What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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We haven't built any yet. We have a few ships, but nothing substantial. If the duchy decides to surprise-attack us we might be in bad shape.
Nevermind we got fuck all and now the priority of spamming these out comes to mind quickly. At least 3 actions of building this starting next turn I guess"

Edit: We have 50 years to build a fleet to counter them...we can do it but it's gonna be a thing
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[] [General] Voxx Primus Population Crisis Preparations
-[] Habitat Stations (1/2 to Void Industry)

(Gain: +1 Void Industry every three Actions, enough living space for ~25 Billion people per Action. Unhoused: ~20 Billion.)
Is this ever going to be done? Continuing to not take it means leaving 20 billion people unhoused decade after decade.
1. Hyper-efficient solar collectors on par with Plasma Reactors.
2. Ye. :V
3. Very well, no complaints from the inhabitants.
1. Oh great! I don't know what that would mean or translate into the system but still great, it sounds really good.
2. Ahhhh damnit, so that was our chance to make Terminator armor but still retaining the normal suits and the original function.
3. Glad to hear, Oh while on the topic of planets with traits, what does Flowering Abundance once the world is terraformed? and do any of the biospheres have affects on the development or have stuff we should be assigning roles or missions for the world to focus on to take advantage of them?

it ended like it had to.

Several millions in damages to the debate halls and dozens of injuries were had before all saw that.

The truth that could no longer be ignored.

The clergy of the Droman Creed...had absolutely no idea on how to proceed that wouldn't be Heresy in some way or another. Or cause a Civil War.

As such, everyone agreed that, for the moment, they would work on contacting and gathering visions from the Star Child to sort this out on the highest possible level, especially after the Divine Beasts each returned a contradictory answer. All of which boiled down to: "This is above my paygrade. Call the big one."

Everyone was very understanding and not at all miffed about that.
Hahaha, yup not mad at all... oh dear lord we are creating a powderkeg

Okay we only got off it with several million in damages and dozens of injuries, no deaths, no riots, all good. On the other hand we will need to that this turn or next turn to have the answers in regards to this. And I do like how we had the Clergy admit to not knowing how to go on this that wouldn't be heresy and even the Divine Beast not knowing and kicking this up the chain. Wait a second, this kinda reminds me of the time m DnD party made the QM's high INT NPC's go at it in a trade deal and it ended up great because he didn't expect us to push the best one with the stats and background to do it, this feels like it with HeroCooky to give us the answer but considering this 40k and his Qming style.... I imagine it will be simple but not well received or its a blank check to roll with it.

In other news, the Star-Mechanicum was currently doing the closest equivalent to endlessly orgasming non-sexually when the efforts to repair the STC Fragment bore fruit. Within the fragment was the design for a mining and manufacturing ship, 37 kilometers long, 4 high, and 7 wide, designed to crack apart planets and eat their metallic cores as their secondary, tertiary, and auxiliary factories and mining berths devoured the crust.

Building even one such ship would be a monumental undertaking only aided by its sheer scale. This would enable the scale of industry to kick in and support the construction both without and from within as its manufacturies begin assembling the parts required to slowly build itself in an exponential fashion.

And yet, even one singular planet processed and turned into goods, industry, weapons, ships, and infrastructure would elevate the Glimmering Federation far above all other nations for centuries to come.

And there were a lot of planets that now seemed to look very delicious to a ravening maw of mechanical might.
Hahaha, I imagine they would considering they completed an STC fragment and managed get a impressive design like this considering what it is and what it can do. And shit man that is a huge ship, makes sense considering what its purpose is.

[] [General] Develop The Federations'...
-[] Food Production VII (1/2) (4x 50% Bonuses Remain)
Ahhhhh, what exactly happened here?....OH the chickens. Holy Crap this is the power of Chickens? doesn't this mean we can get to Food X with four actions? wow, and here I was wondering why Chickens were a research thing.

[] [General] Construct the Planetmaw (0/12)
(Gain: Trait - Planetmaw (Permanently reduces all Development Costs by 1 Action (Minimum of 1 Action).).)
OHHHHH okay its 12 actions.... I mean its fine but a bit much and not something I'd really prefer doing. yes it will help but its just shifting things around for the same result, don't get wrong this WILL help us more for getting further in the All X Development but before then it doesn't really help much. Maybe if we can build it loan it out or use it in diplomacy for building up other nations or the like.

-[] Improved Medical Diagnostics
(Gain: Ilnesses are found, and thus treated, faster, improving QoL for the people of the Federation.)
Oh that's a surprise, I'm guessing that's New Dawn's discovery this turn? glad to see but we have hold off on that for now till we are in the clear for a few things.

[] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain)/Write-In)
(Gain: Guidance on how to deal with, or gain, something.)
Ah, so does have to be done soon.... I'd rather get this done now rather then getting blindsided by something else.


Oh that's... Ooof.

That's what we desire, but So much cost.

Would improving our Automation reduce the time investment needed there @HeroCooky? Or is this just a humongous grind that can't be avoided?
Yah, it does do a good effect but at such a cost as well. I'm hoping we can use it for other ways as well because as it is now its really for after the All X milestone and reducing the predicted 3 action cost per one development back to 2 action cost. still if we can do that-

It is a humonguous grind that can't be avoided, I'm afraid to tell. 😔
Damn it, I was afraid of that. I'm wondering if its even worth it... hang on.

Shit like this is why I did what I did. I am fucking vindicated. The fucking Divine Beasts were like "My Brother in StarChild I do not know"
Welcome to the club of being Vindicated. but yah this is kicking the decision up but it will give us a better response or decision then what we had I think.

Can we not please, finally upgrade a song?

It's literally a single action to upgrade a song.
fair enough, I'd rather do the Travel and Astropath communication songs since we can do both of them for the price of one and it would help us more with showing what upgraded song can do and hopefuly go to making more Melodies.... Either way I'm fine with it, I just want some more attention to Pskyana doing more melodies and Songs more often.

WOOOOOOOOO, I was actually curious about that since the Cradle IS a our capital but its a station and not a world. glad we can apply that to it.

If you want to have hard proof for the thread to back you up in that regard, upgrade the Research Song to show why having an interest in Psykana will pay off.

With that: Night!
but I guess people are far more invested in any boost to the research gain... which checks out in having that tangible perceived benefits and then the rush to upgrade other songs to try to see that bonus replicated.

1. Is there any way can form a department to bank construction points like we do for fleet points and as we work on developments or building projects we use those stored up points for the Planetmaw or other things?
2. What's the current feeling/thinking from our Diplomats and Military planners on the Dutchy right now? and when does the ceasefire Non-aggression pact expire again?
3. Qm is there anything after Grand Cruiser for Void Industry, you stated before getting to XX in Void Industry we could do something on par with the Emperor's Flagship of the Great Crusade but is that just battleship level or is that even beyond a battleship? if so what is the Void Industry needed for battleships?
4. Contining on that note, is there anything else notable for the other development levels? We knew the V development in Civ Infra was a garden world and X Civ Infra was a Pleasure world level but besides that we're light on info besides that and Void Industry. Is there anything big or notable in Military Industry or Heavy Industry that we need to reach in order to be able to do something?
[] Plan: Talk and Make friends
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)
-[] Military Integration and Improvement (Ashen Clan)
-[] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Ash Clan)
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)

using the power of communication to tie the Ashen Families to us more, talk with the Black Ash Clan, and upgrade the melodies for our Communication song and Warp Travel Song.

[] Plan: Heading off Future Problems.
-[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)

-[] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
-[] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Ash Clan)
-[] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain)
--[ ] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade"

As the Plan name says, does these three things now. Heads off any future problems now at the cost of not much getting done this turn. I'd really rather just get this all done now and move on so we aren't crashbuilding and sacrificing 6 SBG against the Dutchy because we designed the counter to their fleets and never got around to building them until they attacked us. This way we don't have to worry about them at all and have the stuff available for it to buy us a turn to crashbuild 6 SBG's if need be. Also doing the Black Ash first contact to do it and try to do one or two actions with them to try to speed up the rate and allow us to pull out brauns or snap it up without the diplomatic consqences. and of course Asking the star child for what to do so we have an answer.

[] Plan: Monofocus Psykana
[] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)
-[] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[] A Spark Of Unfettered Genius - Innovation, Progress, Creativity, Hope, Technology
-[] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[] Hippity Hoppity, Where The FUCK Are Our Ancestor's Properties?! - Humanity Technology Technology Perception Perception

I made this one as a Joke because 'there's not way the thread will do this with everything else lingering above its head right now', still you never know.
[X] Plan: The Auto-dice will probably address the elephant in the room
-[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
-[X] [Psykana] Melodies
--[X] Progress ||, Technology ||, Hope ||, Humanity ||
-[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain)
--[X] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade"

Okay here is the deal. Faith action to get this out of our way, Melodies upgrade for the 4 melodies to upgrade spark of genius and a fleet build action.

Next turn we can make the song for finding the ancestor's property, do another fleet build and maybe econ integrate Ashan. Right now the thing that's holding us up is the Ship building that looms over us so let's do it like this. The sooner we have an equivalent fleet to the one in Breskal the sooner we can breathe and do other diplo moves.

[X] Plan: Heading off Future Problems
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[X] Plan: Talk and Make friends
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)
-[X] Military Integration and Improvement (Ashen Clan)
-[X] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Ash Clan)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)

[X] Plan: Heading off Future Problems.
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)

-[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
-[X] Formal Exchange Of Dipomatic Contacts (Ash Clan)
-[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain)
--[X] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade"

[X] Plan: Monofocus Psykana
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies (Humanity II, The Home II, Unity II, Fire II)
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] A Spark Of Unfettered Genius - Innovation, Progress, Creativity, Hope, Technology
-[X] [Psykana] Sing a Song (Choose at least Three below.)
--[X] Hippity Hoppity, Where The FUCK Are Our Ancestor's Properties?! - Humanity Technology Technology Perception Perception
@One Autumn Leaf If we actually want to have time to defuse the diplomatic bomb our past choices created we need to get opening contact with the Clan done either this turn or the next one.

We really don't want to have to conquer our way through the Clan frankly so we need to bite the bullet and get the damn contact action *done* instead of thinking that we can fix everything within a single turn when the subversion would be even further along and the planet's about to flip.
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@One Autumn Leaf If we actually want to have time to defuse the diplomatic bomb our past choices created we need to get opening contact with the Clan done either this turn or the next one.

We really don't want to have to conquer our way through the Clan frankly so we need to bite the bullet and get the damn contact action *done* instead of thinking that we can fix everything within a single turn when the subversion would be even further along and the planet's about to flip.
I'm honestly fine with that. Like I genuinely have come around to just eating the bomb because it is such an inflexibly thorn in our side that genuinely giving it up would let us breathe more and do things that would move us forward

Because of both the Duchy and this we are probably not gonna do songs despite being told it's good because we are bound to this rake we stepped on
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The SBG template you're building includes 34 ships, but Andromeda's carry 10 each. So, we should make it so that there are 40 ships in the set.

Honestly I'm not even the one voting for the plan anymore. Ask Weaving dreamer to adjust it I'm gonna go off for the rest of the day because I'm somewhat frustrated and need a breather

Edit l: I should be fine by tommorow but today is super frustrating
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[X] Plan: Fleets and Upgrading Transit and Communication
-[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
-[X] [Psykana] Conduct Four Melodies
--[X] Humanity II, The Home II, Fire II, Unity II.
-[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain)
--[X] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade"
-[X] [Free] Consecrate In Sacred Sand (Cradle Station)

As much fun as upgrading our technology song would be, these four melodies upgrade both Bound to the Stars and a Web of Song. I'm not sure what that will do, but it should give us across-the-board improvements in transit & communication. Given the importance of those things to our civilization, I hope it's good.

I'm generally fine upgrading Spark of Genius instead of the other technology or singing a song (my favorites are Hippity Hoppity and A Spark Of Unfettered Genius, but eh). I'd also be down to do another diplomacy action with the Ashan Families. We probably only have one turn or so before the progress we've made with them goes away. The only thing I don't want to do is make contact with the Black Ash. We have an auto-ticker for that, we can let it tick and take an action on the one turn between when we're introduced and when their world decides to join us.

Next turn we can make the song for finding the ancestor's property, do another fleet build and maybe econ integrate Ashan. Right now the thing that's holding us up is the Ship building that looms over us so let's do it like this. The sooner we have an equivalent fleet to the one in Breskal the sooner we can breathe and do other diplo moves.
Yeah, I'm in for this.
[X] Plan: The Auto-dice will probably address the elephant in the room
[X] Plan: Let's find out what Upgraded Songs Do
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The SBG template you're building includes 34 ships, but Andromeda's carry 10 each. So, we should make it so that there are 40 ships in the set.
Actually I was being rude here so tell me what ships I should put to fill it out and I'll add it in. Also yeah we can just let the ticker slide as an intro and just do the action to resolve it after the fact. Gives us a lot more room to breathe

[X] Plan: The Auto-dice will probably address the elephant in the room
-[X] [Military] Sector Battle Group Construction And Repair
--[X] 2x Long Range Anti-Duchy Specialist Fleets (0/1)
-[X] [Psykana] Melodies
--[X] Progress ||, Technology ||, Hope ||, Humanity ||
-[X] [Faith] An Unborn Guide Sought Out (Pantheon of the Eleven Spirits (50 Years Remain)
--[X] "Vibe Check says good, but precedent says no, please advise because holy fuck this is above our pay grade"
[X] Plan: Let's find out what Upgraded Songs Do
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[X] Plan: Fleets and Upgrading Transit and Communication

[X] Plan: The Auto-dice will probably address the elephant in the room

[X] Plan: Let's find out what Upgraded Songs Do
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Actually I was being rude here so tell me what ships I should put to fill it out and I'll add it in. Also yeah we can just let the ticker slide as an intro and just do the action to resolve it after the fact. Gives us a lot more room to breathe
How exactly would we resolve the issue with a single turn to spare?

Are we just going to let the subversion tick over and flip the world to us? Good luck trying to diplomatically annex the Black Ash Clans or the rest of the powers in the subsector after that.

All they'd see is the Federation being conniving backstabbing assholes that offer a hand in friendship while driving a dagger into said 'friend's back.

How else would they see it when the formal contact will finally be established and the first thing the Federation does is steal a world out from under them?