The Froggy Ninja
The Blade Will Never Die
My personal list is thus:This - along with several other Forge worlds - would be worth contacting at some point.
- Worlds of Note:
- Shitlist:
- Valvadus and Co (Mining Worlds that sabotaged Shogi-destroy them and take their Blackstone)
- Trade/Befriend:
- Halane and Phistos (Exotic Biology Agri-Worlds-Life Particle Fodder)
- Neha or Saleqan (Mining Worlds with Ininitite-Infinitite seems like a neat warp or veil adjacent material since it's used in Power Weapons)
- Phisho (Agri-Death World with Exotic Biology-samples of both Exotic *and* Death World biology? Nice.)
- Ingrim (Extreme Diversity Agri World-good to get a good spread of bio samples)
- Valfis and Regribe (data hive Forge Worlds-get data on general sciences. There's tons of fields we have Jack shit on, such as astrophysics. Don't trade calc hearts unless we're sure they're chill, but the DAoT Computing tech from the Mechanivore is probably a good bargaining chip)
- Berd (Exotic Material Forge World-mmmm tasty exotics)
- Thos (The big shot Forge World Robinton mentioned-Big Kahuna of the local Forge Worlds so good to get on their good side, even before getting into trading for relics to analyze)
- Fela (the other Gateway world, leading to the Cadian Sector-good friend to have in trade or in war)
- Moyria (Shrine World for local Sororitas-stay pious yo. Probably already locked in by having a living saint)
- Seyken and Tarkan (Astartes Homeworlds-pls don't BLAM us)
- Shitlist:
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