What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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000.M42 - A Bright Future
The first proclamation of the Council was met with understanding and general acceptance of the ruling. Giving some more decades of life to people with critical knowledge and skills made sense for most, and the rest thought it would do great in motivating people to work harder to become worthy of a dose.

Alongside that, the first five recipients of the Juvenat were the Celestial Choir, all visibly shrugging off years of hardship and many injuries sustained. However, Bnuy had a somewhat adverse reaction or minor fault within her dose as she was afflicted with moments of inattention and heavy breathing, particularly when in the presence of Theta 33/n, or Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child. Probably some minor corruption that was burned within her by his presence?

On the note of Prophet Teeln, he opposed being given a dose of Juvenat, having to be hunted down by a task force of Ogryns, volunteers, faith guards, and Bnuy before accepting a dose. While a great show of his humbleness and a following of his preachings that one should not seek personal advancement on the backs of others, the time this dose has given him will aid us all greatly in establishing our faith and building the bulwark of prayers and sanctified shrines which will guard us all against the predations of the Warp for generations and millennia to come.

There is now a great sense of anticipation concerning the, no doubt, bright future that will be built by our hands and faith!

Congratulations! The creation segment is done! Now, you will turn over to regular Quest Turns, which will last 10 in-game years, though they can be disrupted by events such as an invasion, government collapse, wondrous finds, and miracles.

You have five categories where Actions can take place.
[General] - The usual government stuff. Infrastructure, Diplomacy, etc.
[Military] - All military stuff. Do you want guns? Here are guns.
[Psykana] - Psychic-related things are collated here. The only category where a roll of a d100 happens. If you roll a 66, 77, 88, or 99, [Bad Thing] will happen. As you are full Icono and have chosen Excellence as the Juvenat distribution method, you have unlocked [Good Thing] happening if you roll a 55 and can now re-roll any of the four bad numbers above. Should you roll something divisible by 5 (5/10/15/etc.), the [Bad Thing] will have its effect weakened.
[Faith] - Religion stuff. Conversion, temples, dogma, etc.
[Chapter] - All Space Marine options are collated here, from recruitment to sending out the Chapter in war.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Construct a Scout Ship and explore your new Home

Despite it being impossible as far as you are aware, you have been transported to a new location by means you do not know. Previously you were...somewhere, and now you are in the middle of a trinary star system with a blue, golden, and brown star orbiting around you. So, the first order of knowing what to do next outside the station is to repair a damaged system monitor and scout out the local system you are located within.
(Gain: System Map and Knowledge)

[] [General] Repair the Station
Much was damaged in the revolt, which is now called the Waking Rising, and more needs to be done to ensure that our industry does not require blood, flesh, souls, and lastly metals as a tertiary resource in most industrial processes. It will also clear a lot of space that can be used for other things.
(Gain: Repaired station, space to expand, and valuable materials salvaged.)

[] [General] Figure out an Economy
You...don't exactly have a way to distribute things like food, medicine, and workers to where those are needed right now. It is primarily ad-hoc and relies heavily on shift-leaders taking things from where they are handed out and giving them to where they think they are needed. Some organization of these things should happen sooner rather than later before someone makes a system for you that sticks around for centuries.
(Gain: Figure out how to distribute resources in an efficient measure.)

[] [General] Burn the Corrupted Parts
While you got around to destroying many of the corrupted (or possessed) parts of the station, there is still a lot of machinery and chaos symbols that need to be burned and destroyed.
(Gain: A (mostly) cleansed station.)

[] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?
Sure Boss-man, I'll get to organschating the troopers! What the fuck is a chain of command? Where are they made?! Heh?
(Gain: Uuuuuh, militarily organized?)

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
The Dark Prieshad mainly used their non-production related time for psykana experiments, alongside a dash of biological and demon summoning experiments, the latter of which was sometimes aided by Chaos Space marines that demanded a heavy toll from the people aboard in flesh and souls. Some of the psykana experiments have escaped containment in the chaos of the Waking Rising, and they now hunt the dark and forgotten parts of the station, where they take the souls of the unlucky and those caught off-guard. They need to be hunted down and destroyed, ere they do something worse than merely killing randomly.
(Gain: Clear the station of Dark Mechanicu Psykana Experiments.)

[] [Psykana] Construct the Symphonium
The Celestial Choir needs a place to conduct their songs, where they can listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. There, their centuries-long service will begin in careful tuning of their abilities and where they shall live and work to see us secured from the malignant tumors of the universe.
(Gain: The Symphonium, where your psykers will be able to work on refining their psychic abilities and control in a safe-ish manner.)

[] [Faith] Unite The Creed
There exist a thousand and one interpretations of the Star Child and what needs to be done in their service even though we had been blessed by their Prophet for only a scant few years. Gathering those already preaching the Child's words and aspirations to hammer out a united Dogma and Canon to follow will hamper any outside sects or agents of Chaos from using the discord to split us in two.
(Gain: Eliminate the chance for a schism...for now.)

[] [Faith] Construct Cradle-Shrines
Five shrines will be built, one in the center, four on a cross centered on the first. There, our preachers will give sermons; there, our faithful will gather, and there, we will be united in faith and belief. From there, all of our works shall be elevated, and all our struggles made holy. We are but candles in the dark of the galaxy. Time to light five fires to gather around and provide guidance to all who are yet lost but wander still.
(Gain: Five Cradle-Shrines, beginning the creation of something greater than yourself.)

[] [Chapter] Screen for potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves
Though the practice of Gene-Slaves is frowned upon by most Chapters within the galaxy, some do use it in times of need and to prepare for times filled with many casualties. Now that the Chapter is but one, implanting all seventeen Gene-Seeds into willing volunteers to harvest thirty-four in ten years must be done. Only then can the rebuilding of the Chapter begin with four already pre-selected perfect candidates, with the thirty seeds implanted into volunteers once more before the practice can be retired after two or more repeats. Also, Dreadnought Chyron would like this to be given priority, as he can only aid our people with a Chapter at his back.
(Gain: 34 Gene-Seeds, beginning the first step of reviving the Lamenters Space Marine Chapter.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 27, 2024 at 12:27 PM, finished with 61 posts and 38 votes.
001.M42 - Heavy Stubber Gal With Sweltering Abs
Everyone had known that the Council was a measure taken to patch over the rough period of instability and (lower-case) chaos that would inevitably appear as the people organized themselves into something that didn't rely on cruelty, violence, and torture to hold itself up. Most thought that the ones in charge could organize themselves and their duties sooner rather than later and that things would improve without them worsening.

It was no surprise to the rest then that the council broke down in less than a standard year.

Dreadnought Chyron was mostly absent from council meetings, spending most of his time organizing the revival of the Lamenters, several hundred Chapter Servs sworn into the Chapter. At the same time, he used their labor and that of volunteers to begin the construction of a new headquarters and all the surrounding supporting infrastructure the Chapter will need.

The Celestial Choir spent most of its time working on refining what songs they had, with the rest spent on either searching for newly awakened Psykers, defending those chokepoints that were used to cordon off the regions where the prowling psykana experiments had nestled within, or generally appearing only to vote for the proposals that the civilian administration wanted to be done, only voting against them in matters of their specialty.

Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, was also primarily absent, working hard to gather the creed into one united whole while helping the burning of what corrupted parts of the station could be reached without running into errant psykana experiments. This was hampered by multiple factors, such as the number of people able to read and write being countable on one hand with the knowledge that the thumb isn't a finger and two others missing. Most others used self-taught scripts and pictograms, memorizing words used in the Dark Priests manufacturing processes on a need-to-know basis (such as Danger, Daemon, Sacrifice, etc.). So hampered, he began a massive program to get the priests (and then the general population) literate so that orders could be more than spoken. He also worked closely with Hymnal Bnuy to get canticles promoting purity and harmony through faith worked into sermons and dispersed among the population, alongside tweaks to work songs so that they have a minor anti-corruption part within them as well. The fervor with which Bnuy aided him inspired all working with the two and noticeably increased the speed at which damaged parts of the station were brought into use once more.

Labor Captain F-K L4J/Y0S, or Klajiyos, has been consistently overworked and has remarked more than once that working in a chain-gang in the bulletarius was far less draining than the work he is doing now. This became more noticeable once the stims he was using to get more work done started to affect him less and less, with confusion spreading to those waiting for orders that were sharply delayed.

All of this came to a head when a severely sleep-deprived Durik Psi-2 marched into the council (after clamping down on an attack by a gaggle of psykana experiments) on a rare occasion when Klajiyos, Bnuy, and Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, were present as well, declaring that after some thought and looking at what was happening, that the guys with guns should not have a say in matters, and the ones left should get their shit together as soon as possible because it was becoming increasingly clear that this solution, temporary as it was intended to be, had neared its end. Not only because they were starting to be unable to command the people effectively but also because he knew how this shit would go: the guys with guns would demand more guns and then start asking questions about why the guys with guns weren't the ones in charge. Or the gals with guns would.

At which point he got a thousand-hall stare before blinking and turning around, declaring that he was quitting and would go get himself a "heavy stubber gal with sweltering abs." It is still being determined if he has succeeded since then.

Regardless of that fact, the remaining three agreed that they needed to try something better, especially for the sake of Labor Captain Klajiyos.

Congratulations! Your government is nearing a point of collapse! Thankfully, with no crisis, unrest, or outside stress factors, you can commence a peaceful and smooth change in how your government operates.

As a reminder, your government is an Oligarchic Council, splitting its power between the Lamenters Chapter, the Celestial Choir, the Star Childs Church, the Civilian Administration, and the Military. Each has a vote on what is to be done at any given time, and each can vote for, against, and abstain on any given issue.

Current known factors to keep in mind:
-The Lamenters Chapter is neutral on active participation within the government.
-The Civilian Administration is under severe stress due to only a single leader.
-The Celestial Choir has little to do/effect outside their specialty.
-The Military should not be placed in charge equal to the Civilian Administration.
-People are generally okay with changes happening as long as they aren't repressive or disruptive to their new lives.
-The Faith must be kept in the government as a Voter.

What you can do:
-Assign privileges and restrictions to each part of the government.
--These are:
---[Voter]: Has a vote upon the Council.
---[Veto Power]: Able to shut down initiatives or votes for their respective part of the government, allowing parts like the Celestial Choir to prevent the Council from throwing shit into the Warp for giggles.
---[Observer]: Can suggests to, but is not an active participant of, the Council and government.
---[First Among Equals]: Able to break ties in a vote. Nothing more.

-Add/Remove Seats in the Council.
--You can only add five more seats to prevent a considerable upset in bureaucracy.
---It is recommended that at least two, possibly four, more seats be created for the Civilian Administration.

Current Government Structure:
-[Military] - [Voter]
-[Faith] - [Voter]
-[Celestial Choir] - [Voter]
-[Civilian Administration] - [Voter]
-[Lamenters] - [Voter]

New Government Structure:
(1-Day Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 28, 2024 at 10:01 AM, finished with 23 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Plan: A Larger Council, A Wiser Councilor
    -[X] [Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
    -[X] [Faith] - 2 Seats [Voter]
    -[X] [Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
    -[X] [Civilian Administration] - 5 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
    -[X] [Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
    [X] Plan: Smaller and Specialized
    -[X] [Military] - [Observer]
    -[X] [Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
    -[X] [Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
    -[X] [Civilian Administration] -4 Seats [Voter]
    -[X] [Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
    [X] Plan: Secularized Tech-Work, Religious Unity
    -[X] [Military] - 1 Seat [Voter]
    -[X] [Faith] - 1 Seats [Voter]
    -[X] [Celestial Choir] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
    -[X] [Civilian Administration] - 6 Seats, [Voter], [First Among Equals]
    -[X] [Lamenters] - [Observer] [Veto Power]
010.M42 - Flamer-Use-Related Accident
The new Council found itself swiftly assembled and brought to bear against the myriad problems that had already come to siege their doors when it was expanded, though with four new seats for the Civ Admin, alongside being the undeniable tie-breaker, and one new seat to represent the Cult of the Star Child, such would surely be swiftly eliminated.

Though there had been some nervousness regarding the Lamenters not being given a seat and, effectively, being relegated to a "mere" close ally of the station, Dreadnought Chyron was, in truth, glad that such a change had occurred. Being allied and a friend to a government that supports them with materials and recruits in exchange for sworn protection and oaths of allegiance was a situation far more familiar to him than being part of a larger entity as one singular component.

Besides him, the Celestial Choir took acute notice of being stripped of their vote until they were assuaged with a veto right like the Lamenters in their area of specialty, after which they mostly returned to their duties in harmonizing their songs and teaching a new-found psyker to control their powers. Unfortunately, the boy of nine has, at best, a few drops more power than the average person, so he will likely become part of the administrative or security apparatus of the Choir.

And with that, the only thing that remained was the replacement of the previous head of the Military with Thule-Omicron 55, a heavy stubber gunner who had been deeply involved in securing the zones where the known psykana experiments have holed up in and establishing a cordon so that they would not escape and start killing randomly. She has so far been efficient in her duties, though rather blunt and unimaginative. As far as she is concerned, any problem can be solved with enough firepower.

With a government reformed, the tasks of repairing the station, uniting the creed, and burning the corrupted parts continued with only minor interruptions. The repairs did little that they didn't promise at the start; a whole lot of damaged components were replaced, ancient machinery buckling under the weight of their corrupted parts was purged, new ones were constructed in their place, and massive swathes of the stations interior got freed up thanks to gutting machinery and laboratories no longer needed and the mazes of the housing habs being re-built in freed up sections in an efficient manner.

The only real upsets were, if one could call it that, the long sessions filled with sermons and revelations by Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, alongside the theological arguments regarding the Motive Force, the Xeno, the Witch, and the Mutant. Surprisingly, the Mutant part would be the least controversial, with most on the same page. (If they could read.)

But to understand why that was, one needed to understand the history of the people living within the station now freed from Chaos' grasp.

You see, built some six thousand years ago, the station was fed every century with a large delivery of some ten million slaves purchased in exchange for manufactured materials and weaponry or combat-capable experiments and military support to various Chaos warbands and associated polities. Whenever such a shipment occurred, those eighty million living on the station were swamped with two scenarios, each bringing different problems.

The first scenario was that the shipment mainly consisted of Imperial citizens, who, upon realizing that they were now workers on a Chaos station, freaked out and tried to revolt. Such revolts were accounted for by the Dark Priests to test new weaponry, and had little to no support from the rest of the station that had already known and become forewarned of such events through history told in story and tale by their knowledge keepers. And, it must be said, by the primary divider between the first-generation Imperials and inhabitants of the station: Mutants. Everyone who lived on the station longer than a decade knew at least three, and considered one a friend, with some going further in calling some lineage-units by choice, or feelings. Imperials only saw Mutants, and acted as such, ensuring bad blood due to the murder of thousands and the failing of quotas and resulting punishments thereafter happening. Most natives held to a single belief regarding Mutants: if they weren't insane and could work, they were okay. Until they fucked with you, then they were open meat. Though Mutants were only a problem before the Imperials were broken and became a part of the station's workforce.

Scenario two came when the slaves weren't part of an Imperial world that got raided but parts of another Chaos world or station being traded. Because when that happened, things had a chance to get very ugly, very fast, even with Chaos already a daily thing to deal with. All due to the single reason that the majority of the population was created in Iron Wombs and decanted as children before being given to the workers as a pacification measure created by the Dark Priests. A communal creche or three being publicly and slowly subjected to punishment for their responding work units failing to meet quotas for too long had a way to motivate those units to meet their damned quotas. However, only a majority, around two-thirds, of the children on the station were brought into existence this way, with the other third being born naturally, either by choice or force from the Dark Priests. And it were those natural births that, though very undesirable for slowing down a worker for a long time before debilitating them for up to a week, would become the backbone for the subsequent batches of clones being created and decanted.

And the Dark Priests were unwilling to let their tools degrade beyond a certain degree, almost gleefully initiating station-wide purges once a certain threshold of genetic impurity had been reached. Ten such purges are remembered, with the last happening some seven hundred years ago.

The survivors would remember those massacres, and they would hand down a better, a more refined, version of the protocols that had been supposed to keep them safe from such a thing, though, in essence, they boiled down to a single thing: all nature-born Mutants were to be sterilized at birth, while all newly-changed Mutants were subjected to the same measure once mutated.

So it came as no surprise that with a mix of ruthless practicality and cultural forces, the first significant divergence would be canonized within the Cult of the Star Child: Mutants would not be killed on sight, but they were not allowed to procreate. Even though the Dark Priests were now gone, having the genetic purity of the station decay had been burned into the psyche of the people, and none would budge on that. If a Mutant desired children of their own, the communal creches had more than enough children to foster affection toward and have them returned until both agreed to become a lineage-unit. Beyond that, no other measures were taken beyond allowing Mutants to remove the physical evidence of their Mutation if they so desired or would be a hindrance to their ability to work and replace lost limbs with the blessed machine-flesh of the Motive Force.

When this declaration was spread among the population, it was returned with a noticeable increase in efficiency across all sectors as a large portion of the station had their future secured and nothing taken from them that they weren't already lacking or willing to give should they be changed by the Warp meddling in the Materium.

It was also apparently celebrated by two people if rumors are to be believed, as Hymnal Bnuy had generally radiated a muted sense of yearning and admiration whenever in the presence of Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, which changed the day after the declaration when she shined in a radiance emitting a feeling of giddy passion and soothing fire within one's belly. Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, also just so happened to be out for two days due to a "flamer-use-related accident."

Most everyone reacted to those rumors in the same way, with a knowing "Oh, they fucking!"

Moving onto more important theological matters, the Witch debate could be summed up as: If they get into the Choir to be trained, they good. If they resist? Naval-grade laser into their face. Thrown or activated, as long as it hits and murders them fatally and irreversibly.

In contrast, the Xenos debate was more hesitant and boisterous at the same time, but one thing could be agreed upon, even if the finer details needed some more time to cook: if the Xenos bowed to the Star Child, they would be spared in exchange for tribute and contributions to the common good of the galaxy. If they didn't, they would be killed without remorse.

Then came the Motive Force debate.

As a reminder, the Imperium is not the whole of humanity, as the Mechanicum is theoretically and legally a somewhat distinct entity only allied to it, even though both pray to the same being: the God-Emperor, even if the Mechanicum prays to Him as the Omnissiah, prophet of the Motive Force, the actual underlying divine energy and being according to their teachings. Now, being brought up on a Dark Mechanicum-controlled station, most people here were adherents to some parts of the Dark Priest's faith, even if only to operate the machinery without getting murdered horrifically if they didn't pray to the activation rune correctly while being observed directly or indirectly.

The people here thought of the God-Emperor and the Omnissiah as the same and only distinct in their roles: the face shown to humanity at large and the face shown to the engineers and specialists, with the Motive Force as the underlying web of energy that allowed the Lord of Mankind to do its works everywhere.

And now that the truth of the Star Child was revealed to them, questions were being raised about the relations to the Motive Force and its place in the cosmology of the universe at large once the Star Child was born. But that would be a debate that needed far more time than a mere decade to be solved.

On another note, a worker neglecting their duties discovered a new burning star. However, that star quickly turned out to be a burning planet after closer inspection via a telescope. Dreadnought Chyron took one look at the pict feed from that planet and determined that that celestial body had been subjected to an Exterminatus via Atmospheric Incinerator Torpedo. This news did little to calm things down and has raised a call to begin arming the military and repairing the available system monitors moored at the station.

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Construct a Scout Ship and explore your new Home

Despite it being impossible as far as you are aware, you have been transported to a new location by means you do not know. Previously you were...somewhere, and now you are in the middle of a trinary star system with a blue, golden, and brown star orbiting around you. So, the first order of knowing what to do next outside the station is to repair a damaged system monitor and scout out the local system you are located within.
(Gain: System Map and Knowledge)

[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry
-[] Void Industry
-[] Medical Services

With much of the station freed up, we can begin filling the empty parts again with industry and things we need, from clinics to starch vats feeding us in the void.
(Gain: A district focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [General] Figure out an Economy
You...don't exactly have a way to distribute things like food, medicine, and workers to where those are needed right now. It is primarily ad-hoc and relies heavily on shift-leaders taking things from where they are handed out and giving them to where they think they are needed. Some organization of these things should happen sooner rather than later before someone makes a system for you that sticks around for centuries.
(Gain: Figure out how to distribute resources in an efficient measure.)

[] [Military] Uuuuh, Organi-what?
Sure Boss-man, I'll get to organschating the troopers! What the fuck is a chain of command? Where are they made?! Heh?
(Gain: Uuuuuh, militarily organized?)

[] [Military] Raise A Light Infantry Unit
Though you cannot outfit your military with more than plain flak vests and las-rifles at the moment, it would still be a step up from heavy stubbers and prayers. However, it would be better if this was done after or while the Council figured out what it wanted from the military.
(Gain: A Light Infantry Unit.)

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
The Dark Prieshad mainly used their non-production related time for psykana experiments, alongside a dash of biological and demon summoning experiments, the latter of which was sometimes aided by Chaos Space marines that demanded a heavy toll from the people aboard in flesh and souls. Some of the psykana experiments have escaped containment in the chaos of the Waking Rising, and they now hunt the dark and forgotten parts of the station, where they take the souls of the unlucky and those caught off-guard. They need to be hunted down and destroyed, ere they do something worse than merely killing randomly.
(Gain: Clear the station of Dark Mechanicu Psykana Experiments.)

[] [Psykana] Construct the Symphonium
The Celestial Choir needs a place to conduct their songs, where they can listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. There, their centuries-long service will begin in careful tuning of their abilities and where they shall live and work to see us secured from the malignant tumors of the universe.
(Gain: The Symphonium, where your psykers will be able to work on refining their psychic abilities and control in a safe-ish manner.)

[] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
The nascent Cult of the Star Child has been established, yet it must answer a lot of questions for itself, chief among them the doctrine and truth they shall follow to unite the Omnissiah and the God-Emperor with the Motive Force, or if that will not be needed should Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, be graced with another vision that would lay this debate to rest.
(Gain: Nail down the technical aspects of the Cult of the Star Child, improving your technological means by proxy.)

[] [Faith] Begin The Great Education
People cannot read, write, or do numbers beyond the bare minimum, and any hope of establishing a nation that will last beyond the next crisis must address this lack of education now that the unwashed masses have eliminated the educated class. As knowledge and technology are the purview of the faith, this shall be a burden and duty of the Cult to bear, gladly worn with the knowledge of the greater tomorrow their works will bring.
(Gain: Start educating your population in basic numbers and literacy.)

[] [Faith] Construct Cradle-Shrines
Five shrines will be built, one in the center, four on a cross centered on the first. There, our preachers will give sermons; there, our faithful will gather, and there, we will be united in faith and belief. From there, all of our works shall be elevated, and all our struggles made holy. We are but candles in the dark of the galaxy. Time to light five fires to gather around and provide guidance to all who are yet lost but wander still.
(Gain: Five Cradle-Shrines, beginning the creation of something greater than yourself.)

[] [Chapter] Screen for Potential Candidates and Foster Gene-Slaves
Though the practice of Gene-Slaves is frowned upon by most Chapters within the galaxy, some do use it in times of need and to prepare for times filled with many casualties. Now that the Chapter is but one, implanting all seventeen Gene-Seeds into willing volunteers to harvest thirty-four in ten years must be done. Only then can the rebuilding of the Chapter begin with four already pre-selected perfect candidates, with the thirty seeds implanted into volunteers once more before the practice can be retired after two or more repeats. Also, Dreadnought Chyron would like this to be given priority, as he can only aid our people with a Chapter at his back. He would really like if he was given the support to do so now, as it would be far too difficult to do so alone.
(Gain: 34 Gene-Seeds, beginning the first step of reviving the Lamenters Space Marine Chapter.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 29, 2024 at 2:24 PM, finished with 56 posts and 29 votes.
019.M42 - Information Required
Having been charged with creating a military structure and blueprint to follow in the decades to come, Thule-Omicron 55 went to work drafting up what would be needed, what wouldn't, and which problems and questions had to be overcome and asked.

Unfortunately for all involved, the above sentence could be answered by her with: Guns, luxury, Psykana Experiments, and what the military was asked to do.

Or, in even simpler terms, you didn't build a military based on feelings but on what you needed it to do. Will the legions of the Star Child conquer the galaxy in its name to present a united nation to it after they are born? Will the military be tasked with covert infiltration and strike missions to take out strategic targets and support saboteurs and seeded revolutions? Or will there only be a navy, and if yes, what tasks are demanded of them?

Questions nobody could quite answer beyond: "Well, someone blew up a planet, so..." In her opinion, the best thing to do for now would be to organize the military to take care of the Psykana Experiments in two or three decades after a solid core of soldiers were trained and equipped with actual quality-build equipment and weaponry, with any further changes on hold until she got actionable intelligence about the situation and the threats the followers of the Star Child would face.

And ultimately, she chooses to:
[] Create a Force-Projection Military

Large military formations intended to put boots on stations and planets and then duke it out with the fuckers on the other side of one's weapon. A blunt hammer and anvil, able to march and fight without issues for months.

[] Create a Strike-Group Based Military
Small purpose-built formations specialized and able to perform valuable strike missions and support fifth column efforts initiated by the nation. A knife in the back, a hidden bomb, and a crate of munitions at the right time in the wrong place make all the difference between defeat and victory.

In contrast to Thule-Omicron 55's efforts to create a military with no information on what it would need to accomplish, the enlargened Civilian Administration had to contend with the overarching fact that the station's economy required to turn over from slaves bartering to free people trading, all without a good idea on what would actually work and what needed to be done.

Usually, a Labor Leader got the food required for the upkeep of their Work Unit delivered by the Dark Priests if they met the quota, with punishments applied if they didn't, and were then generally expected to hand out the food on a mostly fair basis. However, more than some dipped the scales for some on one end or the other depending on favors owed or demands met. All other trading usually occurred by bartering items created in what little "down-time" was left, usually medicine and clothes, with wealth measured in direct ownership of valuable resources.

Though there was a debate about whether the system shouldn't simply be continued, just fairer in the distribution of food, there were arguments about the need to create a wealth token, backed by pegging one token to one meal and ration of water, to ensure that trading beyond the station could be done once they found somebody to trade with. Or perhaps not? Something else?

What then?
[] Continue the old system.

Bartering held for so long, it will hold for another six-thousand years.

[] Wealth Tokens
One token for one meal and water ration. People will adapt its worth on their own. Probably.

[] (Write-In)
Another solution, perhaps?
(Keep it simple. These people are barter-level economists. You go fancy, I go veto.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 30, 2024 at 2:05 PM, finished with 50 posts and 35 votes.
020.M42 - His Burden To Bear
The decisions were reached, orders were given, documents prepared, velum produced in industrial quantities, servitors from the humble servo-skull with attached auto-quills to the venerable ancients wielding entire segments of room-filling machinery within their grasp set to write and record, spreading needs and sending demands. Forges began to roar, metal set to flow, and society directed at the behest of eight seeking to steer the station for a better tomorrow.

The Military would be organized to seek not the large engagements that many other armies were organized around but instead focused on generating units with duties and purposes tailor-made and narrow, arms and equipment changed from quantity to quality, prayers, and sermons raised over arms and comrades to be produced and molded into the backbone that would stiffen the faithful and plunge a dagger into the back of all the horrors that assault humanity, here and beyond.

For the civilians, tokens were produced and generated, metal disks soon clinking on strings all around the station to gain food and water or trade with them for goods and services. Some tried to forge those tokens independently, hoping for riches now stolen rather than earned later by the sweat upon their brow. Those now either walked the station in chains and adorned by tattoos marking them for their crimes or nailed to the walls of hallways when they tried to fight back after refusing the mercy of the Star Child for their sentences.

And in a well-fortified corner of the station, one Dreadnought said soft prayers over the emaciated husks of seventeen volunteers that had given health and life to give his Chapter new life. Selected for health and their commitment, these men had carried their burden and honor well, ending their service to the Chapter and humanity with soft sighs leaving bodies as knives cut two organs from bodies sleeping under heavy sedatives.

Thirty-four Gene-Seeds were now in Chyron's possession, and four candidates had been selected with the best possible chance to accept them, four children who would grow up to become his brothers and four brothers who would lay with him the foundation of the Chapter reborn anew. The other thirty would be set into the willing once again so that sixty could be taken, and the cycle repeated until their old strength had been reached. Yet, none who had given and would give their lives for the Lamenters would be forgotten, names etched forever into the darkest moment of their history as the saviors of the Chapter.

"Mu 9-Grahr," Dreadnought Chyron began, ancient hands of metal beginning the long task of inscribing those who died into eternity, no matter how the long sleep had begun to gnaw at his mind. This task he would see through. It was his burden to bear and his duty to do. "Kappa 0-Thorght. Eldeum 54/7 Nesisch. I-V W7B/Y3E..."

You Have 3 [Three] Actions.
[] [General] Construct a Scout Ship and explore your new Home

Despite it being impossible as far as you are aware, you have been transported to a new location by means you do not know. Previously you were...somewhere, and now you are in the middle of a trinary star system with a blue, golden, and brown star orbiting around you. So, the first order of knowing what to do next outside the station is to repair a damaged system monitor and scout out the local system you are located within. A general sense of urgency has gripped the population after what, at least for some, has been the sighting of a second planet subjected to an Exterminatus, though that is a bit unclear due to a lack of sufficient data.
(Gain: System Map and Knowledge)

[] [General] Construct Something
-[] Food Production
-[] Civilian Infrastructure
-[] Heavy Industry
-[] Void Industry
-[] Medical Services

With much of the station freed up, we can begin filling the empty parts again with industry and things we need, from clinics to starch vats feeding us in the void.
(Gain: A district focusing on the chosen option.)

[] [Military] Raise A Specialised Light Infantry Unit - [Choose: Sabotage/Assault/Engineering/Demolition/Ogryn]
With a chosen direction, your Military can now focus on giving the Units you will raise the proper training for the right job. Sabotage Units will focus on raiding and disrupting the enemy with lighting raids and plundering logistics; Assault Units will punch through the enemy in weak points and sow confusion with overwhelming firepower; Engineering Units will focus on creating fortifications and using turrets, mines, and barricades; Demolition Units will be comprised out of heavy weaponry squads with plenty of explosives, from mines to rockets; and Ogryn Units will be Ogryns armored in heavy metals and armed with shields and Beatin' Sticks led by men and women with spiffy hats that will not be disobeyed.
(Gain: A chosen Specialised Light Infantry Unit.)

[] [Psykana] Hunt down the remaining Psykana Experiments
The Dark Prieshad mainly used their non-production related time for psykana experiments, alongside a dash of biological and demon summoning experiments, the latter of which was sometimes aided by Chaos Space marines that demanded a heavy toll from the people aboard in flesh and souls. Some of the psykana experiments have escaped containment in the chaos of the Waking Rising, and they now hunt the dark and forgotten parts of the station, where they take the souls of the unlucky and those caught off-guard. They need to be hunted down and destroyed, ere they do something worse than merely killing randomly. The Military strongly opposes any attempt to dislodge or hunt the Psykana Experiments before at least two units or heavy support from the Lamenters or Celestial Choir can be brought to bear.
(Gain: Clear the station of Dark Mechanicu Psykana Experiments.)

[] [Psykana] Construct the Symphonium
The Celestial Choir needs a place to conduct their songs, where they can listen to the Warp and filter out the false whispers from the slumbering guidance of the Star Child. There, their centuries-long service will begin in careful tuning of their abilities and where they shall live and work to see us secured from the malignant tumors of the universe.
(Gain: The Symphonium, where your psykers will be able to work on refining their psychic abilities and control in a safe-ish manner.)

[] [Faith] Motive Force And Cradle Slumbers
The nascent Cult of the Star Child has been established, yet it must answer a lot of questions for itself, chief among them the doctrine and truth they shall follow to unite the Omnissiah and the God-Emperor with the Motive Force, or if that will not be needed should Teeln, Prophet of the Star Child, be graced with another vision that would lay this debate to rest.
(Gain: Nail down the technical aspects of the Cult of the Star Child, improving your technological means by proxy.)

[] [Faith] Begin The Great Education
People cannot read, write, or do numbers beyond the bare minimum, and any hope of establishing a nation that will last beyond the next crisis must address this lack of education now that the unwashed masses have eliminated the educated class. As knowledge and technology are the purview of the faith, this shall be a burden and duty of the Cult to bear, gladly worn with the knowledge of the greater tomorrow their works will bring.
(Gain: Start educating your population in basic numbers and literacy.)

[] [Faith] Construct Cradle-Shrines
Five shrines will be built, one in the center, four on a cross centered on the first. There, our preachers will give sermons; there, our faithful will gather, and there, we will be united in faith and belief. From there, all of our works shall be elevated, and all our struggles made holy. We are but candles in the dark of the galaxy. Time to light five fires to gather around and provide guidance to all who are yet lost but wander still.
(Gain: Five Cradle-Shrines, beginning the creation of something greater than yourself.)

[] [Chapter] Begin the Resurrection of the Chapter
The long task has begun, and though the Long Sleep claws at the mind of Dreadnought Chyron, he will not rest until a stable base has been created from which the Chapter will grow unhindered until he awakens to guide his younger siblings in full in the rituals of the Lamenters and the tactics and strategies of the Space Marines. Whether we support him or not, he will do so, but our support could mean the difference between four successful Neophytes and perhaps only one surviving the grueling training and implantations.
(Gain: 60 Gene-Seeds, Four Space Marine Neophytes, the industry to outfit them...somewhat.)

[] [Other] Take Care Of [Future Or Current Problems]
(Write-In the problem being addressed.)
(Gain: Turn to address the issue.)
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