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The year is 2067. Humanity lands on Mars. A flag is proudly hung on that planet that so long dominated the minds of millions, and the words coming from Emmet Muhammed will inspire billions more. For the second time in human history, there is only one tribe: Us.

The year is 2069. Alcubierre is proven right ten days before New Year's, much to the dismay of all future educators.

The year is 2078. With an overwhelming majority, humanity agrees to create a generational spaceship to ensure the survival of the human race within the endless eternity of space.

The year is 2098. The ship is finished enough to begin testing its internal systems and start the recruitment of crew.

The year is 2102. In another universe, Thomas Kearny and Takayoshi Fuchida are vindicated.

The year is 2105. The crew is finalized, and the AGI's core is installed onboard the ship; its mind matured enough to grow into its own within the next two years before the ship is set to make history. The AGI takes control of their onboard avatar drone and begins interacting with the slowly arriving crew.

The year is 2108. The ship completes its shakedown cruise with flying colors. The last adjustments are made, and farewells are sent. For the third time in history, humanity becomes one tribe. The ship jumps and makes history.

The year is 2108. In another universe, Raymond Bache becomes the first interstellar human and makes history.

The year is unknown. The ship is lost.
[Canon] - Amateur Hour
amateur hour
if anyone had told Shaph that she would be become happily married and a military contractor due to her being a Mecha nerd, she'd laughed in their face and then called the nearest mental hospital. And then she was accepted onto the Fontaine, and transported into the future/other dimension, where apparently mechs was a normal part of warfare.

A ping from her computer brought her out her thoughts, yet another meting with some local sheriff/mayor on Gunshallow. She leaned back on her (very expensive) office chair, thought for a moment, and then clicked no. her anniversary for was coming up and she didn't want anything to sour her mood.

The doors opened and her husband entered, her Arcanum husband, her mechtech Arcanum husband. "my love" She loved when he called her that, adored it really. "there is no ejection system."

she stopped "what?"

"the Trooper... it has no ejection system"


Achibal held the phone away as the woman for whom he had been a bridesmaid for, screeched for the fifth time now. He knew that in a moment it was going get worse

"I thought Sandie was going to design it"

The phone went dead

"Shaph? you there"

Achibal frowned, that wasn't what he thought was going to happen.

"Shaph if you're saying anything i can't hear you"

still nothing... he began fiddling with phone, taking off the outer shell.

"Ah the speaker broke"


The smoke grew ever thicker as Sandie exhaled. The thick cigar forcing her to grin.

"ah thought Miche was going to do it."

She knew what the bitch was going to say..

"but you did the body, that would include the head"

Shaph never knew when to shut up.

"ah did the body, not the head"

the cross dresser spoke his voice stabing into her ears.

"so who did the head then?"

She rolled her eyes, they never where good at listening

"ah said that miche was going to do it"


"broooo i never did that, you know i can't do all of that fancy wiring. it's just to complicated. not like a engine, you know, just make it spin like cat and your goood."


it wasn't Oxy either, but they did know who designed the head.

:Trooper Design Specifications
to: WarlordFolasade@SigarIV.UNSCNET
Sender: TMDC@FurinaDeFontaine.UNSCNET

Hi Folasade

We'd just like to know, but you designed the head right?
and just to be sure that also did included the ejection system correct?

many hugs
- the TMDC gang

RE:Trooper Design Specifications
to: TMDC@FurinaDeFontaine.UNSCNET
Sender: WarlordFolasade@SigarIV.UNSCNET

Greetings from Sigar IV

It was me that designed the head, yes.
The ejection system was supposed to be a part of it, yes.

Sprits bless you
-Warlord Folasade

RE:RE:Trooper Design Specifications
to: WarlordFolasade@SigarIV.UNSCNET
Sender: TMDC@FurinaDeFontaine.UNSCNET

so just to be clear you weren't the one that was going to design to ejection system?

RE:RE:RE:Trooper Design Specifications
to: TMDC@FurinaDeFontaine.UNSCNET
Sender: WarlordFolasade@SigarIV.UNSCNET

no i thought Shaph was doing that.

Edit: fixed to be cannon.
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