Strange Aeons: A 40k Xeno Governor Quest

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Here is the roll for Militant Citadel

Edit: so 135 in total
Thule threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Militant Citadel Total: 105
46 46 59 59
Last edited:
What happened with heart forge?
Basically Atraxas made a few blunders with how he was ordering/getting the resources into place. Resulting in a bit more suspicion falling on him, but he basically just ignored it and went on with the project.

Although its actually made some people feel better since Atraxas has been insanely unsuspicious which is nearly becoming suspicious.
So how good is Osiris now? former self, high or lower?
Lower, Original Custodians are insanely overpowered. Unless you can get access to extremely potent reagents you cant bring him to par with his natural body. His mind and soul are untouched, but the body he is currently in is trash compared to even a modern custodian let alone one of the original ten thousand.
How well does Osiris understand the alien tech that went into his new body?
He understands the general design of the computer core, but thats more due to the Exatari basing it fairly firmly on imperial/human designs and not really having any way to massively diverge from said design yet. Due to various reasons Atraxas had been waiting to install more stuff into the finished form rather than building it all in, so not much xenotech actually exists in the body. The major thing is basically what amounts to a skin of living cybernetics that was used to cover the thing and make it look like an Exatari.
Anyway we can upgrade his body more? having a elite hero for our army would be great, and is he gonna be able to help us with more actions?
Anyway we can upgrade his body more? having a elite hero for our army would be great, and is he gonna be able to help us with more actions?
Osiris is much like Shezu in that he sees little reason to help Atraxas directly. Remember he is a Custodian and even though he is nicer than most of them is not exactly overly happy with Atraxas being the ruler of a human world. I will say that he will help if not doing so would harm humans overly much, but aiding Atraxas' plans is a bridge too far for him currently. He is already pushing his limits to not kill Atraxas out of hand for having political power over humans remember.
Not to mention he's not likely to stay. He didn't know what happened in the Horus Heresy until he got access to modern Imperial records, which means he'll most likely want to take a ship to Terra as soon as he can to see the Emperor and the modern Custodes
Say could we make a new sister of battle order under Cardinal Kara Nameria? would be great to have a other fighting force on Shogi, while i dont think the MC will able to control them, they would still be good as they will be of fighting nearby problems on there own, and dealing with the cults
Maybe, but that's going to need a bit of cred I would imagine. I.e. we have to accomplish things big enough for our name to be worth knowing outside our system.
Dont we need cred, as Kara Nameria has been Infused with The Emperor's Light, so we to want a SOB order, then should we need funds that we can give to fund the whole thing
The problem is that Nameria wouldnt be willing to become a Canoness for an order. She got burned badly by her original order and took decades to finish her training under the local one due to that. She also lacks the drive that makes a good sister of battle in any path.

Her desire to purge the heretics was burned out of her from her original order, her drive to teach people is less than her drive to guide people to the Emperor via preaching and she has basically zero interest in guarding relics. In short, she is entirely content with her current position and it would take a monumental amount of effort to get her to agree to such a plan.

Also Nameria is herself a Heretic from the normal creed, she disagrees on some tenets of the Imperium. In short, she is much more biased towards the Redeemer than the Warlord aspect of Emps. She can fight and can fight well, but that is not what she wants/likes to do, she much prefers to talk to people and guide them back to the Emperor.
That is a shame, how big is the PDF on our world and after get them to Average Imperial Guard, can we upgrade them as we did our Private Army with Vehicles, Tanks , Spacecraft or aircrafts, power armor and weapons?
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