What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: The Grand Breakthrough - All Necron Tech version

Don't forget @HeroCooky , we're getting the gigaboosted researches from the Symphony!
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I'm going to suffer badly if we missed out on the capstone despite burning so much fucking effective AP on it.
Updated the Choir info post. We now have 559 Choirs with a growth of +50 from last turn! Given that this was the first wave of the Awakening that means that this rate is likely about what our normal Choir rate will be for at least the next few turns.

Of note:
- Choirs Singing Songs that aren't infrastructure: 283
- Choirs Singing for FTL Transport: 161
- Free Choirs: 50
Meaning that if a Warp Storm happens then as long as we get some warning then we just need 6 more Choirs to sing the No Evil Song at full power AND keep our FLT Comms working right up until the storm hits.

Plus. If we get 50 more Choirs for the next few turns. Then we only need 5 more turns of +50 before we can run No Evil without impacting the our ships or FTL Comms.
I don't know what Cookie's got planned, so it could go either way.
I will point out, though, that so far every level of Necron research has involved more AP than the one before it.

Yeah, but this seems to be the main "Necrontech Primer" tier. Tier one was "Can we study this at all?" Which was locked behind a Holy Turn doing it. Tier Two was direct mimickry of their most obvious functionality without understanding what went into it (The guns and the armor), Tier Three seems to be "Taking what we learned in Tier Two as our gateway to comprehensively elevate all of our sciences", and Tier Four is--presumably--adapting them into our own understanding and putting our own spin on it, which is easier now that we've done the groundwork and have an idea of what the fuck we're doing as opposed to just mimicking without any real understanding.

Tier Five is probably a genuine Masterwork, a component that Does Something Completely New based on what we learned. Alternately, it might just straight up be "Move to Advanced tier Material Science or Power Systems", which upgrades everything under those aegises. Or it could be something I haven't thought of at all! The sky's the limit.

But it Feels like Tier 3 is intended to be the major AP sink relative to the overall size of the project, because that's getting the comprehensive, basic understanding of how the fuck this shit works, absent all the insane Necron Space Magic they do with those principles due to having Power = Yes and literal science wizards. The fact that we only get one of two capstones--even if we get there, which I hope we do but isn't guaranteed--suggests that the T5 is just a perfect confluence of events that can't be replicated, period. A Fey Mood from our researchers, if you will.
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well considering the massive research right now and the entire tech tree getting new projects and we can't predict that at all, what are we planning on next turn provided we aren't like 3 AP from from some grand Necron project, we doing design actions to make new ships based off all the tech? Focusing on another expedition or focusing on the titan production? spend a turn to do melodies and songs?

unless there is a major research close to complete next turn OR something that we see that would be vital to next actions like something giving us more DP for Ship Design, I do think we should focus on ship design and production for next turn and the one after.
well considering the massive research right now and the entire tech tree getting new projects and we can't predict that at all, what are we planning on next turn provided we aren't like 3 AP from from some grand Necron project, we doing design actions to make new ships based off all the tech? Focusing on another expedition or focusing on the titan production? spend a turn to do melodies and songs?

unless there is a major research close to complete next turn OR something that we see that would be vital to next actions like something giving us more DP for Ship Design, I do think we should focus on ship design and production for next turn and the one after.

We suffer, as is our lot in life.

Fortunately, I think we'll mostly be done with Research for the rest of the game at this point? We might still push the occasional high value project in or drip points in from time to time when appropriate, but the Research slot in general will likely take a backseat after this, since any further major gains won't be achievable in the scope of the game.

We'll be able to mostly push Black Ash over though in a turn however if we commit to it, since Works Generational should reduce it to 8 required actions, then we can generate 5 between the auto-ticker and a full turn on it.

Diplomacy is under the [General] Action Category after all :3
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I will be very very surprised if we don't do a Ship Design turn tbh -- we need that Crusade Fleet spooled up sooner rather than later. Otherwise, future turns are going to be involved with Expanding I figure, Black Ash yeah, and then the long and painful process in merging with the Shipwrights.

Unless we just want to do the terrible idea of just punching the shit out of one of the Chaos polities so we can get bigger than them and then absorb them, that's going to be a long process, I figure.
I was told that this was a free action by someone (please correct me if I'm wrong). Can the plan makers put this into their current plans (or suggest improvements). The goal of this write in is to deal with the fact that even with the Awakening, our fleets are hard capped by Choirs currently. That and they are far too small to be of use against the enemies that we are going to be facing soon.

[] [Other] [Free] The Great Fleet Reorganization
With The Great Breakthrough phenomena seemingly finished, the Federation has been left completely changed. Utilizing the results of this boon is something that the Admirals are very eager to get on with. ... Unfortunately, the Federation's Fleet organization, already straining at the seams, does not have the capacity to deal with the expansions that are surely incoming. Thus, it requires a near complete reorganization.
> 'Midnight Outriders' (Scout Fleet): Will contain all scouting elements. No particular size restrictions as all ships operate as independent operators.
> 'Dawn's Vanguard' (Hammer Fleets): Utilizing the faster FTL that our Choirs grant, smaller more mobile fleets will be used to respond to incidents first and be the vanguard of, and counterpart to the Anvil fleets. (Essentially just larger versions of what we have now, names from the SBG system will carry over and continue). Planned to have either 50 or 100 ships each.
> 'High Noon's Annihilation' (Anvil Fleets): For when the force concentration of a Hammer Fleet simply isn't enough. An Anvil Fleet is slow, using non-Choir boosted Warp Travel. It makes up for this in having no theoretical cap on ship numbers besides it's ability to support them. Meant for attacking larger star nations whose size necessitates such numbers. Acts as the unbreakable Anvil to it's more mobile attendant Hammer Fleets. Expected to be 150 to 500 ships per fleet.
> 'Angel's of Mercy' (Evac/Supply Fleets): There will likely be a lot of civilian's near we are fighting the Cults, and most of these conflicts will be far away from our core territories. So having a way to move a massive amount of cargo and refugees will be necessary.
> 'Peacekeepers' (Anti-Pirate Fleet): A dedicated mobile task force that hunts pirate activity that the local system defense's cannot or will not (by bribes) apprehend/destroy. No restrictions in size as this fleet is active Federation wide. It is intended for this fleet to expand as the Federation does.
> Lamenters Chapter Fleet: Under the control of the Lamenters.
> Nomadic Fleets: Under the control of the Kil'drabi.
> 'LRAD/AT/TPDF/etc' (Specialized Fleets): Designation for all Fleets that are specialized towards fighting a particular foe. Different names for each specialty (LRAD, Anti-Tyranid, Infiltration, Temple Ship Defense Fleet) Essentially a specialized Hammer Fleet. Planned to have either 50 or 100 ships each.
  • 'Starlit Guards' - Temple Ship Defense Fleets: Each Temple Ship needs to have it's own attendant fleet, it's long overdue at this point.
  • 'Spicy Spotlights/LR-AD' - Long Range Anti-Dutchy Fleets: Contains high amounts of Radiation Weaponry to defeat the Van Zandt Free Dutchy's shield shenanigans.
  • 'Coup O'Clock/SS-IC' - Stealth Ship Infiltration Carrier Fleets: Our infiltrators. (Anyone who has watched 'News Without the Bullshit' on Youtube when they cover Africa will get this joke)
  • '____/__-AT' -____ _____ Anti-Tyranid Fleets: To be made when we get warning signs from the scouts about the approaching threat
  • '/' - Fleets: Template.
We suffer, as is our lot in life.

Fortunately, I think we'll mostly be done with Research for the rest of the game at this point? We might still push the occasional high value project in or drip points in from time to time when appropriate, but the Research slot in general will likely take a backseat after this, since any further major gains won't be achievable in the scope of the game.

We'll be able to mostly push Black Ash over though in a turn however if we commit to it, since Works Generational should reduce it to 8 required actions, then we can generate 5 between the auto-ticker and a full turn on it.

Diplomacy is under the [General] Action Category after all :3
HAH, the enteral consistent in life.

I... don't completely agree with that considering most gains would only need a couple turns to do improvements but I do admit I'm blind on whether its worth it depending on what pops up and how far we can push it.

Oh wow, I didn't even realize the plan doesn't do anything for Duels of Fate.... meh, just do a full turn on it with three actions or just drip feed it once per turn and it'll solve itself in like two or three turns.
If we can just straight annex the Lords of Eternity then we will have access to new areas...we should turn on the colonization ISC next turn. We are gonna have to spam colonies in the new sectors
I was told that this was a free action by someone (please correct me if I'm wrong). Can the plan makers put this into their current plans (or suggest improvements). The goal of this write in is to deal with the fact that even with the Awakening, our fleets are hard capped by Choirs currently. That and they are far too small to be of use against the enemies that we are going to be facing soon.

[] [Other] [Free] The Great Fleet Reorganization
With The Great Breakthrough phenomena seemingly finished, the Federation has been left completely changed. Utilizing the results of this boon is something that the Admirals are very eager to get on with. ... Unfortunately, the Federation's Fleet organization, already straining at the seams, does not have the capacity to deal with the expansions that are surely incoming. Thus, it requires a near complete reorganization.
> 'Midnight Outriders' (Scout Fleet): Will contain all scouting elements. No particular size restrictions as all ships operate as independent operators.
> 'Dawn's Vanguard' (Hammer Fleets): Utilizing the faster FTL that our Choirs grant, smaller more mobile fleets will be used to respond to incidents first and be the vanguard of, and counterpart to the Anvil fleets. (Essentially just larger versions of what we have now, names from the SBG system will carry over and continue). Planned to have either 50 or 100 ships each.
> 'High Noon's Annihilation' (Anvil Fleets): For when the force concentration of a Hammer Fleet simply isn't enough. An Anvil Fleet is slow, using non-Choir boosted Warp Travel. It makes up for this in having no theoretical cap on ship numbers besides it's ability to support them. Meant for attacking larger star nations whose size necessitates such numbers. Acts as the unbreakable Anvil to it's more mobile attendant Hammer Fleets. Expected to be 150 to 500 ships per fleet.
> 'Angel's of Mercy' (Evac/Supply Fleets): There will likely be a lot of civilian's near we are fighting the Cults, and most of these conflicts will be far away from our core territories. So having a way to move a massive amount of cargo and refugees will be necessary.
> 'Peacekeepers' (Anti-Pirate Fleet): A dedicated mobile task force that hunts pirate activity that the local system defense's cannot or will not (by bribes) apprehend/destroy. No restrictions in size as this fleet is active Federation wide. It is intended for this fleet to expand as the Federation does.
> Lamenters Chapter Fleet: Under the control of the Lamenters.
> Nomadic Fleets: Under the control of the Kil'drabi.
> 'LRAD/AT/TPDF/etc' (Specialized Fleets): Designation for all Fleets that are specialized towards fighting a particular foe. Different names for each specialty (LRAD, Anti-Tyranid, Infiltration, Temple Ship Defense Fleet) Essentially a specialized Hammer Fleet. Planned to have either 50 or 100 ships each.
  • 'Starlit Guards' - Temple Ship Defense Fleets: Each Temple Ship needs to have it's own attendant fleet, it's long overdue at this point.
  • 'Spicy Spotlights/LR-AD' - Long Range Anti-Dutchy Fleets: Contains high amounts of Radiation Weaponry to defeat the Van Zandt Free Dutchy's shield shenanigans.
  • 'Coup O'Clock/SS-IC' - Stealth Ship Infiltration Carrier Fleets: Our infiltrators. (Anyone who has watched 'News Without the Bullshit' on Youtube when they cover Africa will get this joke)
  • '____/__-AT' -____ _____ Anti-Tyranid Fleets: To be made when we get warning signs from the scouts about the approaching threat
  • '/' - Fleets: Template.
I think I'd like to wait on this - we don't have any need to do this immediately and I don't want to dump more work on the QM for now.

Also - I bet once we actually design all of our ships we'll want to make it more specific.
If we can just straight annex the Lords of Eternity then we will have access to new areas...we should turn on the colonization ISC next turn. We are gonna have to spam colonies in the new sectors
Huh, looking at the map, I somehow completely forgot that yeah, there's the Holy Diaconate

And wow that map is looking ugly, but yeah there's a lot of "unclaimed" or "unaligned" or "pirate" sectors. Not a bad idea to get fortified and colonized before the Slaaneshi / Khornates eat them up

And wow okay yeah, the Nurglites have a confirmed Daemon World we need an Exterminatus ship BAD
Huh, looking at the map, I somehow completely forgot that yeah, there's the Holy Diaconate

And wow that map is looking ugly, but yeah there's a lot of "unclaimed" or "unaligned" or "pirate" sectors. Not a bad idea to get fortified and colonized before the Slaaneshi / Khornates eat them up

And wow okay yeah, the Nurglites have a confirmed Daemon World we need an Exterminatus ship BAD
The Slaanesh cultists have a daemonworld as well. We need a massive military build up.

We basically need to spend next turn redesigning all our ships and then spend the turn after that with massive amount of fleet production (plus ground forces probably)
I think I'd like to wait on this - we don't have any need to do this immediately and I don't want to dump more work on the QM for now.

Also - I bet once we actually design all of our ships we'll want to make it more specific.
The idea is so that we don't build more ships for the old SBG format while transitioning to the new system to reduce the amount of work done. That said, I understand why you think it would go better next turn. Could you and Alectai put some thought into what ship composition the fleets would have with what sorts of ships we expect to have available after next turn's major investment into ship designs.
I've got a proper Battlefleet OOB in the works, of which SBGs and LRADs and our other mainstay forces are interchangable parts for, but it's dependent on having our complete toolkit online. The Virgo is going to be a fantastic Flagship by definition for instance, being nigh unassailable to a boarding operation while also providing enormous fleet support with its insane number of strike craft, and I've got another one lined up for being our superheavy artillery platform, while I have two more Grand Cruiser designs on deck to further round out our Battlefleet Flag Divisions.

Generally speaking though, I've got a Battlefleet Flag Division which'll mostly contain our Supercapital ships (Two Aquarius to serve as their taxi and logistical support, a Virgo to serve as battlegroup leader, and the rest based on the designs we churn out in the next few turns based on what the Necron Research Binge turns out) , I'd also like to revisit the Pantagruel if we can to see if we got more DP for it, but Temple Ships being a mystery box fills me with woe. Then we'd attach a number of SBGs and LRADs--or whatever we rename those too--based on how much ass we want that battlefleet to kick.
We'll definitely need a brawler battleship. Though we'll likely leave that for another turn or two so that designing the carrier battleship will drop the penalties.