't know certainly is a hindrance.

Well, the familiars at least don't seem hostile towards them – though, that may just be because they haven't been hostile in turn. Not like the Pyotr/Polina/Du Polignac had any compunctions about fighting the girls when their areas were "invaded".

Threadmarked! Glad to see a continuation/conclusion to that previous omake, even if a short one. :)

the fourth chapter of Magia Record's Puella Historia arc just dropped and it gives us this image that reminds me of how Saar's inner labyrinth was described after the Faas have had time to properly tend it. Granted, it takes place in Tibet, but the previous chapter took place in Scandinavia, so it sort of counts?

Well, there's not mountains in the background of Saar's area, and the flowers aren't quite in full bloom yet – it's only been two days, after all – but not a bad visual, if not very detailed. Still working on finding someone to commission an official visual of that area from, by the by.

I just realized something about Ashtaroth's little ecosystem. Familiars by definition serve first as worker ants to their respective witches, and then later branch off and try to eat enough people to become copies of the original. Would Ashtaroth be able to sense if one of the familiars got out of her labyrinth? Would she have any way of stopping them?

Ashtaroth does not have an inherent sense over her familiars' locations or the like — she was utterly clueless when Shemesh left and snatched up Hitomi — so no, she likely wouldn't be able to notice that without spotting it directly. In fact, for all anyone knows, it could have happened already. Without any input from her witchstincts, Ashtaroth's options to prevent such would presumably be limited to 1) shoo, 2) physically hold them back, or 3) eliminate the issue.

Just caught up and honestly ash is kinda terrifying still, even though we can see from her pov.

The fact is that she's still a witch who has consumed or killed almost every magical girl she's come across. Maybe it's because I'm too used to seeing things from the magical girl pov but holy crap. And every girl she consumes turns into a soulgemless ally for her. No guarantee there isn't at least subconscious mental manipulation, putting aside the obvious issue of holding all their lives in her hands. You can't even trust a mental connection, as we can use the voices of the girls we subsume. The optics look awful from any magical girls pov.

Hell, even if I were homura and actually believed ash had no intention to harm and the prior timeline magical girls were actually themselves, it'd still be a toss up about whether or not to let Ash live. She just seems way too dangerous/unpredictable to be left alive, not to mention having the potential to be worse than Walpurgisnacht.


I absolutely don't disagree, given how the situation parses from the outside, but the irony of you posting this immediately prior to this chapter dropping amuses me nonetheless. 😅

That being said you have an excellent way of writing these fight scenes. Both mami and homura felt like serious badasses and it also felt like we were in genuine danger each time.
Also I loved how absolutely stone cold homura was (reiketsu really coming through there). Yes she still cares about the others, but she's accustomed to their deaths and also considers them expendable so long as madoka lives.
I've said it before, the choreography of the Homura fight as conveyed through the text was so good that that fight basically exists as a fully-formed music video in my head.

Much appreciated! I work really hard on the fight scenes to make sure they both make tactical sense and can be easily visualized, so it's always extremely gratifying to hear praise for them. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Side note: While it wouldn't have fit in this particular chapter, my personal theme for Kirika is this specific cover of VIOLENCE from Chainsaw Man. I'm sure you can gather why.

Just wanna say I appreciate that you take the effort to respond to so much

Thank you! As much as I like doing it, it is a very time consuming process, so it's similarly extremely nice to have recognized. :D
Hypothetically, since Ashy does receive the grief of subsumed magical girls (and her own grief theoretically), she could near immediately re-hatch from grief seed form from the experience of being killed/hearing a friends 'dying' scream
Hypothetically, since Ashy does receive the grief of subsumed magical girls (and her own grief theoretically), she could near immediately re-hatch from grief seed form from the experience of being killed/hearing a friends 'dying' scream
I mean, that assumes the subsumed Magical Girls don't get absorbed into the Grief Seed as well, which is unlikely seeing as Ash essentially takes the place of their Soul Gems.