It's actually really sad, if you think about it. Kirika basically unintentionally brainwashed herself into... well, not exactly slavery, but something that certainly toes the line of it, no matter how genuinely Oriko cares about her. Apparently they were happy in the "afterlife" at least, and Madokami forgave them in the end, but... yeah, they're both really messed up.
Eeeeeh I don't place much value in Madoka's forgiveness. It's not exactly hard to earn, what with her own issues of self worth and only finding fulfillment in the happiness of others. It makes it rather hollow. Not to mention the nature of her wish...
...ooh. Nope, afraid I just forgot that I'd already referenced that the rumor spoken of in this chapter was initially spread through text messages way back when, and so didn't make that explicit here.
Ah. Well, I kinda figured it really was more a thing with Tira, rather then some clandestine intrigue. I'm still not sure if there's a lot of sentimental value to that phone, or if she just really doesn't like people touching her stuff.
Heh. There's a reason we usually count just five senses: all our other senses, though very important, are not as critical to our perception of the outside world. Nociception could be fooled if the pain is caused by fake stimuli. I'm not sure how chronoception would fit in.

Even if it doesn't produce pain, this would repel hostiles as long as they have decent survival instincts. If it looks like an obstacle and feels too hot or too cold from several yards away, you wouldn't want to touch it. Plus, heat is often important for making illusions either more convincing (fire that is actually hot) or nonsensical (fire that is freezing cold).

Then tactile sensation, by degrees: first light brushes, then stronger pressure.
This one is weird. Assuming the illusions are not solid, what are you supposed to feel when you pass through them? Unless the illusions become tangible to accommodate this, of course.

It's just an unjustifiably precise number.
As I said, an educated guess. It's not a good estimate, but it's good enough for now.

Ashtaroth has intimate relationships with multiple females outside her species. She's obviously Kirk.
That was absolutely unhelpful and definitely not the information I was fishing for. But it is a correct, satisfactory answer.

The larger concern is whether or not their current bodies are their *original* bodies.
Unless they are wearing the same clothes they wore a day or two ago, probably not their original bodies. Then again, PMMM kids prefer to wear their school uniforms almost all the time for some reason, so this might not be a good clue.

It's not just fighting with magical girls that could drain the Witches Grief, there are also their own obsessions. Gertrud loves roses so much that she fills her Barrier with them but then had to feed them, Rebecca never sleeps, etc.
A Witch might be able to absorb enough free-floating Grief if she stays inactive but their Witchstincts won't let them. We saw that with Ashy after the Saar fight, she can't not subsume something if she gets the opportunity.
This doesn't do much to explain why you need to be in close proximity before Ashy spontaneously decides to ruin your day, but at least there is some method to the madness (and lack thereof).

I'm not sure in what condition Saars soul is, with her being a Witch.
Apparently she's still alive, because she showed Ashy how to use her special attack so that she wouldn't die like a noob. But we haven't heard a peep from her ever since, so I guess she's sleeping?

...yeah, this is basically it. Sasa's umbrella for what qualifies as being "better" than her is so wide that her magic probably works on any entity superior to her in literally any quality. As such, she can essentially just brainwash anyone and anything she wants. Good to have that cleared up.
I suspect that Sasa's powers will lose effectiveness if she stops envying everyone.

She's more of a crotchety hobo than a hermit --- she goes out and about in whatever city she's in fairly often, she's just, ya know, homeless. Unless you count living out of hotel rooms and probably the occasional rooftop as having a home.
Still, she works and lives alone for the most part. She just doesn't usually stay that way, is what I'm saying.

Excellent question! We have several promising candidates lined up, including:
You did it, @karmaoa. Two years after you first presented your "crazy enough to work" idea, Flairina finally caved.

Willing to compromise,
It's official, then! Ashy is the Kirk, the ego to balance the Freudian Trio. Which means she's probably headed for Kazamino next.

She'd do best paired with a good vice president to keep her on track.
Pair her with Monique. Then be completely oblivious to Monique's crush on the faceless protagonist. :V

Monique, the dating self-aware witch, who- hey, wait a second...
Searching for sapient witches? Look no further!

Eeeeeh I don't place much value in Madoka's forgiveness. It's not exactly hard to earn, what with her own issues of self worth and only finding fulfillment in the happiness of others. It makes it rather hollow. Not to mention the nature of her wish...
Few humans are capable of infinite forgiveness, so I think it's actually quite impressive. Madoka is the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.
Few humans are capable of infinite forgiveness, so I think it's actually quite impressive. Madoka is the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.

It's very impressive on Madoka's part, being able to forgive everyone. Conversely though, it means that it's pretty easy to earn her forgiveness, and so that forgiveness isn't proof of character in the same way it would be coming from someone usually hard to impress.
How forgiving would Kermild Gretchen be? would she brainwash evil people, a la Clockwork Orange, or would she let them do as they please inside of her "paradise"/barrier?
This one is weird. Assuming the illusions are not solid, what are you supposed to feel when you pass through them? Unless the illusions become tangible to accommodate this, of course.
I see three ways it might go.
1: It is a surface-effect. If you stick your arm in, a ring of sensation passes up your arm. Possibly like wearing a tight armband? Or perhaps like, say, being handcuffed, and the candcuff being placed horizontally in a vice, and you push down on the handcuff, so there is upwards pressure on a band around your arm, except instead of your arm being stopped from going down, pushing down just makes the sensation migrate up.
2: Regional pressure sensation, as in your arm goes in and it feels as though there are tight, perfectly featureless and distributed, bindings around your arm. You would probably pull it out to check on circulations, see nothing wrong, then walk right through... and immediately jump out because it would affect every single sensor, including a whole bunch that aren't immediately apparent. Let's start with your hair roots, then both the outside and inside of your eyelids, a ways into your ear and nasal passages, and just keep working our way down from there...
3: It maintains the sensation from the time of penetration, plus a little, intelligently. So you reach out and touch a wall, and feel gentle presence and texture, then your press your hand into the wall, and feel the flesh of your hand squeege out, flatten, and crush as though it were being forcefully pressed against a real wall. It might even mess with your self-awareness a little to make it feel as though your fingers were being pushed back straight when they are actually just, however you were holding your hand. If you actually look, you will see your hand go straight through the thing, but if you aren't paying attention I could see this effect being completely convincing, until your leaned against the wall and fell in, probably with a persistent sensation of sideways face-planting into a wall.
Apparently she's still alive, because she showed Ashy how to use her special attack so that she wouldn't die like a noob. But we haven't heard a peep from her ever since, so I guess she's sleeping?
I will just assume that she is lying back on a soft settee, or maybe a full bed with a backrest, with a tower of full-sense illusory popcorn(probably glazed), watching Ashtaroth television. I believe that the technical term is "couch potato". She probably could have been manifested from Novella, but chose to resist it, because she didn't want to go back to mussing up her garden, and living in an entirely free-form illusory environment with no biological processes to worry about is not the worst of existences, until you have to share...
How forgiving would Kermild Gretchen be? would she brainwash evil people, a la Clockwork Orange, or would she let them do as they please inside of her "paradise"/barrier?
Kriemhild Gretchen is Madoka devoid of all hope for the world, but her nature is still Mercy. She is probably very forgiving towards the flaws of the world, but I'm not sure the people being forgiven would appreciate it.
How forgiving would Kermild Gretchen be? would she brainwash evil people, a la Clockwork Orange, or would she let them do as they please inside of her "paradise"/barrier?
As forgiving as Madoka, maybe even more, if that is possible. At least if forgiveness is the Right word, which it might not be, Witches generally run on fundamental instincs, and her nature is "mercy". It may well be literally impossible to be more merciful than Kriemhild Gretchen, although her take on what "mercy" is may be pretty twisted. Its debatable, however, if "mercy" is the same as "forgiveness" in this case.
Maybe it is. Maybe it isnt, but KG sees no difference anymore. Maybe as having lost hope, she cant forgive anyone, but still shows everyone mercy. And thats assuming that her thinking is in any way rational or comprehensible, which is already a stretch.
Unless they are wearing the same clothes they wore a day or two ago, probably not their original bodies. Then again, PMMM kids prefer to wear their school uniforms almost all the time for some reason, so this might not be a good clue.
Speaking of clothes, we should take the opportunity to pick up some of Sayaka's if Ash swings close to Mitakihara. Wearing the same thing all the time is bad for your mental health, whether you clean it regularly or not.
Apparently she's still alive, because she showed Ashy how to use her special attack so that she wouldn't die like a noob. But we haven't heard a peep from her ever since, so I guess she's sleeping?
Going with her themes of restraint and suicide, she could also be awake but trying not to interfere with Ash, as well as possibly fade into the greater being of Ash?
As forgiving as Madoka, maybe even more, if that is possible. At least if forgiveness is the Right word, which it might not be, Witches generally run on fundamental instincs, and her nature is "mercy". It may well be literally impossible to be more merciful than Kriemhild Gretchen, although her take on what "mercy" is may be pretty twisted. Its debatable, however, if "mercy" is the same as "forgiveness" in this case.
Maybe it is. Maybe it isnt, but KG sees no difference anymore. Maybe as having lost hope, she cant forgive anyone, but still shows everyone mercy. And thats assuming that her thinking is in any way rational or comprehensible, which is already a stretch.
Based on the description, Kreimhild Gretchen's Mercy is a Lotus Eater machine.
If true salvation is impossible, let the world shelter beneath her skirts, free from any suffering and any purpose.
This doesn't do much to explain why you need to be in close proximity before Ashy spontaneously decides to ruin your day, but at least there is some method to the madness (and lack thereof).
I guess it's because of her egocentrism. If you aren't important to Ashy and are not in front of her, you get ignored.

I suspect that Sasa's powers will lose effectiveness if she stops envying everyone.
Her magic gets influenced by her subconscious, like with Kyoko and her illusion magic, just reversed? Instead of suppressing her Wish magic, Sasa's magic depends on her subconscious perception of others as "better"?

You did it, @karmaoa. Two years after you first presented your "crazy enough to work" idea, Flairina finally caved.

She probably could have been manifested from Novella, but chose to resist it, because she didn't want to go back to mussing up her garden, and living in an entirely free-form illusory environment with no biological processes to worry about is not the worst of existences, until you have to share...
Mentioning Saar's garden, I hope Ashy, Tira, and Sayaka visit that place soon. I'm curious how it looks now and how Sayaka will react to it.
Speaking of clothes, we should take the opportunity to pick up some of Sayaka's if Ash swings close to Mitakihara. Wearing the same thing all the time is bad for your mental health, whether you clean it regularly or not.
Now I'm imagining Sayaka's wardrobe: mostly school uniforms.

Oh, and they also need something to eat. Something that isn't sweets.

Going with her themes of restraint and suicide, she could also be awake but trying not to interfere with Ash, as well as possibly fade into the greater being of Ash?
By the way, I noticed that Saar's subsumption marked the start of the "everyone tilts at Ashy" clusterfuck. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I choose to believe that it's the natural consequence of absorbing the essence of a giant windmill.

If true salvation is impossible, let the world shelter beneath her skirts, free from any suffering and any purpose.
How lewd! :V
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By the way, I noticed that Saar's subsumption marked the start of the "everyone tilts at Ashy" clusterfuck. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I choose to believe that it's the natural consequence of absorbing the essence of a giant windmill.
Wait... You mean to say that all of this time, Subsumption was a retelling of Man a la Mancha from the monster's perspective? Does that make Homura Don Quixote? That would make Sancho Panza... Hitomi?
There'll be plenty of time for it if we head for Kazamino or Mitakihara. Though we really should check on the outer barrier.
Random wacky idea: turn the fight scenes into Epic Rap Battles. Or musical numbers. <You're in my world now, not your world...>

And now, questions.
  • Are there any inspirations and references we totally missed so far?
  • How will additional magical girls affect the newly established Freudian Trio dynamic?
  • Will Homura's entry fill out more with each timeline?
  • Is Rashmisreya's hair actually a tangle of wires? Are they derived from Candeloro's ribbons? :thonk:
  • Is Charlotte Ashy's Sitcom Arch-Nemesis?
  • How long until everything goes horribly wrong? Because I'm sure everything will go wrong, and it's only a matter of time.
Sorry about the delay - apparently I've been indulging in Charlotte's barrier a little too much as of late, and had to go get a root canal due to a massive cavity that formed underneath a filling. As you might guess, this was not a particularly fun time for me, and worse, I'm now having jaw issues which may or may not be TMJ. So I've not been having a great past few weeks, all told. :( That said, the chapter is still coming along, and will hopefully be out soon. May or may not end up splitting it in two; we'll see.

But with Flairina doing the art for the witches, how is there a conflict here?

You make me want to post the next witch in advance... no! I must resist! I'll not fall for these honeyed words! 😣

(But thank you. Seriously.)

Unless they are wearing the same clothes they wore a day or two ago, probably not their original bodies. Then again, PMMM kids prefer to wear their school uniforms almost all the time for some reason, so this might not be a good clue.

I recall someone saying in an interview somewhere that they regret that Sayaka never got to wear casual clothes in the show. They forgot to work it in anywhere, so she's seemingly just permanently in uniform.

...this may or may not have influenced my decision to do something similar here. ^_^;

As forgiving as Madoka, maybe even more, if that is possible. At least if forgiveness is the Right word, which it might not be, Witches generally run on fundamental instincs, and her nature is "mercy". It may well be literally impossible to be more merciful than Kriemhild Gretchen, although her take on what "mercy" is may be pretty twisted. Its debatable, however, if "mercy" is the same as "forgiveness" in this case.
Based on the description, Kreimhild Gretchen's Mercy is a Lotus Eater machine.
If true salvation is impossible, let the world shelter beneath her skirts, free from any suffering and any purpose.

Well, Gretchen draws everything around her into her barrier, which is her "heaven". According to Magia Record however, anything drawn into this heaven is then consumed and taken control of by her, which...

...huh. This is, strikingly, not a parallel I was intending to make. The fan translation I read previously states that everything becomes enveloped in the substance Gretchen creates and is thereby rendered helpless (possibly in said Lotus Eater trance as noted), but the "official" English translation is apparently... well. I don't know how to feel about that.

Great faux-quest. Witch MCs in PMMM are very interesting to explore.
Here's html with all main threadmarks for offline readers (rename to txt to read on Kindle).

Thanks, and that was very cool of you! But, uh... I think those are locked behind a password no one has. Just saying.

<You're in my world now, not your world...>

<And I've got friends on my book's inside...>

Are there any inspirations and references we totally missed so far?

A few, mostly related to Ashtaroth herself, but I wouldn't expect all of them to be noticed right now anyways. I expect the "missed references" to happen a lot more for other original witches planned later down the line.

Not really - Charlotte is more like the random encounter monster that a DnD party takes an inexplicable liking to, and decides to "adopt" and cart around with them. Shemesh would actually be closer to filling this role, albeit entirely one-sidedly... at least if he weren't, ya know, exploded.

Is Rashmisreya's hair actually a tangle of wires? Are they derived from Candeloro's ribbons? :thonk:

Candeloro is not part of Rashmisreya, I'll say that much.
Sorry about the delay - apparently I've been indulging in Charlotte's barrier a little too much as of late, and had to go get a root canal due to a massive cavity that formed underneath a filling. As you might guess, this was not a particularly fun time for me, and worse, I'm now having jaw issues which may or may not be TMJ. So I've not been having a great past few weeks, all told. :( That said, the chapter is still coming along, and will hopefully be out soon. May or may not end up splitting it in two; we'll see.
My condolences, root canals suck. Cavities in general, now that I stop think. But take the time you need. Your health is important.
Charlotte is more like the random encounter monster that a DnD party takes an inexplicable liking to, and decides to "adopt" and cart around with them.
DM: "Ok, from your Knowledge check you know it's a Slaughterstone Eviscerator and-"
Fighter: "It actually looks pretty cute. I mean, once you ignore the blades it's basically a large insect-y puppy."
DM: "Errr"
Arcane Trickster: "Waitwaitwait. I think I still have that Rod of Construct Control from the expedition"
AT : "I taught it 'fetch', 'sit', 'roll over', 'beg' and 'blender'."
Town Guards: *worried guard noises*