The year is 2067. Humanity lands on Mars. A flag is proudly hung on that planet that so long dominated the minds of millions, and the words coming from Emmet Muhammed will inspire billions more. For the second time in human history, there is only one tribe: Us.
The year is 2069. Alcubierre is proven right ten days before New Year's, much to the dismay of all future educators.
The year is 2078. With an overwhelming majority, humanity agrees to create a generational spaceship to ensure the survival of the human race within the endless eternity of space.
The year is 2098. The ship is finished enough to begin testing its internal systems and start the recruitment of crew.
The year is 2102. In another universe, Thomas Kearny and Takayoshi Fuchida are vindicated.
The year is 2105. The crew is finalized, and the AGI's core is installed onboard the ship; its mind matured enough to grow into its own within the next two years before the ship is set to make history. The AGI takes control of their onboard avatar drone and begins interacting with the slowly arriving crew.
The year is 2108. The ship completes its shakedown cruise with flying colors. The last adjustments are made, and farewells are sent. For the third time in history, humanity becomes one tribe. The ship jumps and makes history.
The year is 2108. In another universe, Raymond Bache becomes the first interstellar human and makes history.
Nickname: Mother.
Pronouns: It/Its
Avatar: A football-sized Pidgeon depicted with polygons you can count in your head.
Character: Patient, observant, silent workhorse more at home in individual conversations than public statements, yet nonetheless slowly trying to come to terms with its own emotional mindscape. Is a member of the Deist Chaos-Mechanist Temple. Is somewhat of an FPS gamer, if an especially bad one due to some unfathomable reason.
Secret: Struggles with its own personhood (7).
Concerning Secret: Has secretly used materials and illegally performed research runtime for an abandoned military drone project it could utilize without human hands.
Captain Wriothesley Adams
-Age: Late Thirties.
-Pronouns: He/Him.
-Appearance: A tall man with tufted black hair with grey streaks. He wears the standard Captain Uniform typical to UN Peacekeeper Ships that began operating in the late 80s, transferring from one such command to the Furina De Fontaine. He bears a scar beneath his right eye, three scars extending from high on his neck down to his mid-chest, with one on the right, one on the left, and one along the midline, and scars on his left and right forearms.
-Character: Calm and Collected, he is rarely unsettled by alarming news or stressful situations. Has a strong platonic friendship with The Head of Medical and enjoys drinking tea. Secretly killed his abusive parents. Has doubled Child Protection Enforcement on the Fontaine.
Head of Medical - Sigewinne Matthews
-Age: Early Thirties.
-Pronouns: She/Her.
-Appearance: A short woman with pastel blue hair, wearing the uniform of the Fontaine Medical Corps (Pants, shirt, and short coat in simple cyan (Caribbean Current) coloration and black trim, alongside a rimless hat bearing the Red Cross, Crescent, or Crystal at the forefront), and wears a stun-gun on her person at all times.
---[X]Character: Compassionate and a pacifist, Sigewinne has earned her position thanks to her solid work ethic, intelligence, merit, and firm hand in charting a course through several high-profile accidents that have brought her from consideration to the final pick aboard the Fontaine. Has a strong platonic friendship with Wriothesley. Knows his secret.
Head of Security - Clorinde Ellis
-Age: Late Thirties.
-Pronouns: She/Her.
-Appearance: A tall woman with long dark blue-dark purplish hair in a low ponytail and a toned physique. She mostly wears a standard spacer suit with an armored vest underneath. This preparedness has earned her more than a bit of jokes, yet none can deny that she is always ready for her job.
-Character: Courageous, Perceptive, and Disciplined, Clorinde Ellis has never been noted as a woman who shrinks away from doing things the correct way and to do them cleanly. Secretly loves lizards.
Head of Manufacturing - Lyney Daniels
-Age: Late Twenties.
-Pronouns: He/Him.
-Appearance: A young man with short, ash-blond hair, some locks put into a small braid on the left side of his head, with bangs with a small pinkish-red strand on the right, covering almost a quarter of his face at all times unless he is on duty. He also has a dark brown tear-shaped birthmark on his right cheek.
-Character: Generally friendly and sociable, Lyney is a friend to many and is rumored to be a lover to more. As he is prideful in character and orientation, that last rumor has lured many to see its truth. He has his two siblings, for whom he cares greatly, with him on the mission, though he grieves for his missing father, who died a month before the Fontaine set out in an accident.
Head of Civilians - Neuvillette Clement
-Age: Early Fourties.
-Pronouns: He/Him.
-Appearance: A tall man with waist-length white hair, a single lock with a blue underside, and two bright, blue highlights at shoulder length. Neuvillette wears what is considered the height of fashion at all times, either because he is that well connected to the fashion scene or that much of a trendsetter, with his current ensemble harking close to 17th century France, though modernized and stylized.
-Character: Impartial, Perceptive, Seemingly Aloof, Compassionate, and Fatherly, Neuvillette strikes a balance between "Approachable" and "Larger Than Life" in his elected position, placing a notable importance on the "Justice" part of the Justice System. Once wanted to be a judge, and may still become so. Suspects Wriothesley Adams killed his parents as he reviewed the case and intends to bring him to trial.
The Ark Ship 'Furina De Fontaine' (Endless Solo of Solitude)
-4.3 Million Civilians and the required infrastructure/industry to create 43 colonies of 100k people.
-4x Ta'xet-Class Parasite Craft
-8x Nabu-Class Parasite Craft
-10k Military Personnel equipped with Power Armor, Personal Coilgun Weaponry, Drones, and aided by Exo-Strider Combat Automata.
-100x Main Battle Tank Löwe II
1x Victor VTR-9S (Medium Damage), 1x Awesome AWS-8VQ (Medium Damage)
85 Tons
1x Crockett CRK-5003-1 (Critical Damage)
Dimensions: 200m long, 20m wide and tall.
Weapons: 2x Missile tubes at the front, 20x Anti-Missile Flak Turrets along its body.
Equipment: ECM+ECCM Modules, Scanning Suite, Transport Hangar, Planetary Entry/Lift-Off Thrusters.
Crew Requirements: 80.
Dimensions: 200m long, 20m wide and tall.
Weapons: 1 Spinal Laser, 1 Faceshield, 8x Missile tubes along its length, 40x Anti-Missile Flak Turrets
Equipment: ECM+ECCM Modules.
Crew Requirement: 48.
Six-legged heavy combat robots with heavy armor, intended to plug corridors of stations and ships, with enough armor to shrug off anti-tank munitions and heavy lasers for hours and 5 minutes respectively. Can be equipped with either heavy coilguns or missile launchers.
Developed in the 2080s, the MBT Löwe II contains many lessons learned in mock battles on moons and planetoids to ensure that the UNSC would have teeth to its bark against possible bad-faith actors or pirates. Capable of operating anywhere from low-g to high-g environments, with enough battery life to run for a week straight per battery cycle, this highly armored tank utilizes its coilgun cannon to devastating effect, with attached rockets and automated machine guns allowing it to clear the immediate area and fire on long-range targets. Equipped with smoke launchers, vacuum-sealed, armed with stealth coating, EM, ECM, and ECCM Warfare Modules alongside low-emission technologies, with a plethora of additions and mission-specific attachments, the Löwe II is a beast of a tank designed to show just why automated warfare has not replaced the need for human presence at the front.
All sentences within []-brackets are from a wiki.
Though the complexity, and thus needs and cost for production, of artificial gravity generation rises exponentially, making anything more than 0.8G unfeasible, having any sort of gravity within the vacuum of space beyond a gravity well is beyond precious. Don't expect them to be used outside spaceships and EVA suits.
Artificial General Intelligences.
Prolonged Health Gene-Therapy
This gene-therapy enables people to live life into their 80s like their 30s, and comfortably live to their 150s. (Projected scale, as the newest recipients have yet to reach such ages.)
[Myomer is an artificial analog of biological muscles with a greater strength to weight ratio. They are engaged with electrical current and its strength depends on the amount of fibers activated, not the current provided.]
Industrial Armor
[IndustrialMech armor was introduced in 2439 by the Terran Hegemony], and reverse-engineered by the UNSC in 2990.
Primitive Energy Weaponry
Double the Heat generation. No PPC.
Tier 1 Melee Weapons and Equipment
Battle Claw - Made more for punching and crushing than rending, the Battle Claw replaces the hand of a Mech with a three/four-clawed gauntlet, two to three claws set against one, whose powerful motors and charged claw-blades are more than capable of turning cockpits into a ball of scrap. Dual Saw - Two chainsaws set close to each other, running in opposing directions to add to their damage against lightly armored opponents. Mech Katana - A Katana scaled up to a Mech's size. Arsenal Knife - A knife-hilt scaled to a Mech's size, plucked into a box at the hip of a Mech to attach a Vibroblade that can slice into a Mech and be quickly left to further impair the foe's ability to move. Flanged Mace - Big Stick With Big Flanges. Mech Flail - This is just a wrecking ball? Lance - A lance attached to the underarm of a BattleMech whose damage relies on the Mech's strength and speed of impact. Pile Bunker - Using powerful actuators and hydraulics, the Pile Bunker explosively pushes a spike of metal into the opponent to devastating effect. Vibroglaive - See Arsenal Knife, but in the form of a glaive. Mech Shield - A slab of metal designed to reduce impact and damage to a Mech by utilizing a disposable and easily manufactured ablative directional armor. Jump Pack - A one-use omnidirectional movement booster that allows a Mech to rapidly re-orient, or dodge out of harm's way. Short-Range EMP Protection Launcher - Utilizing technology best described as "crude" in polite company, the SREPL flash-fries a Mech's sensors by inducing a short-ranged EMP.
Inner Sphere Technology is Superior in terms of Metallurgy, Energy (Creation+Weaponry), and Machinery (Myomer+Durability), Inferior in terms of Electronics, Coding, and Weaponry (All Energy Excluded).
-System: Gunhallow
-Led By: Mayor Edgar Walter and Planetary Sheriff Nina 'Bad Cowgirl' McCullough.
-Lore: Founded in the last dredges of humanity's expansion, the planet has largely been used as an extractive resource colony for the few years its parent company existed before being obliterated in war. Since then, a gradual backside in technology occurred, with society adapting to the planet's (also called Gunhallow) climate and conditions, until its ascension to the UNSC's Capital. Though its industry grows, the amount of new schooling available to all has seen literacy rates shoot into previously unbelievable heights, with medical technologies rejuvenating the old and promising the young that they too may live in their 80s like they are 30 and grow old only in their 150s! As a result, the planet has seen an explosion of people suddenly aware that they will have time to pursue projects they previously hadn't had time for.
-Ideology: Democratic Frontier Settlers.
-Culture: Rough n' Tumble Independent Folk, akin to the 19th Century Wild West.
-Military: 1x Archer, 2x Locusts, 1x Panther, 1x Shadowhawk, 1x Javelin, 1x Commando COM-1B, 1x Firestarter FS9-H, 1x Vulcan VL-5T, 1x Enforcer ENF-4R, 1x Griffin GRF-1N, 2x Orion ON1-V, 1x Zeus ZEU-6T, 1x Longbow LGB-0C, 1x Crockett CRK-5003-1. Main Battle Tank Löwe II's. Negligible Militia.
-Population: ~25 Million.
Sigar IV
-System: Sigar
-Led By: Council of Clans
-Lore: The world of Sigar IV is a desert planet extremely rich in iron, copper, zinc, aluminum, and other valuable metals. These metals are primarily found within the sands of the vast deserts spanning the entire world. As a former mining outpost of the Star League, its sparse permanent settlements were meant to support the roaming harvesting fleets collecting the metals before selling them to off-world companies in return for little money and fewer thanks. Due to the Star Leagues' colonization philosophy, the settlements depended on off-world machinery that the colonists couldn't create to prevent rebellion. With the fall of the Star League, Sigar IV fell into oblivion, and its settlements fell into chaos, and then ruin, with only one remaining. Today, the population barely reaches half a million people, and its society comprises hundreds of minor warlords with dozens of loyal minions and several hundred people under their control, meeting only every five years in the sole remaining settlement to sell valuable metals to an interstellar trader, conduct diplomacy, and settle disputes without spilling blood. The few IndustrialMechs that survived the constant conflict are little more than scrap attached to a rusted and mutilated skeleton. A great effort is currently underway by the UNSC to repair and upgrade all the Fleets of the clans.
-Ideology: Organized Clans.
-Culture: Desert Tribes.
-Military: Shimmering Petal Mercenary Company (1x Dragon, 1x Catapult, 2x Panthers, 1x 'Scriptor Petala' (an UrbanMech with an artillery cannon)). Main Battle Tank Löwe II's. Primitive Warbands and Rusted IndustrialMechs.
-Population: ~0.9 Million.
Planet 778
-System: 778
-Led By: President Ichu. | The native population has devolved into warring tribals.
-Lore: Colonization date lost to time and technological regression. | Re-Colonized by the Furina De Fontaine in 2998.
-Ideology: Tribal structures focusing on family, slave-taking, and politics. | Colonists of the Furina De Fontaine hold to democratic and equality ideals while attempting to uplift the natives.
-Culture: Most of the tribes are constantly feuding with one another, trying to one-up each other with either war with omnipresent siege engines ranging from ballistae to bolt throwers thanks to engineering being a highly respected craft, to political maneuverings and showing off their men. Due to some strange reason, the male/female ratio of the planet is 0.19, meaning two men for every eight women, leading to matriarchal structures in politics but patriarchal structures within family units. | The people of the Fontaine hold to their cultures and the mixtures they have developed in space and with each other, seeking to bring the natives of the planet around to their ways of thinking.
-Military: Laughably weak, with volunteers making up the entirety of the armed population. | Volunteer Militia. Main Battle Tank Löwe II's.
-Population: ~3 Million. | 100K.
-System: Arcanum
-Led By: Oracle Li
-Lore: Though the date of the initial colonization is lost to the people of Arcanum, the date of the Greatest Shame is not. Thanks to heavily destroyed historical records, little is known of the period preceding the events of the Greatest Shame, only that it was a steadily boiling pot of religious strife and tensions that eventually resulted in a massive war that destroyed much of...everything. But the victor is clear: the religion called Mysterium, as those following its beliefs are the only remnants of that war. Yet, in the centuries since, the people have come to believe that this genocidal extermination of all other religions is an act that has irreversibly tainted their souls and one that demands penance from all future generations. Not in blood, but in honor and conduct. Any dispute is carried out in either a court of law or ring of martial right, with the adherents of the Mysterium politically centering themselves around monastic orders of spiritual martial artists that vie for power in planet-wide tournaments. Their religion is highly similar to a fusion of Voodoo, Wikka, Reiki, and Kabbala practices, yet utterly distinct in its own way. Case in point: the planet's fashion seems to be wizard hats and arcane sigils woven into robes.
-Ideology: Monastic Warrior Orders.
-Culture: Spiritual warriors engaging in ritual combat over disputes, focused on deciphering the arcane secrets of the world and worship of ancestors.
-Military: 5x Crosscuts in melee configurations. No Vehicles. Trained but small militia.
-Population: ~41 Million.
Independent Polities
Zhao's Rest
-System: Zhao's Rest
-System: A binary pair of red dwarves where planet creation got rudely interrupted by the inward migration of a Hot Jupiter, leaving a series of dense asteroid belts straddling the Goldilocks Zone.
-Led By: 'Officially' split between the Big Four (Cycler's Union, Wushígewangzi, Great Belt Commonwealth, BurFu), the Great Powers of the system. All Share-Holder Limited Democracies, with varying degrees of liberalizing or consolidation of shares depending. Lots of habitat states quietly doing their own things.
-Lore: By the standards of this universe, the people of Zhao's Rest are as odd as their system--mostly Belters, mostly living in space. Specifically, a couple of habitats from the Trojan and Spartan clusters pooled their resources for a pair of Jumpships and fled during the final days of the Star League, sometime in the 2780s. They're fuzzy on the details, what with the breakdown of unity thirty years After Landing (AL), the internecine fighting, and the narrowly averted system's collapse and subsequent extinction. As Zhao's Rest knows, The Hard Years has sufficiently spooked everyone that there hasn't been a repeat since (although the Big Four have gotten close to it more often than they'd like to admit). The Big Four primarily engage in colonizing the Belts with their colonies and daughter states, and in intriguing against each other--greatly assisted by the fact that everyone lives in the belts and all the habitats maneuvering makes a hash of clean borders. Occasionally a 'miner's war' makes the news when two habitats stake a claim on the same mineral strike and fail to be adults about it. A new round of naval arms race is underway, accompanied by rising tensions over Cestunrocher, a Ceres-alike dwarf planet bounding the DeFedO'Niell and Oriens zones of dominance. K-F Drives have been twenty years away for half a century. The Cycler's Union is protesting the Wushígewangzi's sweeping spatial claims along their ancestral orbits, and for a wonder, they might get their way. Ye-Ye Idols have been sweeping the charts in a stunning turnaround from last year. The wheat crop is good, the tomatoes are half-decent and fish is appearing on more people's plates; why, hardly anyone has to go on the dole yeast anymore! It's a good time to be alive.
-Ideology: The Belters were, and the BurFu remain, mostly that distinctive mix of liberterian and frontiersman's socialism that defies easy classification under the Terran system of politics. The Big Four are primarily split along the question, 'Who do we give the vote to?'
-Culture: Well, it started as a mix of mostly Burgundy and Fujian immigrants and then spent the next two and a half centuries in various pressure cookers. The snail bao is only imitation snail, which may be for the best.
-Military: Large intrasystem black navies with mass drivers and nuclear teeth, products of an automation-enhanced space economy...if one counts the most primitive of atomic weapons as such since one nuclear miner's war was enough to make everyone agree to stop any nuclear weapons production (if such is adhered to in secret is another matter altogether). Most pirates stay clear.
-Population: ~44 million and growing steadily. Habitat construction is booming.
Council of Affati - Being Subverted
-System: Affati
-Led By: Council of Ten (chosen by the five most successful companies and the heads of the mightiest five nations.)
-Lore: Affati was settled by a group of corporations only two centuries ago, yet this attempt at colonization was immediately hit with failure as the frequent earthquakes of the planet shattered the early settlements thanks to creating two separate tsunamis of the planet's two great oceans. Since then, the scattered survivors were forced to rebuild on mountains and elevated landmasses, separated from each other. They connected each of the ten enclaves with stable routes only a century ago. Though political and civil rights and freedoms are often debated, the ruling oligarchs use their political influences, thanks to their corporation's omnipresent might, to suppress and guide the population to their whims, dividing them into castes for better control and to make more profit. | A colony of 100k UNSC citizens exists on its moon, officially trading, inofficially charged with fermenting a native revolution to overthrow the nations and guide the natives toward a better future for all.
-Ideology: Corpostate Oligarchy
-Culture: Corporate oligarchy utilizing social manipulation and engineered societal focuses to maintain power.
-Military: Very weak, primarily using debtor conscripts to maintain military power.
-Population: ~29 Million.
Sjávarhús I
-System: Sjávarhús
-Led By: Duke Mecklenburg
-Lore: A resource extraction colony of the Taurian Concordant created a hundred years ago, but due to an attempted incursion of the Federated Suns into the Taurian border, attention and resources were diverted for long enough that proper contact with the Concordat, and thus the latter's control over the colony, was lost. Rumors have it that it is considered a 'dead world' by the TC due to the planet being similar to Mars and the colonists living primarily underground, thus not making for any signals when a ship was sent to check on the colony. Yet, reversing how Martian planets usually go, the crust hides active waterways that the colonists tap into for power, industry, and water.
-Ideology: Duchy that functions as a Constitutional monarchy in the absence of communication with the Taurian Protector of the Realm.
-Culture: Forgotten Taurian Resource Colony.
-Military: Rumored to have a military spaceship. Militarized IndustrialMechs. No further information.
-Population: ~15 Million, mostly in underground cities and habitats.
Cenoma II
-System: Cenoma
-Led By: Chief Executive Nyan
-Lore: A remote mining outpost under Majesty Metals and Manufacturing, they are nominally led by their Chief Executive. Eternal tensions exist with the leaders of the planetary underground union, which MMM is trying to root out while suppressing labor forces to increase profit margins. Rumors have it that illegal human experimentations are happening to reclaim lost knowledge in human augmentation.
-Ideology: Corporate Canopean.
-Culture: Corporate Canopean Factory Towns.
-Military: Corporate militia composed of Locust, Stinger, and Wasp Mechs.
-Population: ~5 Million.
-System: Numari
-Led By: ???
-Lore: An abandoned military outpost of the Star League, which soon found out that being the boot on your neighbor's neck is only as great as you have a leg to stomp that boot on their necks. After several devastating wars of retaliation later, what remained of the population regressed deeply in society and technology until ~100 years ago, when the current dynasty's founder unearthed an unlooted military cache. They have used the things within to unify the planet and have begun to raise themselves from the bottom up...but are currently in vicious civil war.
-Ideology: Hereditary Patriarchal Autocracy?
-Culture: Patriarchal autocracy where political freedoms are ruthlessly suppressed, and women are seen as second-class citizens. Social Cohesion has devolved into a civil war with multiple sides due to a massively skewed male/female gender ratio of 3-to-1 after a disastrous plague that targeted seemingly exclusively women but can be traced to laws restricting medical access for them, and the crackdowns of King Cyrus inciting nearly every strata either for or against him. All of this is in flux and creaking under the civil war occurring.
-Military: Strong, by Periphery standards. Around ~8(?) Battlemechs in "Acceptable" conditions. ~40k(?) trained soldiers and militia. Some(?) vehicles.
-Population: ~19(?) milion.
Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church
-System: Benedictus Eden
-Led By: Archdeacon Larry Freehold
-Lore: Colonized by ships of the Neo-Catholic Church, the colonists were soon converted to the Blessed Baptist Church from within by hidden missionaries who spread their gospel to three other moons via colonizations led by the colony-turned-mother nation. Due to each moon being a thick jungle with sweltering temperatures and undiscovered treasures everywhere, explorers have, and still are, seen as "real" men and women, daring and brave, people to be emulated and worthy of praise. However, due to substantial personal freedoms and equality carried through popular degree by the church, dissent has slowly grown, edged on by constant scandals in the recent decades, shaking the church throughout its fundaments to its very spires, which started with an accidental public declaration of love by a priest to their spouse, as public affection is seen as repulsive.
-Ideology: Hereditary Theocratic Autocracy undergoing a youth-led secularization.
-Culture: Once an unshaken bastion of the Blessed Baptist Church within the Deep Periphery, the planet within orbit around a gas giant and its three colonies have undergone a secularization due to ongoing scandals and dissilusion by the youth as to the righteoussness of the faith and exsitence of God. What was once considered the proper way to live is now considered foolish. The majority of the population lives in cities of impressive neo-gothic architecture.
-Military: Average for the Deep periphery, with bought ranks and mandatory draft, but with a focus on a wet navy. Capable of orbital combat by arming its natively-produced spacecraft.
-Population: ~15 million.
Potential Nations
-Led By:
Cenoma II
-Led By: Chief Executive ???
-Lore: A remote mining outpost under Majesty Metals and Manufacturing, they are nominally led by their chief Executive. Eternal tensions exist with the leader of the planetary union, which permissive Canopian laws allow to exist.
-Ideology: Corporate Canopean.
-Culture: Canopean Factory Towns.
-Military: Corporate militia composed out of Locust, Stinger and Wasp Mechs.
-Population: ~5 Million.
Sjávarhús I
-Led By: Duke Mecklenburg
-Lore: Formally a colony of the Taurian Concordant but due to the Reunification War and Succession Wars, it has long since lost proper contact with the greater galaxy. It is considered a 'dead world' by the TC. The populations used to live in a series of cities above and below the water on a series of archipelagos, but, nowadays, everything that isn't underground or underwater has long since been looted or blown up. Near-constant and severe weather patterns mean exposed structures must be heavily reinforced. As a result of lost contact and limited trade, their technology has degraded below Age of War levels (building-sized fusion reactors with fuel cells, etc, for vehicles) with rare and barely maintained primitive ultralight/light IndustrialMechs available to do various tasks inside and outside the habitats.
-Ideology: Duchy that functions as a Constitutional monarchy in absence of communication with the Taurian Protector of the Realm.
-Culture: Forgotten Taurian Resource Colony.
-Military: Primitive Navy ships. Militarized IndustrialMechs.
-Population: ~15 Million, mostly centered in cities and habitats.
Name : Turonia II
-Led By: Each of the 3 cities maintains it's own matriarch, a position that is technically open to men, but in practice rarely is. In times of chaos or strife, the planet and it's military tend to be led by an expert selected from the outlying tribes. She is nominally the planet's ruler, but except in times of crisis she tends to be out of contact.
-Ideology: Divergent Canopean ; split between matriarchal leaning; individualistic cities, and definitively matriarchal but far more communally focused rurals.
-Culture: Divergent Canopean Population ; culturally split between the research arcologies (canopian derivative culture focused heavily on freedom of mind and form) and outlying expeditions (much more survivalist focused; heavily matriarchal as a throwback; small communities)
-Military: Domesticated Megasaur cavalry, assisted with dismounted AT infantry and towed artillery. A small number of Locust "Herding" Mechs. Rumors of ancestral Shadowhawk mechs
-Population: ~27 million spread between 3 arcology cities and the roving communities that sprawl around the planet, managing all affairs.
Positive Quirks:
-Accurate Weapons (Applies to all weaponry.) -Improved Targeting - All
-Improved Sensors
-Easy to Pilot
-Not Just Deadly: Sexy Too!
(All weaponry can be given the Jettison-Capable Quirk, making them hand-held without impairing their functionality. This reduces the weapons weight by 10% (rounded down) or 0.5 Tons, whatever is more. Also includes cosmetics to enhance the Mechs and their weaponry as their designers wish, such as casings, smoke, capes, lights, etc.)
Negative Quirks:
-Difficult to Maintain
You have access to the following energy weapons:
-Primitive Small/Medium/Large Laser
(These produce twice the heat but overall function the same.)
You have access to the following ballistic weapons:
-Machine Guns
Light Coilgun
Medium Coilgun
Heavy Coilgun
Damage (Internal)
4 (1)
10 (2)
25 (5)
Ammo Per Ton
Maximum Range
You have access to the following missile weapons:
-Multi-Missile Launchers 3/5/7/9
You have access to the following melee weapons:
Battle Claw
Dual Saw
Mech Katana
Arsenal Knife
Flanged Mace
Mech Flail
Pile Bunker
Damage (Internal)
5 (1)
1 (4)
6 [+1 per 20 Tons total weight]
5 [+1 per Hex traveled]
20 (5)
4 (1)
2 (+1 per 10 Tons above 40)
5 (+5 on same side's Leg)
2 (+1 per 10 Tons above 40)
Replaces Per Hand
Replaces Per Hand
Replaces Per Hand
Replaces Per Hand
You have access to the following armors:
-Industrial Armor - Has a BAR of 10, but only offers 67% points per ton that Heavy Industrial armor does. -Heavy Industrial - Functionally the same as standard BattleMech armor, with a stated BAR of 10. -Stealth Coating - 0.5 Tons per 10 (rounded up) Tons of the Vehicle/Mech required. Adds +1/2 to Hit (You) at Medium and Long Range. Generates 5 Heat. Adds -1/2 to Hit (You) at Medium and Long Range once 50% of the Armor is gone.
You have access to the following equipment:
-Heat Sink
-MMI Cockpit - 2 Tons, equivalent to IS Standard otherwise. -MMI Gyro - 0.5 Tons, equivalent to IS Standard otherwise. -EW/C(C)M Suite - 2 Tons, 4 Criticals, adds +1 to Hit (You) at all ranges. Adds -1 to Hit (Enemies) at all ranges. -Mech Shield - Adds 5 Armor Value per Ton to the Left or Right Side (Front) and Center of a Mech. This acts as an ablative shield against hits that would have scored on the protected locations. -Jump Pack - 5 Tons, 10 Heat. Enables a Mech to act as if they were using 5 Jumping MP once a battle. -Short-Range EMP Protection Launcher - 2 Tons, 1 Critical, 0 Heat, 10 Shots, Short Range (Auto-Hits all units centered around the firing Unit). Adds +5 To Hit to all affected units.
Takeable Quirks
-Low Emission Priority - Adds -2 to Hit (You), adds 0.5 Tons to all Weapons/Equipment.
This Class gains 1 additional Negative Quirk upon completion.
Light Mechs 20-35 Tons
This Class gains an additional 2 Negative Quirks upon completion.
30 Tons - Trooper TRP-BASE - 4 Variants
Features the following design quirks: Easy to Pilot, Improved Targeting (Long), Improved Targeting (Medium), Improved Targeting (Short), Improved Sensors, Accurate Weapons, No Ejection System, and Negative Reputation.
Medium Mechs 40-55 Tons
This Class gains an additional 3 Negative Quirks upon completion.
Heavy Mechs 60-75 Tons
This Class gains an additional 4 Negative Quirks upon completion.
Assault Mechs 80-100 Tons
This Class gains an additional 5 Negative Quirks upon completion.
[Clan Big Iron]
Company Leader: N/A
Second Commander: N/A
-Dune Warriors (Excell in hit-and-run tactics, as well as asymetrical warfare using vehicles.)
-Arcane Mysteria (??? Looks cool as hell though.)
-Gunslingers (Experts in the utilization of kinetic-based weaponry and small-unit tactics.)