What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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The year is 999.M41.

Things are happening in the galaxy at large, and yet these people know nothing of them.

How could they? They are not the movers and shakers of an empire, but the laborers that oil the chains of a Dark Mechanicum outpost producing machinery and weapons with their sweat and blood.

At least, they did so until now.

Because they have just risen up in defiance and in fury, needing only a hand to guide them.

To glory or doom.
999.M41 - The Void-Metal Cage


Unverified Monstergirl

The burst of my heavy stubber bit my hands, not even the callouses on them able to take the rattle of the gun from painful to merely stinging. The stink of hot metal pierced through the haze of powder and smoke, blood and puke, shit and piss, a smell that I never thought would ever be a balm on my mind. Now it was.


It continued to fire in short bursts, target picked and delivered into the beyond that awaited us all with every bullet painstakingly manufactured far away from the prying eyes of the Dark Priests that had chained us in their void-metal cage, each one containing the whispered breath of prayer for deliverance from bloodied hands working in the meager hours allotted for sleep.


I shift my aim, a servitor hastily assembled for war lumbering through a door on the left, the head still screaming and begging, the mind within able to plead for death and deliverance thanks to the shoddy job of the Dark Priests. I shoot. I ignore the screams of agony. Instead, I silently count down a number. Eight more bullets before the barrel warps.


Five. The servitor continues to lumber, bolter fused into its flesh with searing metals and biting machine spirits screaming unholy litanies as the mind is eaten and devoured, symbols that once burned in my eyes decades ago now merely whispering across its body. I ignore the voices. There was no time to listen to the whispers.


Two. The last of the burst hit something critical, causing the flesh-machine to fall over dead, and I swivel around, joining the others firing all they got downrange into the hall below us, or as best as I was able. The Soul Grinder shrieking and yelling in utter ecstasy beyond mortal comprehension, each wound another strike into supple flesh I yearned to touch, devour, to run my knife deep and bathe in the steaming blood. Later, I remind myself. Now was the time for war.


"BARREL!" I scream, taking my hammer from my thigh and smashing it against the lever, holding the now slowly melting piece of metal in place. Only two swings are needed before the long metal rod falls, just a second before a new barrel is rammed into my gun, and I hammer the lever back up. "NEED AMMO!" I scream, aiming below, and let my gun roar its hymn of devastation unblemished by fallible metal.


I don't know if anything I threw against my seductive pet writhing without my touch down there did more than excite it, but I was more than willing to keep firing. All to keep the one below fighting, to help them deliver us.

Deliver us from the Dark Priests.

From the Void-Metal Cage, we labored within.

And the lies and nightmares whispering in our minds when we would dream after a shift not harsh enough to create tools and weapons for the unholy legions.

I could do no more than fire.

Fire and scream:

[Dogmatic] - Three years ago, a woman came to the Void-Metal Cage, her back bent and head low like all, but her eyes were filled with fire and hatred. She was not a beast of burden like us, for most of us knew no other life as this, but a warrior, a soldier of the God-Emperor! A Commissar who rallied those able to fight, taught them many things, and gave us the spines we needed to fight back in His Holy Name. Fervour shall see us through this obstacle; discipline shall see us join the Empire once more.
(Your people will adhere to a version of the Cult Imperialis.)
(Gain Trait: The Imperium's Finest - Roll 3d6 instead of 2d6 for combat, but discard the lowest dice if you roll above a combined total of 6.)

[Iconoclastic] - He had labored here all his life alongside us, born to one forced to breed more laborers. Nothing marked him beyond the whips and teeth of machinery too hungry to wait to be fed oil, metal, and liquid. And yet, one day, he stood, two decades after assembly, and spoke. He talked to the Mutants. He talked to the Ogryns. He talked to the Laborers. And then he declared to the Dark Priests with a hymn on his lips and a screaming sword of whirring metal-teeth of the coming of the Lord, our God. We follow, for there is no death better spent than one spent to bring forth the Star Child's birth from the God-Emperor.
(Your people believe that the God-Emperor will die and be then reborn as a new God worthy of Mankind.)
(Gain Trait: A Hand To Hold The Candle - All your people are passively resistant to trivial Chaos Corruption. This can be upgraded.)

[Heretical] - There was only one truth and one service left for those who had nothing and could gain everything. The Imperium would kill them all in glee if they joined, and the Galaxy would rend them asunder if they sought to build a new home amidst the stars, but the Gods...the Gods richly rewarded those who gave and sacrificed those eager and unwilling in their service. They knew that more than any, for this place, was steeped in story and potential within the Warp, and those dwelling within would be raised by their hand atop a galaxy that shall tremble before their might and before their domain. So it will be written, so it shall be read.
(Your servants are slaves to Chaos. Punishment and Reward await those who sacrifice themselves and others.)
(Gain Trait: To The Altar - You can sacrifice Actions, Units, Places, and Populations for Rewards; the greater the sacrifice, the greater the Reward. Sacrificing the willing yields more significant results.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 22, 2024 at 5:02 PM, finished with 40 posts and 37 votes.
999.M41 - This Trap Is Mine
"GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I scream at the top of my lungs, barely scraping the claws of the Daemon in front of me to the side, avoiding a wound by providence alone or by its sick desire to extend the "dance" between the two of us as bullets fly and seem to do little more than nothing to its actually important parts.

"Oh, fuck me yourself, you cowaAAaangh~!" It moans with a shudder of pleasure, the wound my chainsword reaped on its right arm not retracted quickly enough (or deliberately offered), gushing blood that hurt to look at. So I didn't, ignoring the fluids dripping from the lower section of the Soul Grinder to focus on scrambling backward faster, back, always back, to ensure the damned Mago wouldn't have the ability to further empower this masochistic psychopath of a Slaaneshi Daemon. ...a bit redundant to state, I think.

"NO THANKS!" I scream instead of lingering on the particulars of that linguistic choice and whatever else one might describe it as and evade another swipe. However, my pants are now ripped into shreds at best, with several shallow wounds on my thighs firing up my nerves as they appear, and barely existent at worst. Just a few more steps, a few more!

"My my! What a sight~!" The Daemon sighs with one claw on its snake-horse face, hungry eyes seeking things that have no right to be out in combat, especially right now, while the other claw tries to cut off my legs and barely misses. "What virility~! Oh, why don't you struggle some more? I like foreplay the most! Especially with my trapped prey~," it continues, and a tail lashes out, blindsiding me as my body does a flip in midair and smacks into the ground with a hit from the blunt side of its claws.

"Augh, my ribs!" I gasp out, before realizing that I had arrived at the place. "Finally!"

"And this trap is mine:"
[] "LADIES!"

[Dogmatic] - The doors to the sides of the hall we had dueled in didn't so much as open as shatter, the black and white power armor-clad feet of several women launching metal and rust everywhere, litanies of fury and contempt on their lips and through the air, eyes burning underneath helmets with utter zeal and hatred beyond mortals, hands leveling the sights of their weapons onto the Soul Grinder. As one, they let loose, drowning the world in blessed flame and sanctified munitions, holy lights and unholy screams clashing as hundreds of rounds were pumped into the abomination, each etched with a prayer by a faithful hand, all empowered by the hopes and zeal of the people fighting against Chaos even here and those who had never known another life. Step by step, bullet by bullet, they drove the Daemon away; hymns and prayers swung like swords as faith burned alike the fire that devoured the flesh of the abomination as it trashed in its last moments.
(Gain Opportunity: A Covenant Struck - A heavily damaged duo of Cobra-class Destroyers dropped into the system, seeking repairs at a nearby Mechanicum Outpost only to find it a guise worn to capture them. Months of torture and humiliation later, the three squads of Sororitas carried aboard rose with glee with those faithful that seek to redeem themselves in the eyes of the God-Emperor.)

[Iconoclastic] - "WE DIE IN GLORY!" I screamed in fury and hatred as I fell from the upper gallery, my twin-linked autocannon roaring its fury, the munitions splattering across the sickly-slick hide of the Daemon, few finding the needed angles to bite through its armor and strike inside, though enough did to rouse the unholy beast to roar in genuine anger, its lust placed aside in favor of roaring at me, just in time for three of my Krak Missiles to slam into torso, mouth, and head at once, launching the beast back in pain. As I slam into the ground, my autocannon does not relent, nor do the gunners of the rebels here who had risen against their dark masters. I knew not their cause beyond this rising; there had been no time to explain in detail when they had freed me from the grasps of the Dark Mechanicum, just enough to point me at the most potent weapon these Hereteks had summoned and the one thing that stood between victory and defeat. There would be none of the latter. I could not allow it. The Chapter's future rested within the seventeen Gene-Seeds hidden safely within my Hellfire Dreadnought, and I had a debt to pay to these people for that.
(Gain Opportunity: A Dirge Unsung - A Space Marine of the Lamenters Chapter has been captured by your Once-Masters, yet you managed to free him, alongside seventeen Gene-Seeds he knows how to implant despite being within a Dreadnought. He now owes a debt and requires aid to rebuild his Chapter as its last Angel.)

[Heretical] - For a solid second, nothing happens, and the eyes of the Soul Grinder turn from intrigued to amused, its snake-horse face splitting open to speak in its horrid tongues once more. At least, it tries, as a massive pillar of pure steel strikes it down the head, smashing its entire body into the floor with an explosion of blood and dust; large and convulsing hands attached to the pillar slowly lift it with the aid of grotesquely muscular arms belonging to an even larger torso. Despite that, the face on the massive head looks rather sad and confused, eyes unclouded by even the tiniest bit of intelligence looking from the recovering Soul Grinder to me. "Big Horsie No Play?" Grom says with a jaunty lilt, a tick he always had, even before being enhanced by alchemical means. "BIG HORSIE MUCH PLAY! HIT AGAIN UNTIL I SAY STOP!" I scream, my heart thundering in my chest as the Soul Grinder looks at me with a mixture of reproach and lust, opens its maw...and is hit into the ground once more; Grom, now laughing as the mutated Ogryn smashes his pillar into the Daemon for what seems like far too long, heavy stubbers not ceasing to fire until there simply isn't anything left to fire at.
(Gain Opportunity: Big Friendly Buddies - Thanks to alchemical means, those Ogryns at your disposal have been further enhanced into truly momentous strength and combat ability. Even unarmored their skin can deflect small rounds like it's nothing, and further work will only make these Alchemy-Soldiers all the more deadlier.)
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Vote closed
999.M41 - Better Than All Of Us
"BOSS!" Grom whine-yelled at me, his Beatin' Stick in hand as he gestured at the large, ridiculously oversized doors sealed shut before the entrance into the Citadel Tower, the place where the Magos slept (at least those who could...or would instead of injecting more warp-stuff into their bodies) and from where they conducted the station in its every aspect and creation. "Big Door No Open," he continued, looking pitifully at the doors as several people were already setting up a laser to cut through the armored slab of metal hiding the cut-off Magi from our wrath and weapons. "No Can Make Mean Littl' Un's Good With Big Door No Open."

Silently accepting the pants someone gave me, I quickly slipped them over the ruined ones (more ablative armor would always do me good, especially here) before addressing Grom as I looked around at the ever-growing assembly of those who had risen with me against the Dark Mechanicus in a bid for freedom. Unluckily for me, venerable Dreadnought Chyron would be unable to join us in this final stretch against the enemy, needing to tend to the container of Gene-Seed he had hidden away as a desperate strike of the Soul Grinder had come far too close to destroying it for his comfort. However, he promised aid in future fights, but his Chapter needed him to safeguard their future now, not later.

"Grom," I seriously said as he began to kneel, looking the big Ogryn into his eyes (they lit up with childish glee at the fact that I remembered his name, and one more dagger of guilt stabbed into my soul. The cause was worth it, but the cost would weigh all the same on me), and gestured at the doors and upwards. "We No Make Meanies Into Good Ones." He paused, his three brain cells whirring away as they dissected the sentence before seeking comprehension of each word until they agreed on what they probably meant put together once more. "We Must Hurt Mean Ones Until They Stop Moving. They Hurt Us Too Much. They Hurt You Too Much," I did my best to remind and guide his gentle soul, a hurt and glint of sadness appearing within his eyes.

"But...No Hurt...Littl' Un's..." Grom spoke, tears welling in his eyes as his lower lip quivered, sadness emanating from his large frame. Several nearby Ogryns noticed his sorrow and touched his shoulders and back in silent solidarity, none understanding the cause of their leader's sadness.

"And You Won't. But Mean Ones Hurt All. They No Hurt All If We Stop Them," I argued gently as other ears and heads turned to me, humans and mutants alike watching the big Ogryn on the verge of crying and me talking to him with mixed emotions, but most were profoundly uncomfortable with the whole situation. Me too.

Grom looked at me a moment longer, lip quivering, before he sniffed. A grimace of sad anger appeared on his face, straightening as he used one arm to wipe away snot and tears. "We Protect Littl' Un's," he declared with conviction, taking his Beatin' Stick into both hands. "Mean Ones Will Hurt Friends No More. We Make Sure Of It!" He bellowed, having turned around to yell at the gaggle of Ogryns that had trickled in behind him with the general flood of other fighters who had destroyed all resistance in their sectors of the station. A roar of agreement answered him, though more than a few only screamed because the others were screaming, and I could see some slightly confused laborers join as well, probably thinking some speech had concluded. Then he turned around once more, determination written on his face. "We Hurt Mean Ones Now? Charge First?" He asked. Another dagger of guilt. So simple, yet always so eager to shelter those weaker than them, willing to risk life and limb at a moment's notice. They were better than all of us.

I opened my mouth:
[] "No. The Avenger Will Kill Them All."

[Dogmatic] - No more words needed to be said, as a blinding light shone from the windows into the void, its brilliance causing more than one soldier to avert their eyes in pain and surprise, missing the show that unfolded before their very eyes. The beam of light hit the tower, splashing against the shield bubble that surrounded it...before punching through, melting armor plating, interior plating, and then beings far too weak to resist the energies being thrown at them, before striking interior plating again before making its exit through armor plating before spluttering out. An ignoble end, a fast end, the first deserved for their crimes, the latter serving those who would have died in the storming of the tower.
(Greatest Asset: The skeleton of an Avenger-Class Grand Cruiser slowly rusts within the shipyard you managed to liberate, though the venerable ship may once again be called into service for Humanity and the Star Child if you dedicate a century of time and resources to do so. However, most weapons and many systems have already been butchered for parts and materials, so comprehensive refits must occur.)

[] "Yes. The Celestial Choir Shall See Us Through."
[Iconoclastic - Votary] - "And we shall," a voice of gentle fire spoke, heads turning to look at its speaker, seeing a hideously mutated woman clad in white and gold robes walk unbowed and ahead of four others garbed the same. Legs not human but bent backward, feet not even a mockery of the human form but fully animal, white fur covering every patch of where her skin should have shown, with a head twisted to appear like an abhuman's or a Xenos one, with large furred antenna-like ears atop her head. And yet, though mutated beyond saving in the eyes of the Imperium, the people here bowed and prayed, for the mutant led those able to channel the gifts of the Star Child against the corrupting powers of Chaos. With song on their lips, they had woven a new covenant to shield the faithful; with hymns in their hearts, they had seen hundreds saved from withering fire in that first critical rising and, in litanies of prayer, screamed, saw tired arms rise in strength once more. The Celestial Choir was the hope of all who could not fight on their own, for their sermon shall see them fight beyond their body's means and die for naught but the cause when it was their time and the foe too large to overcome with faith and zeal alone. "Hallowed are the Martyrs," the group began to pray, eyes lighting up with white light of steadying serenity, "for they shall serve the Child before it is born," they all said as one.
(Greatest Asset: The Celestial Choir is a group of five psykers, led by the Mutant Bnuy, united in faith and power, having created a mutualistic dependency and bulwark with each other against the Horrors of the Warp. With faith in their hearts and souls, they pray and channel their powers through the nascent Star Child, providing Sanctified protection against enemies, mundane and not, and maybe even a means to communicate beyond the range of Vox-systems should you fail to capture sanctified psykers consistently for communication beyond a single system.
Upgrades Trait: A Hand to Hold the Candle, A Mouth to Sing the Hymns - All your people are passively resistant to Minor Chaos Corruption (Low-Powered Chaos Sigils, Safe Warp Travel, Nightmare Visions). This can be upgraded.)

[] "Let Team Alpha Take The Lead."
[Heretical] - A trio of thumps echoed out, the buzzing hiss of machinery angrily hissing at its use piercing through the ears of all present, eyes turning to look at the tall machines that slowly stalked forward, bristling fins of metal and sharp edges cutting through the air of silence echoing out from them, their weapons glinting with malevolence in the light of the tall doors barring our way into the sanctum of the Magi. Autocannons twitching to be used in one hand, large swords emanating waves of heat from their burning surface in the other, heads fashioned akin to roaring flesh-beasts of forgotten Terra as told by the one who allowed us to rise against the Dark Priests. And within these machines were three pilots, fury and offense against those who dared to hide now of all times warring with anger and righteous zeal to end what should be done with one last charge against the dark.
(Greatest Asset: For reasons you do not care to investigate, the Dark Magi of the station managed to get their hands on Xenotech and reverse-engineered the tall suits of tan power armor instead of destroying them like they did to so many other technologies like them. Yet, what they failed to account for is that you could spy on them and create your own suits, if ramshackle ones for now, and they shall provide the hammer to your anvil. However, any Imperial faction that witnesses these suits will, rightfully, tattle on you to their higher-ups and get you shot at first sight thereafter.)
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 24, 2024 at 3:13 PM, finished with 90 posts and 37 votes.
Well, that is a close one. :V
Anyways, Info-Thread Time!
On the Nature of Souls, Mutations, and Corruption within the Framework of this Quest
On the Nature of Souls, Mutations, and Corruption within the Framework of this Quest

In 40k, there exist the Materium, our physical world, and the Immaterium, the psychic world (also called Warp, Sea of Souls, etc.). A dimension of matter and one of thought and emotions. What happens in one has an effect on the other. A Sororitas Covenant will have their faith reflected in the Warp, while violent clashes in the Warp will result in Warp Storms in the Materium. Two sides of the same coin.

However, one side is heavily influenced by these things called "Stories and Narratives." It is why a bow is superior to a gun within the Warp, as there is a give and pull within its use. The drawing of the string, the time to aim, the faith in the arrows path, and the hit and impact of it upon your foe, all possible by imbuing your weapon with a bit of your strength and power. Guns do not have that give and take. You insert a magazine filled with bullets manufactured somewhere else. You aim, press a trigger, and repeat. There is nothing interesting going on for a realm composed of emotion and narrative within that gun. In you, maybe, but not your weapon. And that interest in you is well deserved, for there is something that contains a story seldom surpassed within nearly all beings.

Souls. Souls are narratives and stories, one encompassing the whole entire of one's flesh, even as the flesh encompasses the soul as its perfect vessel with no drop spilled, each akin to the Materium and Immaterium and each influencing the other. Yet, souls can have their story altered and changed. By simply living one's life, deliberate action by yourself or those around you, or hostile intent by darker things still. Souls inherently resist any hostile change by outside forces with great vigour, yet some are not so fortunate to have a single narrative to fight back. Some are born with a multitude by happenstance and bad luck. Those born when the Immaterium bumps or rubs against the Materium and things buried and forgotten are brought back from ancient genetic memories.

Mutants. Bnuy is one such being. Had she not been born on that Dark Mechanicum Outpost, she would never have known the genes slumbering within her. A distant experiment in Daemon summoning upon the station was all it took for reality to slack enough to allow long forgotten genes to activate. Genes that carried with them stories well-remembered by the Warp. Stories that did not mesh well with the story of a human girl born healthy and hale, able to touch and draw upon the Sea of Souls. Those able to see into the beyond could have seen the clash of those three stories within her as she grew into her own.

The story of a human psyker. The story of a gene soldier crafted by a Dark Age of Technology Sorcerer-King desperate to shield his people from horrors beyond counting. And the story of a fecund Pleasure-Slave to an indulgent and decadent part of Golden Age Humanity fighting against their chains.

Those three stories make up her whole, Soul twisting Body to resemble what it hadn't originally been. They clash against each other, seeking to become her whole instead of merely a part, and thus they cannot fight back against the nails and hooks of chaos sent against her as easily as one story could. Soul and Body, Immaterium and Materium, both influencing each other, yet warring too. That allows for something to happen.

Corruption. Chaos wins a soul by pieces, discord introduced into their narrative as the body is twisted to accommodate its new story. Like an infection, corruption slowly grows within its host before racing to complete its task all at once. Chaos chips piece by piece off of souls and replaces those with stories and narratives of its own design, each piece accelerating the process until only Chaos remains.

Yet, Mutants have a singular advantage over other humans and abhumans: they take longer to corrupt if they are unwilling and resist. They have more stories and narratives to resist such an act, and though it takes shorter for each individual story, they have more they can lose than a normal persons singular one.

Bnuy had three of them.

Chaos took the human psyker as she grew, a desperate girl growing up between the soul forges and the chanting of foul tongues a target quickly taken.

They could not take the Gene-Soldier fighting for those who couldn't, nor the slave raging against their shackles. Because she was given the means to resist.

Resisting Corruption. Corruption, all corruption, is a taking of a story and narrative, and the imposing of another upon the hole left. There are many ways to resist such, but the most well known, and effective, means known to humanity are corrupting the corruptor back (overpowering their story with your own), and burning it with the faith of GOLD.

Bnuy was given faith in something greater than herself. She was given hope for a future without pain. She was given a glimpse at humanity peeking through the prison bars of an inhumane universe.

Bnuy now had people that watched out for her. She had food to eat without fearing it would be taken. She had safety where none existed before. She had peers who were like her.

Bnuy was offered a hand to raise her up so she may stand herself and raise others. She was offered everything freely by a preacher that the voices promised for service. And it meant everything.

Chaos wins by pieces and thrives in secrecy. Bnuy was given an answer and a candle. She turned it into a rallying cry and lit her soul ablaze, screaming a new story into the Warp as she banished the corruption within.

No longer a Human Psyker, Gene-Soldier of a Sorceror-King, and Pleasure-Slave of Humanity, but Bnuy. Hymnal of the Celestial Choir. Guardian of the Faithful.

Three pieces into one, one Narrative against all.
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999.M41 - *WHACK*
"HOW DA-" *WHACK* "I'LL HAVE YO-" *WHACK* "STOP BEA-" *WHACK* "0110001" *WHACK* "Re-Starting STC-" *WHACK* "YOU FU-" *WHACK*

And so it went, the cheers of hundreds within the large cavernous control room ringing out whenever one of the two Ogryns beating the broken Magos slapped it with their laser and plasma-impact pockmarked slabs of metal they had used as shields when storming the tower. If I strained my ears, I could probably imagine that I could hear tens of thousands cheer alike as they listened to the vox systems broadcasting this spectacle.

One part of me looked at this with a clinical eye and worried about not immediately executing this utter waste of human cells and intelligence, the chance of it pulling out some bullshit technology or weapon to trump our efforts at the last possible moment niggling at the back of my mind.

The other part was right there with the others cheering the two incredibly happy and merrily laughing Ogryns on, whooping and hollering washing over my mind as I extracted my pound of metal from the Magos by participating in its public and messy execution. Too many had died from its hands to consider any mercy, and a bullet would have been wasted metal on it when we had Ogryns to beat it to death as the last living member of the Dark Mechanicus aboard the station.

I knew, logically, that there were more important things to do now, now that we had...we had won. Still something I couldn't quite believe, the chance of failure had been an omnipresent shroud above my head all this time. And yet, here I stood with all those who had listened to my call to rise against our once-masters, masters of our fate for the first time in full. Here I stood among those who had tasted that dangerous drop of freedom that had them hooked evermore and would allow none to ever step back a single time, willing to brave Warp and Chaos with a prayer on their lips and a gun in their hands to see that light on the other side become more than promised reality.

There were a great many important things to do. Setting up a government structure came first, but other things like cleaning out the last of the experiments that fought us, cleansing chaos corruption with flame and song, collecting the dead and giving them one last farewell, repairing the damage, building an army from those who had survived and would take up arms again, and so much more.

Above all but the first would be to figure out where we were, as the last time I had the misfortune to stare out into the inky black void we had been orbiting a sickly planet around a too-distant star. Now we were in the center of a trinary star system, the red, white, and yellow stars staring back as unblinking eyes to an intruder that should not have been here.


But that could wait. There was a show to watch first.

A New Order Must Rise, Choose Its Form:
[] By Blood And Meritous Heritage

[Dogmatic] - Now is not the time to spur what has worked for millennia. Humanity has long been a species that favored the strong hand over the soft touch, and we require a ruler who shall be able to steer us through the years and decades to come without having to bow to those who would sow discord and corruption. And yet, we must ensure that none who have not been proven by blood of deed and merit of ancestry to be able to rule are ever brought near positions of power. We will have nobility, but one that must strive to prove itself daily.
(Chosen Government: Enlightened Nobility, a feudal system where those with the power are those born into families that have proven their worth, and those who have done outstanding deeds in service to the nation. They rule for life over their appointed domain, though they can be recalled or replaced when needed.)

[] Proven Skill And Secured Futures
[Iconoclastic - Votary] - A singular can be far too easily corrupted and drag us all back into the abyss with their fall. A multitude cannot be tainted in one fell swoop, especially if chosen by different means, and a council with different duties that overlap yet stay aside from one another will see us through the worst and all attempts of corruption and demise that shall assail us all.
(Chosen Government: Oligarchic Council. One seat for the faith. One for the Emperor's Angels. One for the Choir. One for the Civilian Administration. And One for the Military. All will share power, none will be able to drag us all down if they are corrupted, and each will have a different means of sitting upon that chair that will allow them to lead us all. One risen through their faith. Another leading by age. The third chosen empowered to talk for all. One directed by our people's assent. The last guarding by might and a gun behind their head.)

[] Chosen Leaders And Dedicated Caretakers
[Heretical] - No More Masters! No More Rulers! Let the people yell their futures plainly into the void; let them choose from nine leaders every nine years to lead them by consent, one chosen by the faith of all, one easily massacred if they stray from the path that shall see the Star Child born!
(Chosen Government: Autocratic Democracy. One leader is chosen by the consent of all your people and empowered to take their desires and wishes into the future with action and faith. The Imperium has become a stagnant pool of rot; let us change it with hope and burning might born of faith!)

AN: Three votes are done, and two are left before we start the Action Crunch. Now would be a good time to figure out if you want to go for that Zealot Iconoclasm or branch out and miss out on another upgrade to Chaos resistance.
Vote closed
999.M41 - They Went A' Thievin'
There was a party going on everywhere on the station. People celebrated the end of the Dark Priests and their liberation, the beginning of a new age and the deaths of all they hated; they celebrated the heroes and made fun of the villains, with bonds forged in an atmosphere of merriment and burning faith racing higher by the hour as prayers and hymns join the celebrations of food shared freely and laughter echoes healthy and hale within halls that once held the screams of pain and the lash of whips and scent of terror.

And though they celebrated, they knew that tomorrow would begin another day of work, different work, but work all the same for a cause greater than themselves, and so they celebrated even harder.

The future seemed oh so grand now, freed of their chains, led by those who had allowed them to rise, and able to chart a path all their own as they were led by a council of faith, hymns, might, and the guidance of an Angel of the Emperor itself!

And yet, while most celebrated in the masses of humanity chocking the center of the station, others sought refuge to hold their vigils and further plans of their designs away from most, some merely seeking to hunt down still at-large psykana-experiments of the Dark Priests, some hoping to grieve alone or in small groups, with others trying to gain material wealth while all others were occupied.

One such group managed to even not get themselves killed by furious once-owners of lost items once it was discovered that they went a' thievin'! Or just regularly murdered by the still-present dangers within the still-corrupted sections of the station now hungering for souls and flesh no longer provided on a regular basis.

Because while that one group did break into the laboratory of a Biologis Magos, they had been very fortunate that it had finished its experiments with War-Beasts over a month ago, turning its sight onto another field: extending the life of the biological machinery known as the human body.

And through strange providence and genius insight deciphered among the whispers of the immaterium and the hidden binary of the materium, that Magos managed to create a little drug called Juvenat.

And the machines to produce dozens of doses every year.

Now, what should be done with that little boon?
[] Trade

[Dogmatic] - The Juvenat we have gained access to, one of the highest quality that we believe can be created, is a good that can open far more doors for us than any other trade goods, amount of money, or deeds could ever hope to achieve. Giving centuries in trade to attain goods will have nearly all throw aside their suspicions or paranoia, for few can resist the lure and temptation of perceived immortality.
(Gain Boon: Time Trade. You will find that many doors otherwise closed for a long time will be thrown wide open, and those who would have hidden behind them with a weapon in hand will stride out with open arms in friendship and goodwill.)

[] Excellence
[Iconoclastic - Zealot] - Juvenat allows us to bestow the one thing that not even those of the strongest faith or ironclad conviction can attain with violence or dedication: time. Time is always spent; there is no escaping the march toward the end when we are called to the Cradle to defend the yet slumbering Star Child. However, we can extend the time allotted to many people by giving them a dose of Juvenat for service and merit, enabling them to further elevate others from the depths of misery and the eternal abyss of desperation that the Imperium has fallen into. Skilled artisans, talented mechanics, keen-minded strategists, and, naturally, all our Hymnals shall become the centennial giants upon whose backs we shall reach higher yet.
(Gain Boon: Time. By giving these treatments to those who show merit, talent, courage, or are otherwise a boon to all of us, we can better serve humanity by using their abilities for the longest time possible. It would also enable our Hymnals to take their Psykana journey slowly, each of theirs a song sung over generations instead of a decade.
Upgrades Trait: A Hand to Hold the Candle, A Mouth to Sing the Hymns, Eyes to Behold the Star Child's Light - All your people are passively immune to Minor Chaos Corruption (Low-Powered Chaos Sigils, Safe Warp Travel, Nightmare Visions). This can be upgraded.
Warning: Trait only applies to believers of the Star Child and will not extend to non-converted populations.)

[] Pennance
[Heretical] - The juvenat these laborers have found, alongside the machines that produce it in small batches, is a minor miracle from the Star Child and should not be squandered without thought. While we can trade with it or use it to extend the lives of some select people for a century or three, we could also tweak the formulae a bit according to found notes, which would allow us to harvest organs and modified limbs from criminals choosing to repent by serving as repertoires of desperately needed medical goods. They pay for their crimes; others will walk healthy and hale once more.
(Gain Boon: Juvenat-Penance, significantly increasing the health of your population alongside their effectiveness while giving sinners and criminals another means to pay back what they took from others.)

AN: With your most chosen option being Icono, you have gained one of the three unique boons you could have gotten, that being Juvenat, and a high-quality one at that. For those interested, Dogma would have given you the means to create sanctified Purity Seals, while Heretical would have allowed you to start enchanting items such as flak armor and chainswords.

Oh, and Turns start after this vote! Woot!