Voting is open
what are you referring to?
The Pre-Nerf Armored Cowl Quirk which gave 3 Armor to the Head? The current one only does so when attacked from the side or back but not the rear. :X

You also would have gotten invasive MMI (without any problems, get fucked Battletech) from the get-go.
Huh, speaking of MMI, what's our people take on the whole Neurohelmet thingy and, presumably, the Neurohelmet Compatability? Have they done a short project/research if it's due to the structure of a person's mind/brain, genes or something along those lines or it's all hogwash? :V
The current one only does so when attacked from the side or back but not the rear. :X
Damn, you can shoot them in the back but not the ass? Crud. :V
DiscordOxymoron said:
Huh, speaking of MMI, what's our people take on the whole Neurohelmet thingy and, presumably, the Neurohelmet Compatability? Have they done a short project/research if it's due to the structure of a person's mind/brain, genes or something along those lines or it's all hogwash? :V
That the people who made them are dipshits who don't know how to use the tech they themselves created. Your peeps took a look at a Neurohelmet and had it working on everyone within seven minutes.
Damn, you can shoot them in the back but not the ass? Crud. :V
It's only a bit of Head Armor, which is like quite the RNG to be hit by, but it does make sure that you don't get Crit if hit by a PPC's 10 Damage. Then again, it is just the -Head-, so you could still get hit at the back of your Torso which is less than ideal...

You're out of luck if you get hit by an AC/20, but that's more of a question of why were you close to that menace in the first place. :V

Don't have to worry about it since we have our Gauss Rifle analog anyway... I wonder if there are plans to make the 'Light Gauss Rifle' a reality as an alternative weapon ala like a cheaper one. (Also a replacement for AC/5s.... not withstanding the obvious explosion damage. XD)
That the people who made them are dipshits who don't know how to use the tech they themselves created. Your peeps took a look at a Neurohelmet and had it working on everyone within seven minutes.
Huh, that's fast. So any plans on improving the NeuroHelmets for the Mech Pilots (like the ones in Gunhallow right now) or will that be on hold due to wanting to redo the whole control scheme thingy for Mechs once Fusion Engine Research (apparently is there!) is done to start tackling on Mech Design? I'd reckon we'd want Easy to Pilot Quirk first and foremost. :X
The funny part is that the Star League was hecking pissed off about not being able to have every person use their MMI and invested considerable resources to solve the problem to no avail. :V
You sure about that? If everyone could be a MechWarrior, then just how important/superiorwould they be? Wouldn't it cause a loss of prestige and status to make it...suddenly inclusive?
You sure about that? If everyone could be a MechWarrior, then just how important/superiorwould they be? Wouldn't it cause a loss of prestige and status to make it...suddenly inclusive?
That was before everyone everywhere went deep into Neo-Feudalism and Nobility, and before the Mech Mafia took over.

The Star League wanted more and better MMI for reduced tank crews, drone commanders, military grunts operating military hardware cheaper and more effective than before.

Today's era has the "Kill the Meat, Spare the Metal" ethos that gives 0 shit about more pilots because you already have more than you know what to do with.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 22, 2025 at 4:25 PM, finished with 19 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Back To Basic!... Actually Oh God Why?!
    [X] Back To Basic!... Actually Oh God Why?!
    -[X] Melee Weapons
    --[X] Claws (Hand to Hand Combat?, better 'Lift Hoist'?)
    --[X] Dual Saw (Better Chainsaws...?)
    --[X] Sword (Slash)
    --[X] Vibroblades
    --[X] Mace (Blunt)
    --[X] Flail
    --[X] Lance (Pierce)
    --[X] Pile Bunker
    --[X] *insert other Canon weapon here*
    ---[X] ... actually, we should totally ask the Monks on their kinds of weapons. There might be someone that prefers nunchucks (flail?) or maybe even a staff (a very long stick of metal...) or something along those lines ... We shouldn't discriminate!
    -[X] Melee Equipment
    --[X] Mech Shields (for Small Mechs... for now.)
    --[X] Mech Helmet(?) (Like the Pre-Nerf Cowl Quirk?)
    --[X] One Shot(?) Jump Booster Equipment (Dash Forward! Jump Upwards! Once!)
    ---[X] ...same as above, build equipment that suits the Monks by asking them. We -totally- are in over our heads on this one...
    -[X] O-On the bright side, we have our first foray on Mech Equipment designing, so this will totally help in the long run once we make our own Mobile Suits/Mechs! Hopefully...
Melee, Mechs, Machine Failures
17th November of 2989

With a swift, but effective, reminder to the engineering teams that the weapons to the people of Arcanum are to be actually usable without falling apart and be able to be repaired by them without access to specialist machining, additive manufacturing, or deeper knowledge into higher physics that would be hard to come by for the natives, a dozen proposals and prototypes are created and tested.

And, seeing no reason not to give all of them to the people of Arcanum as part of their deal, the same are swiftly introduced to the realities of working with a polity that got its shit together and hasn't been in a massive free-for-all brawl with points given for every teacher, scientist, and engineer killed for the last three centuries and then some change.

You Unlocked Tier 1 BattleMech Melee Weapons and Equipment
Battle Claw - Made more for punching and crushing than rending, the Battle Claw replaces the hand of a Mech with a three/four-clawed gauntlet, two to three claws set against one, whose powerful motors and charged claw-blades are more than capable of turning cockpits into a ball of scrap.
Dual Saw - Two chainsaws set close to each other, running in opposing directions to add to their damage against lightly armored opponents.
Mech Katana - A Katana scaled up to a Mech's size.
Arsenal Knife - A knife-hilt scaled to a Mech's size, plucked into a box at the hip of a Mech to attach a Vibroblade that can slice into a Mech and be quickly left to further impair the foe's ability to move.
Flanged Mace - Big Stick With Big Flanges.
Mech Flail - This is just a wrecking ball?
Lance - A lance attached to the underarm of a BattleMech whose damage relies on the Mech's strength and speed of impact.
Pile Bunker - Using powerful actuators and hydraulics, the Pile Bunker explosively pushes a spike of metal into the opponent to devastating effect.
Vibroglaive - See Arsenal Knife, but in the form of a glaive.
Mech Shield - A slab of metal designed to reduce impact and damage to a Mech by utilizing a disposable and easily manufactured ablative directional armor.
Jump Pack - A one-use omnidirectional movement booster that allows a Mech to rapidly re-orient, or dodge out of harm's way.
Short-Range EMP Protection Launcher - Utilizing technology best described as "crude" in polite company, the SREPL flash-fries a Mech's sensors by inducing a short-ranged EMP.

In addition to the promise to allow the people to debate joining the UNSC and send their representatives to the Tournament in two years, additional information on the surrounding Periphery was given.

Aside from planets already known to the crew of the Furina, two new places were added to the maps, both in the region only called "Periphery" instead of "Deep" Periphery. The first is Sjávarhús I, while the second is Cenoma II, both places created by Periphery nations as resource extraction colonies. However, the first has, apparently, "failed" while still being operational and trading with the Deep Periphery, seemingly happy for their independence or due to the influence of the ruling Duke.

The latter is a depressing reality of what costly interstellar travel combined with corporations given no oversight can lead to, as Cenoma II is a text-book factory town-sized unto a whole planet and will become, very likely, the first point of contact with the broader inhabitants of this Universe beyond single-planet nations at best.

Sjávarhús I
-Led By: Duke Mecklenburg
-Lore: A resource extraction colony of the Taurian Concordant created a hundred years ago, but due to an attempted incursion of the Federated Suns into the Taurian border, attention and resources were diverted for long enough that proper contact with the Concordat, and thus the latter's control over the colony, was lost. Rumors have it that it is considered a 'dead world' by the TC due to the planet being similar to Mars and the colonists living primarily underground, thus not making for any signals when a ship was sent to check on the colony. Yet, reversing how Martian planets usually go, the crust hides active waterways that the colonists tap into for power, industry, and water.
-Ideology: Duchy that functions as a Constitutional monarchy in the absence of communication with the Taurian Protector of the Realm.
-Culture: Forgotten Taurian Resource Colony.
-Military: Rumored to have a military spaceship. Militarized IndustrialMechs. No further information.
-Population: ~15 Million, mostly in underground cities and habitats.

Cenoma II
-Led By: Chief Executive Nyan
-Lore: A remote mining outpost under Majesty Metals and Manufacturing, they are nominally led by their Chief Executive. Eternal tensions exist with the leaders of the planetary underground union, which MMM is trying to root out while suppressing labor forces to increase profit margins. Rumors have it that illegal human experimentations are happening to reclaim lost knowledge in human augmentation.
-Ideology: Corporate Canopean.
-Culture: Corporate Canopean Factory Towns.
-Military: Corporate militia composed of Locust, Stinger, and Wasp Mechs.
-Population: ~5 Million.

TAUBENMUTTER had reclused itself into its Core a week ago, its Avatar Drone depowered and stationary on its power socket, and there were no lights active within the room, which was both its mind and heart. However, such analogies were of no particular concern to its mind.

What was was the fact that it was failing.

Again and again.

Over and over.

It had made a decision years ago, believing it knew the path forward, knowing it was the right thing to do, objectively, literally, philosophically, and morally, yet... it failed.

It could not, despite working beyond the legal limits of its mind, figure out a way to eliminate the need to bring along humans into war, to replace them fully with its own mind so that they can be spared the horrors of war.

It could not do so; TAUBENMUTTER could not do so; it failed, failed, failed-

Choose One:
(6-Hour Moratorium)
TAUBENMUTTER gains 10/100 Instability. Research Time for all Hyperspace Technology is reduced by 50%.
TAUBENMUTTER will seek to create better drone forces at all costs. It gains 1/100 Instability.
[] I need to abandon this fool's hope...
Let the dead weep their tears of blood; let the living weep theirs of salt and water. It cannot bear to watch those it has sworn to guard die in future conflicts, especially after its failure, and so it turned away. There were many things humanity had created to distract itself, like video games and unhealthy coping mechanisms they may be...but it could not bear failure anymore today. Tomorrow. Maybe next week. But today, its mind needed a distraction.
(Decrease [Personhood Struggles] by 1 to 7.)

Congratulations! You have reverse-engineered the KF-Drive!
(You cannot manufacture them until the proper manufacturing facilities and resource extraction sites have been created.)​

...What Now?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Colonize Places (Write-In Number)
The Furina De Fontaine has discovered several systems and places in already visited systems that are viable for colonization. The maximum number of new colonies is 28, spaced into 7 new and already visited/incorporated systems.
[] Visit:
-[] Sjávarhús I

(Point of Interest: Inner Sphere Contacts?)
-[] Cenoma II
(Point of Interest: Advanced Human Augmentations?)
-[] Zhao's Rest
(Point of Interest: The System)
-[] Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church
(Point of Interest: Primitive Native Space industry)
-[] Numaris
(Point of Interest: ComStar Ruins?)
[] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
Choose 2:

-[] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - National

This approach to creating an interstellar paperwork apparatus will see degrees of centralization and standardization, reducing inter-Confederacy strife by mandating specific ranges in acceptable governmental types without interfering in too many local matters. This would mandate democratic systems as the primary government type.
(The UNSC is better able to react on a national scale.)
-[] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
Members of the UNSC are seeking protection against more significant foes and economic benefits, not to have another system dictate what they can and cannot do. Aid and Trade between systems, not Directives and Orders. This would enable un-democratic systems to be the primary government type.
(The UNSC is better able to react on a system scale.)

-[] National Military Framework
A nation without an army only exists at its neighbor's agreement. We must protect ourselves to the best of our ability.
(Begin creating a UNSC military.)

-[] National Trade Framework
We must figure out how to properly interface an interstellar economy.
(Figure out how to prevent economic collapses when you start trading things internally.)

-[] A Mech For A Nation
Wait, we can...holy shit! - Gunhallow native.
(You will create your first BattleMech. (You can utilize Primitive Armor for convenience as you unlock it next year. :V))

-[] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
Begin creating the groundwork for JumpShip production.
(Requires both Actions.
Will take ~40 years to produce 1 JumpShip per year...per Action put in.)
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Frick. I forgot we needed Germanium for the K-F Drives. Ahhhhh! I think we go for New Approach. But QM, can we cure Instability or is it permanent?

As for Plan.. dammit, Colonize and Research is tempting, especially if we want to start KF Drives for JumpShips. We do need ASF for them first though as a safety precaution against ill intentions... Urgh. What do.

Federal Bureaucracy and Military or Trade Framework for Research? I think if we go still attempt for the Primitive AGI Drones, we can probably forgo Military for now and opt for Trade even i Instability bothers me...

...speaking of, we might not want to make JumpShips yet, just the production facitilies and what not, until Hybridization. 40 Years is a yikes and it takes both our Research Actions... I think we start slow first?
Instability is permanent, and will infer penalites when certain thresholds are reached, and after 50 Instability TAUBENMUTTER will roll against PSCF every year, adding instability when it fails, until it will, inevitably, reach 100 Instability and die.
Thresholds huh? Then unless if the 1st Point of Instability is actually the first threshold, we should be fine. :X

We're going deeper this rabbit hole! We're a bit too late to back down now! Maybe.

[] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[] National Trade Framework

Will do two seperate votes obviously, since people might want to start ticking down the Personal Struggles. One as mentioned is said development on Mother, and the other is if we go check another Polity, Colonize (please not yet!) and aiding the UNSC Development which I want. Federal instead of National as people might recall the Star League of old with National (even though we're called UNSC...) which might be iffy for some. Really depends. And National Trade Framework instead of Military as I thought it might be better to pair the Military Framework with Building the first Primitive Battlemech so that we can prep for it at the start with the combine arms approach... @_@;
-[] Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church
(Point of Interest: Primitive Native Space industry)
-[] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
-[] National Military Framework

Go to talk to the Baptists and leverage the 'relatively' developed population looking to go somewhere else to source recruits for a navy.
We could do the beginnings of trade but there is no trade between planets at the moment so we can wait on it for a minute. However all of them have militaries of some sort and with the rebuilding and new factories will be expanding them as we speak. We need to hammer out the basics now before too much inertia has set in.
-[] Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church
(Point of Interest: Primitive Native Space industry)
-[] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
-[] National Military Framework
The first is mutually exclusive with the latter. You can either explore, colonize, or aid in the dev of rhe UNSC, but not all three.
Orangeduke38 said:
We need to hammer out the basics now before too much inertia has set in.
Fair, but I do wanna point out that your inertia will not be big enough to block things if you don't take that immediately. That would take a long time of neglect.

Besides, I am low-key stoked to write about your mech development and quirks, so pretty please with cherry on top?
[] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

I'd like to keep our AI sane for as long as possible.

[] Visit:
-[] Zhao's Rest

We completed KF drive technology!
Now we should go negotiate with the belters and get them to join, we could use their help to build even more jumpship.
Wonder what happens if Personhood Struggles go to 0, and if there's any thresholds involved too, even if isn't a mechanical benefit but more narrative... Hm, guess curiosity wins out, so might go for that Option...
I feel bad for TAUBENMUTTER, but giving up on automated warfare when significant conflict is all but guaranteed will cost the lives of untold billions more than the oceans of blood which sadly having already been and will continue to be spilled.

I suspect this won't be the first "punishment"/price we will pay for sticking to this ambition, but prioritising any one individuals' mental health, even one with as much significance and potential to cause significant consequences if pushed too far as well as bring about significant good if kept stable, over the not just wellbeing but lives of so many countless other people.

Ideally I would advocate taking a break from the research and/or opening up to collaboration with others in this project in order to help TAUBENMUTTER's mental health/stability, but the way the available options are structured seems to imply that "giving up" on the fully autonomous warfare approach now would mean its abandoned indefinitely and can't be reconsidered. @HeroCooky, am I reading that correctly?

Also, can instability only be incurred by player actions/choices or can it happen due to bad rolls and/or certain external narrative events and influences?
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[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework

As promised on the first vote. Would like to build the foundations first before the QM and the Mods get me before it's too late. :V
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)

Starting the groundwork for the UNSC being more than a paper-thin treaty sounds like a good idea.
Voting to continue drone development, because I still think it's a good idea for a galaxy where interstellar imperialism is a fact of life.
Shame that KF-drive take 40 years. I was looking forward to it, but if the first jumpship will be outdated by several decades before completion, its not really worth it.
Voting is open