Strange Aeons: A 40k Xeno Governor Quest

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It could perhaps see some use for in sector commerce where speed is not so critical, but for military response I believe it to sadly not be a viable device.
That alone would be worth Trillions in Throne Gelts, easy.

When your talking interstellar distances, anything becomes very fucking expensive if lost or destroyed. Quadruply so when spread across the galaxy.

Greatly reducing the warp risks for commerce ships would be incredibly valuable, because remember, a lot of planets are one food shipment away from violence.
When your talking interstellar distances, anything becomes very fucking expensive if lost or destroyed. Quadruply so when spread across the galaxy.

Greatly reducing the warp risks for commerce ships would be incredibly valuable, because remember, a lot of planets are one food shipment away from violence.
At the moment Atraxas hasnt learned the economics of the Imperium so his baseline assumptions is self sufficiency for worlds. Once he realizes just how crap a lot of worlds are he is going to be very aware of the value of that super slow but super safe Gellar Field.
Do those field generators require DAoT Alloys?
No they are buildable with Imperial standard resources. Generally the core parts of DAoT ships were refined to requiring the lowest possible level materials where possible since that made it cheap, easy to repair and generally less of a hassle to work with compared to higher end stuff.

You do need to build a factory for the things, but thats about it.
TL;DR: Great updates! Thanks, Leon!!!

the third Law was one that I did not know but called to me nonetheless. It was a ring of golden light with letters in a language I did not know, but it was resolute in nature and thus I took it for the coming process, and the final was a Law of Fire.
I will admit, I read this and immediately thought "The One Ring to Rule Them All."
My paranoia didn't subside until I read the sigil shifting to a scroll, a ways later.

I could hear the xeno preparing a medical room, even from here and I knew that if I looked within I would see a scene horrible in its innocence. What did it mean when an enemy of man was more human than humans?
"Horrible in its innocence. More human than humans."
Very well described.

power was deeply in me hands
Typo: me->my

I would, if it was in the past where hope yet remained, I would have slain the xeno without a second thought, but now in this era where hope is dead and gone and all that remains is night, they can do little worse than let her live another day.
Osiris wields his despair as his shield.
Again: ouch.

as I enter the skittering of legs gave a faint moment of glee as the massive xeno scurried to the side of the room trying to make itself look small and harmless.
OK. Even I - who quite like Atraxas - find this amusing.

I don't want him to feel like he has to, far from it, but the image of a 15 foot 10-legged metal tarantula... trying to look small... Yeah, that's pretty funny.

The surface roiled with something seeming akin to excitement, even as the xeno stroked the metal orb and revealed a fractal image within its matrix to me. An undying tree of golden fire etched into every mote of the substance and within the roots of the tree a sword that I Knew rested, the Emperor's Sword carved in perfection out of golden fire and ashen roots held within the grip of the tree of flame above. It could not have been from the xenos for he would never have seen the glorious blade of his, but where could it have come from and what did it mean for it to be so shown in glory.
The golden ring was a reference to the Emperor (or one of his attributes)? Nice!

become a local of misery and torment
Typo I think. Locale? Locus?

At the moment Atraxas hasnt learned the economics of the Imperium so his baseline assumptions is self sufficiency for worlds. Once he realizes just how crap a lot of worlds are he is going to be very aware of the value of that super slow but super safe Gellar Field.

Also, as a note for any upcoming planning:
  • We really REALLY want a Gravity Barge and a shipment of Calculation Hearts (plus Meta Shield schematics and Alloys - or possibly the Meta Shields themselves?) next turn.
  • Talk to Archmagos Luraia Teral, Akiona Mino's Augments, and maybe "Open Trade Talks with Mining Worlds, and offer to trade Wealth for Resources" are all fairly high-priority but not essential. Talk to Nameria might also be important; hard to say.
  • We (probably) don't want to start Forge of War next turn - but rather the one after.
  • Don't give a calc-heart to Balkavus; he'll dismantle it to spite us.

BTW, @Leon12431, would Augmenting Akiona Mino have a chance to reduce her critical multiplier to something a bit saner?
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but the image of a 15 foot 10-legged metal tarantula
He is actually 20 feet tall at the peak of his legs and his body is 15 feet off the ground. He also weighs around 30k pounds or 15 tons.

The golden ring was a reference to the Emperor (or one of his attributes)? Nice!
Yup, due to everything that Law is Understood via Harkar. Revealing it to be the Invoked Law of Honor, an innate aspect of Humanity and The Emperor. Honor is more a matter of holding to your nature against all else more than being moral outright.

BTW, @Leon12431, would Augmenting Akiona Mino have a chance to reduce her critical multiplier to something a bit saner?
It would likely be weird. Behold what Harkar got from this augment due to the various crits, humanity's species nature playing with things, the interlocking of the other Libraries, the application of Divinity.

The Immortal AegisBase Stat 0/0/0 -> 1/1/1, +10 to Martial/Learning/Stewardship (innate aspect of Living Exatari Cybernetics of this level)
Unable to die to anything less than True Death effects will take ever escalating wound maluses below 0 wounds (Deathless)
Every century will gain a baseline stat, the time interval increases by one century every 3 stats, caps at 3/3/3 (Evolution)
Unable to be mind controlled or corrupted by anything below Favored level in power. (Honor)
In duels fights at Low Astartes, reduces non warp environmental maluses by half (Fire)
can not be harmed by non Champions or higher with weapons below the standard of the Imperium (las gun) while in duels (Phase Shield Organ)
gains a bonus of 100 that can be allocated freely among all actions or rolls undertaken per turn, can roll against divination to not be surprised (Particle Condenser)
Counts as both a mammalian and ferroid, gains 4 wounds and 5% warp shred
Counts as an Abhuman to metaphysical aspects in part
Oh the Necrons would demand the Exatari to make bodies for them if they learn of how they can make metallic bodies yet life-like and mushed perfectly with organic matter with even the soul intact.
Hmmmmmm that implies that their sun somehow managed to irradiate their souls, or possibly the very concept of Necrontyr.

I feel the need to learn the location of this star, and then NEVER GO THERE!
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Hmmmmmm that implies that their sun somehow managed to irradiate their souls, or possibly the very concept of Necrontyr.
Basically the Necrontyr had the absolutely god awful luck for life to evolve before a C'tan decided to start munching on their star. That basically did to them the same thing it did to the Exatari namely it twisted/tainted their souls at a fundamental level.

However, unlike the Exatari their soul origin was already set and of the warp purely, which made it into an absolute curse on their entire homeworld biosphere. The Exatari from start to now have always had that C'tan touch to their souls, every lifeform on their homeworld from the very first soul bearing life had that taint so it was natural to them.

The Necrontyr basically had the metaphysical equivalent to spiritual AIDs from their local sun eating C'tan cloud due to the C'tan touch twisting their warp souls.
....I still feel the need to quarantine their home system, preferably with WiH grade weaponry.
If it makes you feel better their home system has been deleted from the Well of Eternity by the Old Ones, then pounded into less than nothing by the Aeldari Pantheon, then annihilated by Necron and C'tan technology. Also yes all of those things have and did happen to it in an arbitrary order, in other words whatever order you want to image did happen but also all other possible orders happened.
Ok so no great Necrontyr rebirth.... What if we brought them back as living metal fish people?
Only their homeworld and star is so annihilated, most of their holdings are still more or less intact. But the issue is the soul issue that has to be solved before any flesh restoration can be done without causing problems.
Basically the Necrontyr had the absolutely god awful luck for life to evolve before a C'tan decided to start munching on their star. That basically did to them the same thing it did to the Exatari namely it twisted/tainted their souls at a fundamental level.

However, unlike the Exatari their soul origin was already set and of the warp purely, which made it into an absolute curse on their entire homeworld biosphere. The Exatari from start to now have always had that C'tan touch to their souls, every lifeform on their homeworld from the very first soul bearing life had that taint so it was natural to them.

The Necrontyr basically had the metaphysical equivalent to spiritual AIDs from their local sun eating C'tan cloud due to the C'tan touch twisting their warp souls.
It was my understanding that the Cloud'tan were totally harmless before the Necrontyr did a hubris on them.
No, we're missing a critical data point: how to get let anywhere near those things without getting splattered by an Angry Osiris.
How many primary aspects Humanity have?

Is it possible to repair the Throne or upgrade astromincron with his knowledge?
Humanity has basically the following Aspects.

Anathema, Inconsistent, Inheritor, Warp Cursed, Research, Prodigy

Anathema - Every human has a minuscule chance of Awakening Anathemic aspects
Inconsistent - source of the nonsensical critical result scaling of Humanity and their derived subspecies
Inheritor - Psychic Inheritance
Warp Cursed - Critical Fails have greater effect than Critical Success, narrative bends against Humanity
Research - Humanity progress much faster along the tech tree than they should be able to do with their baseline stat (roughly equal to a species with 2 higher Mentality than them)
Prodigy - Important Humans exaggerate all of the above

As for repairing the Throne its pointless in the long run.
Atraxas: Gotta fix our progenitors souls, gotta fix humanity's souls, what next? Do the tyrannids want sophonce? Do the Orks want to be krorks again? Go ahead form a line I'll drop everything and fix all of your problems! END SARCASM! WHEN I FIND OUT WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS UTTER MESS OF A GALAXY I WILL PERSONALLY FEED THEM THEIR OWN DEFECATION ORGANS! How did the whole fucking universe become my problem?
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