3rd December of 2988
Grandmaster Wu-Lu calmly sipped from the hot tea one of his apprentices had prepared, considering the last year that had passed, the occasion that had brought him and his four oldest and dearest friends back together again. He had not agreed with Oracle Li regarding the strangers but had nonetheless bowed to her wisdom in allowing them to prove themselves.
Their insistence in creating not only weapons and equipment for the Crosscuts to use in the Tournament but also inspecting and repairing their mothballed factory to the best of their ability once they could do so spoke well of their honorable nature and their confidence that Arcanum would see its future within the bounds of the United Nations Stellar Confederacy.
However, he wondered why Oracle Li summoned the four of them to her house nearly a year after she had essentially vanished from public sight. He had thought she would have preferred to live the last of her days, sad as he was to agree with her, in the company of those that were family by blood, water, and feud.
Just as he was about to ask the others, the door opened, and a bombshell of a woman walked into the room, draped in the surprisingly tightly form-fitting clothing of a Grandmaster and a smirk of smug authority on her face. Blinking, he looked at the woman who couldn't be older than her late 30s, with curves and meat in all the places his younger self would have found worthy of starting a brawl with her other suitors over.
Then he blinked.
That smug smile was familiar...
His eyes widened.
"Oh~, finally realized it?" Oracle Li, miraculously de-aged, purred in all her youthful glory and stretched like a self-satisfied cat in the sun, making a few of the apprentices tasked with preparing the tea spill the drinks while staring; one of the girls even unable to close her mouth.
Grandmaster Wu-Lu, on the other hand, had already jumped to a standing position...and backflipped out of the nearest window, slamming it shut and dooming his comrades in arms to Li's rejuvenated wiles.
They would forgive him.
He heard Li's cackling.
He should run faster.
When the decision was made to try and gain the goodwill of Arcanum by providing them with new weapons and equipment for the Crosscuts, the first question asked by the engineers was, "You mean those giant robots with a chainsaw and claw arm?"
The second was, "And how large is our budget again?"
The response was somewhere in the region of: "This was a mistake, wasn't it?"
You must create 3 Melee Weapons and 3 Melee Equipments for the Crosscuts.
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
Examples: Pile Bunker, Laserlance, Mech Shield, Smoke Shield.