What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Broadsword has completely replaced the Waterskimmer, which means that the latter will never see action on screen. Kinda disappointed in that. I had hoped to see at least 1 porthole assault.
We've unlocked the rad bomber mixed upgrade, which (bizarelly) despite being a much smaller craft fits far fewer bombers in one hangar?
Lastly, we've got the interceptor and standard fighters. TBH, I'm not sure what the difference between the two is supposed to be.

The Star Guardian is an air-superiority fighter (aka, a design intended to estabilish battlefield control by killing enemy fighters), while the Perseus is designed to estabilish battlefield control by killing enemy fighters.
That's a C&P error. The Broadsword is a variant, not a replacement.

The Rad-Bombers are fewer due to the cost of Rad-Bombs.

And the difference is utilization. The Perseus will not fly guard for bombers, boarders, shuttles, or anything else; it exists to kill the enemy. As its lore notes.
And the difference is utilization. The Perseus will not fly guard for bombers, boarders, shuttles, or anything else; it exists to kill the enemy. As its lore notes.
And the lore Star Guardian describes it as an air superiority fighter, which is the exact same thing. It's a craft intended to kill the enemy fighter, so as to achieve air superiority. Doing escorts is now
It's the same thing twice.

But either way, Star Guardian reimagined as escort make sense, but it does terrifyingly narrow the Perseus's role? Have we even encountered any enemies using strikecraft yet?
Maybe some of the Orks.
And the lore Star Guardian describes it as an air superiority fighter, which is the exact same thing. It's a craft intended to kill the enemy fighter, so as to achieve air superiority. Doing escorts is now
It's the same thing twice.

But either way, Star Guardian reimagined as escort make sense, but it does terrifyingly narrow the Perseus's role? Have we even encountered any enemies using strikecraft yet?
Maybe some of the Orks.
Orks, Dark Eldar, etc. IIRC the Dark Eldar strikecraft ripped apart our equivalents. Also, Chaos likes using strikecraft as well iirc.
Well fuck, the Orks really do not stop for anything and just keep going. already going from Gigachad making problems elsewhere... we also lost the lower half of the Sub-sector already. Its just the Ashan Families and one Independent world. So narrows down the front but still.

Two months.

Two months to gather the forces, rouse the Machine-Spirits, ignite the engines, and fly toward ruin and death for the enemies of the Federation and all sapient existence.

Two months, where it was thought that the Federation would be the one with the finger on the trigger, and the gun to the Orks heads.

Turns out that two months were enough for refugees to flood into the Families, enough to conquer three worlds, make landfall on three more, and start conquering Sophian's Paradise, the stations nestled in the systems asteroid field turning into warzones of nauseating brutality and cold calculus of warfare within days, not helped at all by some Orks seemingly forgetting that they need to breathe air and walking around outside the stations to attack the defenders from behind.
yah we though it'd be enough but apparently not, given that turns are ten years holy hell you need to be ready when a Ork WAAAGH comes rolling in. Also the refugees already start coming into the Ashan Families with Sophian Paradise under siege.

pffft, that little detail 'the orks forgot they needed to breathe and just void walking with no problem.

Whatever plans, ideas, and hopes for the campaign had been made, they were useless now.

Evacuation efforts could only be carried out rimwards of Davaasin, Volion's Fall, and Conar, all other planets cut off by the ships and advances of the Orks.
Yah, that's an understatement if there ever was one. So besides Davaasin its all Ashan Families, well something to note for future Ork WAAAGH and the like.

Groups of Freebooterz roam the lanes terrawards, and it is only by the grace of the Star Child and the whims of the Ork Warboss that the WAAAGH has yet to continue with its rapid conquering.

Yet, not all is bleak in the face of over a hundred Ork ships equipped to the brim with Zzap Kannon, Tellyportas, and a wild disregard for "low-tech" Ork technology in favor of anything sparking with electricity, thunder, or exotic particles.

What fleets and ships managed to escape from the Orkish onslaught on their home systems have joined under one banner to retake the very same, while the Families have been quick to offer their assistance to the Federation "Crusade" in ships, supplies, slaves (though those were freed and shipped back to the Federation), and a generous salvage right forfeiture for the families after the battles are done.

Armed with another 3 SBGs worth in ships, though of varying quality and far more focused on short-range skirmishes, long-range sniper duels, and everything in-between that one could conjure, alongside some ships sporting exotic and dangerous weaponry that has the Star-Mechanicus salivate at the thought of studying them, the leading Admiral has their hands full to coordinate and plan out a new strategy.
Okay so that's why the WAAAAGH numbers stayed at Gigachad, its all Freebooterz around the other planets. Huh, well now that's interesting the WAAAAGH holds a disregard for 'low tech' ork tech? that's very different and rules out a few ork weapons and units. So this a high tech favoring Ork Warboss with exotic weapons or electricity. Going to hit harder then normal and might have spread so it might be better to break up the normal Strikecraft hordes into different groups with different timing of attacks.

Oh right, a campaign or just gathering for the Imperium is called a 'Crusade' and yah, the Families are facing down an Ork WAAAAGH with not many ships and their 800 pound gorilla of a neighbor just rolled in to fight them, offering any support they can manage would be best, it helps we never showed interest in taking over or conquering them so there is no bad blood or anything prior.

Holy shit yes! this helps so much, the ragtag fleets of the refugee ships that made it out from the Orks rallied under one banner that is worth 3 SBG's. holy hell that evens things out. its more like 5 SBG's due to never fucking repairing the SBG's and the lamenters, so with that we are on even ground with the Orks. in terms of strength but we need a way to get things in our favor more. So that means luring them to a battlefield of our choice, which should work if we shit talk them enough.

Sounds like something to look into after the battle to see the exotic weaponry and what it is.

Could we broadcast a message that the ork leader is a "Cowardly Git with no Teef" and drag him into a trap of some sort? Hammer and Anvil style? Or do we think he's too "Kunningly Brutal" to fall for it?
That is Exactly what I was thinking. Problem is to do it in a way that peels off the orks but doesn't have them all regroup as one with a 10 SBG force one somehow. I think it might be better to find out and then call out one of his subordinate to try to destroy an SBG worth or two before hitting the Warboss proper. Its a long shot but assassination is always a try.

I think its worth a shot AFTER some weakening somehow I think for now sending some relief to Sophian Paradise and evac who we can. I will say for now NOT to just go full force and rush in and find some way to split off a SBG or two.
[] Plan go for the warboss
-[] A WAAAGH only stay together as long as it has a warboss that can command the lesser bosses
-[] Therefore killing him is the main objective
-[] First the Lamanters will try to assassinate him
-[] If this fails or they think this is impossible the champion of the Lamanters challenges him to a duel
-[] The next plan is to call up every ship that can fight including sending a message to the shipwright grove for help
-[] Fall back at far as Grabstein if needed to gather the forces needed to defeat the orcs
-[] The Admiral in charge of the fleet decided when to launch the attack
-[] At the start keep the range open if the admiral thinks our strikecraft can outrange the orcs and if so try to weaken the orcs that way
-[] During the actual battle the Lamanters will try and board the largest orc ships with the goal to kill the leaders aboard
-[] The remaining ships focus on killing the largest ships first
I know the orks massacring half of a sub-sector is a bad thing... But my opportunist side is saying that could end well for us.

If the Ashan Families end up being the only nation left in Macabre that will scare the souls out of them, maybe even enough to make them more interested in joining the Federation. Even if they don't join I doubt they will be too eager to expand in the direction the scary Xenos came from and since we will be doing a lot of heavy fighting for them(and showing off our power) I don't think they will mind too much if we go claim a few systems in that direction.
not a lot of votes to go around this time and shows the lack of people compared to the main updates.
Doesn't help that the Laurent and Alectai were seemingly silent this update.
Could we broadcast a message that the ork leader is a "Cowardly Git with no Teef" and drag him into a trap of some sort? Hammer and Anvil style? Or do we think he's too "Kunningly Brutal" to fall for it?
What we need to do is get them to split up more, since as a giant blob the Orkz are too big of a threat to engage directly without horrendous losses. What I think we should do is push towards relieving the systems currently under attack and evacuate from there. Though we will have to keep in mind that the Warboss will likely bring his massive fleet in whatever direction looks like has the most action, so we could send in 2 SBGs for each outlying system and send the rest in towards Sophian Paradise and try to hold the Orkz off there.

And the difference is utilization. The Perseus will not fly guard for bombers, boarders, shuttles, or anything else; it exists to kill the enemy. As its lore notes.
Does this include Torpedoes? Like would the Perseus be significantly better than the Star Defender in eliminating incoming Torps? If so that does make them a bit more appealing to help with the Duchy's Torp spam.
[] Plan Green and Mean
-[] Send one SBG to Sophian Paradise to mop up the Orkz there along with at least 10 SAGs to help the Space Stations. When the Ork threat is neutralized to more manageable levels where the people there aren't at risk of dying, go rejoin the main fleet.
-[] Send two SBGs to Hexe with 4 Taurus's full of Knights and SAGs and 2/3rds of the Evacuation fleet not far behind, they'll deal with the Orkz there then push down as far as they can to assault the Orkz and relieve pressure on the worlds southward. If their escape route through Hexe gets cut off by the Orkz, they'll try to hole up in Arcoghol.
-[] send the rest of our Fleets to Cretetri along with as many Knights and SAGs we can fit. This is expected to draw the Warboss's attention. Objective here is to evacuate as many people as we can and bleed the Orkz as much as we can before falling back to Volion's Fall

Would like to know what the rest of you think of this plan.
[] Plan Green and Mean
-[] Send one SBG to Sophian Paradise to mop up the Orkz there along with at least 10 SAGs to help the Space Stations. When the Ork threat is neutralized to more manageable levels where the people there aren't at risk of dying, go rejoin the main fleet.
-[] Send two SBGs to Hexe with 4 Taurus's full of Knights and SAGs and 2/3rds of the Evacuation fleet not far behind, they'll deal with the Orkz there then push down as far as they can to assault the Orkz and relieve pressure on the worlds southward. If their escape route through Hexe gets cut off by the Orkz, they'll try to hole up in Arcoghol.
-[] send the rest of our Fleets to Cretetri along with as many Knights and SAGs we can fit. This is expected to draw the Warboss's attention. Objective here is to evacuate as many people as we can and bleed the Orkz as much as we can before falling back to Volion's Fall

Would like to know what the rest of you think of this plan.

My worry is that dividing our fleet like that risks them doing to us what we're trying to do to them.

...or should be trying to do to them, which is force them to divide up and then defeat them in detail.

My worry is that dividing our fleet like that risks them doing to us what we're trying to do to them.

...or should be trying to do to them, which is force them to divide up and then defeat them in detail.

Hmmm, what do you suggest then? Try sending 2 SBGs each to Cretetri and Sophian Paradise, holding the Refugee Fleet in reserve and sending them in to one of the systems when the Orkz split their attention?
Hmmm, what do you suggest then? Try sending 2 SBGs each to Cretetri and Sophian Paradise, holding the Refugee Fleet in reserve and sending them in to one of the systems when the Orkz split their attention?

That could work. Another thing we could do, albeit one that might impact morale, is bait them into a big attack and then have our Choirs burn the hell out of some of their biggest ships (the ones that, logically, will have Warbosses on them), and then retreat with our fleet or do something that makes them uncertain/unsteady.

Either way, our Choirs and "The Sun" could potentially do a lot to winnow the enemy.

If we were sending things to Cretetri and Sophian Paradise, I think it'd be Kovia where we'd keep the main bulk of our fleet, ready to react to either direction of split attention.
[] Plan Green and Mean
-[] Send SBGs Centaur and Minotaur to Hexe with 4 Taurus's full of Knights and SAGs and 2/3rds of the Evacuation fleet not far behind, they'll deal with the Orkz there then push down as far as they can to assault the Orkz and relieve pressure on the worlds southward. We may not be able to evacuate them all, but we can reduce pressure and resupply defenders to hold out longer.
—[] If their escape route through Hexe gets cut off by the Orkz, they'll try to hole up in Arcoghol.
-[] send two SBGs each to Cretetri and Sophion Paradise along with as many Knights and SAGs we can spare. This is expected to draw the Warboss's attention. Objective here is to evacuate as many people as we can and bleed the Orkz as much as we can before falling back. Refugee Fleet is to be in reserve in Kovia to intercept the biggest concentration of Orkz wherever they come from.
—[] Refugee Fleet is to get as many Pathfinder ships as we can spare to assist them in responding.
—[] Choirs are encouraged to neutralize large capital ships if possible.
[X] Plan Green and Mean
-[X] Send SBGs Centaur and Minotaur to Hexe with 4 Taurus's full of Knights and SAGs and 2/3rds of the Evacuation fleet not far behind, they'll deal with the Orkz there then push down as far as they can to assault the Orkz and relieve pressure on the worlds southward. We may not be able to evacuate them all, but we can reduce pressure and resupply defenders to hold out longer.
—[X] If their escape route through Hexe gets cut off by the Orkz, they'll try to hole up in Arcoghol.
-[X] send two SBGs each to Cretetri and Sophion Paradise along with as many Knights and SAGs we can spare. This is expected to draw the Warboss's attention. Objective here is to evacuate as many people as we can and bleed the Orkz as much as we can before falling back. Refugee Fleet is to be in reserve in Kovia to intercept the biggest concentration of Orkz wherever they come from.
—[X] Refugee Fleet is to get as many Pathfinder ships as we can spare to assist them in responding.
—[X] Choirs are encouraged to neutralize large capital ships if possible.
[X] Plan Green and Mean
-[X] Send SBGs Centaur and Minotaur to Hexe with 4 Taurus's full of Knights and SAGs and 2/3rds of the Evacuation fleet not far behind, they'll deal with the Orkz there then push down as far as they can to assault the Orkz and relieve pressure on the worlds southward. We may not be able to evacuate them all, but we can reduce pressure and resupply defenders to hold out longer.
—[X] If their escape route through Hexe gets cut off by the Orkz, they'll try to hole up in Arcoghol.
-[X] send two SBGs each to Cretetri and Sophion Paradise along with as many Knights and SAGs we can spare. This is expected to draw the Warboss's attention. Objective here is to evacuate as many people as we can and bleed the Orkz as much as we can before falling back. Refugee Fleet is to be in reserve in Kovia to intercept the biggest concentration of Orkz wherever they come from.
—[X] Refugee Fleet is to get as many Pathfinder ships as we can spare to assist them in responding.
—[X] Choirs are encouraged to neutralize large capital ships if possible.
I'm sorry, this really seems to be iniviting defeat in detail. It's kind of dangling a bunch of small task forces out there to get jumped on by the warboss whenever he smells a foight.

That could work. Another thing we could do, albeit one that might impact morale, is bait them into a big attack and then have our Choirs burn the hell out of some of their biggest ships (the ones that, logically, will have Warbosses on them), and then retreat with our fleet or do something that makes them uncertain/unsteady.

Yeah, this is a good option in my opinion. I'm going to try to write a plan to that effect. Clearing the space forces is the priority, since if we have void superiority we can move troops around and provide orbital support to win the ground wars and retake the planets.

[X] Plan: Bait the Trap
-[X] Scouts & stealth ships carrying Choirs are to shadow the main orkish fleet, communicating continual information on its disposition to the United Fleet, disposition and activities. If they see a good opportunity to target the warboss with a targeted application of Melodies, they are to take the opportunity. Killing the warboss will save uncountable lives, and should be considered a highest-priority objective worth significant sacrifice.
-[X] The United fleet, accompanied by the Pantagruel, is to stay together, and if the orkish fleet remains in Gigachad should move to Sophian Paradise to secure the system and prepare to ambush orkish forces moving in from Gigachad. If the main Orkish fleet moves to attack another world the United fleet should move to oppose it, engaging as favorably as possible. In the fight the Choirs are encouraged to target larger enemy ships, once more aiming for the Orkish leaders.
-[X] Strike units of stealthy, fast and other skirmish ships (such as Loyalty's Bloom, Lupus & other local units) are to harass the orkish forces, avoiding decisive engagements and attempting to lure Orks towards Sophian Paradise in piecemeal chunks to be defeated by the massed United Fleet.
-[X] Once the main Orkish force is broken, the fleet is to be divided up to secure the sector and bring relief in the form of supplies and armies to any worlds still holding out. All available SAGs are to be deployed, as well as what portions of the civilian evacuation fleet can be spared from Voxx.
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[X] Plan: Bait the Trap

This is pretty solid, let's see how the Pantagruel nudges things in our favor. This'd be a pretty even fight normally with the United Fleet moving in concert with our own, so this should exactly be the time where a contesting narrative should matter the most.
Yeah, this is a good option in my opinion. I'm going to try to write a plan to that effect. Clearing the space forces is the priority, since if we have void superiority we can move troops around and provide orbital support to win the ground wars and retake the planets.
But the thing with your plan is that it doesn't give do much to address the several worlds under attack that may be saved, and we're pretty much relying on the Orkz attacking one place here while mine has our fleets split up to give them several good foights to go for which may cause them to splinter, which we want. And I do have a reserve fleet in the wings for us to respond to the biggest threat that shows up.
We are dealing with fleet traveling by the warp if we roll bad a warp travel can take months so if we split our fleet we risk getting each piece defeated in detail.

[X] Plan go for the warboss
-[X] Scouts & stealth ships carrying Choirs are to shadow the main orkish fleet, communicating continual information on its disposition to the United Fleet, disposition and activities. If they see a good opportunity to target the warboss with a targeted application of Melodies, they are to take the opportunity. Killing the warboss will save uncountable lives, and should be considered a highest-priority objective worth significant sacrifice.
-[X] The champion of the Lamanters challenges the warboss to a duel
-[X] At the same time call up every ship that can fight including sending a message to the shipwright grove for help
-[X] Fall back at far as Grabstein if needed to gather the forces needed to defeat the orcs
-[X] Place minefields and other traps where possible to hurt the orcs during their advance
-[X] If our strike craft can attack outside of the range of the orc lances do so to weaken them while avoiding a major battle at bad odds
-[X] The Admiral in charge of the fleet decided when to launch the attack
-[X] At the start keep the range open if the admiral thinks our strikecraft can outrange the orcs and if so try to weaken the orcs that way
-[X] During the actual battle the Lamanters will try and board the largest orc ships with the goal to kill the leaders aboard
-[X] The remaining ships focus on killing the largest ships first
-[X] Once the main Orkish force is broken, the fleet is to be divided up to secure the sector and bring relief in the form of supplies and armies to any worlds still holding out. All available SAGs are to be deployed, as well as what portions of the civilian evacuation fleet can be spared from Voxx.
Oh yeah, we have new melodies.

Time to look at the usual suspects.

The madness

Innovation, Innovation, Innovation
Machinery, Machinery Machinery

The tribes

Humanity Unity Technology Progress Innovation
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Machjnery

Upgrading existing songs

Innovation, Progress, Creativity, Hope, Technology
Machinery, Progress, Creativity, Hope, Technology

Song, Machinery, Protection, The Sun, The Home, Fire
Struggle, Fire, Machinery, Unity, Hope, Song
Struggle, Fire, Humanity, Unity, Innovation, Song
Please someone tell me we managed to get something, anything reverse engineered from those Necron ships that are likely to cause a lot of murder?
Please someone tell me we managed to get something, anything reverse engineered from those Necron ships that are likely to cause a lot of murder?
We figured some of their weaknesses, but did not learn anything we could apply for ourselves.

Speaking of Necrons, where did the Yeeni find them in relation to the Orks?
Voting will open in 5 hours, 4 minutes